I'm loving the new Wrassle-GAF members.I'm a Kane fan too, and I loved this moment...
I'm a Kane fan too, and I loved this moment...
Bad start. You're going to stay in GAF development if you keep that up.
oh my god yes
Bad start. You're going to stay in GAF development if you keep that up.
Stay where you're happier. California is a horrible place...well...some of the time.
But SoCal has PWG! PWG FallingEdge! Think of it!
Don't listen to Beef. He's just mad that his GWF character no longer exists.
Sabucin has already been pushed to the A show while Beef still pushes brooms in developmental. We all agree on that.
You're right. Sorry, Beef. You're nothing now.But Beef died in GWF canon. He can't clean up the place too!
That's right, I'm a Paul Heyman guy.
They could form a stable of 'soccer' hooligans! William Regal could be their manager!
Eh, I just want more Regal on my TV![]()
Don't listen to Beef. He's just mad that his GWF character no longer exists.
Indeed, a great list of awesome wrestlers!
P.D.: Hi, I'm new.
I've been asking for my character's death since I debuted on that bush-league promotion.
All we need is another fucking Kane fan.
Not sure the stance on Smackdown spoilers, but just saw this gifset.. and mah gawd
Not sure the stance on Smackdown spoilers, but just saw this gifset.. and mah gawd
Whoa! Bush-league? We're worlds ahead of that shitty-ass "begging for donations" video game stream bullshit.
Spreading misinformation? I see you're learning from WCW. Such a shame, I thought you were better than that.
Not sure the stance on Smackdown spoilers, but just saw this gifset.. and mah gawd
We both did!
Honestly though I don't mind it, still baffled at how popular it is but I definitely understand how you can enjoy silly-ass things.
Wrestling itself is a silly-ass thing!
Just imaginea little less than a year ago when Orton and Kane feuded, it was over a handshake, now Kane is hugging Orton!
It should've been D-Lo that swerved us all last night.
Don't listen to Beef. He's just mad that his GWF character no longer exists.
That fucking Tazz gif is still killing me. My god so bad![]()
I've been trying to get into the GWF my whole life. I feel like I'm stuck in developmental purgatory forever.
Sometimes I think Kane fans are not really fans, but just trolling the internet.
What are you a fan of?
His ability?
His great mic skills?
Sometimes I think Kane fans are not really fans, but just trolling the internet.
What are you a fan of?
His ability?
His great mic skills?
Sometimes I think Kane fans are not really fans, but just trolling the internet.
What are you a fan of?
His ability?
His great mic skills?
Yeah, why can't we get more wcw 2000 fans?All we need is another fucking Kane fan.
Damn straight. I love this guy.I just have respect for him because he has given everything for this business. He is a great worker and he never has problems in make the job to someone.
Guys like Jericho or Kane, could be in their top of their careers, but they always think in make this business better.
I really hate those ego-maniacs like Hogan, HHH, Orton, etc... that they always wants to win all the matches and being the damn hero.
Plus, his mic skills are very well actually; his heel, psychopath, face or comedy gimmicks are great and credible. Just my opinion indeed.