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Is there any commercially successful game that hasn't got a sequel?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I see a lot of games here that ARE sequels, so I don't think they would count (like Day of the Tentacle is the sequel to Maniac Mansion).

Starcraft Ghost is coming out this year and eliminates Starcraft from that list.


Queen of Denmark
Jonnyboy117 said:
And I would say that Goldeneye 2 from EA does not count as a sequel to Goldeneye.

Oh yeah, and I nominate Mega Man for this list.

Gameplay aside, if you're tacking numbers on the end, I think the public is going to view it as a sequel. We can argue what makes the game a sequel as far as the gameplay/developer/whatever goes, but at the end of the day, I think Mega Man 2 can, for all intents and purposes, be said to be the sequel to Mega Man, just as Goldeneye 2 is to Goldeneye...in name alone, if nothing else.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
actually, there was never a sequel to Street Fighter The Movie The Game





Schafer said:
Starcraft Ghost is coming out this year and eliminates Starcraft from that list.

This thread is about sequels...not games based on the same liscense that plays NOTHING like the game it's based on and is more in common with one of the most overrated and overhyped games this generation


not a medical professional
DukeNukem 3D (I kid).

Not that it counts, but I'd love to see a REAL Back to the Future game, on a current console - that was like the movies with delorean and all that fun stuff. It'd rock, It'd rock hard.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
levious said:
actually, there was never a sequel to Street Fighter The Movie The Game

Two reasons why this doesn't count.

Reason #1: This game is still part of the SF series.

And if that doesn't work for you:

Reason #2: It wasn't a commercially successful game.
JC10001 said:
This is not a good example because Day of the Tentacle is actually a sequel to Maniac Mansion. Heck, it even says so on the pic you posted.
I think it's a great example regardless if it itself was a sequel. I don't recall there being any rules stating that the game had to be an original title. Sequels can still get more sequels as we all know. DOTT was an awesome game that did very well for LA back in the day. There have always been rumors of DOTT2 but nothing's ever materialized unfortunately (and probably never will considering their new stance on this genre). :(

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Mr_Furious said:
I think it's a great example regardless if it itself was a sequel. I don't recall there being any rules stating that the game had to be an original title. :(

The rule was implied. Otherwise there wouldn't be a point to this thread because people could just put down the last game in any number of series.
JC10001 said:
The rule was implied. Otherwise there wouldn't be a point to this thread because people could just put down the last game in any number of series.
I still think my call stands seeing that it was released well over 10 years ago :p (but I see your point)
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