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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

I'm guessing this person never watched wrestling before 2005.

I guess. Wrestling was great because it had a license to not be politically correct.
It's not like I watch it because it's sophisticated.

It's mid-afternoon; Perspicacity wondering why he's so much better than us

Is it 'cus he's a feminist, or maybe 'cus he likes Ultramant'us

And then he asks me, "Will wrestling shows ever make us feel proud?"

And I say, "No, biatch - go back to reading Brandon Stroud."


I have met Brandon Stroud on a number of occasions, and he seems like a nice and entertaining (and entertained) guy at ACW shows. But I don't get guys like Stroud (or his clones) who take all this stuff so damn seriously in their quest for some sort of ultra politically-correct wrestling paradigm that they spend hours alone with a word processor bitching about these petty, perceived slights to their oh-so-sophisticated (and rather limited, IMO) worldview. His preachiness often makes his column utterly tiresome for me. On one hand, he bitches that wrestlers should be allowed to be themselves and go off-script, ect. yet when they do, he bitches that they don't say exactly what he wants them to say according to his rather narrow political sensibilities in which nothing can possibly just be a joke or off-the-cuff and not subject to tireless over-analysis by him.

I don't know much about the author in this case, but TH, the guy who runs that site, is so far up Brandon Stroud's ass, I'm not surprised at all that this "Stroud Clone" piece appeared on his blog. Stroud reviews ACW shows for his blog, so I guess he gets his ass kissed back a bit.

Hell, Stroud even bitches in his ACW reviews when ACW heels (which absolutely don't have scripts) don't cut exactly the kind of promos he likes...which are pretty good heel promos in a lot of cases. He bitches when guys like Jaykus Pliskin and Angel Blue (despicable heels) say things that are despicable and tailor-made to get heat with the ACW crowd. Pliskin says really sexist, racist, and "shoot" things about his fellow wrestlers. Stroud complains that he shouldn't be racist, or sexist, or say "shoot" things. Angel Blue is a "cheap heat" machine who cusses and flips off the crowd, and calls guys at ringside "faggots" and other offensive stuff. Stroud complains that she's being homophobic. When Angel Blue doesn't call him a "faggot" one show, he praises her and says something like "Oh, I might really start to like Angel Blue now..." seemingly oblivious to the fact that it's her job for you to hate her, and before, when she was calling you a "faggot" (even though you were clearly sitting next to your girlfriend,) she was pushing your buttons like a master when she was doing all that "cheap heat" stuff you were deriding her for.

Pliskin, and Angel Blue, and everybody else, including the Rock, are artists. Commentary is fine, but this goes beyond that. This article is saying the Rock should go away because of his comments. That's beyond commentary...that's calling for an artist to be silenced. I hate when people seem to want to tell artists what kind of things they should say in their art. The Rock is one of the most successful artists in this genre of performance art in its history. Maybe, just maybe, he knows more than these ultra politically-correct commentators on the warpath because he called a miserable, despicable heel character a fat whore to get some laughs. And maybe, just maybe, he is smart to the business enough to know that these new-media hipsters calling for his scalp now would have never cheered for him in a match against "mister indy cred" CM Punk anyway. And maybe he's pushing the same buttons on them that Jaykus Pliskin and Angel Blue push on Brandon Stroud monthly at the Mohawk. And maybe they just aren't as "smart" as they think they are, and can't see it past their righteous political rage.

Yeah. I followed WallsofJerichoholic.com for a while because TH claims he loves ACW all the time (and has even had Rachel Summerlyn and others on his podcast) even though in reality, it seems he's always WAY behind on actually watching the product. This, and his regular Brandon Stroud butt-kissing on his site and Twitter makes me wonder if he actually does love ACW so much, or if he just wants to be one of Stroud's toadies. I mean, damn, the last time he had Summerlyn on his podcast, he was probably 6 MONTHS behind all the stuff that had been released on SmartMark up to that point, and hadn't even seen some key ACW releases. That interview was the last straw for me and his site. It kinda showed that he's more full of bullshit and ass-kissing than the workers.

This has been something I'm seeing a lot lately. People need to just chill out with the political correctness. It's wrestling. It's a performance art. It's supposed to be scandalous. I'm tired of these fuckers that can't accept that and are trying to change it to be exactly the way they want it or else they're gonna write a really righteously indignant blog post about it.

To these people: Get over yourselves. If you don't like something somebody says, boo them. That's your role as a member of the audience. Is that not enough? Well, if you don't want to be "just" a member of the audience anymore, then put your money, time, and health on the line and start booking your own company, get in the ring, or whatever.


more money than God
Brandon Stroud is exactly what's wrong with some IWC members. In an attempt to justify pro wrestling, they end up taking it so seriously, and in Stroud's case, he feels that it needs to be taken seriously because it's his profession to create interest around it. However, his close minded approach to the product would ultimately doom it, as it would drive away most fans. I mean just think about it, if it were up to him, Stone Cold and the Rock would have never existed because their characters would be too offensive.
Brandon Stroud is exactly what's wrong with some IWC members. In an attempt to jsutify pro wrestling, they end up taking it so seriously, and in Stroud's case, he feels that it needs to be taken seriously because it's his profession to create interest around it. However, his close minded approach to the product would ultimately doom it, as it would drive away most fans. I mean just think about it, if it were up to him, Stone Cold and the Rock would have never existed because their characters would be too offensive.

Yeah. I think the key phrase there is "their characters." These are all characters. The Rock is a character. Vickie is a character. The Rock wasn't calling the real Vickie a fat whore. He was calling the Vickie character a fat whore to get under the Vickie character's skin--to get even with her character which tries to control everything and everyone around her.


more money than God
Yeah. I think the key phrase there is "their characters." These are all characters. The Rock is a character. Vickie is a character. The Rock wasn't calling the real Vickie a fat whore. He was calling the Vickie character a fat whore to get under the Vickie character's skin--to get even with her character which tries to control everything and everyone around her.
He begins to lose track of that. Reading his column, with its microscope analysis of every little thing, it makes you think that it is Shakespeare or something.
Honestly, the only reason I like reading Stroud's pieces are for some of the funny comments he makes. I always roll my eyes and give my scroll wheel a workout when it seems like he's going on a tirade for some reason. For a while, it was also the only way I was keeping up with Raw since I couldn't be bothered to watch it.
I hope I didn't come off as saying I think Stroud is a bad guy. I don't. I've met him at ACW shows and he seems like an OK dude in my book. I just can't feature that the same guy I see at those shows is the same guy who's writing those rants sometimes. I'm not saying he can't say what he wants either--I'm just saying that reading that stuff really kills the fun sometimes. To me, it's equivalent to the audience member who is trying too hard with chants and stuff to make himself a part of the show.


So not worth it
Stroud is a vegan, veganism by choice is a symptom of "I am better than you this"-syndrom.

And it translates in his column. Stroud knows what's best for everyone.

At least at the start his column was funny and made me laugh, so I could forgive him being on his high horse all the time. Now that he's no longer bringing the funny, all that's left is a bitter know-it-all and it makes people sour on his product. I mean, the guy is opposed to Eve using her looks to get things done, because God knows, devious hot girls NEVER EVER do that! EVER! Come on, give me a break Stroud.


SoulPlaya has made me a huge Kane mark. After being in the thread for the past couple months, Kane has become one of my all-time favorite wrestlers.
I'm so pumped! Last year was pretty good, but this year is shaping up to be amazing. The Titor Conglomerate is finally going to be explained this season. Rudo Jigsaw and Quack have just started on what will be a long and exciting road. Ultra Mantis Black and the rest of the Spectral Envoy will continue the battle against against Delirious and the Batiri. Eddie Kingston has been Grand Champ for over a year and it doesn't look like he can be beat. Tim Donst is at the end of his rope. Archibald Peck is back, and he has a doppelganger out there somewhere. Last but not least who has the eye of tyr? Damn February 9th can't get here soon enough!

Yeah, so much to look forward to. Good feuds and good matches.

Almost up to 2001 on my wrestling rewatch and to be honest it's hard not to just skip right into it.

Last year of WWF
TNA's first year
ROH's first year
CHIKARA's first year

So much goodness. Also, a bit more Puro events available, as well as CZW. I've also got a whole lot of XPW to watch, but I have no idea what the event order is. The internet doesn't seem to have any idea either.


Yeah, so much to look forward to. Good feuds and good matches.

Almost up to 2001 on my wrestling rewatch and to be honest it's hard not to just skip right into it.

Last year of WWF
TNA's first year
ROH's first year
CHIKARA's first year

So much goodness. Also, a bit more Puro events available, as well as CZW. I've also got a whole lot of XPW to watch, but I have no idea what the event order is. The internet doesn't seem to have any idea either.
God bless the soul that knowingly walks into the realm of XPW
SoulPlaya has made me a huge Kane mark. After being in the thread for the past couple months, Kane has become one of my all-time favorite wrestlers.

The greatest of news.

By the way, SD spoilers sound as bland and dry as possible, guess they had no intention on following up last weeks solid Smackdown.
Guide me through the madness!

- After the Fall
- Baptized in Blood
- Blown to Hell
- Cold Day in Hell
- Damage Inc
- Exit Sandman
- Fallout
- Freefall
- Hostile Takeover
- Liberty or Death
- New Years Revolution
- Retribution
- The Revolution Will Be Televised (which I'm guessing goes before the 1-3 TV seasons)


So not worth it
The greatest of news.

By the way, SD spoilers sound as bland and dry as possible, guess they had no intention on following up last weeks solid Smackdown.

(Smackdown spoilers)
Ah, but at least Miz now uses the Figure Four Leglock! Yay!
Into June 2001. Triple H has just done his first Quad muscle injury. 2 Man Power Trip is over, but the Jericho and Benoit push has started. WCW invasion is finally getting some traction too.
I still like Best and Worst of Raw articles, he can stand up for women's rights or whatever thas cool mang - I still find funny bits to laugh about and we share many wrestling related opinions.

Not as cool as the old Raw in 5 min videos though lol, those were the best!

Much like many of you I would enjoy watching wrestling with those guys, be heaps of fun I think.


So not worth it
I dunno, I used to laugh out loud at jokes almost every page. Now it's more like once every 10 weeks.

Except for the top 10 comments at the end, those overshadow each column as far as laughs go.


So not worth it

Natalya knows what's up.


Yeah, so much to look forward to. Good feuds and good matches.

Almost up to 2001 on my wrestling rewatch and to be honest it's hard not to just skip right into it.

Last year of WWF
TNA's first year
ROH's first year
CHIKARA's first year

So much goodness. Also, a bit more Puro events available, as well as CZW. I've also got a whole lot of XPW to watch, but I have no idea what the event order is. The internet doesn't seem to have any idea either.

I just finished the Christmas 2000 installment of Raw. Starting 01/01/01 Raw right now. The road to (the greatest?) Wrestlemania begins. Well, they already started teasing some of the matchups, because they knew how to do that back then.

Looking forward to it! I missed the whole Invasion angle. I wonder if it's as bad as everyone says.
That WM was great. Really enjoyed watching it again, as it was the first time I had watched it since I saw it live. I felt like I enjoyed it more now than I did back then.

I've come to the conclusion that I really miss Kurt Angle, and feel like I didn't really appreciate his ability to work the crowd and get that balance between Goofy and Threat right.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Listened to an older episode of MLW Radio with the Living Legend, Larry Zbyszko - and it was a good listen.

Part 1 http://mlwradio.libsyn.com/episode-24-larry-zbyszko-part-1 talks about his start, training under Sammartino and more - and leads into part 2, which is entirely about WCW and the nWo. So there's something for almost everyone.

Larry's one of my favorite dudes, and I could listen to him speak for hours. He's wonderful.


A face even a Laserfrog would love.


i wonder if this leads to miz absorbing new finshers/moves and becomes a CAW essentally

His finisher will then be a triple rotation slo mo reverse inverted super arc moonsault.

Just watched last week's NXT. I didn't realize how short Big E Langston was. Even Tyson Kidd is taller than him.

He's only around two inches taller than D-Bry. Seth Rollins was very noticeably taller than him in their match, and he's the shortest member of the Shield. It's noticeable already (certainly in the TLC match) that Ryback is shorter than Ambrose, which is not great for his monster gimmick, Big E is going to have that effect with 90% of the roster.


I was stunned to go back and see how bad the build up for Rock/Austin was for WMX7. Everyone remembers the hype videos and the match itself, but the build up was shockingly stupid and slapped together.
So XPW is 'something'.

Currently watching the 2000 Baptism of Blood Deathmatch thing. Guys throwing shopping trolleys of weapons off each others' head. Interesting.


XPW was AWFUL. Somehow they got even worse when Shane Douglas came in and tried to turn it into ECW. Doesn't even make sense. They had higher production values, a lot of far more talented guys coming in...yet somehow those shows were even less enjoyable than what was basically yardtards with 2-3 actual wrestlers and Sabu.

CZW gets so much shit, but XPW was far worse even for the style of promotion they were.


So not worth it
XPW was AWFUL. Somehow they got even worse when Shane Douglas came in and tried to turn it into ECW. Doesn't even make sense. They had higher production values, a lot of far more talented guys coming in...yet somehow those shows were even less enjoyable than what was basically yardtards with 2-3 actual wrestlers and Sabu.

CZW gets so much shit, but XPW was far worse even for the style of promotion they were.

You do not see the connection there?
Yeah, this is the only event I've seen so far, and it's pretty horrible (but then I'm not a huge fan of Deathmatch wrestling). Homeless Jimmy seems the most interesting 'character', but yeah the matches are terrible.
lol @ XPW.

I been watching MLW and XWF on youtube. 2001/2002 was a crazy time in indy wrestling. Everyone was fighting to create the next WCW or ECW.


Mostly ECW. The only company that tried to be the next WCW was WWA, but they weren't intended to be a long term promotion. Most indies couldn't afford the WCW guys, so they just picked up all the ECW guys that didn't go to WWF and whatever Saturday Night and Thunder guys that WWF had no interest in.

Everyone was trying to be ECW because that's what they could (kind of) afford to be.
lol @ XPW.

I been watching MLW and XWF on youtube. 2001/2002 was a crazy time in indy wrestling. Everyone was fighting to create the next WCW or ECW.

Yeah, I've got MLW to watch too, but need to work out where they go in the timeline of things. Also... hows TEW2013 going? I started a Road to Glory game as 1987 Scott Putski.
Well, that's what I was thinking too as the commentator was doing the Vince McMahon 'He's gonna... PUKE!' thing over and over again, but only in a Hispanic accent.
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