Wow I thought I was the only one that read GAF in the whole region!rotfl
Anyway, Basilicata represent here. I'm pretty sure to be the only one here, but I hope I'm not.
Where are you from?
Wow I thought I was the only one that read GAF in the whole region!rotfl
Anyway, Basilicata represent here. I'm pretty sure to be the only one here, but I hope I'm not.
Wow I thought I was the only one that read GAF in the whole region!
Where are you from?
Your what?
There you go, all of these wthin 100 km from my home
Informativo, alle buffonate ci pensano gli altriBreakfast of champions
Sono indeciso su come impostare il mio topic sulle elezioni, faccio una cosa informativa tipo quello sulle presidenziali francesi o la butto sulla nostra tipica simpatia che all'estero tutti ci invidiano?
Is that a picture of people sitting in the Colosseum? It's still sturdy enough to support thousands of people?
That's the Arena di Verona, a colosseum like building that is used as a theater nowadays.
I'm basically at the opposite edge, I'm from AcerenzaLol, really?
I came from Lagonegro; you should know it, just for the amazing Salerno-Reggio Calabria.
Anyone from Sicily?
Sicilians, where you at!?
Well thank you, that was enlightening (on how crappy that meme is)
That was a thing of beautyGeminiani:
Concerto grosso based on Corelli's Op5/12 (theme & variations based on La Folia)
*Informativo, alle buffonate ci pensano gli altri
I'm basically at the opposite edge, I'm from Acerenza![]()
i find it amusing how many of you guys want to move to italy while most of us are looking for an escape plan!
if anyone in the US is willing to switch place i'm available =P
Calabrese represent.
Come on man! At least add gnocchi to the foods in the OP. And some more on southern Italy! South Italy is best Italy. ~_~
I wonder if any gaffers are from Cosenza. Most of my family lives in and around there. Mom and grandparents born in Rogliano. I wanna go back after I graduate. Its been a few years and I miss it so much.![]()
I lived in Rome for 3 months. It was amazing.
Sandwiches at Lo Zozzone.
Meatball and pasta at Sora Margarita.
Drinks in the Campo de Fiori.
Cappuccino at Sant Eustachio.
...Credo di essere l'unico Italiano su Gaf di Taranto.
Sì, QUELLA Taranto, quella dell'Ilva, degli scioperi, dei 10.000 operai che rischiano il lavoro, della diossina imperante, di Sarah Scazzi, delle truffe automobilistiche che fanno impennare le assicurazioni. Eh vabbè. XD
E delle cozze !
E delle cozze !
E di citemmuert' !
Irridux da Gamesvillage con furore.Obviously !
When football arrived here in Italy my greatgrandfather soon became a fan of the sport and here in Rome in 1900 there was only one team: Lazio ! (asroma was created by the fascist party in 1927)
He passed on his great love for Lazio to my grandfather, who then passed it on to my father.
So being Romano de Roma, I can only be a Lazio fan![]()
Perchè citemmuert'? Non è esattamente un invito ad entrare nel locale...
Hey guys,
Seems like a good thread to ask: I'm Portuguese, but I've been to Rome 4 or 5 times, and I'm going there again in a month. What hidden treasure should I look for this time?
Another question: tried to go to Domus Romane (Palazzo Valentini) but couldn't. Is it worth it?
Hey guys,
Seems like a good thread to ask: I'm Portuguese, but I've been to Rome 4 or 5 times, and I'm going there again in a month. What hidden treasure should I look for this time?
Another question: tried to go to Domus Romane (Palazzo Valentini) but couldn't. Is it worth it?
...Credo di essere l'unico Italiano su Gaf di Taranto.
Perchè citemmuert'? Non è esattamente un invito ad entrare nel locale...
E delle cozze !
E di citemmuert' !
E della puccia !
edit: damn, i could really use a puccia right now
Awesome man! I think I remember you saying you were from there in another thread. Might have been the euro cup thread last year or somewhere else. I haven't ventured that far south. Furthest south I've been is Lamezia Terme. I've flown out of there a few times. I'm making it my mission to venture further south next time I visit.I'm from Serra San Bruno, Calabria.
Yes! It's about 120km from my village.
In che senso scusa hanno il diritto di trattare male i loro clienti?MAI avrei pensato di vedere su Neogaf la locandina del Citemmuert'. Abito a San Vito tra l'altro, quindi abbastanza vicino a dove si trova il locale. Ci andai anche una volta qualche anno fa...molto "caratteristico" all'epoca (probabilmente è ancora così, ma non ne sono sicuro), con i camerieri che parlavano in dialetto e avevano licenza di trattarti male :lol
English translation: I would have NEVER imagined to see Citemmuert's flier on Neogaf. I'm from San Vito, so I live pretty near to the restaurant. I went there some years ago... very "peculiar" at the time (probably it's still like that, but I don't know for sure), with waiters talking in dialect and actually allowed to mock at you :lol
Anyone from Sicily?
In che senso scusa hanno il permesso di trattare male i loro clienti?E i clienti come reagiscono se non sono a conoscenza di questa "tradizione"?
//In what way can they treat badly their clients? And how do the clients react if they're not aware of this tradition?
So you added music in a Italy thread but haven't even cited Opera.Piuttosto mi strappo le dita a morsi
Music added!
Where are you from, Neos?There you go, all of these wthin 100 km from my home
Where are you from, Neos?
I'm from Vicenza.
Same here, just stopped snowing.My oh my, an Italy thread on GAF, I was gonna say something in italian, but it's kind of weird since I haven't used it in a forum for years now.
Here in Turin it has just stopped snowing, it can be quite beautiful in the evening with the white all around.
Then the day after comes and the snow has turned black and hard and walking around is a pain.
Sono indeciso su come impostare il mio topic sulle elezioni, faccio una cosa informativa tipo quello sulle presidenziali francesi o la butto sulla nostra tipica simpatia che all'estero tutti ci invidiano?
Yeah, I think it was the Euro Cup thread.Awesome man! I think I remember you saying you were from there in another thread. Might have been the euro cup thread last year or somewhere else. I haven't ventured that far south. Furthest south I've been is Lamezia Terme. I've flown out of there a few times. I'm making it my mission to venture further south next time I visit.
Che sta dicendo la stampa?
I think it'd be constructive to write every italian post in english, too.
First of all, it would give the mods an easier time, monitoring the discussion (AFAIK, there is no italian speaking mod)
Second of all, it would be useful for anyone who wanted to get accustomed with the language itself.
Just my 2 cents, though.
Also subscribed.![]()