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iTunes 11 |OT| Let me expand on that

I'm sure this has been covered already in the thread but, WHY would they remove the "Find/Remove Duplicates" feature?!

What do they possibly gain out of this other than angering people who constantly update their libraries and use it every other day?


I'm sure this has been covered already in the thread but, WHY would they remove the "Find/Remove Duplicates" feature?!

What do they possibly gain out of this other than angering people who constantly update their libraries and use it every other day?

I found these scripts for iTunes that are simply incredible, just select all and start the find duplicates script...The consolidate by moving long is also incredible for people like me who have too much music to consolidate by copying.


I really miss having the cover flow view. The interface just looks kind of bland now. The album expanded view is neat, but I never really navigate my library by album.
Anyone else have an issue where iTunes loads up fine, but will not access the store at any level? When I switch to the store it just sits there with a blank white screen that says iTunes store. I've been looking at the Apple support communities and trying things out to no avail. I turned off Windows Firewall, I put an exception for iTunes in my antivirus, I reset the winsock providers, fully reinstalled itunes twice, repaired it once and nothing's going.

It generally doesn't even hand or have a status bar not moving. It just does nothing at the store or when I click on view in store.

I'm on a Windows 7 HP Envy laptop for reference.


After a few days, I'm starting to like itunes11 a bit more. It's like way more apple like for them to just remove a bunch of options and just make a call as to what is needed, and that's what I've always enjoyed about apple software.

They've kind of taken away the options to view your library and just streamlined it so songs only has the list view, albums has a grid view etc. which makes a little sense. I mean I'm sure people used the other views so that would be annoying, but I've always just tried to adapt do it never bothers me personally. I've always maintained I prefer fewer options, just the right ones. iTunes 11 is starting to reflect that old apple philosophy over just dumping tons of new features. It's also a tricky thing to do since iTunes still kinda has to do everything.

One of my beefs was having to click more to switch between views. For example, in the store, having to click library THEN click the media type over on the other side of the screen. Then I noticed they put an arrow on the library button so you can click and hold and switch to whatever media page you want. Nice.

A few other beefs I found built in alternatives for. Hopefully after a few more .1 releases we'll see some more improvements!


For some reason, automatic downloads of apps has stopped working again for me (already before iTunes 11). Pretty annoying, I always have to sync manually with iTunes now.

Related question, what about app updates? If I update an app on my iPad, should it be updated on my iPhone and Mac automatically as well? This has never worked for me. Just today, iTunes didn't even sync some updated apps from my iPhone - I had to update them within iTunes and then sync with both devices.

The update button is still non-retina, quite ugly.


Dat GAF hate.

Some problems are fair but holy crap it seems like people enjoy complaining for the sake of it. This is a hugely welcome update. The ugly slow interface is finally gone.


Dat GAF hate.

Some problems are fair but holy crap it seems like people enjoy complaining for the sake of it. This is a hugely welcome update. The ugly slow interface is finally gone.

Well, a lot of people didn't actually hate the version before. There's always going to be minor complaints. There aren't any major deal breakers for me, but I'm generally adaptable.

iTunes 11 is growing on me. Trying to live without the sidebar might be doable. I do hope they reinstate the 3-finger back and forward, though.


anyway, is there a way to get that tutorial video again that pops up when you first use iTunes 11?

I'm not sure, but typically the reset warnings or messages sometimes does that. Of course it also resets a bunch of other dialogue messages. Alternatively see if you can find a link to it in help. I never saw it myself and maybe I'll go take a look if I find it.
It's interesting seeing how many people don't see something and then find it faster to ask on the Internet than just going to the View menu. That's one of the first things I go to in any new application to see what I can change.


It's interesting seeing how many people don't see something and then find it faster to ask on the Internet than just going to the View menu. That's one of the first things I go to in any new application to see what I can change.

yeah...its weird how folks just don't poke around themselves.


It's interesting seeing how many people don't see something and then find it faster to ask on the Internet than just going to the View menu. That's one of the first things I go to in any new application to see what I can change.

Some people are just very unexploratory when it comes to software. Myself, I practically scour the menu bar and preferences on any new software. I'll right click and hold-click all over the show.

Protip: I always look at the menu bar and look for the shortcut keys for any action I know I'll use often.

Admittedly, though, some options and stuff are all over the place. Some in multiple some only in one that's not so useful. A lot of this stuff really isn't that intuitive.

But yeah, I understand older people who aren't as familiar with computing to fear breaking stuff, but people should be at least a little curious to learn software they use.

It's like that comic about IT help, most of the time I don't even know the answer and i just poke around a bit until I find it.
Yeah, I don't expect people to dig around too much. I know when I don't really care about something, I don't put the same effort in. But it's interesting that they have a problem with how it looks and they don't at least consider the "View" menu item at the top of their screen. It doesn't get any easier.


Well, a lot of people didn't actually hate the version before. There's always going to be minor complaints. There aren't any major deal breakers for me, but I'm generally adaptable.

iTunes 11 is growing on me. Trying to live without the sidebar might be doable. I do hope they reinstate the 3-finger back and forward, though.
You must have missed the huge iTunes hate threads. GAF really had it out for it. Easily the most hated program I've seen on GAF.


You must have missed the huge iTunes hate threads. GAF really had it out for it. Easily the most hated program I've seen on GAF.
Nah I know the history. I was just pointing out that there are a spectrum of people always. So you shouldn't be all that surprised there are minor complaints/nitpicks even now.

Also, minor complaints are actually a sign that they've done a lot of things right.

I still think iTunes 11 has taken away functionality, but in exchange for a little more straightforwardness. I appreciate that in theory. I'm sure, as always, I will come to adjust to what is added and what is missing.

Maybe I'm too much of a 'settler' I just don't see the value in getting riled up to a large extent. I will, however, express my distaste on an Internet forum :p


Go to the playlist and either edit it in Song mode, or click on the icon on the top right that says "Add to."
When I go into edit mode how do I change the order? I don't want it ordered by name, artist, or those other preselected option. I want in an order I want. Can that be done?


I installed 11 on my Windows 7 computer yesterday.

- Seems zippier. Doesn't cause my computer to turn on its fans constantly.
- Cleaner interface overall.

- Annoyingly, some things like account authorization are hidden in unintuitive menu locations.
- iTunes browser is still crap.


I thought that should be an option, if you choose to use the sidebar. So weird up there in the LCD screen(or whatever that's called).

I find it weird that the best solution they could come up for playlist view is .... The old side bar.


When I go into edit mode how do I change the order? I don't want it ordered by name, artist, or those other preselected option. I want in an order I want. Can that be done?
Select "Sort by manual order" and then just drag the songs around.

I find it weird that the best solution they could come up for playlist view is .... The old side bar.
I don't think they even put effort into it. There's a new sidebar on the right to drag songs into and order them around, and then the one on the left to navigate through the playlists. Why not use the same new one for both? Just have it show up on the left to be more intuitive when navigating.

The iTunes store sucks. It's just endless sideways scrolling and a bunch of stuff crammed in to sell as much as possible. And it goes head-to-head with Steam for slowness. I can't believe how long it takes to load.


Nah I know the history. I was just pointing out that there are a spectrum of people always. So you shouldn't be all that surprised there are minor complaints/nitpicks even now.

Also, minor complaints are actually a sign that they've done a lot of things right.

I still think iTunes 11 has taken away functionality, but in exchange for a little more straightforwardness. I appreciate that in theory. I'm sure, as always, I will come to adjust to what is added and what is missing.

Maybe I'm too much of a 'settler' I just don't see the value in getting riled up to a large extent. I will, however, express my distaste on an Internet forum :p
Yea I agree with what you said.

This hate is nothing compared to the hate before and the complaints here are fairly small so that's a good thing.

Give it some time and we'll all be cool with it.


Ok guys I noticed a problem...I have some albums where the artists are different such as The Jackson 5 - The Ultimate Collection or others like the Modal Soul Classics from Nujabes. In the previous version of iTunes I didn't care since if I searched for the album, iTunes would show me all the songs that match that album name regardless of the artist name. But now they added different menus for songs/albums/artists so when I search for the album in the songs section, I get different results for the album, artists etc. and no matter where I go I never get the full soundtrack because if I click on the one with The Jackson 5 as the artist, I'll only get the songs songs by the Jackson 5, but if I chose one with Jermain Jackson as the artist I'll only see his one song. Why can't apple get a simple search function right? ugh. It was much better before, now I feel like downgrading.


Ok guys I noticed a problem...I have some albums where the artists are different such as The Jackson 5 - The Ultimate Collection or others like the Modal Soul Classics from Nujabes. In the previous version of iTunes I didn't care since if I searched for the album, iTunes would show me all the songs that match that album name regardless of the artist name. But now they added different menus for songs/albums/artists so when I search for the album in the songs section, I get different results for the album, artists etc. and no matter where I go I never get the full soundtrack because if I click on the one with The Jackson 5 as the artist, I'll only get the songs songs by the Jackson 5, but if I chose one with Jermain Jackson as the artist I'll only see his one song. Why can't apple get a simple search function right? ugh. It was much better before, now I feel like downgrading.
It's not a problem with the program, you just need to fix the tags. Select all the tracks in the Song view and either set the Album Artist to Jackson 5, or set the album as a compilation (if you want it to show up under Various Artists instead).


It's not a problem with the program, you just need to fix the tags. Select all the tracks in the Song view and either set the Album Artist to Jackson 5, or set the album as a compilation (if you want it to show up under Various Artists instead).

I just realized that if I make the search and simply press enter, the behaviour is the same as 10.7. My rant was a bit premature :)


I just realized that if I make the search and simply press enter, the behaviour is the same as 10.7. My rant was a bit premature :)

Not entirely sure what you're talking about, but there's also a check mark you can turn off in the search box that allows the main view to live update as you're typing, much like the old way, although it only searches that view.

The Real Abed

I really love the new iTunes, but I do have some peeves..

Command+I no longer edits a smart playlist if it is selected in the sidebar. You have to click the Edit button. There isn't even a special hotkey for it. In the old iTunes, Command+I would edit the playlist if focused, or get info on a song when selected. Now I can only get info on a song, but only if the song is focused, if it's not, Command+I doesn't do anything anyway. Really bad usability choice. Hope they bring that back.

Under the Music section of a Device section the sections for Playlists, Artists, Albums and Genres are taller than the area they're sitting in, so you have a scrollable area inside a scrollable area and the inner scrollable area is taller than the outer one so you end up having to scroll two separate areas and move the mouse confusingly between them. They should have redone this part and made the inner areas smaller so they fit completely inside the screen of their most popular resolutions. (1440x900 on a 13" Air or even smaller. Not everyone has a 27" iMac with acres of real estate.)

It does freeze for a second still while trying to sync over wifi if I try to interact with the UI. The syncing process should be a background process independent from iTunes that can continue running even if iTunes is closed or crashes. Or at least a separate process under iTunes like tabs in Chrome. Threads mean nothing if they don't use extra processes to take the load off the frontend.

I can no longer see the total size of a playlist in gigabytes unless I turn on the status bar, which is only needed to see the size of a playlist because the rest of the information is in the playlist section and nothing else is on the status bar so why the hell even have the status bar if it's not even used for the buttons anymore? Get rid of the status bar and let us click the "### Songs, # Days" part to toggle between # of days and # of megabytes like before. They might as well kept the status bar and all that info down there or gotten rid of the status bar all together. Also, when in Music overall you can't see any information at all about your library so why even bother? When in other playlists the Status Bar is wasted space, when in a main Library section, it's required to see anything at all. Just consolidate all the information and get rid of the unneeded cruft. 11.1, Apple!

I like the Helvetica so much, but they should have kept it Lucida until they switched the entire OS over to Helvetica, or if they're not planning on doing that, then they should have kept it Lucida. I do know that Helvetica looks nicer on Retina, but not everyone's got Retina.

Side note: I am so glad they kept support for half stars around. I've had my playlists based on half star ratings forever now. But it sucks that you can't choose half star ratings in the Edit Playlist window. You can choose them everywhere else but not in there. Just embrace them and allow them everywhere.

The colored bar in Devices, yeah, I miss all the information too. That was one part of the old iTunes that looked much nicer and more informative. Now it just looks plain and empty. I need to know how much is used at a glance!


how the hell do i manually add videos to my iphone via itunes? it's showing all of the videos in the "movies' part of the library, but i have no option to see what's already on my phone, or to add them.

what am i overlooking?
Not entirely sure what you're talking about, but there's also a check mark you can turn off in the search box that allows the main view to live update as you're typing, much like the old way, although it only searches that view.
- Command + click to select multiple files doesn't work anymore because there's probably some hidden overlay, e.g. rating stars that you're actually clicking. Pain in the ass.

- There's some weird glitch that caused me to delete an entire album not just the selected song.

- Mentioned this before but importing is more of a chore since you can't maintain a selection of the songs you are importing anymore therefore you have to manually click each song if you are converting media files.

- Shift to pause hasn't always worked properly.


- Command + click to select multiple files doesn't work anymore because there's probably some hidden overlay, e.g. rating stars that you're actually clicking. Pain in the ass.

- There's some weird glitch that caused me to delete an entire album not just the selected song.

- Mentioned this before but importing is more of a chore since you can't maintain a selection of the songs you are importing anymore therefore you have to manually click each song if you are converting media files.

- Shift to pause hasn't always worked properly.

Whoops I incorrectly quoted you I meant to quote ice cold.

You must've been wondering what I was talking about.

But yes, I think we've lost a lot of little functionality. Do we have confirmation this is a ground up rewrite? If so, it would make sense that a bunch of stuff is missing and yet to be implemented. If not then they've actively taken stuff out. I'd say it could go either way.

I have a feeling there's a little bit of a hooks brewing, but people haven't quite yet decided if they like most of the changes or dislike. I was initially on the dislike, and it has grown a little. I have yet to be a bit more micro-managey so it's possible I'll find more to dislike.


Is there a way to edit a playlist as far as order. I have a shuffle and I want the playlist in a certain order.

The songs appear in the same order on my iPhone as they do on my iTunes..isn't that what "Playlist" means? Should just have to sync and then it shows.

Anybody experiencing high CPU usage from ATH.exe? Looked it up and it seems to have to do with the iPhone 5 (maybe lower) and wireless syncing. Turning off wifi sync will fix it but I'd like to be able to use the function eventually......

My favourite so far.
The real question is, how many threads is iTunes on Windows now when transcoding, if it's supposedly completely re-written.

It's still using Quicktime 7 on Windows though, right? So I don't have much hope.


A little download icon appears on the top bar to the right, should have a little blue line that fills up as you download stuff, pressing it gives you a little pop-up with a list of everything downloading.
Thank you.
Turns out there was an error with the particular episode of the Giant Bombcast I was trying to download.
It wouldn't start the download but the episode would still show up in my library as 'downloading'

Everything works as expected now


Thank you.
Turns out there was an error with the particular episode of the Giant Bombcast I was trying to download.
It wouldn't start the download but the episode would still show up in my library as 'downloading'

Everything works as expected now

I was having a problem downloading episodes of Giant Bombcast too, lol, whatever it was fixed itself in the end.
I'm not really feeling the new iTunes, but that may be because I'm trying to figure out how to get it back to the orientation that I used to have. Like this, but with album artwork to the left of the album grouping, which helped with visually separating the albums:


Does anyone know how to do that?


I'm not really feeling the new iTunes, but that may be because I'm trying to figure out how to get it back to the orientation that I used to have. Like this, but with album artwork to the left of the album grouping, which helped with visually separating the albums:


Does anyone know how to do that?

The views are now sort of exclusive to the ordering structure. For example, to get the view you want you have to use artist or genre.

Playlists is somewhat flexible, being able to view using the genre and artist view, at least that's how it appears to me.

I've found it a lot less frustrating using Macs (well, probably computing in general), if you don' just initially fight every change and give it a good honest go to adapt.


I mainly use iTunes for podcasts (to sync our iPhones and iPad). How do I get iTunes to DL all the new podcasts I'm subscribed to?
Can someone with iTunes 11 please look in the preferences and see if there is an option to turn OFF automatic downloads of TV shows? This is the single most annoying thing about iTunes 10 is that TV subscriptions that I only ever want to watch on my Apple TV try to download on my PC every single time I open iTunes. With 10, there's only the option to turn off books/movies/music, but not TV.


Is there any way to see what is downloading when I refresh for my podcasts? The old iTunes had a "downloading" sidebar that I could access and view all the current subscription downloads.
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