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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


I support Bogo's right to write them, but I don't appreciate his obviously fake trolling.

What fake trolling? You mean making fun of Kane? Very, very rarely have any of my posts about Kane been trolling of any kind. Who knew that talking about wrestling in the wrestling thread would make so many people angry. Y'all need a good Kanyon Cutter to set you straight.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He retired. I love that Chris Bosh, Scott Lost & Joey Ryan all had their last PWG matches against Scorpio Sky, and that Sky
used each guys finisher to help put them away
. It's like he's gaining their powers, lol.

Mystery Vortex has been shipping since the 10th I think, so quite a few people have theirs already. Still waiting for mine, but PWG seem to take about 2 weeks to send over to the UK.

That's right. I forgot that was from Mystery Vortex and not DDT4. I thought I missed out on that show somehow.

And I have a feeling that Joey Ryan will be back. I don't see him lasting in TNA.
SoulPlaya sees all negative talk of Kane as trolling since that's the only way he can stay sane in a world where people don't think Kane is as great as SoulPlaya thinks he is.


more money than God
What fake trolling? You mean making fun of Kane? Very, very rarely have any of my posts about Kane been trolling of any kind. Who knew that talking about wrestling in the wrestling thread would make so many people angry. Y'all need a good Kanyon Cutter to set you straight.
Who would have thought that you would take my obvious joke so badly?

Holy crap at this.

Oh man, why would you do this to yourself? Lol, XPW was so ridiculous - all I remember is fast forwarding through endless Shane Douglas promos, Vic Grimes getting thrown off the scaffold by New Jack and some incredibly dumb and reckless matches between Supreme, Angel and Altar Boy Luke.

Yeah, it's been pretty... horrible so far. There was one match where one guy was just vomiting for about 5 minutes.
Isn't that really one of the reasons why you watched? I mean...that's like THE reason no?

Well, maybe...lol. But seriously, those matches were so horrible. I can deal with guys blading, barbed wire and light-tubes, but huge bumps are just awful - there's one where Supreme gorilla presses Angel off the top of a 15-20 foot high scaffold and he crashes back first to the concrete through a flimsy-ass table. Supreme has to physically force the kid's back straight just to pin his shoulders.


XPW is dramatically worse than WCW 2000. There isn't any kind of so bad it's good quality at all. It's just awful stuff to watch that should make you feel disgusting about yourself.
Oh man, I just saw the new RR 2013 promo in the bar where fans are making their rumble picks and then at the very end Cena in smug silence turns to the camera with a knowing grin, he's got this shit Gaf, Cena is on the way to WM.


Oh man, I just saw the new RR 2013 promo in the bar where fans are making their rumble picks and then at the very end Cena in smug silence turns to the camera with a knowing grin, he's got this shit Gaf, Cena is on the way to WM.

When I see that commercial, it's like someone read one of our threads and used it as a script for a scene in a bar.

Also, people don't talk like that in reality.


Impact Wrestling gained 300,000 viewers over hype for the wedding angle. 1,600,000 viewers which is the third highest Impact number since late July.
The very same, the one where the odds are always against him, the one where the fans were chanting lets go Sheamus, the one were every main event tag match is the biggest main event in the history of Raw.

Such a disturbing universe.

And dammit, I saw your post in the Sonic thread badmouthing Raiden. Him talking about his love of killing people is just like Kane! They are practically the same but with different elements!
Such a disturbing universe.

And dammit, I saw your post in the Sonic thread badmouthing Raiden. Him talking about his love of killing people is just like Kane! They are practically the same but with different elements!
This is not a path you want to head down Beef, mark my words.
Kane is immediately established as a character that's a brutal monster, Raiden is like if Cena turned up next week embracing the hate, growling at everyone and Orton consoling Cena's sudden emotional state by saying that Cena was the cheer in that mixed reaction.

And then Wrasslegaf loves him for some reason.
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