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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


I've thought about this and no, I don't agree with your assessment of 2012 WWE.

1. Legitimate WWE Champion, no hot potato championship (goes for pretty much every title in the company atm btw).
2. Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk.
3. Team Hell No.
4. Great debuts, amongst which Damien Sandow, Antonio Cesaro and The Shield. Brad Maddoxx can be counted as well.
5. Rise of the tag-division.
6. John Cena lost alot of matches.
7. Current Big Show
8. And fuck you all, Dolph Ziggler and AJ are a great pairing.

Yes, there's bad, there's alot of mediocre, there's too much Raw on monday, but that's about it. All in all 2012 was one of the more enjoyable years of the last decade.

I agree its not as bad as some people make it out here but its hard to tell sometimes who is just doing a gimmick. Though they need to go back to two hour raws. Also here is wrestlecrap poll results for WWE in 2012:

A+ (Excellent) (2 votes, 2.4%)
A (2 votes, 2.4%)
A- (Very Good) (4 votes, 4.8%)
B+ (12 votes, 14.4%)
B (Good) (23 votes, 27.7%)
B- (7 votes, 8.4%)
C+ (15 votes, 18%)
C (Satisfactory) (1 vote, 1.2%)
C- (6 votes, 7.2%)
D+ (0 votes, 0%)
D (Needs Improvement) (8 votes, 9.6%)
D- (2 votes, 2.4%)
E (For Effort) (0 votes, 0%)
F (The suckiest piece of suck that ever sucked) (1 vote, 1.2%)


I'd probably give WWE a C+ or B-. The shows are mostly painfully mediocre with a hand full of good to great shows and a handful of bad to terrible shows. But most of the year was a completely forgettable holding pattern of average.
It really is looking like cena or sheamus going to win the rumble. I thought they would give it to wade but wih him as IC champ that might happen .

Unless a returning mark Henery comes and wins it.

Henery vs show part 2 could be fun


So I'm heading to Japan in late March and want to catch some wrestling while I'm over there.
Checked out Purolove for some dates and this is what's on while I'm there:

- AJPW @ Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
- OZ Academy @ Shinjuku FACE
- WAVE @ Shinjuku FACE

- DDT @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall

- NOAH @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Which event would you guys recommend? I'm familiar with AJPW & NOAH, but I'll be in Kyoto for the NOAH event so I would have to get the train back to Tokyo if I wanted to see it. Is DDT the promotion where Tajiri hatched out of an egg or some shit?


This WM really needs to be a star making one. Like WM 21 was.

No "let's push Cena some more!" main events. His time really is done as the face of the company, they just need to realise it.


This WM really needs to be a star making one. Like WM 21 was.

No "let's push Cena some more!" main events. His time really is done as the face of the company, they just need to realise it.

Brock Lesner-HHH to main Event Wrestlemania 29! The Cena Era is dead, Long live the HHH Era!
So I'm heading to Japan in late March and want to catch some wrestling while I'm over there.
Checked out Purolove for some dates and this is what's on while I'm there:

- AJPW @ Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
- OZ Academy @ Shinjuku FACE
- WAVE @ Shinjuku FACE

- DDT @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall

- NOAH @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Which event would you guys recommend? I'm familiar with AJPW & NOAH, but I'll be in Kyoto for the NOAH event so I would have to get the train back to Tokyo if I wanted to see it. Is DDT the promotion where Tajiri hatched out of an egg or some shit?

I believe it was Akebono out of the egg and yeah DDT. I'm sittinging in the LAX airport coming back from my Japan trip. I saw DDT and Noah not the other three though. Between the two DDT had a supremely better show while I was there bit it depends on your style. DDT has some crazy comedy but then I also got a phenomenal main event. Noah was just a good show that was kind of like a wcw Saturday night. That's not a knock but keys you in to the type of show it was.
I don't think you'd be sad with either though. The problem I had was there was always more shows to see that we couldn't get to.

Where are you staying?

Things to note
Most everything is cash only so plan appropriately. Tickets at Korakuen averaged about 5500 yen for shows which is a bout 60-70 bucks. There's some wrestling shops near Korakuen I will send you the info for as Jamie Od did for me.


I don't think you'd be sad with either though. The problem I had was there was always more shows to see that we couldn't get to.

Where are you staying?

I'm flying into Tokyo on 16/3, and traveling down to Osaka/Kyoto around the 22nd to catch the Sumo tournament. Haven't booked accomm yet. Is there anyway to see the cards for those events? How is AJPW these days?
I'm flying into Tokyo on 16/3, and traveling down to Osaka/Kyoto around the 22nd to catch the Sumo tournament. Haven't booked accomm yet. Is there anyway to see the cards for those events? How is AJPW these days?
Nice! There was sadly no sumo while I was there but there were sumo wrestlers I. The audience at a few shows.
Not sure when the cards will be out but they do seem to be good about getting those out before you'd need to figure it out I bet. I'll ask my buddy where he was getting the cards from.

If you're a wider guy I'd recommend bleachers at Korakuen. The non floor chairs are extremely small so I had to sit on the edge of them.
Brock Lesner-HHH to main Event Wrestlemania 29! The Cena Era is dead, Long live the HHH Era!

He tasted his grin and it tasted good,
The king took his head, left him broken and dead



Wrestlemania should have Undertaker vs Stinger in a no doors allowed match. A steel cage, but it has no doors so you have to climb into the cage and out of the cage. They'd be a lot of climbing.

And there could me a match like in gladiators where they have to climb up a rock climbing wall and fight on the wall and get to the top. That'd be a good spectacle.

And Damien Sandow vs Daniel Bryan Danielson in a beard vs beard match. Live beard shaving could be big bucks.

And a low card match with Zack Ryder with a webcam taped to his head and you could watch the cam feed on youtube so you'd get first person viewing experience while watching normally on the Wrestlemania PPV maybe against Rhodes.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
And a low card match with Zack Ryder with a webcam taped to his head and you could watch the cam feed on youtube so you'd get first person viewing experience while watching normally on the Wrestlemania PPV maybe against Rhodes.

I would really like to see that match.


No One Remembers
I can't wait for the Royal Rumble. It's always my favorite PPV! Mostly because I love the Rumble match itself.
Inspired by strobogo's great WCW 2000 reviews, here's a recap of WWF Fully Loaded 2000. I'll say it again, 2000 Trish Stratus > 2000 Kimberly Page.

Click here for the WWF WrestleMania 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Backlash 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Armageddon 2000 recap.

WWF Fully Loaded 2000 - July 23, 2000 - Dallas, Texas - 16,504 in attendance

MATCH 1: Trish Stratus and T&A vs. Lita and The Hardy Boyz

- Lita connected with some great high-flying moves: a hell of a hurricanrana, jumping from the top rope onto Test, and then a cross-body to the outside from the top rope onto Albert.

- Trish hit a bulldog on Lita, which instantly made the crowd chant, "We want puppies". Kinda actually makes sense to chant that after a bulldog.

- FINISH: Lita over Trish with a moonsault. Post-match, T&A beat up The Hardyz, which leads to an "Assholes" chant from the quick-witted Dallas crowd. Trish whips Lita with Albert's belt. "You gotta love a girl with a leather belt," declares King.

BACKSTAGE: Edge tells Commissioner Foley that Christian has food poisoning.

BACKSTAGE: The Undertaker arrives to the arena on his motorcycle. He spots Kurt Angle and rides his bike through the backstage area and corners Angle in a dressing room. Angle manages to escape.

Match 2: Tazz vs. Al Snow
- FINISH: Nothing match. Tazz over after Al taps from the Tazzmission.

BACKSTAGE: Christian makes vomiting sounds in a bathroom stall. Foley brings a doctor in and the doctor says he doesn't think Christian can compete tonight.

BACKSTAGE: A young, hot Stephanie gets flowers delivered to her… SWERVE… they're from Kurt Angle. "Best of luck to you and your man tonight. It's true. It's true," reads the card.

Match 3: European Championship: Perry Saturn w/Terri vs. Eddie Guerrero w/Chyna
- At one point, Chyna throws Saturn into the steel ring steps and Saturn comically bumps too much - bouncing off the steps into the side railing.

- Later, Saturn gently clotheslined Chyna over the Spanish Announce Table and it broke. Probably wasn't supposed to happen.
- FINISH: Terri low blows Eddie, and Saturn connects with an elbow drop off the top rope for the win.

BACKSTAGE: Edge and Christian are packing up their clothes. Foley catches them. Christian again fakes sickness and runs to the stall to make vomiting sounds. "I'm totally barfing in here," he says. Foley steps above the stall to look, and for no reason, the camera is now located from Foley's point of view. He demands them to fight tonight.

BACKSTAGE: Skinny Michael Cole interviews American Badass Undertaker. Via a random TV, Taker sees Angle messing with his bike, then chases him away.

Match 4: World Tag Team Championship: Faarooq & Bradshaw vs. Edge & Christian
- Pre-match, Edge and Christian cut a heel promo on the crowd about sports and the JFK assassination. Edge says, "The ironic thing is, Christian really is sick. Sick of being in Dallas, Texas!" Christian shocks the crowd when he says, "If JFK had to spend 5 more minutes in Dallas, Texas, he would have committed suicide." Faarooq and Bradshaw interrupt, then Bradshaw cuts a promo defending Dallas' sports teams... but not JFK.
- FINISH: After Faarooq hit a wicked Dominator on Christian, Edge ran in the ring and blatantly hits Faarooq with the Title, getting disqualified. Post-match, Faarooq and Bradshaw beat up Edge and Christian and they all fight to the back.

AT WWF NEW YORK: Big Boss Man checks a kid's ID to make sure he's old enough to drink.

BACKSTAGE: A young, hot Stephanie tells Triple H that he should go talk to Kurt.

BACKSTAGE: Kurt Angle runs from The Undertaker. He sneakily grabs a wrench and hits Taker in the leg from behind.

Match 5: Intercontinental Championship: Steel Cage Match: Rikishi vs. heel Val Venis w/Trish Stratus
- The story here is that Trish is with Val because she doesn't like Rikishi cause he gave her a stinkface or something blah, blah, blah… who cares, she's out for a second time tonight.
- Lita came out at one point to get revenge on Trish. Lita pulled Trish's shirt off and whipped and choked her with a strap.

- They utilized the cage nicely in the match. The big spot came when Rikishi chose not to escape, but rather to jump on Val from the top. Pretty damn cool, and it almost broke the ring.

- FINISH: As Rikishi was escaping, Tazz showed up and hit him with a TV camera. Val got the pin for the win.

BACKSTAGE: Taker is pissed and wipes off a "40 days since the last accident" sign. Very poetic.

BACKSTAGE: Triple H looks for Angle, but is ambushed by Y2J. SWERVE. It was he who sent Stephanie the flowers.

IN RING: Shane McMahon comes out and cuts a promo. The witty Dallas crowd chants "pussy", and Shane says he's not a "pussy". Shane calls out The Rock, and Rock makes his entrance. He also calls Shane a "pussy". SWERVE. On the Tron, we see the whole thing was a set up so that Benoit could destroy Rock's collection of $500 shirts.

Match 6: Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker
- Taker rides his Titan bike out to his Kid Rock entrance music.
- The two fight in the crowd for a minute.

- FINISH: Taker hit a Chokeslam, then a Last Ride for the win.

BACKSTAGE: The Rock isn't happy his clothes were destroyed.

Match 7: Last Man Standing Match: Triple H w/ a hot, young Stephanie vs. Chris Jericho
- It's just the second Last Man Standing Match in history.
- Stephanie doesn't like Jericho one bit.

- King says he heard Jericho shaves one of his legs so when he goes to sleep at night, it feels like he's sleeping with a woman, haha.
- Stephanie REALLY doesn't like Jericho one bit.

- Triple H dominates most of the match - even got his legs up during the Lionsault.

- Jericho gave Triple H a crotch chop, then Triple H immediately Pedigreed him and lied down on the top rope. The vintage Triple H burying made me laugh a lot.

- The two went back and forth hitting each other with a steel chair. Triple H bleeds like crazy.

- Triple H taps out of the Walls of Jericho, but it means nothing.

- Steph gets in and breaks it up, so Y2J puts her in the Walls of Jericho.

- FINISH: Triple H side-suplexes Jericho through the announce table off the time keeper's table. He barely beats the count, then collapses. Wow, awesome match.

Match 8: WWF Championship: The Rock vs. Chris Benoit w/ a hot, young Stephanie's brother Shane McMahon
- Note: Foley made a stipulation that the title could change hands on a DQ.
- Match was kinda slow until Rock hit a People's Elbow (damn, that move was over with the crowd). Shane distracted the ref to avoid a pinfall.

- FINISH 1: Shane hit the ref with a chair. Rock chased Shane away and got Benoit in the cross face, but when the ref came to, he DQ'd The Rock.

- Shane nails Rock with a jumping chair shot, and Rock bleeds.

- Commissioner Foley comes out and restarts the match. Rock tells Benoit to bring it.

- FINISH 2: Rock hits Rock Bottom out of nowhere to retain the Title.

Another fun WWF 2000 PPV. Thanks for reading! Apologies to that dude who complained about having to scroll too much.


I'm not sure how I feel about someone stealing my gimmick. And on what are most certainly much better shows at that.

Anyway, back to Saturday Night. I've also seen Booker T vs a young Braden Walker and Scott Armstrong (#hardbodiedref) with a Wutang logo on his trunks.


I'm not sure how I feel about someone stealing my gimmick. And on what are most certainly much better shows at that.

Anyway, back to Saturday Night. I've also seen Booker T vs a young Braden Walker and Scott Armstrong (#hardbodiedref) with a Wutang logo on his trunks.

it's botchamania vs. Raw in 5 minutes all over again.

Raw/Smackdown in 5 minutes was soooooooo good :(


I'm not sure how I feel about someone stealing my gimmick. And on what are most certainly much better shows at that.

I can see this being a GWF storyline, but now I've said that it's not going to be. But if we say enough things that Sunflower won't do we can gently steer the GWF in the direction we want.

I want John Laurinaitis to not be GWF Champion.


Oh man, Mark Jindrak had a basketball player gimmick where he'd wear basketball shorts, high socks, a head band, and would dribble a ball to the ring. He opened his match with Elix Skipper by tossing him the ball and dropkicking him. And doing phantom jump shots throughout the match. A lot of them. Also, Elix did the Overdrive as his FIRST move in the match.

This is basically NXT 2000.


No One Remembers
Oh man, Mark Jindrak had a basketball player gimmick where he'd wear basketball shorts, high socks, a head band, and would dribble a ball to the ring. He opened his match with Elix Skipper by tossing him the ball and dropkicking him. And doing phantom jump shots throughout the match. A lot of them. Also, Elix did the Overdrive as his FIRST move in the match.

This is basically NXT 2000.

I thought Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire were fucking awesome.


I thought Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire were fucking awesome.

Me too. But this basketball gimmick is hilarious. Allen Funk vs Sonny Siaki! It's like legitimate proto-TNA. Chris Harris, Siaki, Kiwi, Elix Skipper, Kid Romeo, Yang, Wolfie D/Slash, the Wall/Malice, AJ and Air Paris and on and on. It's so weird.

Chuck Palumbo was my favorite NBT. He should have been such a star. Allen Funk's finish was called a Powerbomb Revenge Facebomb.

Seemed weird to me that WWE basically ruined the careers of all the NBT they brought in. They were all young and not established, so they could have easily been completely remolded in the WWE image. But nope, because fuck WCW. I'm also amazed that Jindrak/O'Haire/Palumbo never stopped in at TNA for a show or two.


No One Remembers
Me too. But this basketball gimmick is hilarious. Allen Funk vs Sonny Siaki! It's like legitimate proto-TNA. Chris Harris, Siaki, Kiwi, Elix Skipper, Kid Romeo, Yang, Wolfie D/Slash, the Wall/Malice, AJ and Air Paris and on and on. It's so weird.

Chuck Palumbo was my favorite NBT. He should have been such a star. Allen Funk's finish was called a Powerbomb Revenge Facebomb.

Seemed weird to me that WWE basically ruined the careers of all the NBT they brought in. They were all young and not established, so they could have easily been completely remolded in the WWE image. But nope, because fuck WCW. I'm also amazed that Jindrak/O'Haire/Palumbo never stopped in at TNA for a show or two.

Well Palumbo had HUGE media attention with Billy Gunn when they were a gay couple and were going to get married

But again, yeah, the three of those guys could've been way bigger than they got but Vince had his anti-non-WWE Wrestler boner going on.


And punches women in the face and got fat. Did he completely drop out of the wrestling business after he was let go from WWE?


I just caught up on Raw and damn Heyman was awesome. I thought he was a bit bland in the whole HHH/Lesnar angle, but you can tell he's having a lot of fun now.

Jamie OD

I believe it was Akebono out of the egg and yeah DDT. I'm sittinging in the LAX airport coming back from my Japan trip. I saw DDT and Noah not the other three though. Between the two DDT had a supremely better show while I was there bit it depends on your style. DDT has some crazy comedy but then I also got a phenomenal main event. Noah was just a good show that was kind of like a wcw Saturday night. That's not a knock but keys you in to the type of show it was.

Akebono hatching out of an egg was from HUSTLE. Just as crazy as DDT but in a different way. HUSTLE was more of a bizarre Japanese soap opera and was a fun thing to watch on the side next to the more serious Japanese companies.


im literally praying to god that this punk/rock feud is good i dont think i can take anymore shitty wwe storylines, im waiting for something to draw me back in and ambrose aint doin it sorry homies
im literally praying to god that this punk/rock feud is good i dont think i can take anymore shitty wwe storylines, im waiting for something to draw me back in and ambrose aint doin it sorry homies

lol? Ambrose hasn't even had the opportunity to be put in the position of "he ain't doin it." They've had, what, one real match?

But yes, this Punk/Rock feud better be good, so help me science.


im disenchanted by wrestling as a whole and awfully bitter. the only dude that keeps me interested is punk because his character is so interesting. i aint into matches too much soooooooo
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