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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

Raw was a thing that I just watched and i'm not sure how I feel about it, Barrett beating Orton clean was all kinds of incredible though.
Can anyone explain to me Orton's mega burn from last week?

Its like "When I'm done with you the only instrument you'll be playing.... is a harp." *walks off confidently to silent reaction*



Orton lost clean to Wade a few times in their feud last year. And he dropped two straight clean falls to Ziggler around Survivor Series. And dropped at least one or two to ADR. And dropped one to Kofi during that push. Orton jobs clean quite a bit for a guy in his status. It's not a big deal.


Can anyone explain to me Orton's mega burn from last week?

Its like "When I'm done with you the only instrument you'll be playing.... is a harp." *walks off confidently to silent reaction*


What you want to know what he meant ... he meant he was going to kill Heath Slater you know cause Angels play harps as seen in any great painting....


I turned it off after the cage match.

I thought Hogan was bad with no selling in his prime but they take Cena to a whole new level.


So not worth it
Can anyone explain to me Orton's mega burn from last week?

Its like "When I'm done with you the only instrument you'll be playing.... is a harp." *walks off confidently to silent reaction*


Angels play harps.

He was gonna kill him in the ring and make him an angel.

So he could play the harp.

I feel like I'm the only one that got that joke as I hear everyone asking what it was about. But there it is.


So not worth it
I turned it off after the cage match.

I thought Hogan was bad with no selling in his prime but they take Cena to a whole new level.

I don't mind that they're making Cena win.

But for two weeks in a row, Cena takes several finishers and signatures, gets beat up by Langston, gets distracted/slapped by AJ and still wins clean by doing ONE AA on Dolph.

At least have Dolph look tough when he loses, but instead they make him look extremely weak in comparison to his opponent.

I'm fine with Cena winning, but the way they book it he's literally burying (in this case) Dolph.

It does nothing to increase Cena's status. It does terrible things for Big E, Dolph and AJ. It devalues the WHC in the process when Dolph gets it. How can Creative not see what this kind of booking does to their product?


Can anyone explain to me Orton's mega burn from last week?

Its like "When I'm done with you the only instrument you'll be playing.... is a harp." *walks off confidently to silent reaction*


It's them writing a joke for Orton, which doesn't work. Orton's character is more "I'm going to kill you, Heath. Later" then he brains Slater with a golf club when he turns around. Orton is no Cena type jokey face.


So not worth it
I'm really glad the announcers and the crowd loved the Rock Concert, because I didn't even crack a smile once.

I did get really excited when The Shield's music hit when Mick Foley was in the ring. But then no promo between Ambrose and Foley happened and I was sad. :(


I'm really glad the announcers and the crowd loved the Rock Concert, because I didn't even crack a smile once.

I did get really excited when The Shield's music hit when Mick Foley was in the ring. But then no promo between Ambrose and Foley happened and I was sad. :(

I wish we could get some live promos from the Shield. Ambrose eclipses most of the roster on the mic at just 27, instead we get some vague growling promo from Ryback where he more or less says "I'm mad. Catchphrase".


Did anything happen at the end? I went to bed before the cage match.

Super Cena went Super to the max, again, and Rock made fun of Paul Heyman and Vickie at the concert, then he and Punk got into a brawl before folks from backstage pulled them apart.


So not worth it
Oh, and best line of the night naturally goes to Mick Foley.

Rock: "Trust me Mick."
Mick: "But you rock bottomed me last year."

Well done Mick, well done.


After Raw went off the air, CM Punk challenged Rock to fight him right now. They went back and forth for a minute until Rock laid out Punk with the Rock Bottom to send everyone home happy.

I think my biggest problem with WWE today is the audience. The crowds would rather watch Cena and Rock make poop/penis jokes than actual wrestlers cut real wrestling promos.

That's why I don't think the WWE will be around in 20-30 years. Their audience will get bored/find something else and WWE will fall.


So not worth it
I think my biggest problem with WWE today is the audience. The crowds would rather watch Cena and Rock make poop/penis jokes than actual wrestlers cut real wrestling promos.

That's why I don't think the WWE will be around in 20-30 years. Their audience will get bored/find something else and WWE will fall.

It's okay, Cesaro will save us.


So not worth it
Raw has been rather okay the past two weeks, so you'll skip less there, but the Christmas and New Years eps of Raw are skippable entirely.

Impact, I would estimate you need about 10-15 minutes tops each show to watch everything interesting there.


Catching up through Youtube.

- So King loves ADR all of a sudden; I am liking his face version so far though
- Barrett wins clean over Orton, leave it to JBL to put over the big win for him, while Cole looks for his next WWE App or next Twitter trending topic
- Team Hell No/Rhodes Scholars best part of the show, by far; Bryan needs to go solo soon though
- Shield vs. Ryback, Orton, & Sheamus at RR? Orton turn or they'll screw it up
- Kaitlyn/Eve wasn't half bad, dogshit commentary aside
- did Miz revert back to his 2006 self?
- Ziggler is too good, needs to get away from Cena/AJ/Langston
- meh show, easier to watch this way!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Heritage Global Heritage Heritage Champion Heritage Heritage

Tony Chimel is insane.


I was sad about no DX last night but not sure who they could have had a promo with without getting involved in a feud.

My guess was 3MB and that didn't happen.

Oh well. Show was still pretty good, especially in person.

Liking Del Rio as a face. I think he can be like the Latin Rock or something. Not exactly the same you know, but not just the typical mask luchador for the kiddies, or tweener eddie was.
He can have some class and not have to cheat to win. I think having Ricardo really helped get the sympathy vote to get him over.
They now need skits was Del Rio giving out gifts at the orphanages and shit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good show Sunflips, I caught up with the show. Wasn't the same as watching live but it was still a damn fun watch.

Glad you enjoyed it, will have a picture post up soon. Your presence was missed, along with a couple other regulars.

You're lucky the chat wasn't there - Soul was on a TEAR. He has NUCLEAR HEAT with GAF management.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Pretty sure an AJ/Kaitlyn fued is on the way.

Those BFFs must be excited.

If only AJ wasn't involved. Diva's division is...I know people joke about it being in trouble, but good god, their roster is thinner than that one indie female wrestler who needs a sandwich. Yknow, that one...whose name escapes me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Gonna be a fun feud if WWE somewhat commits to it for once. AJ bumps are great, so they can really play up the strength of Kaitlyn.

But then what? Then where? Gah. They didn't release Natalya, right?
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