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Is there any commercially successful game that hasn't got a sequel?

Bionic Commando, Dr Mario, and Kid Icarus all had followups. Kid Icarus for GB might not seem like a sequel, but if Metroid 2 counts I'd say Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters does too!

How bout Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. :D

Kumiko Nikaido

bobbyconover said:
Bionic Commando........had followups.

I'm not talking about the GB Bionic Commando or GBC Bionic Commando: Elite Force wannabees. Need a full-blown Bionic Commando 2 now! ^_^


NiGHTS Into Dreams...

Burning Rangers? It wasn't really sucessful, but then, the Saturn was on a decline.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Looking at old NPD's...

Diddy Kong Racing (2.5 million copies sold)
A Bug's Life (PSX; 1.49m)
Perfect Dark (1.24m)
2Xtreme (PSX; 944k)
Legend of Dragoon (747k)
Jet Force Gemini (671k)
Sled Storm (655k)
Fighting Force (596k)

To answer your question: not really. They're even making a sequel to Dukes of Hazzard for chrissakes.


Mistaken iRobbery!
fenekku-gitsune said:
Looking at old NPD's...

2Xtreme (PSX; 944k)
What are you talking about?



fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Ahhh screw you guys!! ;) I was just bringing up potential candidates.

Legend of Dragoon is sort of interesting -- it was mostly reviled by critics but still sold very well, somehow. Must have been FFVIII afterglow.


GameFan Alumnus
I wouldn't consider StarCraft a candidate. There is bound to be a StarCraft sequel. I'd bet the farm on it. It just takes Blizzard a few years to do their sequels. I'm sure they're working on it right now. Hell, it's probably the next big game after WoW. The next real game, that is, none of this console side project stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Eggo said:
I wouldn't consider StarCraft a candidate. There is bound to be a StarCraft sequel. I'd bet the farm on it. It just takes Blizzard a few years to do their sequels. I'm sure they're working on it right now. Hell, it's probably the next big game after WoW. The next real game, that is, none of this console side project stuff.
Just because you think maybe there might be one some day does not change the fact that after 6 years, StarCraft is still without a sequel.


I don't think that Goldeneye 2 counts, since it has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with the origional game, the main character has a golden eye, which is why they are calling it the golden eye sequal although I think that Guardian Legend was a GREAT game but no sequal


Starcraft is getting a sequal, there is a preview in WC3, if I remember correctly, if you beat the game on the hardest mode.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
citan said:
I don't think that Goldeneye 2 counts, since it has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with the origional game, the main character has a golden eye, which is why they are calling it the golden eye sequal although I think that Guardian Legend was a GREAT game but no sequal

I'd say it should count since it's being made and marketed that way because of the commercial success of Goldeneye.


Chili Con Carnage!
citan said:
Starcraft is getting a sequal, there is a preview in WC3, if I remember correctly, if you beat the game on the hardest mode.

That was just an easter egg, it wasnt a preview, just all the starcraft models in the WC3 engine.


citan said:
Starcraft is getting a sequal, there is a preview in WC3, if I remember correctly, if you beat the game on the hardest mode.

LOl no, you heard wrong. Ive beaten it on the hardest difficulty, many times.

The only thing you get is a special end credits, which has marines, zerglings, hydralisks and choas space orcs running aorund and fighting in various little clips. And everyone knew about these anyways since they were unlocked in the editor like the same day the game was released.


Queen of Denmark
levious said:
I'd say it should count since it's being made and marketed that way because of the commercial success of Goldeneye.

I think generally speaking, if a game has the same name as another game, followed by a number, it meets the criteria for a sequel; no matter what the content, it's still trying to build off any success and notoriety its predecessor(s) achieved.


AeroGod said:
LOl no, you heard wrong. Ive beaten it on the hardest difficulty, many times.

The only thing you get is a special end credits, which has marines, zerglings, hydralisks and choas space orcs running aorund and fighting in various little clips. And everyone knew about these anyways since they were unlocked in the editor like the same day the game was released.

Oh, well, I guess that was just hoping, I know they are planning on comming out with a sequal, just don't know when. Hopefully before they decide to do Diablo 3


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
any Treasure game that you'd consider successful besides Guardian Heroes.

oh, and what about Ergheiz (sp?)?


Yeah GA bring on Lunar and Grandia 3 now! Or is that enix now? confused..
OH Luigi Mansion. ROFL thanks alot you made me choke on my cereal :)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
kpop100 said:
Was Kid Icarus a big seller...there wasn't a sequel to that.

Sure there was....


Nintendo even had a Kid Icarus 3 in development for the SNES but it was scrapped.

Mr_Furious said:

This is not a good example because Day of the Tentacle is actually a sequel to Maniac Mansion. Heck, it even says so on the pic you posted.
human5892 said:
This one would've been true if not for EA making Goldeneye 2. But I would agree that Perfect Dark does not count as a sequel to Goldeneye.

And I would say that Goldeneye 2 from EA does not count as a sequel to Goldeneye.

Oh yeah, and I nominate Mega Man for this list.


Street Fighter! [/sarcasm]

Ico is always rumored, then somehow official, then rumored again, then it dissapears... Makes me angry. :(
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