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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Holding the Intercontinental title and winning a title defense on PPV = jobbing now, I guess.

The problem with Kofi is that he's not exciting.

At all.


Outside of his one crazy Royal Rumble spot per year (inherited from John Morrison) and whatever high flying action he does in whatever Money in the Bank match he's in, he's just not all that fun to watch. Even his high flying gets old when you realize he just uses it to do boring moves from really high.

He's been getting worn out by Wade Barrett for a while before losing the strap.


Watching a Vintage Collection marathon today let me be witness to a Judy Bagwell on a Pole forklift match. I kind of can't wait for Stro to get to the lead up to that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA


Holding the Intercontinental title and winning a title defense on PPV = jobbing now, I guess.

The problem with Kofi is that he's not exciting.

At all.


Outside of his one crazy Royal Rumble spot per year (inherited from John Morrison) and whatever high flying action he does in whatever Money in the Bank match he's in, he's just not all that fun to watch. Even his high flying gets old when you realize he just uses it to do boring moves from really high.
The problem with kofi is that even if he's winning it still seems he's jobbing since he is very overlooked.
Happy new year WrassleGAF!


I thought Hashimoto's kid was teaming with Mutoh at Wrestle Kingdom?

Yeah, he was, but he injured his wrist on ZERO1's Christmas Eve show, so will be out for a good month or so.

No worries though, old man Ohtani is a good replacement, even if it kinda makes the match a bit more predictable.



Given the fact that the wwe can't even handle storylines with AJ, I think that would be a complete disaster.

I think the best thing to do right now would be to make AJ a complete joke character

Have her do even (MORE) stupid things, have her job to every diva, all the superstars are annoyed by her to the point she has to beg the commentators if they want to hang out with her and nobody would want to.

That'd be wonderful.


AJ female wrestler of the year? did she even wrestle this year?

that 6 man TLC match was great but shouldn't have won. Any of those 3 matches at Extreme Rules were more deserving.


AJ female wrestler of the year? did she even wrestle this year?

that 6 man TLC match was great but shouldn't have won. Any of those 3 matches at Extreme Rules were more deserving.

does rolling around the ring showing your ass off count as wrestling?

Then yes she did.
Oh yeah, here were the results for WrassleGAF's Best of the Indies 2012;

MVP of the Indies
Winner: El Generico

Promotion of the Year
Winner: Dragon Gate USA

Match of the Year
Winner: Davey Richards (c) vs Michael Elgin - ROH Showdown in the Sun: Night 2

iPPV of the Year
Winner: CHIKARA Season 11 Finale - Under the Hood

DVD/VOD/MP4 of the Year
Winner: PWG - Threemendous III

Rising Star of the Year
Winner: Samuray Del Sol

Rookie of the Year
Winner: 'Mr. Touchdown' Mark Angelosetti

Best Technical Wrestler
Winner: Sami Callihan

Best High Flyer
Winner: Samuray Del Sol

Angle of the Year
Winner: Kevin Steen returns to 'save' ROH

Most Improved Wrestler
Winner: Adam Cole

Most Improved Promotion
Winner: Dragon Gate USA

Best Women's Wrestler
Winner: Jazz & Sara Del Rey (tied)

Fighting Spirit Award
Winner: Lance Storm

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
AJ female wrestler of the year? did she even wrestle this year?

that 6 man TLC match was great but shouldn't have won. Any of those 3 matches at Extreme Rules were more deserving.

Damn right brah.

EDIT: Bootaaay's Awards feel legit. Good things. Added to OP~


I have had no issues with AJ except for when she's been with Cena, which has been awful from everyone involved. Not just Cena and AJ, but Vickie, Vince, Dolph, the announcers. Everything about the angle has been terrible. Above all, it doesn't even make sense. EVERYONE told Cena to stay away from AJ, because she's crazy. Even the heels he was feuding with. And not out of "we don't want you to be happy, John", but out of "no seriously, you should stay away from her, she's bad news man. You want to get a beer instead?"

But Cena decides, eh, fuck it, Ima hit that. And then the crazy girl gets attached, like everyone told him would happen. And instead of getting out of that situation, he acts embarrassed of her to her face on national television for weeks instead of just ending things. So, stringing her along just because. AJ then turns on Cena and we're supposed to feel bad for Cena? He brought all of this upon himself. All of it. And now he is going to call her a whore and dump shit on her? This angle is so awful.
Inspired by strobogo's great WCW 2000 reviews, here's a recap of WWF Backlash 2000. Click here for the WrestleMania 2000 recap. Click here for the Armageddon 2000 recap.

Backlash 2000 - April 30, 2000 - Washington, D.C. - 17,867 in attendance

MATCH 1: Tag Team Championship: Edge & Christian (faces) vs. X-Pac & Road Dogg (heels)
- Pre-match, a returning Debra comes out to guest ring announce, for some reason. She's horrendous at it. I guess she came with the returning Stone Cold package.

- The Bronco Buster has to be the dumbest move in wrestling history. Not only is it ugly and offensive, but it's also one of those moves that has to hurt the person doing it more than the person it's done to.

- FINISH: Christian over X-Pac after hitting him with the ring bell when the ref's back is turned.

BACKSTAGE: The Rock shows up to the arena in a limo.

Match 2: Light Heavyweight Championship: Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Dean Malenko
- Match lasted way too long at 12 minutes. I did enjoy seeing The Worm again.

- FINISH: Malenko wins after reversing a superplex into a sweet DDT from the top rope.

BACKSTAGE: A young, hot Stephanie sits as Mr. McMahon tells Patterson and Brisco "all hands on deck".

Match 3: The Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan vs. The Acolytes
- FINISH: Bull over Bradshaw with a leg drop from the top rope after Boss Man hits him with the nightstick. Fat Teddy Long didn't suspect a thing.

BACKSTAGE: The Hardy Boyz chat about the Hardcore Match later tonight. Cut to the Hollys doing the same.

Match 4: Hardcore Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Tazz vs. Perry Saturn vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Crash Holly
- Cool spot when Jeff Hardy hit a swanton from the top of a ladder.

- FINISH: Crash steals the pin from Saturn, who hit Tazz with a stop sign.

VT: Big Show has slowly turned into a comedy character, and Angle doesn't like it. "The Big Show is a big ass," Angle declares.

Match 5: The Big Show vs. Kurt Angle
- Pre-match, Big Show enters dressed as Hulk Hogan. He even comes out to the "Real American" theme song. Pretty funny.

- Wow, Big Show gotten much fatter. He looked jacked back then.

- FINISH: Big Show over via chokeslam in just under 3 minutes.

VT: Trish has been taunting Bubba Ray Dudley, who is mesmerized by her. She even kissed his head at one point to avoid being powerbombed through a table.

BACKSTAGE: A skinny Michael Cole interviews Trish. Bubba hilariously watches on.

IN ARENA: Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins is in attendance.

Match 6: T&A vs. The Dudley Boyz

- Exciting start to the match when Bubba chased Trish around the ring, then Test cut him off.
- FINISH: Test pins Bubba after he's distracted by Trish.

- Post-match, Bubba goes nuts and grabs Trish. She kisses him, then begins walking away. Bubba doesn't fall for it and puts her through a table. Bubba is happy.



BACKSTAGE: Trish is taken out of the arena in an ambulance. Meanwhile, Eddie and Chyna arrive in a '57 Chevy fresh from the Prom.

Match 7: European Championship: Eddie Guerrero w/Chyna vs. Essa Rios w/Lita
- Eddie wrestles the match in his bowtie.
- Nice, high-flying match with some cool spots - including one where Essa Rios does a spring-board moonsault from the outside onto Eddie and the announce table.

- FINISH: Eddie lifts Essa up for a Razor's Edge, then airplane spins him around, then turns it into a neckbreaker.
- Post-match, Lita gets in the ring and strips Chyna of her Prom dress. Chyna is fine with it, and Eddie's lovin' it.

BACKSTAGE: A young, hot Stephanie sits as Triple H and Mr. McMahon tell Coach that Austin's had "transportation problems".

BACKSTAGE: Skinny Michael Cole interviews Chris Benoit. Benoit says he's not a robot; he has emotions. No comment.

Match 8: Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
- Jericho cuts a pre-match promo playing to the DC crowd. He says he's gonna "veto" Benoit's IC Title reign.
- Cool spot where Benoit kicked the ring steps into Jericho.

- I never liked Benoit's matches - he was too boring and technical for my liking. Jericho was solid, though - hitting his signature double-powerbomb and Walls of Jericho.
- FINISH: Benoit brings the Title Belt into the ring. Jericho eventually uses it, causing the ref to DQ Jericho. Benoit gets to keep the Title.
- Post-match, Y2J puts Referee Tim White in the Walls of Jericho. Other refs, including fat Teddy Long, come to White's rescue.

BACKSTAGE: Rock cuts a promo saying he's walking out Champion.

Match 9: WWF Championship: The Rock vs. Triple H with Shane McMahon as special guest referee
- Pre-match, Mr. McMahon cuts a promo saying Stone Cold won't be able to make it tonight.
- Heavy interference from Vince and Shane, which made the match rather annoying. The crowd chanted for "Austin" throughout.
- Awesome Spanish announce table spot where Rock hit the Rock Bottom on Triple H and Shane at the same time.

- Later, Vince interferes, Triple H hits the Pedigree, and the Stooges come out in ref shirts to make the count. Rock kicks out, and they all beat on The Rock.
- Austin's music hits, and the crowd erupts.
- Stone Cold makes his way to the ring, nailing Triple H in the back with a chair. Then he drills Patterson and Brisco with unprotected chairshots to the head.


- Stone Cold gets in the ring, drills Shane with an unprotected chairshot to the head, then swings and connects with Vince and a returning Triple H (each put a hand up).
- Linda walks to the ring with Earl Hebner, who apparently was fired in the storyline recently (and then fired in real life 5 years later).
- Linda shoves her hot, young daughter Stephanie to the ground.

- FINISH: Rock hits The People's Elbow, and Hebner counts the 3. The crowd flips out when Rock wins the Title. Crowds back then really put crowds today to shame.

- Post-match, Austin drives his truck into the arena. He and Rock drink beers.

Good PPV. Thanks for reading! 2000 Trish Stratus > 2000 Kimberly Page.
Post mania 2000 was when I got into wrasslin' so I have fond memories of Backlash and Judgement Day 2000.

Watched it a bit when I was younger in the early 90's but completely jumped off the wagon for most of the 90's.
I hate ROH and I still found this match fantastic. How was this not our MOTY?

Or Tanahashi vs Suzuki from a few months back? That match was amazing.

Yeah, Tanahashi vs Suzuki was my personal match of the year, just an amazing example of storytelling and psychology without having to rely on the usual hope spots, big drops and near falls that most matches do. Also, it was inevitable that neither match you mentioned would be GAF's MotY. Once you factor out the people who won't watch if it's not on TV, who won't watch if it looks low-budget, who won't watch if it's in a foreign language, who won't watch if they aren't a fan of that style of wrestling, who won't watch if you have to pay to watch it, etc, then you're left with a relatively small section of WrassleGAF.

I was surprised to see the TLC 6-way voted match of the year, though. Was it really that great? I liked it because we rarely see such chaotic, big feeling matches in WWE these days, but I also thought it was very noticeable when guys were waiting for their cues because of the format of the match, which was mostly the Shield isolating and working over one member of the other team. I thought it was a good wrestling debut for the Shield and did well getting over that they're very dangerous as a unit, it was also a fun and exciting TLC match, but I can't say it's deserving of match of the year.


I have had no issues with AJ except for when she's been with Cena, which has been awful from everyone involved. Not just Cena and AJ, but Vickie, Vince, Dolph, the announcers. Everything about the angle has been terrible. Above all, it doesn't even make sense. EVERYONE told Cena to stay away from AJ, because she's crazy. Even the heels he was feuding with. And not out of "we don't want you to be happy, John", but out of "no seriously, you should stay away from her, she's bad news man. You want to get a beer instead?"

But Cena decides, eh, fuck it, Ima hit that. And then the crazy girl gets attached, like everyone told him would happen. And instead of getting out of that situation, he acts embarrassed of her to her face on national television for weeks instead of just ending things. So, stringing her along just because. AJ then turns on Cena and we're supposed to feel bad for Cena? He brought all of this upon himself. All of it. And now he is going to call her a whore and dump shit on her? This angle is so awful.

I disliked her in the GM role. It was a bog standard face GM that striped any personality from her and made her an annoying smug face.

Given that her character since about June/July has been a thundering bitch (that's a good thing outside of a dull GM role, but it's not suited to being a squeaky clean face), being a heel is much more suitable. It helps that her and Dolph actually look like people attracted to each other, while Cena behaved like it was a big chore to have to act like he had the hots for this young, attractive lady. Maybe it was because he was already in a relationship (not that it helped his marriage), but for whatever reason he was like a total stranger in every scene with AJ, despite commentary's hilarious efforts to sell it as a relationship.

On Cena's moral dissonance? Whatever, it's completely standard "Cena is always right even though we can't write a sympathetic or believable character, it's YOUR FAULT he's booed not ours" stuff. I can't even get mad at it now. They've done the same thing in the Kane/Ryder/Eve feud, the Punk feud, pretty much every feud he's had for the last year and a half.

About the only one he was even slightly sympathetic in was the Lesnar feud, because Lesnar was legitimately a straight up asshole who beat on Cena for fun in the story. Even then that was more a result of Lesnar's character, not Cena's.
I loved Cena's promo. This is why the guy's on top and has been for a decade -- there is NOBODY on his level with the mic except Punk. Ziggler looked like an amateur out there compared to Cena, muffling words, looking unnatural, meh. And Ziggler was a guy people thought was good on the mic, he's ok but now that you've seen him directly against Cena you see how he's not there yet. The guy takes awesome bumps and has a great look, but everything else is average or slightly above average.

Cena is one of the best guys on the mic in the history of WWE. Only really The Rock and Punk are on his level in terms of giving promos. That's why he's still Super Cena and will continue to be. Nobody else can step up.


Ziggler has come a long way on the mic though. Remember that PPV a few years ago where he was trying to humiliate Pat Patterson? It was awful.


Cena is one of the best guys on the mic in the history of WWE. Only really The Rock and Punk are on his level in terms of giving promos. That's why he's still Super Cena and will continue to be. Nobody else can step up.
When did you begin watching wrestling?

Ziggler's best attribute is selling, btw.


When did you?

I'm right.
You can watch Cena any time in the past 2-3 years and find under five memorable promos or segments by him that were positively remembered. There's been dozens of better mic players in the wrestling world, much less WWE.


I loved Cena's promo. This is why the guy's on top and has been for a decade -- there is NOBODY on his level with the mic except Punk. Ziggler looked like an amateur out there compared to Cena, muffling words, looking unnatural, meh. And Ziggler was a guy people thought was good on the mic, he's ok but now that you've seen him directly against Cena you see how he's not there yet. The guy takes awesome bumps and has a great look, but everything else is average or slightly above average.

You are absolutely right. Ziggler lacks intensity on the mic and I'd place him just a notch above Morrison and Kofi in terms of mic skills.
Cena has never been anywhere close to being one of the best on the mic. He's good, but there are dozens of better talkers.

You can watch Cena any time in the past 2-3 years and find under five memorable promos or segments by him that were positively remembered. There's been dozens of better mic players in the wrestling world, much less WWE.

Just lol at this.

He says whatever the writers ask of him. It's not the content of the promos that matters, in terms of skill and charisma on the mic, there is nobody on his level except Rock and Punk.

You're both so completely, utterly wrong.
Just lol at this.

He says whatever the writers ask of him. It's not the content of the promos that matters, in terms of skill and charisma on the mic, there is nobody on his level except Rock and Punk.

You're both so completely, utterly wrong.
I never said he wasn't good, I just called bullshit on you saying he's one of the best talkers in WWE history. Like I said, there are plenty of people who I'd rank above him.

And no it's not some bias towards him being Cena.
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