WCW Monday Nitro 7/31/2000
Show starts with a RIP graphic for Gordon Solie. I thought he was dead sometime in the mid 90s, actually.
EARLIER TODAY. Booker T arrived on a rainy day in Cincinnati. His wife was driving because Booker's knee is hurt. She begs him not to do this tonight. Maybe she should have just not agreed to drive him to the arena?
Booker T comes to the ring. There were shots of fans that I couldn't tell if they were dressed up in full black face and body or as the Blue Man Group. Someone will have to kill him to get his title. Booker vs Sting will happen tonight. Jeff comes out with his stupid looking wet shirt. "Hold on there, Slapatory!" Bomb on ya mom! Jeff says Sting vs Booker won't happen tonight. "If you wanna be the man, you gotta beat the playa." I don't think that is how the saying goes. They brawl. Book does a side kick with his bad knee, which gives Jeff a chance to hit a chair shot. Jeff does the figure four in the ropes again. I don't understand how that is supposed to hurt worse. Terrorist Sting hits the ring. He takes the mask off and reveals that he's completely healed from his 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body with no scars at all. Jeff pulls Book's wife over the rail and hits her with the guitar. Why would he have her in the front row and not safely in the back or maybe at home?
TO THE BACK. She's loaded into an ambulance. Sting says he'll take care of Jeff and tells Booker to go with his wife.
Buff Bagwell vs Big Vito
Judy comes out a bit after Buff. She's on color. I'm not sure if Buff's mama or Shelton's mama is more offensive. I mean, Shelton's mama was certainly more offensive from a racial stereotype standpoint. But she was also an actress playing a role and not his actual middle aged redneck mom who was overly involved in Buff's career behind the scenes. Buff is paranoid that anyone around the ring could be Kanyon in disguise. Even if Buff hadn't completely stunk up the joint on Raw, I really can't see how he could have fit in the WWF. Vito wins by sitting down on a sunset flip because Buff was distracted.
TO THE BACK. Cat is in his office when The Kwee Wee asks for a match against The Artist. He slaps Cat in the face with his dirty slipper. Cat laughs and Kwee Wee freaks out. Cat gives him the match. Paula is with Kanyon. His match with Buff is now a Judy Bagwell on a pole match. He wants her to be his Kim. She takes issue with the way he's been treating women. He tries to Kanyon Cut her. Mean Gene stops him and gets a Kanyon Cutter. But we don't get to see it as the camera man was bumped. So just the aftermath, sadly. Gene's totally going to hit that shit. Buff came to the back and saw what happened. He found Kanyon and did a double arm DDT on the floor. Sting is looking for Jeff in the back.
The Artist vs Kwee Wee
Prince is dressed like the Brooklyn Brawler for some reason. Kwee Wee is very angry in the ring. For a wardrobe guy, Kwee Wee has terrible fashion sense. Salmon tights, purple knee pads, and orange boots. "This Kwee Wee is like a very angry, flamboyant Lou Thesz, for heaven's sake!" Prince is apparently trying to impress Paisley with his manliness by dressing up like a member of the Village People. Kwee Wee wins with a powerbomb flap jack thing.
TO THE BACK. Scott Steiner and his YAK arrive. He's looking for Cat. He breaks into Cat's office and wants a match with Booker tonight or else. Kevin Nash has arrived. Norman walks in the door and hits on Midajah. Scott hits him with a pipe. Paula interviews MIA. A war on Canada starts tonight.
Lance Storm vs Lt. Loco WCW Cruiserweight Championship
The Hardcore Championship is now known as the Saskatchewan Hardcore International Title. And during his matches, WCW will be known as World Canadian Wrestling. That one doesn't even make sense. Chavo attacks during the anthem. Booker's wife is okay and he's making his way back to the arena. Jizzer and Lash are on color. Chavo hurts his leg doing a back flip off the top for no reason. Lance of course goes to work. Lance attempts a powerbomb, Chavo turns into a rana, and Lance turns that into the half crab to be the first triple champion in WCW history! Kevin Nash comes out. To challenge for the Cruiserweight Championship, I imagine. He tells Lance to hit the bricks. Lance bows up to him and gets booted in the face.
Nash is still in the ring after a break. I love that a guy wins his 3rd title in 4 weeks and Nash shows up to knock him on his ass for no reason. "You know, there is a saying in professional wrestling when two guys exchange words and they say they work themselves into a SHOOT." What a way to start a promo. There was only one time in his 12 years that he wasn't a professional. It was when he was in the WWF and this Canadian decided it wasn't Nash's night because they were in his hometown of Montreal. The next night in Quebec City, he beat the guy's ass and pinned him in the middle. The Mountie? Football players are way gayer than basketball players. Nash was a bouncer and kicked a lot of drunk NFL players' asses. He's a fighter and he doesn't lose fights. He might not be professional at the PPV. He's never going to stop to get Scott Hall back in WCW. Scott Steiner comes out. They aren't waiting for the PPV and brawl.
TO THE BACK. Jeff Jarrett is heading to the ring. Nash tells Cat he's getting Steiner tonight. Cat gives him a straight jacket and says to have a straight jacket match. You put the opponent in the straight jacket and beat on him until you get tired.
Jeff Jarrett vs Sting
I'd like to know how Sting has no burns or scars. Even his hair is completely fine. How did he recover? Why aren't the announcers curious about that? Sting has a match against the Demon at the PPV. Why? They brawl around and up to the ramp and back. Jeff gets Sting caught up in the ropes and works over his leg around the ring post. Figure four in the ropes. I still don't get it. The figure four hurts the straight leg. Having a rope between the other leg won't add any kind of extra pressure. Jeff tries to grab a chair on the apron. Mickie Jay tries to stop him and Jeff mule kicks him in the dick. Why this wasn't a DQ, I don't know. Sting wins with a death drop on said chair.
TO THE BACK. Someone was taken out in an ambulance. Booker T has returned. Red Rooster is there to greet him. I guess Jeff was in the ambulance.
Kronik vs Muta/Vampiro vs Jindrak/O'Haire WCW Tag Team Championships
Perfect Event are on color. What was the point of the cage match last week if Kronik was just going to have to defend in a 3 way dance on Nitro? And against a team that wasn't even in that cage match. Muta and Vamp have had one match as a team. Obviously they aren't number one contenders to anything. How did they get into this match? They have matching face paint, at least. I kind of would like to see Muta in ICP paint.
Muta had Crush in a knee bar. Wrath hits him with a chair. Vamp then hits Wrath with the chair. Jindrak hits a super frankensteiner on Vamp. He pins vamp and Crush pins Muta. Double pin. Who won? Kronik, I guess. The rookies aren't into this. Kronik hits them with the belts. Muta and Vamp mist Kronik.
TO THE BACK. Cat is in his office with Shane and Torrie. Cat books Shane vs Kidman in a Viagra on a pole match. Sting and Booker talk on a disgustingly ugly couch. Paula is with Jindrak and O'Haire. They're pissed!
Shane Douglas vs Billy Kidman Viagra on a Pole
"If you get the bottle of viagra, you can use it on your opponent." Um. Does that mean the rule is you can rape your opponent? This is not the first Viagra on a pole match. Thesz, O'Connor, Baba, Inoki, and Johnny Ace have all been in them. Sweet stun gun from Shane. This is non stop dick jokes from Madden. Tony finally has to tell him to shut the fuck up. Shane hits the Plunge. He climbs up for the bottle. Kidman jumps up and powerbombs him. Unprettier on Shane. Kidman has the bottle, but Shane hit the Franchiser while Torrie had the ref distracted. The bottle exploded during the move somehow. And somehow Kidman's mouth was now full of the pills. What?
TO THE BACK. Stacy and Gunns get ready for their hardcore match. Nash and Steiner prepare for their match. Ms Hancock and Gunns get into a fight in the shower. Is this the match?
Ms. Hancock vs Major Gunns Hardcore match
They fight inter catering where they dump food and beverages on each other. CAKE TO THE FACE! But AWOL and David are fighting in the ring. The YAKS have made it to the ring. Stacy Irish whipped Gunns into a table in the corner. Body slam from Stacy! She wins.
TO THE BACK. Booker and Sting are getting ready. The Nitro girls want Kidman to take them to his hotel room. Because he ate a bunch of viagra, you see. He's going to fuck them all. "Fans, if you have a heart condition, do NOT take that pill."
Scott Steiner vs Kevin Nash Straight Jacket match.
Steiner makes a reference to John Holmes and how nothing is finer than 69iner with Scott Steiner. On Thunder we'll get an in depth SHOOT interview with Vince Russo. This is pretty boring. Weakest chair shot ever from Midajah. He jackknifes her for it. Come on, Kev, she's like 4 feet tall. Rick Steiner comes out and gets booted. But a chair shot and Steiner recliner later, Nash is put in the straight jacket. They didn't even beat on him after putting him in the jacket.
Sting vs Booker T WCW Championship
Sting has a hurt knee from his match earlier, Booker has had a bad knee for a few weeks. Sting gets the deathlock almost locked on, but Book got to the ropes. SuperSting splash was countered with Booker getting his knees up, which might have hurt Book worse. Ax kick, but Book can't get to Sting in time to make the pin. Double cross body. Sting rolls to the floor and arms pull him under the ring. Looked like it was the Demon. Sting now has raspberry jam on his forehead. Really awkward Booker roll up in the corner only gets two. DDT from Sting almost wins. Deathdrop is countered into a Book End for the win. Booker has defeated Goldberg and Sting in back to back weeks. Sting heads to the floor and pulls the Demon out from under the ring. Vamp and Muta come out. Vampiro for some reason had changed his face paint from earlier. Jeff Jarrett is back and coming out from the crowd. He ambushes Booker with a chair. Jeff strings Booker up by his knee and busts it with the guitar. Sting is placed in the Demon's coffin and it is set on fire.
This was a show I guess. Judy Bagwell, Viagra on a pole, a Tennessee man with a lynch from the ceiling to string up a black man (by his foot, though, so it's cool), and Sting being place in a plastic coffin that was set on fire by a Gene Simmons impersonator. Sting is obviously immune to fire, idiots.