borghe said:
your entire argument operates under the context that he is guilty of being a pedophile and is thus potentially flawed.
I never said he was guilty of being a pedophile. I said a pedo palace because if you gave a pedophile millions of dollars he would build something that looks like Nederland emulating that fish in finding nemo that has a light on his head to attract prey.
borghe said:
You also took my qrgument out of context. My not wanting MJ to have my kids sleep over has nothing to do with him being MJ and I regret saying that at all to be taken in such a context. I wouldn't want my child to sleep over at ANY strangers house, including a megasuperstar's house. If MJ were a close personal friend I probably wouldn't think twice about it.
But yet people are blaming the parents for leaving their kids alone with this guy. Maybe you didn't say that, but others here did. So if the parents had the same opinion as some of the people on the forum then they should not be held accountable.
borghe said:
As for him not needing this or building up that, again it operates under the assumption that he is in fact a pedophile. That is a pretty hsakey basis to make such statements. Especially considering the FACTUAL past of him only having one other charge that went away with an extortion payoff and the utter sketchiness of this entire thing.
Not really. A grown man should not depend/use children to fulfill his needs or wants. What effect does it have on a boy once he gets older and as Waychel put it, "Michael became disinterested in him as a friend" This is not just like a child loosing a normal playmate.
borghe said:
Like I said earlier, people assume MJ is a pedophile/pervert because it is the easy way to try and put some understanding on why he acts the way he acts. It is nothing more than a lazy copout and plays directly to the sensationalist media. If you want to say that I certainly can't stop you but understand it is a very shortsighted and ignorant viewpoint.
Again my main issue is that a grown man should not be manufacturing a environment in which he gets to sleep with young boys. Its one thing if its a spur of the moment and your camping or something. But a grown man cuddling up with a someone elses young child is wrong! Its even worse because once they reach a certain age he moves on. Its like he is dosen't care about the person, just the little boy.
borghe said:
Though to some degree I do agree that he should not be using these kids to reclaim his childhood. I don't think they are in any danger and I don' think it is damaging though. I just think it is entirely selfish and very manipulative, if that is indeed what he is doing.
I think it does.
borghe said:
But many of you people saying he is harming kids. Seriously. If he is actually not doing anything criminal (aka sexual or abusive), I can promise you that these kids are not being ireparably damaged or their delicate psyches being shattered. These kids probably aren't seeing anything beyond how cool it must be to have access to such an amazing and fun lifestyle.
Until it ends
borghe said:
No, the only damage going on here are to the adults who can't comprehend the actions or motives of an overly complex (and probably slightly disturbed or eccentric) individual. The ones who cry freak, pedophile, etc. They are damaged because they can't look beyond their own dangerous world where everyone has a motive or hidden dark secret, and where if MJ isn't like them or a normal person, then he must be up to something dangerous.
PAAAAAlease. Overly complex my ass. How about the victim of childhood abuse. One who has the money to shape the world to meet his beliefs. That is a dangerous thing. The most important thing here is the children. Not the warped mind of a delusional billionaire. You seem to want to give MJ every benefit of the doubt. Yet offer up to his accusers none. Is his mom a money grubbing bitch. Yes That doesn't mean that shit didn't happen. I have never said that I'm not completely convinced that MJ molested that kid. On the same token how can people be so sure he didn't.
borghe said:
And mind you that none of my rambling here is in any way directly established from any sort of love or admiration for MJ. It stems completely from the baseless and almost moblike criticisms of a few individuals in here. The same people who probably don't like their neighbors because their grass is uncut or who think that their coworker in the cube is a horrible person because he smells kind of funny.
Great I hope to see you in some of the President Bush threads =)
borghe said:
Not everyone is like you. Not everyone feels the need to fit in or be understood by you. Unless you can come out with proof and say "Michael Jackson is hurting these kids" or "My coworker has 15 people chopped up in his basement", leave these people alone.
Huh? So until they convict him I should not have an opinion. Riiiiiiiiight /Cosby And..... now I am the rich guy with feathered hair and a trust fund in a John Hughs movie who attacks those who are different. Whatfreaking ever. I dont have a torch. I haven't been asking for his head. I didn't even say lock him up and throw away the key. I just don't think the man should be near children. I wouldn't let him near mine. Why would I think its ok for him to be with somebody elses kid.