gamerecks said:This to me seems like another Singularity. Activision just releasing the game and not doing jack shit in advertising or supporting the game. Singularity was a great game and deserved much better.
whatevermort said:Transformers was a pretty decent shooter that deserved much better. And Blur was a great racer that deserved much better.
Perhaps that could be the new company slogan?
Drunkenthumbmaster said:So in other words Activision has had a great year releasing great games?
Yeah, Singularity got no love from Activision, none whatsoever. And I didn't even know Blood Stone was coming out on the say day as Goldeneye.whatevermort said:I"m not sure what you mean, but they released some great games and gave them next-to no proper advertising. Nobody realised these games were even out (especially in the case of Singularity and, it seems, Blood Stone). I'm not saying that it's not great for these companies that Activision is releasing their games, because it is. But they could do something to publicise them. (And I don't mean that awful Blur advert.)
V_Ben said:This guy has done a 15 minute review... thing. I'm watching it now.
Penguin said:Yeah just watched it, an interesting review, though he does give away some of the plots and shows all of the stages
BigBlackGamer said:I beat the game yesterday. It's a good game. Like I said before if you dug the PS2 Bond games like EON it's pretty much worth your time.
BigBlackGamer said:I beat the game yesterday. It's a good game. Like I said before if you dug the PS2 Bond games like EON it's pretty much worth your time.
gamerecks said:This to me seems like another Singularity. Activision just releasing the game and not doing jack shit in advertising or supporting the game. Singularity was a great game and deserved much better.
whatevermort said:And can we get some confirmation on game-length stuff?
RiotPelaaja said:Amen, totally agreedn. Having played through Blood Stone, embargo ends on Friday, it's a solid game, but as the previews have hinted, it's for a more casual audience than us hardcore gamers. I enjoyed it though.
RiotPelaaja said:Amen, totally agreedn. Having played through Blood Stone, embargo ends on Friday, it's a solid game, but as the previews have hinted, it's for a more casual audience than us hardcore gamers. I enjoyed it though.
RiotPelaaja said:It's what you would expect from a story driven single player game these days. There's a good bit of replay value with scannable intel files hidden in levels, most in plain sight though. The trophies are thankfully much more, erm "casual" than in Bizarre's Blur, where they were just nasty.
The game looks really, really good in places. I really expect polarizing reviews on this one. It's really solid work from Bizarre.
whatevermort said:And can we get some confirmation on game-length stuff?
BigBlackGamer said:around 5 hours on the hardest setting. (007 difficulty unlocks after you beat the game)
RiotPelaaja said:It's what you would expect from a story driven single player game these days.
Maffis said:5 hours on the hardest setting? I mean, next hardest, but still. That is bullshit.
wow, thats a bad review. doesnt feel like a bond game? this game has more bond feeling than the last film...teruterubozu said:
teruterubozu said:
IGN's Review said:Closing Comments
If GoldenEye is indeed the Sean Connery of 007 video games, then Blood Stone is the George Lazenby; not bad, but not good either, and forgettable in almost every way. At just five hours long and lacking in any real innovation or challenge, it won't leave you feeling shaken nor stirred, just shortchanged.
:IHamPster PamPster said:Pierce Brosnan... the best bond?
KingJ2002 said:i haven't played the game... but the reaction from people in this thread shows it's not 5.0 bad.
that review read as if the reviewer wasn't in the mood to play it.
any case... i understand why they're not promoting this game much... when you have two bond games releasing at the same time... you don't really want to confuse the audience. Maybe there will be a short holiday campaign for it... some print ads, some TV spots... something... hopefully.
Seems extra harsh. The actual footage they show of the game actually looks very compelling (much more than the Goldeneye game).teruterubozu said:
HamPster PamPster said:Shouldn't Goldeneye be the Pierce Brosnan of video games considering hes the best bond? (he also happens to be in it! Coincidence? I don't think so)
Yeah... I went there
HamPster PamPster said:Shouldn't Goldeneye be the Pierce Brosnan of video games considering hes the best bond? (he also happens to be in it! Coincidence? I don't think so)
Yeah... I went there
Shiggy said:Was a Bond movie with Brosnan the first Bond you ever saw?
Kittonwy said:NO