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I've got cable modem, now what

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So I took the plunge and had comcast stumble their way into getting cable modem installed at the homestead. Now that I have it installed I'll run it parallel to my DSL line for another couple of months to see which is more reliable. The cable modem is certainly faster and its upload speed matches the upload speed that I was getting out of Bellsouth.

Have people been hacking their modems, running servers, etc. on their cable modem lines? I personally plan to move my webservers over to the cable modem line to see how well it performs under load and watch the MRTG graphs. Also, I could lease a static IP from Bellsouth, is there any way to get a static IP from a cable provider like comcast?


you COULD hack your modem, but if it works ok you could also just use the internet.

you can run any server you want that doesn't flag your house as a bandwidth hog or catch the attention of a narc. i only run services for convenience so i don't have any reason to stare at graphs all day but if it floats your boat more power to you.

i believe all the major providers have a static ip service nowadays but it's usually packaged with their business services plans and thus will cost you up the butt (depth dependant on provider). it's up to you whether it's worth the cost with the tiny (generally 384k max) upstream limits.

ok, i guess you could try uncapping your upstream via the modem but if i were working operations for one of these guys i would have an automatic flagger for users that hit more than say cap + 20% at any time. i have no idea what will happen if you try it, or if it's even possible nowadays
I was going to say you can research a large amount of information from quantum mechanics to the history of farming from the 17th century to today in a matter of seconds with a cable modem, but why kid ourselves? Go for some porn.
Phoenix said:
So I took the plunge and had comcast stumble their way into getting cable modem installed at the homestead. Now that I have it installed I'll run it parallel to my DSL line for another couple of months to see which is more reliable. The cable modem is certainly faster and its upload speed matches the upload speed that I was getting out of Bellsouth.

Have people been hacking their modems, running servers, etc. on their cable modem lines? I personally plan to move my webservers over to the cable modem line to see how well it performs under load and watch the MRTG graphs. Also, I could lease a static IP from Bellsouth, is there any way to get a static IP from a cable provider like comcast?

Hacking your modem to do exactly what? "uncap the bandwidth?" Technically it's feasible to redirect your modem to search for an alternate TFTP file of different bandwidth specifications, but you run the risk of being caught/it's not always reliable. Also you can do this to give yourself an unlimited number of IP addresses, as the TFTP file specifies how many simultaneous hosts you can have connected at any given time...I really don't think it's worth the trouble... If your ISP has good techs monitoring their network, they'll spot you and shut you down. As far as running servers are concerned, most ISP's that I've dealt with don't really monitor the traffic that close, they don't really give a damn. I'm actually surprised that your upload speed matches that of your DSL line. That’s' where DSL providers like to claim superiority.

Yes, you should be able to get a static IP, but the price varies from provider to provider. I've seen anywhere from 5 bucks to 50 bucks extra a month.
I wouldn't switch to cable if you actually intend to run a server.

And AFAIK, you can't hack a DOCSIS modem without running a high risk of getting caught. All the stories about hacking and unlocking cable modems are from years ago when the modem controlled the connection. Now, the cable company controls the connection and can remotely control the modem.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Hey friend, have you heard the good news about PORN?


How about that Croatian singer?

I don't know if that's her in the sex tape I've been watching, but frankly I couldn't care less!
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