Keep in mind I've not seen much of The Medium and not touched the RE Village "Maiden" Demo yet (I plan on checking that out tonight) but I'm not sure fully what it is, but I just don't find horror games that scary anymore. I remember RE1 and 2 being scary as a kid but as I've gotten older, the effects just not that aside from maybe one example: Alien Isolation, and even that was because of VR. Dead Space was kinda close, but then 2 went more action and 3 being co op ruined that (I'll maintain that Co Op or AI partners in Horror makes games less scary as part of good horror is lonliness/isolation).
Browsing YT I came accross Joseph Andersons views on it:
Now, I will say I am a fan of his work and I think he has a great point in this video where, "you lose nothing and just come back" and he's right, once a scare had happened, it then fails to scare you a second time and becomes more an annoyance than a scare. I don't know what it is, maybe I've not found a decent scary game for awhile and I've played most of the best ones (for what its worth, I found SH to be more freaky and offputting than scary)
Anyone else have any thought on this?