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iTunes 11 |OT| Let me expand on that

I really wish the expanded view wouldn't blur/alpha the album art. I get what they're going for but it just makes the high res album art look really cruddy. It works nicely for some, but sorta ruins others.


It's awesome.




So now when starting a movie/tv show it opens in a quicktime like window on top of iTunes which I then have to full screen myself instead of just opening inside iTunes? Weird.


Junior Member
My one big problem with the album art view is that it always splits up individual albums by artist. I hate it when one album shows up as 15 different albums just because it includes 15 different artists, and I've never found a way to make it group every song into just one directory.


I really wish the expanded view wouldn't blur/alpha the album art. I get what they're going for but it just makes the high res album art look really cruddy. It works nicely for some, but sorta ruins others.
I was just noticing how shitty it is how it screws with the colors.

They should have done something like how it looked with Cover Flow. I did a quick mockup, and you can compare how unclear their photo looks compared to the original:

This looks a lot more professional to me than that crappy blur they have going around all the borders.

If I sound bitter, it's only because I can't believe Apple put out something with such poor design. This was supposed to be a complete overhaul of iTunes, and I just see a nasty UI with 15 different types and sizes of fonts, missing features that have been here for years, and a billion things that are just badly hidden. For example, we're to assume this is for the common user, right? So why is the visualizer now not only hidden in a menu, but the menu itself is hidden? It's so counter-intuitive.


My one big problem with the album art view is that it always splits up individual albums by artist. I hate it when one album shows up as 15 different albums just because it includes 15 different artists, and I've never found a way to make it group every song into just one directory.

YES! My exact problem I have too.

I want it clean.

OCD ftw.
My one big problem with the album art view is that it always splits up individual albums by artist. I hate it when one album shows up as 15 different albums just because it includes 15 different artists, and I've never found a way to make it group every song into just one directory.
Set the Album Artist in the info pane


My one big problem with the album art view is that it always splits up individual albums by artist. I hate it when one album shows up as 15 different albums just because it includes 15 different artists, and I've never found a way to make it group every song into just one directory.

See above, I had the same problem. Solution:

Highlight every album "duplicate" in your album view, Get Info, enter artist for whoever the album is for. This consolidates the album properly.
Also am I the only one who used artist view, not album view? The lack of album-art folders for anything other than album view sucks.


My one big problem with the album art view is that it always splits up individual albums by artist. I hate it when one album shows up as 15 different albums just because it includes 15 different artists, and I've never found a way to make it group every song into just one directory.

You gotta do a "get info" on all those tracks from that album and then go to the options tab and make it a compilation. it will show up as one album in album view. that's one way. mainly for soundtracks.

Or, for some albums where there's one main artist but lots of collaborators in the artist fields, you can make them all show up as one album by using the "album artist" field. i got a few albums like that.


Anyone know how to make multiple songs a part of a compilation at once? I'm trying to get the Drive Soundtrack together but it's separating the songs by Cliff Martinez and the ones by other people into two different albums and I can't select to make it a part of a compilation when I'm editing more than one song at once.

Edit: N/m I found it. For some reason when editing multiple items it goes under the options menu instead of info. Weird.


Anyone know how to make multiple songs a part of a compilation at once? I'm trying to get the Drive Soundtrack together but it's separating the songs by Cliff Martinez and the ones by other people into two different albums and I can't select to make it a part of a compilation when I'm editing more than one song at once.
Song View, and then Ctrl-click on both artists.

An easier way, if you just added those songs to iTunes, sort by Date Added. They should all be there right at the top (or bottom).
Sign into iTunes, all your purchased music that's not downloaded will have the icon. Same w/ iTunes Match
Ah, all of my iTunes matched songs are on my HDD, I just miss the old status thing that told me if it was matched or uploaded.

Also, I'm looking for the repeat button now. Also, there used to be a little window that had the album art in the bottom left of the side bare. During podcasts this would link you to things. Does anyone know how to get that back?


Okay now the compilation thing isn't working for the Xenoblade OST. Everything is checked as part of a compilation and everything has the same album name but it's still 6 separate albums.



Okay now the compilation thing isn't working for the Xenoblade OST. Everything is checked as part of a compilation and everything has the same album name but it's still 6 separate albums.

Are you highlighting them all and and then changing the settings?
Okay now the compilation thing isn't working for the Xenoblade OST. Everything is checked as part of a compilation and everything has the same album name but it's still 6 separate albums.

Select all songs in the album and get info. Add the same artist to "album artist" and it should lump them all into one album. Obviously this is dependant on all the songs in an album being by the same artist, which is usually the case for most albums.
so i have this issue on itunes 10 where itunes match will automatically start and freeze the shit out of my computer. i'm on windows.

has anyone tried itunes match on 11 yet? is this new version not as bloated or memory hogging as 10?


Compared to Winamp and other stuff, both programs playing music. Seems to go up when you add more artwork. 339 now uhhhh... I don't care about the album color thing either probably one of the most unimportant and uninteresting things I've ever seen people talk about. The color selection is bad for more than half of them too.

edit- I reopened it for the third time and the numbers are different. First two times were the same, now it's at 144MB. I don't know..
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