What are those, if I may ask out of pure curiosity?
Seem more like "devolve", I haven't seen much innovation this gen.The medium evolved, your tastes didn't, OP.
I had PS3 also and yes diverse games were more prominent, but I also don't really play Japanese games tho. Aside from those which are "westerned"... I guess.Maybe for people who had only Xboxes it was the best generation, but for the people who like diverse games, it was the worse.
It was a "safe bets" gerenation for the western publishers and a tough time for japanese developers.
SIgnificant step down from PS2 library and we are gradually going up this generation. I'm very optimistic for the next generation due to easier development.
Really? There's Destiny (shared online worlds), Death Stranding (traversal mechanics), PUBG (battle royale genre), Shadow of Mordor (nemesis system) and the arrival of VR gaming to PS4 and PC.Seem more like "devolve", I haven't seen much innovation this gen.
I am mostly fixing that though GamePass...I agree, but you are also missing out on indies, and you should fix that.
I love late 90s PC games. I was a PC kid and spent all of my time playing stuff like Big Game Hunter 1998, Amazon Trail 3rd Edition, Janes combat fighters, SIM games, etc. Great times, but I moved to consoles afterwards. I wonder how easy it would be to get those running on Windows 10.Late 90s PC gaming is where it’s at. None of this new-fangled PS3 crap.
WET, how could I forget. InsaaneI'll preface by saying I have yet to dip my toes into the 8th gen, so I'm entirely speaking from the optics of someone whose still playing thourgh a 7th gen backlog. Therefore my perspective is probably pretty skewed.
That said, I honestly think the 7th gen will eventually grow into an underrated gen in hindsight that spawned a mass of underground cult sleeper hits (e.g. El shaddai, NeverDead, WET). People are way, way too critical towards it. Those who paint it with a broad stroke stating it was mostly "brown and grey military shooters" sound like they have a lmited scope of the releases in that gen. I think some of the negative perception is partially due to the media and people taking their word. It seems like they unjustly derid a lot of actual decent games worth playing as "bad", meanwhile giving straight 'A's to games like Uncharted which aged terribly in the gameplay aspect. I'm in the process of playing through a swath of supposedly poorly rated games only to be consistently surprised by how much I'm enjoying them. Ironically, some of the higher rated games like Uncharted for instance seem boring gameplay-wise in comparison to these "bad" games that I've played/I'm playing as of recent. Subjectivity aside and all that, maybe I'm less critical and more tolerant than the average gamer. Maybe that makes me have terrible taste in the minds of the snobs on GAF or whatever.
If I have to say anything negative about the 7th gen its that it was the gen which saw the fall of many, many favored and renowned studios (mostly AA), long time established series, and the conception of microtransaction which has lead us to the current dytopia we find ourslves in.
Initially, I was pretty critical of the 8th gen, but recently I've been skimming the current gen library out of curiousity and since come to acknowledge that it does seem to have a fair share of interesting and appealing titles (AA publishers seem to be making a rebound). Albeit, in a smaller scale compared to 7th and prior. Which has actually revised my decision of not getting an 8th gen console. Most its saving grace is thanks to Japanese and smaller European studios though.
I like the argument, that games looked like shit last gen, but when it comes to PS2 gen it was even worse. So I don't know.There are many things better last gen, but quite a bit better this gen as well. Last gen was full of sub 720p games with sub 30 framerates, ugly textures, and cover shooters but at the same time produced so many great games . I played way more games during this era as well but some of that could be due to outside factors this gen personally.
6th generation is the greatest of all time. PS2 has the greatest library of any console, and every console had something different to offer giving a reason to own all 3.
I love late 90s PC games. I was a PC kid and spent all of my time playing stuff like Big Game Hunter 1998, Amazon Trail 3rd Edition, Janes combat fighters, SIM games, etc. Great times, but I moved to consoles afterwards. I wonder how easy it would be to get those running on Windows 10.
WET, how could I forget. Insaane
I like the argument, that games looked like shit last gen, but when it comes to PS2 gen it was even worse. So I don't know.
Well for the record, I was not talking about resolution/framerate, at all in OP. This gen, especially OG consoles loosing breath pretty badly anyway. I do agree with that "product of the time" thing and I wanted to be like that, when I created OP.Perhaps we should temper our criticisms when it comes to assessing graphics on a technical level? The drab color tone is worth critiquing from an aesthetic standpoint, but things like resolution, framerate, etc. could be construed as “products of the time.” Think of how much people hated the early polygonal games as being “primitive” yet we’re now seeing indie games copying the look (Dusk, Strafe,etc).
Technical issues can eventually be overcome through, well, technology. Xbox One allow backward compatibility of 360 and original Xbox games, allowing higher resolutions and even better framerates.
I know there is more to this argument, but I’m throwing my hat into the discussion.
I'll give you RE 2 Remake, aside from that it's outside of my taste. And as far as I know Psychonaughts 2 still does not came out, no?Mixed feelings.
There was alot more in the ps3/360 era. More from 3rd party and exclusives. But at the same time plenty this gen.
But Im happier with the remakes, remasters, collections and classics coming back this gen. Plus there has been plenty of Gem from Bloodborne, God of War, Horizon, Witcher 3, Ori, Gears 5, Sekiro, Red dead redemption 2, MGS5, Breath of the wild, Odessy, Animal Crossing, Dragon Questd and much much more. Plus amazing indies too.
Its just preference and how you feel.
We’ve had some genuine wow I cant believe there doing it moments this gen, which in the PS3 and 360 era people wouldnt even Dream of being remade or brought back like...
This gen alone we’ve had the impassive wow moments like:
Final Fantasy 7 remake
Resident Evil remakes 2 and 3
Shen Mue 3
Streets of Rage 4
Sonic Mania
Shadow of Colossus ( maybe too soon but still )
Crash Bandicoot trilogy
Mana series
Psychonaughts 2
Spyro trilogy
And what does it have to do with games?No, the ps3 controller was shit.
360 controller was awesome though.
Well for the record, I was not talking about resolution/framerate, at all in OP. This gen, especially OG consoles loosing breath pretty badly anyway. I do agree with that "product of the time" thing and I wanted to be like that, when I created OP.
I'll give you RE 2 Remake, aside from that it's outside of my taste. And as far as I know Psychonaughts 2 still does not came out, no?
And what does it have to do with games?
If you get your OG consoles this gen in past 3 years, it's the same thing.Great games but unfortunately the performance standard was really poor. This generation has many games with performance issues but 30FPS has been commonly the standar, but back in 360/PS3 days it was more like 20-25FPS.
I still remember Gundam Crossfire as my first Playstation 3 game and thank god they added auto-aiming because, otherwise, it would have been completely unplayable.
Well for the record, I was not talking about resolution/framerate, at all in OP. This gen, especially OG consoles loosing breath pretty badly anyway. I do agree with that "product of the time" thing and I wanted to be like that, when I created OP.
I'll give you RE 2 Remake, aside from that it's outside of my taste. And as far as I know Psychonaughts 2 still does not came out, no?
And what does it have to do with games?
Not nearly that worse..If you get your OG consoles this gen in past 3 years, it's the same thing.
I don't like this "mature" state at all, since that basically imply, that developers/publishers know what sells and that is terrible state in gaming. I mean the way you are talking it seems to me that you like more how it was then how it is, but it's maybe my impression.No. Like early 3D with PSX, Saturn and N64, the PS360 were experimental games. We jumped to a new standard with games, having wide screen and 720p of resolution (mostly not native, but whatever).
Now the games are in a mature place of development, with mostly engines working nicelly on consoles... the problem is the boner to have the biggest, moviest, and longer AAA game pushed into gamers ass.
Some games starting development soon as the console launchs and releases in the later half. What the fuck? There's nothing wrong in a beat'em up like the old God of War games, with like two years of development. But no, now the game is like if Last of Us had a baby with Dark Souls, with the time of development and budget from both games together
A publisher could have some games with this big direction, but doesn't need to be a lot. We have space for simpler games, and not just by indies
I don't. I just think that nostalgia enhances everything.
Especially if someone was like 10-15 years old during the PS3 generation. If someone was 10-15 during the PS2 generation, that one probably seems like the best.
Same with any generation. And when enough time goes by, even a generation that didn't feel so great at the time starts looking rosey.
So while the PS3/360 gen had a bunch of fuzzy, barely 720p, brown and green filtered ugliness, we look back on it fondly.
This thread makes sense now I didn't really care for any of these games.
Resident Evil(better)
Final Fantasy(better)
Devil May Cry(better)
Monster Hunter(better)
The indie games are better
The games output of my favourite studios are better
The new Ips are better.
The Switch and the WiiU are both 8th gen. Nintendo does not control when generations start, and this is not the first generation where a platform holder has released two systems. The Atari 2600 and 5200 are both 2nd gen systems for instance.
I also strongly disagree on the comparative quality of WiiU games. I mean let's be fair, given that the WiiU sold less than the Vita and the Switch is the fastest selling console in US history, it's safe to say your opinion does not match reality.
Infact with the exception of Mario Kart most everything has either been outdone by their Switch sequels or been a comparatively minor blip sales wise when ported over. Breath of rhe Wild is about the best game that was on both, and may as well have not released on WiiU.
Meanwhile Mario Oddysey, Ringfit Adventure, Arms, Splatoon 2, Links Awakening, Smash, Mario Maker 2, the Pokemon games, Fire Emblem 3 kingdoms and Animal Crossing have all been amazing well received critically and commercially, pretty much all blowing past WiiU's best.
The Switch has better games, better hardware, and a better gimmick, and sold amazingly well because people love it.
The WiiU sold like shit, because it was shit.
I like how the industry knows how to develop games now. I don't like how the games are directed thouI don't like this "mature" state at all, since that basically imply, that developers/publishers know what sells and that is terrible state in gaming. I mean the way you are talking it seems to me that you like more how it was then how it is, but it's maybe my impression.
No I am not being negative, just so I could be negative, it's because I kind of feel that way, so why not make a thread about that : )The same thing said back in ps2 era , it's just nonsense for most part and you shouldn't bother about it cause within those peoples who make legitimate criticisms many of them are actually just being negative for the sake of being negative and like to feed the negativity instead of talking about the positive things that doesn't actually bothering them.
I've been playing for a while and I can tell that there are many positive things actually on this gen that wasn't there before ,The same thing said back in ps2 era , it's just nonsense for most part and you shouldn't bother about it cause within those peoples who make legitimate criticisms many of them are actually just being negative for the sake of being negative and like to feed the negativity instead of talking about the positive things that doesn't actually bothering them.
Didn't meant to talk about you personally, I actually haven't read any comments , but the common posture of this topic has always been negative , am I wrong ?No I am not being negative, just so I could be negative, it's because I kind of feel that way, so why not make a thread about that : )
I've Just read your comment, All the games you mentioned are actually my type of games, I beated around 50 games this gen , just keep looking and sub to services like gamepass and ps now , you never know when you find what you looking for , most games doesn't actually take more than 5 minutes to judge it from its gameplay , there are some actually that takes a little more like mgsv , the Witcher 3 ... etc , but it's not a big deal cause all these games are known for most gamers.So I was just thinking, even though I wrote in here many times. As much as the HW improved, quality of games dips pretty hard. In past era of consoles, there were many linear memorable games, which are simply lacking. Due to Control DLC finally on Xbox, I am enjoying my time with the game and I guess I am kind of sad, that this type of games are pretty niche more and more.
Every games has to be stupid open-world with very little substance and a lot of filler. I am missing so much from past gen, like The Darkness 1, Condemned (both), Mass Effect Trilogy, Max Payne III, MGR: Revengeance, Alpha Protocol, RE5, Killer is Dead, Splinter Cell and fucking much more, but this is not the list wars.
Let's just say that I spent this year most of my time in BC mode and maybe I am crunching 'member berries, but I have feel that this game is either indie showelware (let's be real most of the time, indie games are not even worth download) or some big AAA. Most often stupid open-world.
And my fear is simply that this trend is going to continue. I am not saying that this gen have not brought amazing games, it does, but it's still somewhat overshowed (for me) by tons of games I am not even interested in.
AA games are dead, indie games does not present quality like in Summer of Arcade ('member?), maybe besides INSIDE, Observation, everything was kind of meh. Outlast tried and failed hard, stupid chase game....
I guess only games which stand out for me was (and that's due to many personal reasons) Forza Horizon 2-4, those two mentioned games, Control, Doom (both of them), Evil Withing, Wiezdmin 3 and I don't know. And it's not like I am depressed, times are far better then it was before and since I have limited time, I rather really enjoy playing games. But you know, it's not that escapism which I had before.
Anyway, does anyone has this feel™?