That timeline thing, is that something that is done elsewhere other than Marvel?
At least the Star Wars stuff seems more self contained, what put me off Marvel was being told by someone that to watch film A, I should watch films B and C first, and I just don't have the appetite for it.
As said earlier in the thread, I agree that what was once special is being made mundane due to over exposure. If the Star Wars stuff is self contained enough that each film or series doesn't refer to 5 other things then at least you'll be able to control your exposure and perhaps just go for the best reviewed stuff.
However, given the success of Marvel, owned by the same company, I assume there's every chance the same blueprint will be used.
If that is what comes to pass, it'll be a shame, I really liked the final trilogy of SW films, but I don't want that every 5 minutes, I have the same view of superhero movies - I'd probably see more of them if there were fewer of them.
I worry that this is more of cinema's limited screens and releases being filled by the kind of Theme Park productions (as famously said by Martin Scorsese) and while I don't think there'll be a shortage of films being made, I think that it will likely mean fewer big releases that aren't Marvel or Star Wars, and with that less invention, fewer new ideas.