The Lunch Legend
GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I hope so
And you think that games without second hand market will suddenly become cheaper?
You have absolutely no understanding of the economics...Second hand market doesn't influence the game price AFAIK since developers don't get any of the proceeds.
The point is that game pass appeals to a large audience so you have a consistent stream of revenue which allows you to allocate the funds more readily into big and small projects. Subscription services bring a lot of money in through sheer volume which allows these companies to regularly pump out so much original content.
There's a larger risk inherent with physical sales because the price has to cover the production cost with the understanding that it's an all or nothing decision from the customer (pay $70 or no game) so risk assessments must be made.
While I think you're right to a point, I think the people here who are assuming that this is the last physical media generation, are assuming that after this generation, there won't be consoles with disc drives. Hence, only digital is even an option.So, There are a lot of heated arguements on here but I want to share my thoughts on this. Physical media is indeed a dying breed and yet....
I am a physical gamer; this year alone I have spent over 3800 USD on physical games, and I continue to plan to do so via Amazon, Limited Run, individual store sites, and the likes. I do my best to support the non used game markets, and I keep my collectors. The notion that Physical is going away next gen is still unknown. As long as physical gamers make Sony/Microsoft/Nin money and it is profitable, they will do it.
Interestingly while digital sales do take over, several sources show that in the first weeks of a titles launch, a vast majority are still Physical copies. This is probably tied to several reasons including:
Being able to trade them back in once you are done for high money back, something that cannot be done on Digital (yet)
Being able to share with friends, or pool money (yes people do that)
Internet speeds in a majority of even the US are still too garbage to warrant day 1 downloads, and even places that have 500/500 still have unpredictable downtimes.
Presence of Brick and Mortar stores that still exist that purchase large quantities and advertise for the companies.
Now, as for digital; it is probably inevitable that we will see a huge decline in physical availability, and yet I still am optimistic. They want Digital only, absolutely. It puts more money into their hands without dealing with retailers, allows them to get more data on purchases, and is cheaper to maintain (no production costs for discs or shortages). But I am still optimistic. And my reason is.. as long as you have people like me pouring 1000s every year into it, buying special editions, supporting LRG and these small stores, there will still be a market.
Honestly I think these pop up Physical stores like LRG I am 8 bit and the like have been game changers and is why they are still hesitant to drop Physical. So in short:
As Long as you have people dropping money on Physical Media and they stand to profit, they will continue to offer the services. It may be more expensive or more limited runs directly from publishers, but they still have invested into manufacturing of discs, and I do not think it is going away.
Oh, and a side note: If Netflix like GAAS comes up, that is kind of annoying. Netflix often takes certain series away and replaces it; That kind of turns me off of it especially if I have a notion to try a game that is out of "circulation"
While I think you're right to a point, I think the people here who are assuming that this is the last physical media generation, are assuming that after this generation, there won't be consoles with disc drives. Hence, only digital is even an option.
I don't know if that'll ever happen, it seems stupid to me too. Like as much as they only want digital sales, if they want to release their product in some parts of the world, then they gotta have a physical version for some games. Otherwise they're giving up that money. Would Sony or Microsoft ever release a console that was digital only in some parts of the world, but then had a disc drive in some countries because it's necessary? People would be importing those like crazy, and locals wouldn't even be able to buy em.
You cant say for sure. Before i went PC only towards the end of last gen, i was 100% a physical guy, and hated the idea of digital, but once i went PC only, that choice was taken from me. Now 8 or 9 years later, i would nevre go back to physical even if i had the choice to.If it's the last generation of physical games, then it's the last generation I buy games. Then the work on my backlog for the rest of my life starts, because I'm sure I got plenty of games.
I feel like I can say it though because there was a period where I went heavy digital on consoles...Bought almost every game digitally on Wii U during it's peak years (if you can even call them peak). Bought a lot on every platform digitally...and ya know what I feel left with? Nothing but regret.You cant say for sure. Before i went PC only towards the end of last gen, i was 100% a physical guy, and hated the idea of digital, but once i went PC only, that choice was taken from me. Now 8 or 9 years later, i would nevre go back to physical even if i had the choice to.
I'll still love physical, and hope it stays around as long as possible on consoles for the people that want it. Plus a lot of console gamers against Physical, or are happy for a digital future, be careful what you wish for as once retail is gone, these companies can charge you whatever they want for digital games, and they will do. Its a bit different with PC because there are key sites and places where you can get digital games really cheap, not so much with digital console games (if Microsoft and Sony would even let you use keys bought elsewhere on their systems).
You have absolutely no understanding of the economics...
Sheer volume? How does a very cheap subscription 1 dollar on offer or maximum 10 dollars per month compensate for a loss of 1-2 game sales on average per month per customer that moves from physical or digital full price to streaming????
Simple fact is that it doesn't, streaming is a loss leader. It undermines the industry and will eventually lead to lower quality games because it is unsustainable.
Netflix is already unsustainable but only survives due to equity growth which inevitably will end. Games are much more expensive to make than films or tv shows.
You'd have to be a gullible flute to fall for this 'streaming is a great future' stuff.... it is the path to a complete industry crash, a huge diminishing of quality and the loss of choice and products succeeding on merit.... instead of being force-fed crap..... which you must be looking forward to.
I hope that won't happen! there's lots of poor people who can't afford buying full price or half or even less then that! and they relay on used games and trade them with other used games and with their friends!
No physical would make those poor people suffer! and we need to think about them because video games is for everyone to enjoy.
You just have to look at Netflix balance sheet to see what is wrong.... many investors are idiots just following trends, it's a glorified popularity contest. The old notions of fundamental analysis is mostly ignored.....We can look over the numbers and you can tell me where I'm going wrong, then. Got the data from a few quick Google searches.
The 1 dollar offer isn't an accurate estimate since companies will typically take the loss to build volume in the early stages of subscription services. Game Pass is only 3 years old and already has over 10 million people subscribed. This number is growing extremely fast too, but even as is, that's $100 million a month from regular subscribers. Spiderman, Sony's best selling exclusive by far, brought in ~$650 million in its first year. Spiderman costed around $100 million to make. The vast majority of games cost and make far far below that amount. Game revenues also tend to drop off pretty hard after their initial release period (indies excepted).
These games are pitched, priced, and given production budgets relative to projected figures. So this uncertainty is always looming over the heads of publishers. If game pass has no growth then they're on pace to make $1.2 billion this year. That's enough to ensure a consistent stream of original content and licensing deals for third parties. We also know from developers that greenlighting a project to be made for game pass is easier due to its consistent revenue stream. There is no shortage of indies on Game Pass and there's also a higher chance of people giving a new game a shot.
To get a better idea of revenue, we can look at a more mature streaming service like Netflix. Netflix made $21 billion off their massive subscriber count and that number was up by 23% compared to last year. They've been throwing out high budget originals left and right, and still had a net profit of nearly $2 billion this year. I fail to see how this is so disastrous economically. The truth is that any piece of media will reach a far wider audience through a subscription service than it will with a $70 upfront asking price and that volume will reflect the lower price required per customer.
I know from your post that you're vehemently against subscription services, which is fine since that's your opinion. But that doesn't mean proponents of streaming don't care about quality. Shows that are well rated or get a high amount of viewers are almost always given a new season/sequel (which counters your merit argument) and I have seen no shortage of quality from Netflix or Game Pass.
Way cheaper maybe down the road, but I can still buy most brand new games cheaper than Digital. Your argument is not 100% accurate either.(/s?) Have you seen the prices of digital sale games, way cheaper than physical. Anyone in your poor strawman family that needs physical does not need to either buy a next gen console or buy day one/close to day one games anyway if they are so poor your argument holds any weight.
You just have to look at Netflix balance sheet to see what is wrong.... many investors are idiots just following trends, it's a glorified popularity contest. The old notions of fundamental analysis is mostly ignored.....
Look at how Netflix debt has exploded over the past few years, that is how they fund their cannot go on for perpetuity. They show a profit but really, it isn't a profitable business.
Netflix’s Debt Is $14.8 Billion, Keeps Attracting Investors
Netflix’s (NASDAQ:NFLX) debt has been rising steadily for at least the past five years. The company finished 2019 with $14.8 billion in
Apparently I'm autistic. =DI doubt it, they'll throw in a disc drive just to avoid upsetting the autistic "but I want to own my games!!!" crowd
I doubt it, they'll throw in a disc drive just to avoid upsetting the autistic "but I want to own my games!!!" crowd
JFC. Seems like before a videogame crash we're going to have a streaming crash.You just have to look at Netflix balance sheet to see what is wrong.... many investors are idiots just following trends, it's a glorified popularity contest. The old notions of fundamental analysis is mostly ignored.....
Look at how Netflix debt has exploded over the past few years, that is how they fund their cannot go on for perpetuity. They show a profit but really, it isn't a profitable business.
Netflix’s Debt Is $14.8 Billion, Keeps Attracting Investors
Netflix’s (NASDAQ:NFLX) debt has been rising steadily for at least the past five years. The company finished 2019 with $14.8 billion in
Why? Having an option to buy cheap and resell is not hurting those who want digital only. PSN is not really ready toogod i hope so
So you want them to wait a year or more to play games they want to play so bad?(/s?) Have you seen the prices of digital sale games, way cheaper than physical. Anyone in your poor strawman family that needs physical does not need to either buy a next gen console or buy day one/close to day one games anyway if they are so poor your argument holds any weight.
Inevitability of digital is practical proof that videogames aren't art and probably never will be. Look at vinyl and tapes. Still going strong. They can't die, because people want to own music on these physical formats. If you truly appreciate the work an artist has made, you'll want to own a piece of it. Videogames are throwaway, cheap entertainment. That's why digital is this mediums future. Come at me, nerds.
I can answer to that with only one thing:Second hand market doesn't influence the game price AFAIK since developers don't get any of the proceeds.
The point is that game pass appeals to a large audience so you have a consistent stream of revenue which allows you to allocate the funds more readily into big and small projects. Subscription services bring a lot of money in through sheer volume which allows these companies to regularly pump out so much original content.
There's a larger risk inherent with physical sales because the price has to cover the production cost with the understanding that it's an all or nothing decision from the customer (pay $70 or no game) so risk assessments must be made.
Having a disc-less version of a next-gen console on Day 1 tells me this is the last generation for discs.
Having a disc-less version of a next-gen console on Day 1 tells me this is the last generation for discs.
I like to have a choice. BTW can you buy the scott pilgrim game in 2020?Hopefully.
Should've happened with PS4/XB1. The sooner physical media dies the better! Haven't bought a disc for a console in 6 years. Last time I bought a disc for my PC was 15 years ago.
I can answer to that with only one thing:
Seriously. If you don't understand now why second hand market is important in keeping price relatively low then you will not understand that no mater what i would write.