Wow, 5.0 from IGN? Disappointing. As a Bond fan I was really hoping this would be good.
Got to agree, but I'm waiting on a handful of reviews because if the good bits center around driving chases which last maybe an hour or two and the rest of lacklustre fight scenes then there's no way I'm taking a risk on it. I don't know why they bothered adding the multiplayer, either.dark10x said:Seems extra harsh. The actual footage they show of the game actually looks very compelling (much more than the Goldeneye game).
I actually thought The Club was pretty damn fun. :\ Never understood the hate it received.Xater said:Score is not entirely unexpected. The Club was garbage and obviously Activision has something to hide the way they released this title.
Most people who hate on it didn't bother playing it.dark10x said:I actually thought The Club was pretty damn fun. :\ Never understood the hate it received.
yeah, me too. really liked the score/combo system.dark10x said:I actually thought The Club was pretty damn fun. :\ Never understood the hate it received.
HamPster PamPster said:Nope. Thinking about it maybe Moore should be on top since Moonraker is the best bond movie. So hard to choose, but theres an Off Topic thread for that
It's getting average reviews, if we're only going by IGN.Visualante said:Game just hit Steam, 30 quid for a PC game that seems to be reviewing very badly. Also what is up with every review/preview not mentioning the PC version?
Totally not taking that risk as much as I love Bizarre.
HamPster PamPster said:Shouldn't Goldeneye be the Pierce Brosnan of video games considering hes the best bond? (he also happens to be in it! Coincidence? I don't think so)
Yeah... I went there
HamPster PamPster said:Nope. Thinking about it maybe Moore should be on top since Moonraker is the best bond movie. So hard to choose, but theres an Off Topic thread for that
+1Kittonwy said:NO
I feel kind of bad for the team at Bizarre. Let's be honest here, this is probably the end of Bizarre as we know it. Between this and Blur, I think Activision has no reason to keep them afloat. The situation is not dissimilar to that which Raven recently found themselves in.jett said:That score seems unnecessarily harsh, glossing over the review the writer admits that it's not a bad game at all.
Zenith said:Dalton was best.
It'll $10 no later than 12/26/10.LiK said:Waiting for reviews and inevitable price drop
LAZENBY! And Lazenby wasn't a bad Bond. He was just a victim of his own ego.Dreohboy said:Connery
Craig (even though his Casino Royale is one of my two favorite Bond films)
.....that other guy
Dreohboy said:If you're talking about in that Flash Gordon movie, then ok.
If you're talking Bond...heck Daniel Craig is better than Dalton was.
Best to worst
Craig (even though his Casino Royale is one of my two favorite Bond films)
.....that other guy
Waiting for the inevitable price drop on STEAM
Once the price drops I'd be happy to face off against you guys with some PC multiplayer.
DoctorWho said:That other guy was Lazenby and he starred in one of the best Bond films of the entire series.
My list:
Truth be told, I like them all just fine. I appreciate their different versions of the title character.
HamPster PamPster said:Shouldn't Goldeneye be the Pierce Brosnan of video games considering hes the best bond? (he also happens to be in it! Coincidence? I don't think so)
Yeah... I went there
Mixture, mostly pre-recorded.dark10x said:So although they are kind of ugly, are the cutscenes at least real time? Those pre-recorded scenes that always seem to show up in recent Bond games are always ugly, poorly encoded pieces of shit. That PC shot makes it seem that they are actually real time.
Activision got its claws into the franchise. But let's not ignore the travesties that EA put out, including Rogue Agent. Blood Stone is a hell of a lot better than what IGN says.ImperialConquest said:007 went from a top-ten-all-time game with Goldeneye... to a 5.0 on IGN with this?
"We've nothing to declare!"Azar said:If you don't love Dalton and The Living Daylights, you're a bad Bond fan, I say.
DoctorWho said:That other guy was Lazenby and he starred in one of the best Bond films of the entire series.
My list:
Truth be told, I like them all just fine. I appreciate their different versions of the title character.
But I liked Rogue AgentJdFoX187 said:Activision got its claws into the franchise. But let's not ignore the travesties that EA put out, including Rogue Agent. Blood Stone is a hell of a lot better than what IGN says.
I agree with all of this, but especially the bolded. I'm playing on PC with the 360 pad and it feels really fucking tight. They really nailed how Bond handles. The snow levels look stunning on my TV.dark10x said:Decided to give it a shot, and I'm glad I did. Game is way better than the IGN review would suggest. What they totally failed to note is that it simply feels fantastic to play. The animations are great, controls snappy, and everything makes sense. It never devolves into samey corridors or repetitive sections, rather, focuses on well designed set piece areas that actually offer some decent freedom of approach. They weren't wrong that it can feel like Splinter Cell Conviction at times, but really, it feels like Conviction mixed with Uncharted 2. Furthermore, it's infinitely more polished than the clunky, choppy mess that was Conviction on 360. Driving is really good as well. Feels natural and designed by a team that understands driving games. It's just one of those games that feels great to play.
Pretty good presentation too. Visuals are pretty hot in motion and the sound is fantastic. Did anyone know that Richard Jacques handled the score? I sure didn't, but he did a damn good job.
If you're on the fence, really, it is worth giving a shot. I don't know what that IGN reviewer was thinking, but he was way off base.
dark10x said:Decided to give it a shot, and I'm glad I did. Game is way better than the IGN review would suggest. What they totally failed to note is that it simply feels fantastic to play. The animations are great, controls snappy, and everything makes sense. It never devolves into samey corridors or repetitive sections, rather, focuses on well designed set piece areas that actually offer some decent freedom of approach. They weren't wrong that it can feel like Splinter Cell Conviction at times, but really, it feels like Conviction mixed with Uncharted 2. Furthermore, it's infinitely more polished than the clunky, choppy mess that was Conviction on 360. Driving is really good as well. Feels natural and designed by a team that understands driving games. It's just one of those games that feels great to play.
Pretty good presentation too. Visuals are pretty hot in motion and the sound is fantastic. Did anyone know that Richard Jacques handled the score? I sure didn't, but he did a damn good job.
If you're on the fence, really, it is worth giving a shot. I don't know what that IGN reviewer was thinking, but he was way off base.
Everything about The Club is awesome except the shooting.FrostuTheNinja said:...
I'm just now seeing The Club hate. It's one of the best and most original shooters to have been released in quite some time. Solid controls, great presentation, and an awesome soundtrack. Probably my favorite shooter this generation alongside Vanquish. I guess this is a "to each their own" situation.We're right.
Anywho... It's really good to see some positive impressions for Blood Stone. I actually had no idea until about a week ago that Bizzare Creations was the developer. Would've been on my radar much sooner.
SapientWolf said:Everything about The Club is awesome except the shooting.
whatevermort said:Transformers was a pretty decent shooter that deserved much better. And Blur was a great racer that deserved much better.
Perhaps that could be the new company slogan?
JdFoX187 said:Activision got its claws into the franchise. But let's not ignore the travesties that EA put out, including Rogue Agent. Blood Stone is a hell of a lot better than what IGN says.
It wasn't "acclaimed" but I loved Quantum of Solace. It was fast, crazy fun and you could put silencers on every weapon and sneak around in some stages. It had some good looking guns too. The multiplayer was only decent, but that wasn't an issue for me. I don't think it got nearly enough credit, but I don't really care. I loved it, and I suspect I'll really like Bloodstone too.TouchMyBox said:But EA put out a pretty fun and acclaimed Bond game. Activision has yet to do that much.