[ AANG ]
12-15 years-old, Male, Caucasian or any other ethnicity. We are looking for a young man to play the lead role in a motion picture franchise. He must be athletic and graceful with an ability in Martial Arts (not necessarily extensive experience) [...] He is a young adventurer and should seem like the type of young man who will grow up to be heroic.
14-17 years-old, Female, Caucasian or any other ethnicity. She is Sokka’s younger sister. [...] She believes in herself and feels that she can play on the same team as the boys. She is beautiful, intelligent, passionate, feisty, and has a real sense of adventure.
16-20 years-old, Male, Caucasian or any other ethnicity. He is Katara’s older brother. He is intelligent but awkward, and very funny [...] He aspires to greatness, but he tends to doubt himself.
[ ZUKO ]
16-20 years-old, Male, Caucasian or any other ethnicity. He is a brooding, intense young man who wrestles – not always successfully – with being good. Regaining his honor is a driving impetus for him. He is extremely handsome and is the type of dangerous boy every girl falls in love with. Athletic and/or martial arts experience is a plus.