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It's 2021. Where the fuck are my Star Wars games EA?

I've got no love for EA, but along with the various Marvel licenses, I'm more inclined to believe off-record suggestions that playing in the Disney sandbox puts most developers on a short leash and generally sees them making games as Disney wants. Maybe things will change for this new hardware cycle, but I won't be surprised if big-budget Star Wars games remain tied more to Disney's corporate strategies than EA's own potential output.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Yes because the lack of hype is totally what killed the game and not the game itself being absolute shit.

It's both. If that game came out a week before Endgame it'd have sold more.

But, at the same time, everyone would (rightfully) be asking why all the characters looked like bad B-movie versions of their favourite characters.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Looks like Disney is unsatisfied with EA given the latest announcement. EA just canceled a bunch of stuff that looked promising. Particularly the single player adventure from Visceral.


having only played battlefront 2 for a few minutes when it first came out, i'm actually somewhat excited for epic releasing battlefront 2 for free this week. my son has gotten into star wars lately and in turn so have i


Disney should do it like Games Workshop and license out Star Wars on a per-project basis. Give Platinum Games or Capcom the license to let them make a Sith action game.
I think GW is a prime example of what not to do - the IP remains a niche within a niche and by licensing IP to everyone resulting in a lot of crap products Warhammer lacks the killer app it needs to expand its audience.


I think GW is a prime example of what not to do - the IP remains a niche within a niche and by licensing IP to everyone resulting in a lot of crap products Warhammer lacks the killer app it needs to expand its audience.
I mean yeah, they should also license it out to somewhat competent developers, I guess. The killer app for Warhammer Fantasy Is Total War: Warhammer, though.
For Warhammer 40k, it could've been the next Space Marine or Dawn of War III... but they fucked up DoW III and didn't give a shit to iterate on the underrated Space Marine. Oh well....


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
My problem is that EA put out mostly stuff I didn't care for. Battlefront 1 wasn't very good, part 2 was only an incremental improvement. Both were designed as vehicles to push microtransactions and it shows.

I did not like Fallen Order. I'm just not into games that place such emphasis on timing and positioning - just give me a good old fashioned adventure game or RPG where I can swing a light saber. This game felt like it was in some weird place between a traditional adventure game and something like Demon's Souls - couldn't make up its mind on which. After about eight hours I also found the story one of the most prosaic I've ever read from the Star Wars universe.

I do like Squadrons, but it's short and flight games aren't exactly my thing - but for the price I got my enjoyment out of it. They can build on this franchise.

So, I would prefer that Disney / Lucas Games pursued deals with other studios and publishers to push out a more diverse lineup of games. Everything that comes out of EA has that EA feel, the kind of sanitized experience that seems good-to-great in some technical aspects but reeks of samey-ness and a lack of imagination in design.
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