Minchia i testaroli, li ho assaggiati a san valentino con zola e granella di nocciole e son buoni da dio, volevo morire.
(Ate testaroli a couple of days ago and they're superb, with gorgonzola and hazelnut)
Also representing for Pavia, kinda small city near Milan (fuck Milan)

Not the best pics but ehhh, google sucks.
Aaaaalso.. just to contribute.

Tried not to make it too J-oriented. Totti was already posted in the first page too.
You can also play "spot the intruder"
PS: wait. Exply sei di Pavia o ci studi? lol.
PPS: Ok nothing, I read everything now.. I also remember your username from another forum (the shittiest you can find on the internet I guess)