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Is anyone have the feeling that games in PS3/X360 era was simply better?

Which generation you enjoyed more so far?

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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I find it impossible to judge because I'm constantly playing games from most gens, no matter what the current one is. I'm sure I'll appreciate PS4/XB1 games even more in 10 years when I play a whole bunch of stuff I've missed so far.
Fair enough, that's pretty diverse games I had to say, but not sure about that Gears 5. That franchise drop hard after Bleszinski left. How about RE 2 Remake, have you play it? I find it really good. Also this list does not contain Control which makes me sad...

Yeah, I get that I'm in the minority, but I loved Gears 5. The changes made the level structure was awesome (loved the open world sections); having linear acts for 1 and 4, then more opened areas in 2 and 3 was a ice change.

I haven't played RE2 remake yet, but its installed on my PS4. And control is also on my list, but I'll wait to play the next gen version.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Yeah, I get that I'm in the minority, but I loved Gears 5. The changes made the level structure was awesome (loved the open world sections); having linear acts for 1 and 4, then more opened areas in 2 and 3 was a ice change.

I haven't played RE2 remake yet, but its installed on my PS4. And control is also on my list, but I'll wait to play the next gen version.
The game is super short and shallow as fuck, it's better than super bad Gears 4, but it has nothing on OG trilogy. Bleszinski needs to come back.


Hell no, the 360/PS3 era was unfortunately very very influenced by the success of Gears of War. It was probably the worst generation for me, as it was the height of triple A look a likes, shooter galore drivel, and the much dreaded color palette where everything was brooding, edgy and loud.

There were hits of course, and some them became classics, but I would say both in MP and SP this current generation had much higher highs, and what feels like more variety and less clones.
Every generation has good and bad. I would say off the top of my head that what would be considered AAA games have probably gone down hill a little but there's still plenty of great games out there if you take the time to look for them. We've had enhanced ports such as the M2 triggers series (Battle Garegga, Ketsui, ESP Rade) or Rez Infinite. Enhanced remakes such as Natsume's Wild Guns and Ninja Warriors. We've had great new games like Nioh or Evil Within. We've had great sequels like Yakuza 6 or The Last Guardian. These are all off the top of my head and I'm sure there's plenty I'm forgetting about. And I have a huge stack of games still left to play. I genuinley think it's been a good generation for gamers excluding the AAA big budget games and some of the censorship which can go fuck itself. I've just realised I've only been referring to PS4, I'm sure there's plenty of great games elsewhere too. I used to be one of those "Old games are better than new games" guys. I was wrong. There's great games every generation. Some generations do some things better than others. Have I had fun this generation? Yes I have. I believe this generation has been really good.

Also, I think you should add 'Wii' to the vote with 'PS3/X360'. The Wii has plenty of good games.
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I'd have to say the ps3/360 era was better for the most part. The ps4/xb1 had better quality in its games but the ps3/360 felt like a weaker continuation of the ps2 era with its mammoth number of great games.
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Gold Member
I think the variety of franchises was better last gen. Everything has conformed into something that sells vs actual risk taking. A lot of games this gen have been safe. failure really only arises with a battleroyale that just doesnt take off or service game. Or they put so much micro in the government is looking into them.
The game is super short and shallow as fuck, it's better than super bad Gears 4, but it has nothing on OG trilogy. Bleszinski needs to come back.
Don't understand the hate on him from the media , didn't meant about his latest game , it's actually happened way back .


I prefer this generation overall, but one thing that old gen didn't have that I hate in this one is the cluttered menus and thousands of different currencies all over the place, battle passes, loot boxes and all those cheap scams to make people buy skins and outfits


I think the variety of franchises was better last gen. Everything has conformed into something that sells vs actual risk taking. A lot of games this gen have been safe. failure really only arises with a battleroyale that just doesnt take off or service game. Or they put so much micro in the government is looking into them.

See “risk aversion.”
I have said since 2008 that the PS3/360/Wii Era (7th generation) was the absolute bottom.

Even as a bright eyed 12-13 year old I noticed a massive quality dip in both existing franchises and new IPs. Games mostly performed worse than the 6th gen days, controls felt clunkier than most games I had played on PS2, and as a person who is unable to use motion controls, the introduction of Six axis and the Wii remote made me fear my days of gaming were numbered. We had the introduction of on disc DLC. Console manufacturers were removing core features (Not gonna go into anymore detail lest I write a 5 post rant) and a lot of games had insanely low amounts of content compared to most 6th gen titles. Even top tier games like GTA were missing shit that should have been standard.

Hell even games like Ratchet & Clank while excellent...were still less excellent than their PS2 counterparts. The first two uncharted games were the only games that to me resembled a true game (Good controls, work hard to unlock a lot of cheats and other goodies)

The increased cost of HD development and complex tools (*cough*Cell*cough) tanked a lot of smaller studios and forced these bad business practices. Remember online passes?

Also, I know all PS4s and Xbox Ones will also fail eventually but christ the 360 and PS3 are fucking time bombs. PS3 blu-ray drives even on brand new super slims are not going to have a long life. The goddamn PS3 makes data backup a pain in the ass. HDDs can't be dropped into a new PS3 without formatting the drive. The backup utility straight up fails if even it doesn't like one file. Most PS3 saves are tied to a specific console unless you use the cloud. You can't backup PS1/PS2 saves to the cloud. My PS3 fat had its GPU melt costing me all of my life long PS3/PS2/PS1 saves due to fucked backup options. These consoles I feel will be the quickest to die off due to limited parts and a faster rate of decay on existing units.

Once great franchises nosedived. Soul Calibur and Final Fantasy notably. (I actually like 13 and 13-2, but geez, they ain't the games of old)

I feel like we're in a renaissance in the 8th gen, all 3 consoles are much more reliable, overall game quality and bang for your buck has gone way up. So many great games from earlier in this generation to this year, backup options are easier, and yeah I know some don't like the DLC practices, but honestly, a good chunk of it from my perspective is either single player expansions or cosmetic only. Development tools are obviously much better. The switch to x86 will ensure future consoles remain backwards compatible at least to this point. Services like game pass and PS now have made gaming more accessible to folks who can't continually drop $60 on new games. Developers are providing more and more graphics and control options than ever before.

And the most important part, personally? I am overwhelmed with too many wonderful games to play, from indies to great AAA games. Heck we got a good Soul Calibur game since god knows how long.

This gen made gaming great again.
Man ! Just relax and build a gaming PC, you don't even need to do it every 5 years , don't take what the media saying about upgrading yours , it's just nonsense for the most part , just build one and you will be fine , don't listen to those who says gaming PCs is irrelevant , they don't know what they are talking about. I


It's weird.
PS3/XBOX360 Era japanese devs kept trying to copy COD and failed miserably.

This gen Western developers kept trying to find their LIVE SERVICE game and failed miserably.

Even though i really miss Bioware and Bethesda making great games, i prefer this generation, and i don't think it's close honestly.
Sadly I haven't bought yet a ps4 and switch, but I watch gaming forums and events regularly so I know most of their games! the big ones and indies.
One of the great things about last generation is the new IP! we got lots of new games and a lot of them got sequels!
and one of the great things about this one is the nostalgia! we finally got crash and spyro and shenmue and resident evil remakes and others...
It's hard for me now to say which one is better if we are gonna compare all consoles including handhelds! but I can say that the last one was revolutionary! (psp, ds, digital stores and the explosion of online gaming in consoles).
It's weird.
PS3/XBOX360 Era japanese devs kept trying to copy COD and failed miserably.

This gen Western developers kept trying to find their LIVE SERVICE game and failed miserably.

Even though i really miss Bioware and Bethesda making great games, i prefer this generation, and i don't think it's close honestly.
True , 9th gen seems to be an extension of what we already have.


Last gen was great because there wasn't that much in terms of microtransactions (yet) compared to what we have now. Also the network infrastructure (at least for Sony) was still dogshit (could argue it still is in terms of download speeds) so it's not like they could (as easily) ship a broken game with a day-one patch.

It's funny how at the start of this gen people were championing Sony for not going the always-online route but, at the end of the day both sides have created a situation whereby you are not getting much out of the system unless you have an internet connection and update your game(s). We got played.
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The 8th gen is such a massive improvement over the last in near every single regard, I can't fathom thinking the 7th was better.


A lot of PS3 gen games felt like ps2 games with way better graphics and I loved it. I wish more PS4 games felt that way. I’m tired of open world games and I’m tired of “live service” games.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Got it, it's not bad but it's no Motorstorm.

Pacific Rift remaster please Sony.
There things similar there, maps design, model of handling and how you can destroy someone, etc. I would not discredit the game, if you are missing out on Motostorm, it's basically Evolution studio game. That game is probably named onRush, because it was made at this guy at helm:

Guy behind Driveclub and lead dev on Motostorm.

Astral Dog

The Switch and the WiiU are both 8th gen. Nintendo does not control when generations start, and this is not the first generation where a platform holder has released two systems. The Atari 2600 and 5200 are both 2nd gen systems for instance.

I also strongly disagree on the comparative quality of WiiU games. I mean let's be fair, given that the WiiU sold less than the Vita and the Switch is the fastest selling console in US history, it's safe to say your opinion does not match reality.

Infact with the exception of Mario Kart most everything has either been outdone by their Switch sequels or been a comparatively minor blip sales wise when ported over. Breath of rhe Wild is about the best game that was on both, and may as well have not released on WiiU.

Meanwhile Mario Oddysey, Ringfit Adventure, Arms, Splatoon 2, Links Awakening, Smash, Mario Maker 2, the Pokemon games, Fire Emblem 3 kingdoms and Animal Crossing have all been amazing well received critically and commercially, pretty much all blowing past WiiU's best.

The Switch has better games, better hardware, and a better gimmick, and sold amazingly well because people love it.

The WiiU sold like shit, because it was shit.
I see it as the Wii U was simply a Switch prototype, they had the 'idea' /Intention of taking console gaming far from the system/house but the Switch tech didn't existed back in 2012 less when they were designing the system so they came up with this clumsy compromise, it even had very low power consumption so Nintendo wouldn't have problem porting their games later. They could have VERY easily made the Wii U a little stronger to have a shot at a few Xbox ONE ports but prioritized low power instead.

The result is that the Switch looks much better next to Wii U and still be portable, with all of its games running better, they are no downgraded but upgraded, nothing is lost and the sales are better. Plus you see Switch delivering fast seauels to their Wii U games like Splatoon 2 or Xenoblade, its closer to a home console than the DS/3DS games


PS360 was nothing special, if anything it was the start of the formulaic Assassins Creedification of AAA titles.
Really? The PS3/360 era brought us many innovations, original ideas and unique experiences, even if some of them ended up dying. Among many others these are all notable games;

Batman Arkham Asylum
Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons
Burnout Paradise
Dead Space
Demon's/Dark Souls
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Dragon Age Origins
Forza Horizon
Gears of War
Guitar Hero
Mark of the Ninja
Mass Effect
Mirror's Edge
Plants vs Zombies
Red Dead Redemption
Rock Band
Street Fighter IV
Telltale's The Walking Dead
The Last of Us
Tomb Raider

Look at that variety. And you're gonna tell me it was all Assassin's Creed-like games..? Many of those are completely new blockbuster franchises (Uncharted, Mass Effect, TLoU, RDR, Bioshock, Gears of War, Dark Souls), some of them are revivals of franchises that had been dead (or shovelware) for a long time (Street Fighter, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex), many of them are completely unique (Portal, Mirror's Edge, Rock Band, Journey, Minecraft), and many of the rest have done something revolutionary to make them a success despite not necessarily being unique (COD:MW, GTA V, Burnout Paradise).

What did we have in the PS4/X1/Switch gen? The generation is littered with remasters and battle royale games after PUBG became popular. Not to mention it is the generation where loot boxes and SJW garbage took over gaming. Sure, there are a few exceptionally good games... Hellblade, The Witcher 3, Ori, Horizon Zero Dawn, Zelda BotW to name a few... But most of them are either uninspired sequels, or they have been ruined by either loot boxes or SJW stuff as previously mentioned.
There was very little in this gen that makes me think gaming has actually progressed. It was mostly more of the same with shinier graphics.
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Bloodborne and Sekiro are some of the greatest games ever made. I also enjoyed Dark souls 3, HZD, Nier Automata , persona 5 , DMCV, Nioh 2 , RE2 remake, RE7 and God of War immensely . As a character action fans, it’s easy to pick this gen. That said previous gen was better Multiplayer wise, I think so far I only really like Apex Legend this gen. Not a big fans of all the other BR games and shitty Ubisoft GAAS games out there.
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Really? The PS3/360 era brought us many innovations, original ideas and unique experiences, even if some of them ended up dying. Among many others these are all notable games;

Batman Arkham Asylum
Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons
Burnout Paradise
Dead Space
Demon's/Dark Souls
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Dragon Age Origins
Forza Horizon
Gears of War
Guitar Hero
Mark of the Ninja
Mass Effect
Mirror's Edge
Plants vs Zombies
Red Dead Redemption
Rock Band
Street Fighter IV
Telltale's The Walking Dead
The Last of Us
Tomb Raider

Look at that variety. And you're gonna tell me it was all Assassin's Creed-like games..? Many of those are completely new blockbuster franchises (Uncharted, Mass Effect, TLoU, RDR, Bioshock, Gears of War, Dark Souls), some of them are revivals of franchises that had been dead (or shovelware) for a long time (Street Fighter, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex), many of them are completely unique (Portal, Mirror's Edge, Rock Band, Journey, Minecraft), and many of the rest have done something revolutionary to make them a success despite not necessarily being unique (COD:MW, GTA V, Burnout Paradise).

What did we have in the PS4/X1/Switch gen? The generation is littered with remasters and battle royale games after PUBG became popular. Not to mention it is the generation where loot boxes and SJW garbage took over gaming. Sure, there are a few exceptionally good games... Hellblade, The Witcher 3, Ori, Horizon Zero Dawn, Zelda BotW to name a few... But most of them are either uninspired sequels, or they have been ruined by either loot boxes or SJW stuff as previously mentioned.
There was very little in this gen that makes me think gaming has actually progressed. It was mostly more of the same with shinier graphics.
Specwise of the current gen hardware is also a letdown , best devs seems to be hiding for the whole generation because of it probably, they just can't change their vision to make games on a weaker hardware like the devs behind the medium , devs behind bioshock probably on the same boat and many others.


The "current generation" will always be my choice at any given point in time simply due to the quality of life improvements that goes with it.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Specwise of the current gen hardware is also a letdown , best devs seems to be hiding for the whole generation because of it probably, they just can't change their vision to make games on a weaker hardware like the devs behind the medium , devs behind bioshock probably on the same boat and many others.
Most likely not, because the open-world games was thing of rarity, because it requires the whole team pulling together, to pull that open world off....*cough* since the memory restriction was pretty hardcore and when you look at the scope games are done today, it's certainly some massive improvements everywhere. For the scope and well....

One think with improved fuck all is physics, in general, but Control is basically like PhysX enabled games last gen (on PC)


It felt like a much more exciting time, just because the hardware was actually a noticeable step above the rest.

However, it actually felt like the beginning of the end of gaming. Studios were shutting down in mass, Publishers were sneaking in microtransactions when no one was looking, day 1 patches were about to go mainstream, games just got less riskier/innovative in general.

I don't actually blame the PS3/360 hardware for this, they were just apart of the shitty ride that ultimately lead to the state of gaming today.
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Games weren't full of political agenda and microtransaction, so yeah, they were better. Without considering the fact that there was competition and worth exclusive on each consoles. And each console was it's thing. The DS with the dual screen and touch, the Wii with the motion controller, the ps3 was a beast with a blueray and free online and the 360 was stealing all the exclusives it wasn't a 1:1 replica of the competition (and viceversa with the ps3). Nowadays One and PS4 but also in future, we already know the consoles are basically the same, same CPU, similar GPU, same shit.


Games weren't full of political agenda and microtransaction, so yeah, they were better.
The political agenda part is true, but microtransactions were definitely being spearheaded that generation.

I remember Capcom caught flak for releasing Street Fighter X Tekken but you had to PAY for the characters already on the disc.

Team Fortress 2, while a great game, also popularized the hell out of microtransactions thanks to its "hat" economy.

It wasn't bad in the beginning, but by 2013, the PS3/360 had all the terrible stuff tacked on.
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Darn youngins, 1997-1998 were the best years in gaming and you'll never change my mind. Several iconic franchises or superb franchise-defining sequels were born during this tiny window.

Age of Empires
Baldur's Gate
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
Crash Bandicoot: Warped
Diddy Kong Racing
Dungeon Keeper
F-Zero X
GoldenEye 007
Gran Turismo
Grand Theft Auto
Grim Fandango
Mario Kart 64
Mega Man Legends
Metal Gear Solid
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
PaRappa the Rapper
R4: Ridge Racer Type 4
Resident Evil 2
Shadow Warrior
Star Fox 64
Starsiege: Tribes
Tekken 3
The Curse of Monkey Island
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Thief: The Dark Project
Tomb Raider II

Hell, and I've probably missed a few.
Most likely not, because the open-world games was thing of rarity, because it requires the whole team pulling together, to pull that open world off....*cough* since the memory restriction was pretty hardcore and when you look at the scope games are done today, it's certainly some massive improvements everywhere. For the scope and well....

One think with improved fuck all is physics, in general, but Control is basically like PhysX enabled games last gen (on PC)
My gtx 670 with 2.4 TF runs bioshock Infinite night and day better than recently updated version of the xbox one x , the cpu plays a big role and that's a fact.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Assuming PS3/360 also includes Wii, PS3/360/Wii. I enjoyed both, the 360 more than the One and the Wii more than the Switch.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
My gtx 670 with 2.4 TF runs bioshock Infinite night and day better than recently updated version of the xbox one x , the cpu plays a big role and that's a fact.
Umm, yeah that too, but the were far more restrictive when it comes to memory to fit shit in there. Like with the amount.

And besides, you cannot compare nVidia and AMD flops (to nVidia disadvantage).

I'm not trying to be sarcastic, it's the truth and it hurts to say that .
i did not have time to respond, so I don't disagree. Besides, it's tough to compare RISC and CISC CPU.
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It felt like a much more exciting time, just because the hardware was actually a noticeable step above the rest.

However, it actually felt like the beginning of the end of gaming. Studios were shutting down in mass, Publishers were sneaking in microtransactions when no one was looking, day 1 patches were about to go mainstream, games just got less riskier/innovative in general.

I don't actually blame the PS3/360 hardware for this, they were just apart of the shitty ride that ultimately lead to the state of gaming today.
Updates will improve dramatically on next gen consoles, so there is that.


Let me put it this way - many people ask for many PS360 remasters, but no one is asking for even a patch for PS4/XB1 titles, and that alone tells A LOT.


I feel like design in games hasn’t moved forward much in the last generation....

I'm not saying games like The Witcher ,or what have you, could have been made but the seeds were well planted and watered....examine games from PS1/N64 into GCN/PS2/XB era...we saw incredible leaps in what could be done from a design perspective...I feel the last two generations are just prettier more refined versions of those ideas. Which is awesome in its own right, but what are we doing from a gameplay/interaction standpoint that we haven’t done before? Next gen doesn’t look to change that either...


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I feel like design in games hasn’t moved forward much in the last generation....

I'm not saying games like The Witcher ,or what have you, could have been made but the seeds were well planted and watered....examine games from PS1/N64 into GCN/PS2/XB era...we saw incredible leaps in what could be done from a design perspective...I feel the last two generations are just prettier more refined versions of those ideas. Which is awesome in its own right, but what are we doing from a gameplay/interaction standpoint that we haven’t done before? Next gen doesn’t look to change that either...


For me?...Easily, although I'd argue older gens are even better. Modern gaming is unfortunately pretty boring cause it's so much the same as each other so nothing really stands out from the crowd other then a few titles here and there.

Some of my favs last gen that were fantastic IMO

3D Dot Game Heroes
Alpha Protocol
Azuras Wrath
Batman Arkham Titles
David Cage Titles (Heavy Rain/Beyond 2 Souls)
Bioshock Trilogy
Borderlands 1 and 2
Dantes Inferno
The Darkness
Dead Space
Dragon Age Origins
Fallout 3
Fight night Champion
Guitar Hero 3/Rock Band
Lollipop Chainsaw
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Ni No Kuni
Resistance Series
Street Fighter IV

Such an underrated generation IMO. Great range of titles in multiple genres and not just a who's who of SoulsBorne games, FPS, and Battle Royale titles like we are getting spoon fed this gen. There are some gems this gen, but IMO so much same that it makes me long for yesterday
Let me put it this way - many people ask for many PS360 remasters, but no one is asking for even a patch for PS4/XB1 titles, and that alone tells A LOT.
I'm done with underperformed games like we happy few, have no choice but to keep it for the series x to see a frame boost as well as many other games.
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