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Is Sony creatively bankrupt?


Gold Member
Yeah, not anymore because Sony barely makes any games.
Oh My Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live


Back then games took less than half the time to develop and had much smaller dev teams. The cost relative to the potential return was much smaller. It sucks for gamers. We buy these relatively expensive boxes for exclusives and they collect dust for months and then need massive updates when a new game drops.
That is on them. Who is asking for Spiderman 2 to cost $350 million? And take as long as it did to make with so many people? I keep saying it but it matters not for Nintendo to make games like they do and they sell in the millions. Granted, they have Zelda which takes years and Metroid as well, but they release so much stuff that doesn't cost in the hundreds of millions and makes back hundreds of millions in profit. Chasing the realistic graphics and hollywood type stories is a waste of time and resources and is not working for ANYONE. So if it isn't working, why continue it?


Such as?

This doesn’t even make sense. The EyeToy has nothing do with motion controls.

I was talking about the ps move tech demos done with a ps eye before there was a wii.

I am trying to find rhe actual tech demos of the move. No it wasnt called move as it was a prototype .
Sony is adding to their previous success by acquiring studios to try their hand at GaaS games yet gamers want them to stop being "creatively bankrupt" and go back to making the exact kind of games (they never stopped) they've already been doing for a few gens now.


Y’all acting like the power glove didn’t exist.
Well the power glove is a copy of first gen vr games.

But also it was lacking....power lol.

Look the point is once you go down the rabbit hole you can find motion controls from the 70's.

Everyone os stealing everyones ideas all the time and i dont care. So it be.
But dont say xy did it first and z copied it.
Thats just pure ignorance


It's not as much a Sony thing as it as modern AAA game thing.
When dev times are 5+ years and the budgets are in the hundreds of millions you are going to see a decline in originality and risk taking.
Most of the "slam dunk" IPs you mention weren't 5+ million sellers and they were only successful because they were made in a time where they didn't need to sell those numbers to be profitable.

If you want to encourage Sony to do more unique stuff, consider buying Astro Bot.
Not only will you be showing Sony that there is interest in games outside their usual style, but you'll also be showing them a game made by around 60 devs in 3 years can be a major hit for them.


Syphon Filter is so underrated today. It was popular in its time. A lot of those missions really pushed the envelope for what had been done. Terrorists blowing up a train station in DC? Yeah there wasn't much of that going around. Especially on a console. This was when the PSX felt more like a piece of AV kit than a video game console. Mature had a different definition then. Now it just means cuss words and cut scene sex.

K' Dash

I despise modern PlayStation, so seeing them fail so much is a cathartic experience for me.

I need them to be back to their PS2 and second half of PS3 self.


One of the green rats

It was called ps wand.

Way before the wii came out

and sega had 3d glasses in the 80s and the pc-engine has a cdrom drive in the 80s.

that has nothing to do with innovating gameplay if you have something you cannot make anything fun for. :messenger_astonished:
They are merely stuck on GAAS for the moment. They are testing the waters with it and are seeing wether it’s worth focusing more on that. They still make the best exclusives imo and Astrobot drops tomorrow and looks to be a banger. It will be interesting to see what other games they have been working on but have yet to share. I am sure they will deliver in the end as always.


I know a lot of people love Playstation and I used to as well. But what happened? They used to have slam dunk IPs one after another. I’m not even talking about Concord, that’s a one-off flop, but where is their creativity anymore?

Syphon Filter
Legend of Dragoon
Jak and Daxter
Sly Cooper
Twisted Metal
Legacy of Kain
Dark Cloud
and that’s just for starters…

They had home run after home run. It’s been a steady decline ever since.
Gotta love the threads when one companys game bombs then all of a sudden the sky is falling and the world is ending.

Feels like not so long ago hellblade 2 was rubbish and Xbox was creatively bankrupt 🤣
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Shutting down Japan Studio tells you all you need to know about Playstation and Sony. Gravity Rush and Kat had more charm than all of their other IP combined.
I wasn’t referring to those games, made for a non-existing audience. Nor to live service games in general.

I’m referring to the fact that the video games market has been significantly stagnant for at least a full generation.
Everyone on forums seems to want a new Rez or something like that, yet I struggle to remember a single breakthrough game, a single success story that really shook this market in the last few years that isn’t a high-budget production and/or isn’t heavily derivative. Even a game like Hollow Knight wouldn’t exist without the success of Dark Souls. When push comes to shove, most gamers reject new control schemes, new themes, actual gameplay innovations, and anything that can’t be played at 4K 120fps on the newest PC hardware and looks better than a movie. I mean, most people even here are more than happy to renounce the clearly superior 60fps framerate if they can have RT and shadows and whatever is cool in graphics this week.
Ok. That makes more sense. And for the record, I agree with you on nearly everything you just said.


Higher game development costs + higher game prices + consumer unwillingness to spend + consumers are way more critical nowadays = less risks taken.

Plus you have consumers nowadays that are unrelentless when they bash products that doesn't suit them, and with social media it just exacerbates the situation (which is also I suspect due to higher price to entry into gaming in general). I dont think development studios and publishers are only to blame, these corporations will always follow the money (and engagement I suppose).


Gold Member
Well the power glove is a copy of first gen vr games.

But also it was lacking....power lol.

Look the point is once you go down the rabbit hole you can find motion controls from the 70's.

Everyone os stealing everyones ideas all the time and i dont care. So it be.
But dont say xy did it first and z copied it.
Thats just pure ignorance
l.a. hair GIF by WE tv


theyr not they just chase trends ,which maks sense as its a bussiness,but sony does best when making single player games, they know tht live service games make the most with least effort which means more profit, but concord showed its not really worth it


I wasn’t referring to those games, made for a non-existing audience. Nor to live service games in general.

I’m referring to the fact that the video games market has been significantly stagnant for at least a full generation.
Everyone on forums seems to want a new Rez or something like that, yet I struggle to remember a single breakthrough game, a single success story that really shook this market in the last few years that isn’t a high-budget production and/or isn’t heavily derivative. Even a game like Hollow Knight wouldn’t exist without the success of Dark Souls. When push comes to shove, most gamers reject new control schemes, new themes, actual gameplay innovations, and anything that can’t be played at 4K 120fps on the newest PC hardware and looks better than a movie. I mean, most people even here are more than happy to renounce the clearly superior 60fps framerate if they can have RT and shadows and whatever is cool in graphics this week.
Counterstrike 2, R6 Siege…. Most PVP games have great gameplay and mechanics…


Gold Member
Actually they arent. They got tons of legacy franchises from older eras that were solid and across many genres. I thought Intelligent Qube on PS1 was awesome. And thats a low budget puzzle game. Hard pressed to see Sony doing a game like that ever again.

Problem is Sony focused on the big money makers which for them are SP games and GT.

During the PS1-PS3 eras they had shitloads of games, but they spread themselves too thin. Just like during PS3 era they had too many shooters crowding out their own gamers. So aside from GT, game sales per title across all their games might be spread thin.

The big hitters ended up being SP games and GT, so they stuck with them with sequels and putting tons of time and resources to make one giant SP game instead of two games.

They got the library of legendary games. Like Sega. But up to them which ones they pull out from the digital databank and make a game out of it.
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Writes a lot, says very little
They are merely stuck on GAAS for the moment. They are testing the waters with it and are seeing wether it’s worth focusing more on that. They still make the best exclusives imo and Astrobot drops tomorrow and looks to be a banger. It will be interesting to see what other games they have been working on but have yet to share. I am sure they will deliver in the end as always.

Maybe, maybe not.

I do not believe they are "stuck" on GAAS as they still put out single player games and this push for online gaming was also started with them teaming up with teams that just do this type of thing. Bungie, Firewalk, Haven Interactive Studios etc, the point was to have THOSE teams make those games and Japan Studio focus on Astrobot, Naughty Dog focus on single player stuff, Insomniac etc. So I don't see this as a testing of waters as Sony has a long history of MP titles since PS1 days, they fully get the idea of social games and I think they know its something that is worth it to continue.

We saw them evolve from doing sports stuff like NBA, Football with 989 games NHL Faceoff, MLB etc and racing titles like GT series, Twisted Metal, Jet Moto to series like Cool Boarders.

To PS2 having online functionality and seeing titles Everquest and Socom, Killzone, GT series, EyeToy, and many more

You see just as much as a push during the PS3 days with Resistance, Killzone 2, Warhawk remake, Motorstorm, DC Universe, Eye Of Judgement, MP modes in Uncharted, The Last Of Us etc

During the PS4 is where you see a transition is happening as they work out how their next online move will be. You see them sell SOE and outside of Driveclub, Killzone SF, MLB The Show etc, you see them take maybe the biggest break from MP in a long time. This is where I think that restructuring is happening

(Similar to when Danjin44 Danjin44 and I were talking about the whole PS having less JRPGs thing) it could be due to 3rd parties doing the bulk of the MP heavy lifting, as in COD, Madden, Fifa, MineCraft, Destiny and they saw fit to take this time to focus on doing an online thing later on when they can make sense of it, but was not a massive priority as the install base was already getting games in this genre.

You see Horizon release without a MP, The Last Of Us 2 release without a MP, God Of War release without one etc It could be cause the wild cost of gaming, how complex development is now vs back then, how competitive that genre is, you can't afford to have MP as some "side thing" it MUST be the main focus and of a team that specializes in this area

THIS is when I think the wheels start going at Sony imho to buy Bungie and start looking for those MP teams. They tried it by having their single player teams add it on and it makes sense to let those teams focus on single player and seek MP teams to create those concepts with more focus and only by teams that have a history of this. But this isn't really a mid gen move, it likely took the whole gen for them to really get some structure to start laying out how they'd release those online games.

Semi OT Danjin44 Danjin44 to your point earlier, I think you see Sony doing less of those game today cause the 3rd party teams that exist right now get most of their sales from PS anyway, so like Sony buying Bungie to assist with that MP gap, I would not be shocked if Sony bought Square or Sega and that might be why you see them not doing like a Wild Arms title in house or White Knight Chronicles 3 or something
A lot of butt-hurt fanboys are disappointed their corporate daddy is being criticized in this thread lmaoooo

With that being said, I miss Sony circa PS1 - PS3 era. Besides Nioh and Ghosts of Tsushima, I found the PS4 and PS5 lackluster. Oh, and the original Uncharted Trilogy was ace.
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Well, they figured out how to make games that actually sell so don't carry that torch for legend of dragoon for another quarter century.


Gold Member
Nah, they just realize there's not much space left for AAA games.
Makes sense. But game companies dont understand that. They still think they can me-too a stodgy copycat game and win sales from other successful games on pure willpower and luck.

Like anything in life, there's only so much time, money and motivation. it gets to a point the pie doesn't get bigger. It gets bigger due to inflation prices or rides 2% population growth maybe. But not giant gains as it's saturation city. Just sliced up into smaller pieces and random game X is trying to carve out their own slice. It's like toothpaste. 100 new companies can release toothpaste tomorrow on shelves. Unless people all brush their teeth 24 hours a day, the pie isnt going to get bigger. Just swapped around.

It's like the rumoured 2k soccer game. FIFA sells what? 20M or so copies per year?

Let's say Soccer 2k25 sells 5M copies. The chances of total sales going to 25M is slim. It might go up. Or maybe it stays at 20M total but EA goes down to 15M.
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Eh, I think the whole industry is kind of shit right now, just kind of a low point in my opinion. It'll get better, but both Xbox and PS have been sucking as of late, Ninty's next console is sorely needed at this point, and PC hardware prices are comically fuckin stupid right now. I'm glad I have other obligations occupying my time and that I don't have a lot of time to game these days, as I don't personally feel I'm currently missing anything.
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Lately, I can’t help but feel that PlayStation’s biggest games are becoming a bit repetitive. The “Uncharted” and “The Last of Us” formula has been successful, but now it feels overused. Their most recent releases, while polished, lack variety. They seem to focus too much on the same core gameplay elements, and it’s starting to wear thin.

I’d love to see them take more risks, experiment with different genres, and move away from this increasingly predictable model.
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