so I just started season 1 of this on netflix (2 episodes in) and I'm already liking it. How does the first season turn out and how is season 2 so far?
so I just started season 1 of this on netflix (2 episodes in) and I'm already liking it. How does the first season turn out and how is season 2 so far?
Wow, so now Major is turning into a drug addict that is murdering innocent people.
What the hell.
Is it me or Liv doesn't look as pale as last season?
They don't really know that, and he stopped doing that.Hardly innocent. They're buying brains from a guy who kills people to acquire them.
They don't really know that, and he stopped doing that.
Season 1, Episode 1 on the left...
Season 2, Episode 1 on the right...
Though I think she stopped being really pale midway through the first season anyway.
The preview for next week
Wowza, my crush on Liv grows stronger <3
Yep, it was a bit odd looking at it at first.Season 1, Episode 1 on the left...
Season 2, Episode 1 on the right...
Though I think she stopped being really pale midway through the first season anyway.
Hmmm...right after that time she hooked up with Lowell... and she's positively glowing now
Twilight Twist! Liv is pregnant!1!
They don't really know that, and he stopped doing that.
right after that time she hooked up with Lowell... and she's positively glowing now
Twilight Twist! Liv is pregnant!1!
She gets the vision by reaching certain spots, hearing conversations, talking to their friends. The other zombies wouldn't be affected unless they ran in the same circles as poor black kids.They get the visions still. But yeah; it does look like they stopped killing people to get brains -- but Major got blackmailed into doing it and also zombies are a huge liability to society. And it's worth noting that Major probably doesn't know that they stopped killing folks for brains.
She gets the vision by reaching certain spots, hearing conversations, talking to their friends. The other zombies wouldn't be affected unless they ran in the same circles as poor black kids.
Season 1, Episode 1 on the left...
Season 2, Episode 1 on the right...
Though I think she stopped being really pale midway through the first season anyway.
Lmao at what Liv did with the anatomical skeletons, seeing them in the background absolutely cracked me up.
A really good episode. Totally funny and heartwarming too, the show continues to impress.
what did she do? I didnt pick up on it
wait so people are sexing zombies in this?
Hey everyone, just wanted to say that I also recently binged watched the entire first season on Netflix and was instantly hooked on the show. What's weird is that I saw the initial trailer for the show and couldn't care less for it, zombies? Boring. Another police detective procedural? Super boring and unoriginal. And yet, the show is pretty damn great but also surprisingly smart. For instance, it had that episode about the internet/gamer troll and managed to not make fun of gamers or video games in general and on top of that used real hacking terminology for the brief "hacking" bit in that episode. So, all in all a great series with a solid first season.
That said, I just got caught up with the second season and I don't know if I like the way things are headed. First off, what have they done to Major? Dude was like the most nicest good guy, guy ever and now he's killing "innocent" family zombies and getting addicted to drugs. Noooooooo. But second, I don't really get why Blaine is alive. It's actually one of the few things that bothered me about the finale. Blaine is a sadistic drug dealer turned zombie who murdered innocent kids, cut open their skulls, and sold their brains to zombies he created. Who then after upgraded briefly to killing high profile individuals to sell their brains to rich zombies for unique experiences. And yet, when Liv had the chance to blow his brains out she doesn't, instead she gives him the extremely limited cure that was just produced. This is also the guy who blew the brains out of the one zombie who said he loved her.
Accordingly, when she just drops the now cured Blaine a friendly visit to ask where he got the original tainted drugs from I was just shaking my head. Again, this guy MURDERED KIDS AND ATE THEIR BRAINS, he also killed your boyfriend, why are you still chatting with him? Why don't you just kill them? You know he's a bad guy. But, whatever.
lmfao just as I read this I looked up and the line played. really freaky.I guess the makeup artists decided to go more Tilda Swinton and less Casper's ass.
I feel so bad for Major. He just keeps going further and further downhill. And then when it seems like he's hit rock bottom, he manages to go even further. He's a druggie now, on top of everything else? I mean god damn. What else are they going to do to him?
Is there any way his story has a happy ending?
I'm assuming you're looking for a reason other than that she's not a killer?
But, she has killed.
I for one hope that in the series finale, Blaine gets killed by Major and Liv has to eat his brain to figure out how it happened.
Not only would it bring all the storylines together but Blaine!Liv would just be amazing.
Now that I think about it, couldn't she just eat the brains of the drug dealer, since Ravi was so concerned about it?
We all know eventually Liv is going eat one of Major victims.
Can she eat zombie brains?
El Topo your avatar is the absolute best.
Haha, yeah. Posh Liv is going to be awesome.Ravi playing with her implant. Going to be a great episode.