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Jane Jensen's Pinkerton Road Kickstarter project [Ended, $435K funded]

I'm kind of confused as to why her anglophile adventure appears to be set in Venice and not some murky English canal. Hope she makes her target!

That image is from Moebius. I fell for it too, the first time I browsed the page.

And 44 days? I think it's one of the longest campaigns I've seen so far (related to PC gaming, at least).


Hmmm, I find this curious:

Limited edition CSG member annual T-shirt

Is the plan to seek this sort of funding each year with a guarantee of getting the games that are released in that year's scope? I think I quite like that - provided they can show the level of ability to keep to schedule that Telltale (generally!) does. And not the level of ability to keep to schedule that Valve does.

I think they're in with a good shot, at least. Musing on it for a bit, but I think I'll be donating.

Edit: There's further comments talking in terms of 'seasons' further down; looks like that is the intent. It's a very interesting approach, and one I tentatively approve of.


Kickstarter has rules about directly funding companies. This seems to very heavily walk that line.

I don't think they have rules against funding companies at all. They have rules regarding open-ended things like "starting a business" yes, but this doesn't fall under that. Here you are funding a full year of products, depending on how much is raised. It's a clearly defined goal. Basically they're kickstarting a subscription for all their games this coming year.
Asked Brian Fargo and Tim Schafer to spread the world. Schafer should really support this to help the genre gain attention. I hope those that supported the DF kickstarter support this at the lowest tier at least.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hmm, can't imagine this will make $600k... I love Jane Jensen, but well, I doubt many people will remember if they know who she is at all. Well, I guess we'll see.

I think you'd be surprised. There are a slew of closet Jane Jensen fans in the gaming community.

Dan Brown, huh.

Dan Brown is a poor comparison. If I didn't know who Jane Jensen was, the name "Dan Brown" would send me running from the hills.

Larsen B

Dan Brown is a poor comparison. If I didn't know who Jane Jensen was, the name "Dan Brown" would send me running from the hills.

When it was first mentioned in the video, I thought they were making a sarcastic joke about his writing abilities. I guess not.

Still not enough to dissuade me from backing it for the full season though.


I wonder what style they're going for with the graphics for these games? Anyway, I'm in for $50.

Well, Anglophile Adventure's image looks like it could be a direct picture of an intended location.

Not quite accurate, though. Needs some teenager in a hoodie climbing on a war memorial.


Hmmm. On the subject of Gray Matter, what DD services is it available on in Europe? Disc versions look a little tricky to get hold of (I assume PC > 360?)

Edit: Hmm, it's on 360 Games on Demand for a non-offensive price (£15, if I'm reading this right). That might just sway me.


Hope they go with 2D graphics. Although I really liked Gray Matter 1, the 3d models were not pretty.
To be fair, development of Gray Matter was completely fucked up, they changed studios in between and in the end nothing really fit together.


I'm kind of confused as to why her anglophile adventure appears to be set in Venice and not some murky English canal. Hope she makes her target!

You're looking at the wrong picture. That's Moebius; the anglophile adventure is the Littlenidd Farm picture.

I might fund this one; I thought Grey Matter was a bit of a mess but promising nonetheless, and it would be interesting to see if Jensen et al can pull something more coherent together without changing developers, publishers etc.
To be fair, development of Gray Matter was completely fucked up, they changed studios in between and in the end nothing really fit together.

Yep, I know. I just hope that they don´t go down the 3d route from start this time.

The kickstarter has really started slow. I think that the adventure games fans are shooting themselves in the foot by not supporting this. 15 bucks for a new Jane Jensens adventure game, and more to come, is a steal.


I think the main problem with Gray Matter was the interface. But now with this kickstarter thing we can speak directly with Jane. I have several ideas for a better interface. Anyway, Moebius sounds promising!
I think the main problem with Gray Matter was the interface. But now with this kickstarter thing we can speak directly with Jane. I have several ideas for a better interface. Anyway, Moebius sounds promising!

Yep, they really need a more inviting and less rough interface.
Pledging 50$ to this. It's so nice to see more adventure games. I can't wait for the Tex Murphy kickstarter. Moebius sounds cool, though I like the artwork for Gray Matter 2 more.

Does anyone know why Gray Matter isn't on steam or GOG now that they sell new games? It's only available at the adventure shop at the moment but it costs 30€.


Pledging 50$ to this. It's so nice to see more adventure games. I can't wait for the Tex Murphy kickstarter. Moebius sounds cool, though I like the artwork for Gray Matter 2 more.

Does anyone know why Gray Matter isn't on steam or GOG now that they sell new games? It's only available at the adventure shop at the moment but it costs 30€.

It´s available at Gamestop too. For me was the only option to buy it in Brazil.


I... don't know. The CSG concept sounds... strange? You pay 50$ to be a CSG member for one "CSG cycle" (which is supposedly one year?) and you get all the games they release during that period of time. That's cool in theory, but I can't imagine that this will work out in practice. It's apparently a very small studio, so it seems unlikely that they'll actually put out more than one substantial game during that time. Heck, looking at Grey Matter I'm not sure that they'll be able to release a single game in that time...

Dan Brown, huh.
I'm still not sure whether that part of the video was a poor joke or meant seriously.


pledged 50. I really like that csg member idea. Favorite part of the video was the dead body floating down the river.

This and Shadowrun, best Wednesday morning ever.


Does anyone know why Gray Matter isn't on steam or GOG now that they sell new games? It's only available at the adventure shop at the moment but it costs 30€.
It's apparently pretty difficult to get adventure games on Steam. Daedalic, one of the few publishers who still release many point and click adventures, complained in the past that it's very hard to get their games on Steam.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I am worried for all Kickstarter projects, including this, there are way, way too many projects, and I'm starting to think that people will only see the important ones (like Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun sequel), instead of nice projects like these.

That or, the possible under-funding of deservefull projects. I hope this project gets all the funding!
It's apparently pretty difficult to get adventure games on Steam. Daedalic, one of the few publishers who still release many point and click adventures, complained in the past that it's very hard to get their games on Steam.

That's a shame. They did release Gemini Rue and the Blackwell games on steam so maybe they're changing their minds?
They should try selling it on GOG, I'm sure they'd love to have more newer games on their store, especially if they're not on steam.


From Gamespot interview:

The Moebius concept is totally new. It's been something that I've wanted to produce, and of the three, it's the most Gabriel Knight-like. It plays a lot with history, like the way [Gabriel Knight 3] did with the bloodline of Christ. It has a lot of bending of history, and it's set in modern times. It has a lot of exotic real life locations. There's a big mystery going on and I think it has a really interesting concept hook. I don't want to talk about why yet, but you can see it has a more graphic novel style to it.

For me it´s Moebius with no doubt. I wanna a farm of Jane Jensen games too!!!


I am worried for all Kickstarter projects, including this, there are way, way too many projects, and I'm starting to think that people will only see the important ones (like Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun sequel), instead of nice projects like these.

That or, the possible under-funding of deservefull projects. I hope this project gets all the funding!

I think adventures developers should get together and not release more then 2 kickstarter's projects from the same genre at the same time. It could be a real problem. Yesterday i spend 115$ on Al Lowe Larry´s game, and today 15$ for Shadow Run and 110$ for Jane Jansen. It's a lot money for a week!


The interesting bits:

JJ: For the first year we're probably just going to be working with outsourced teams. I've got two good dev teams I've worked with in the past. We aren't planning to add any of our own developers initially, but it depends on how things go, and how the games do. If we feel we need to ramp up we may add some personnel here.
These are Phoenix Online Studios and Signus Labs.

GS: Is $300,000 enough in 2012 enough money to make a bona fide adventure game?

JJ: The game that I have scoped out is about the size of Gabriel Knight 1, which is about 60 rooms. So it's not as vast and sprawling as something like Gabriel Knight 3 or Gray Matter was. Having done this a long time and having done everything from 2D to [full motion video] to real time 3D, you reach a point where you find out what is really important and critical and what is superfluous. The game we're looking to do would more realistically cost around $600,000, but we're putting in some money. The dev team is working at a discount, through [revenue] share. So we're supplementing half of that budget basically.



If they make a Gray Matter 2 direct sequel I will dieeeeeee of joy. I want more adventures with David and Sam solving supernatural mysteries. Since they don't have the GK license, it's pretty much the spiritual successor to the GK series if they do it like that.

VERY, VERY tempted to put in $250 for the games + tickets to see Scarlet Furies concert. Their songs were so good in Gray Matter. But fuck, that is so much money :( Probably have to stick with just the games.

THIS and the Tex Murphy kickstarters NEED to hit their goals. Jane Jansen and Chris Jones making ALL NEW ADVENTURE GAMES are the best kickstarters yet imo, so I'll be really bummed if they aren't funded.

However, the time schedule seems really dubious on JJ's one. Mainly because they'll have a real adult adventure game out by March 2013 and then ANOTHER ONE 3 months later in June? Uhhh, making games takes a lot longer than that! They should know since Gray Matter took 8 years+!


You know, the $50 tier is really good. Maybe too good and might hurt them down the road. All their games for the cycle + original design docs for all of them.


Maybe the thread title should have Gabriel Knight in it somewhere, because apparently no one under 30 knows the name Jane Jensen anymore :(


Subete no aware
Hrm. Supporting the studio for a year is an interesting model. I think I'll have to think about this some more before I consider which level to support.


Reluctant Member
Also between those 3 choices, Gray Matter 2 better freaking win.

I wish, I'd love to see more of Sam. But I get the feeling that isn't going to be the popular choice, I guess a lot of people didn't enjoy the game. :<

I wonder how much design work has already been done on the games? Might account for the short time they're giving themselves.

Maybe the thread title should have Gabriel Knight in it somewhere, because apparently no one under 30 knows the name Jane Jensen anymore :(

*is technically under 30*
You know, the $50 tier is really good. Maybe too good and might hurt them down the road. All their games for the cycle + original design docs for all of them.

I agree, we'll see how it pans out. I'll pledge $50 just to see how it works as I can't not support Jane and her trying to go independent. If there's success in there, we may see a new GK at some point...

This was posted on a Adventure Gamers forum by the way:

Originally Posted by Jane Jensen
Hi, all -- I posted this on my fb page and I'm sure it will show up here quickly, but wanted to post it myself:

I'm sorry if the teaser campaign got hopes up about GK4. But the good news is that we will pursue it, of course, and the studio will allow us to have more control over whether that happens or not. Gabe is not forgotten!

There IS a good chance for it, probably better than ever before. It will just take some time to work it out.

I hope you enjoy the video we made and our announcement and I'm looking forward to getting your feedback on the game concepts! Hopefully there will be a LOT of games coming from this new studio.



She's Robert's daughter. Jensen is her step-mom. She's also the singer in The Scarlet Furies. The theme songs for Sam and David in Gray Matter were probably the best thing in the game, so it's going to be plus if we are going to hear more of her in future games.

The pitch video was great, maybe the best out of the recent Kickstarters.
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