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ITT: horror imagery


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I don't know WTF is going on here but it's wonderfully horrifying and reminds me that I need to watch this movie. I know it's been on my list for a while but I never get around to it. and is that Tilda Swinton!? yeah, I'm definitely watching this soon.
Lemme tell you I was mildly goofing off watching it and the moment that scene started I almost immediately restarted the entire film to absorb it. Different vibe than the original, because
it leans into the witchcraft and dancing that was only hinted at in the original while it's the entire plot of this movie.
and I almost prefer it. Then again, ask me tomorrow and my opinion might change. They're on equal footing in different ways

Also, I can't fucking wait till Uzimaki releases! The hospital scene will be fucking nuts animated.
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from Portrait of God short on youtube
I have been checking out a bunch of the short horror films on youtube. Milk and Serial is over hyped but I liked this one and I like The Chair. 2 that I can immediately recall off the top of my head.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Movie Horror GIF by The Grudge

It’s The Grudge for me. I really dislike that movie.
The Grudge 4
Not that many actually know and most think it's a reboot but this is actually set at the same time as the original 2004 Remake and is a sequel that actually reference stuff from the 2004 film and they do try to mimic some stuff from it, you can see it but it doesn't work and it a modern type shot film.
It's also a terrible film, even The Grudge 3 is better.
Speaking of.. I've just ordered this
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