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I've found Jesus!!!

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I saw Devendra Banhart last night in what amounted to the most exhausting night of my middle-aged concert-going life. 'Twas a decent show if not for the fact i had to deal w/ sweaty hipster after sweaty hipster in what first appeared to be a concert venue, but later revealed it's true identity to be that of a boiler room. I thought by wearing my hipster-repellant (shitty band cap: Ataris), it would allow me enough room to stretch out a bit. No such luck.

Midway through the show i became dazed and was no longer conscious of the music being plucked away (for a song or two at least), but rather lost in a pleasant dream where making Snow Angels brought a smile to my face that had my gf and others near me questioning my sanity.

The music you say??? The MUSIC??? Well, that was alright. I didn't find out 'til the day of the show that Vetiver was going to be the opening act, which was logical given who it's members were. They proved to be the best act of the night, deciding to be musicians rather than personalities.

2nd on the bill was a gorgeous, beautiful, fairy-godmother-esque looking Joanna Newsome. A sort of ethereal appearance melted away to reveal a woman who took 30 FUCKING MINUTES TO TUNE HER HARP. Yes that's right folks, gone was the cliched acoustic guitar, make way for the harp. After finally finishing her tune session (HA!), she went into her songs. After hearing her sing the first of her lyrics, any attractiveness she might have had left was gone to subside in the puddles of hipster sweat that stained various spots of the Bottom Lounge floor. It was Bjork mixed w/ what sounded like Cerys Matthews of Catatonia. I left an open mind and her first 3 or 4 songs were good (even great!). She revealed herself to be an exceptional harp player, w/ a sometimes tolerable voice.

Then the man we had been waiting for up to that point 3 hours for, came on stage. Mr. Banhart comes on stage not to perform, but to instead introduce another group of performers! NOOOO!!!!! "Just one song and go please! I seriously do not give a fuck how good you are, i want you off the stage now", i thought to myself when a middle-aged Neil Youngish looking man stepped on stage w/ female companion came on to perform... one song. *sigh of relief* The man (i apologize for forgetting the man's name, only that according to Mr. Banhart, he was one of the greatest acts in the world) launched into his one song, and was barely audible, though the venue's sound was not to blame. Apparently, your effectiveness and value as a folk singer is directly tied to how soft a whisper you sing with. Random images of a circle of folk singers each trying to out-whisper each other occupied my mind while this performer went about his business.

So after the clock had been pushing 11pm, Devendra finally came out to announce he was going to blow through his songs as quickly as he can to make way for a family jam comprising all the performers we had seen that night. UGH! Disappointing to say the least, and it was apparent he was blowing through his songs until friend Andy from Vetiver came to provide rhythm guitar and vocals on a few songs. Great renditions of "A Sight to Behold" and "Will Is My Friend" were played. Of course, having a trend of not getting the one song i want to hear so bad played by the performer the last few concerts i've gone too, i did not expect to hear "Fall" which is probably my song of the year thus far. And sure enough, it wasn't. Devendra played about a 40-minute set, and then made way for the Family Jam! Maybe "Fall" was performed by the family band, but i sure didn't give enough of a shit to stay any longer.

The night was capped off across the street at Clarke's Diner (above-average diner burgers). I ordered myself tater skins and burger. As i was finishing the first bite of my burger, i sighed, taking comfort in the fact that some things are always going to satisfy.

Verdict: (out of 4)
Vetiver ***1/2
Joanna Newsome **1/2
One Song Dude **
Devendra ***
Myself -0- I am becoming a jaded asshole, and 3 years ago i probably would have loved this show. :(
Who the fuck are these bands? What is this, folk music? Yikes. You had me reading until I saw the words "Neil Youngish" then I yanked the power cord from my PC to prevent the infection from spreading.
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