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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

lol I just understood (30 minutes later) why all of you started to post "oh so i can walk to the ring when I have a ticket?". Damn, I'm an idiot.

Speaking as someone who once tried to drunkenly convince a guard to let me backstage at a WWE event (I had a ticket) I can confirm that what The Rock did is not an accurate representation of reality.
Cena needs to back the fuck up fo' he gets smacked the fuck up. How annoying is the guy. He is a black hole.

Also the WWE is trying so hard to make Miz popular because they like him as a spokesman but sometimes it just isn't meant to be. Time to end that already.


The best thing about RAW was Bobby Backlund is finally getting in the HOF. For the first time in years, I actually care about the HOF ceremony. Bruno and Macho would be next but Bruno ain't going in until he's dead, even after that I'm not sure.

It's going to be a while before either of those guys make it in. Macho's dead and he ain't even in.


more money than God
It's going to be a while before either of those guys make it in. Macho's dead and he ain't even in.
Last thing dirt sheets had about Macho is that the WWE want him in, but his brother is insisting that he and his father also be inducted, because Macho's dream was that they be inducted as a family, and the WWE is refusing to do that.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Triple H and The Game have a better shot at being inducted than Macho, his brother and his father.
Sorry but where did he go with it?

Sunday. That's a day, folks.

Hey kid you play video games right. Blah blah blah toilet humour Codblops 2 blah blah. Little kids should be playing M rated games you know.

Hey you, girl, you go out? Like dressed up and stuff or something? Post it on facebook and junk? Yeah, cool.

Hey neckbearded fella, bodily fluids and stuff. You know. Sex jokes? Blow up dolls, that sort of thing.

Anyway, Sunday, yeah, that's a day. Also on Sunday is the Royal Rumble NOW I AM YELLING OUT OF NO WHERE COS I'M SERIOUS AND I WILL WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE.

This made me laugh.


Ryback isn't the new Warrior at all. He's more like the new Warlord. That's not even really an insult. I thought Warlord was awful as a kid, but I find him far more enjoyable that I remembered. That dude was swoll as FUCKKKKKKKK. He was way bigger than Ryback. And much less awkward in the ring.

I still hate him for being on every CHV tape I had in the most boring matches imaginable against either the Bulldog or Jim Neidhart. 10 minute matches fighting over a full nelson that felt like 10 hours. I swear I had at least 5 tapes with one of those matches. Probably the same ones reused with different commentary. I for real used those to help me fall asleep when I was a kid. They literally bored me to sleep.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Ryback is like Goldberg only with less presence and better in ring skills. Also with WCW 1999/2000 booking instead of the great year or so buildup Bill had.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Man, I love Koko B Ware's theme.

and no I don't just mean the High Energy theme as an excuse to post Owen. Though that is the greatest theme of all time. Koko and Owen were crazy over though. I imagine Koko helped Owen's face career a lot. Too bad he was always such an ace heel.

Jamie OD


Figure Quarter Past Three Leg Lock.
Ryback is like Goldberg only with less presence and better in ring skills. Also with WCW 1999/2000 booking instead of the great year or so buildup Bill had.

Problem is when you are as limited on the mic and in the ring as Goldberg and Ryback are, Presence>>>>>>>>>>>Everything else.
OK...since some of you guys want it, (thanks for that, I love doing these; I just don't want to feel like I'm wasting space here) here's my report on last night's ACW show from beautiful downtown Austin, TX.


Anarchy Championship Wrestling Presents "Guilty By Association 7" Live from The Mohawk

Forgive me if I gloss over the first bits. I actually sped 90 MPH most of the way from a job I finally finished in Dallas to get to the Mohawk (a little late) to see the show, so I missed the first few things.

Background: "GBA" is known as ACW's flagship event of the year--even though it turns out that other events this year have had just as much, if not more big angles and flown-in talent than this show. Still, the reputation of this event as the "must see" ACW show of the year obviously carries some weight, because the Mohawk was PACKED with fans. The weather couldn't have been better for wrestling at the Mohawk, outdoors and under the stars, with the nighttime temps in Austin in the (f) high-50s, keeping the packed-in crowd cool enough to stay hot for the entire marathon show.

What I missed:

-The LONG ASS, crazy line to get into the place. Apparently the crowd got there early, and walk-ups kept coming.

-Jason Silver, Jeff Gant and Killa Kash v. Machiko, Ricky Romida and Jack Jameson: Machiko's team won after Kash killed everyone and then left because he is angry and hates everybody, including the guys who were supposedly on his own team. I love Kash. He's a big, big man with a lot of promise. He still needs a little work in the gym, but he's got a lot going for him. He's pretty damn charismatic, and has a lot of intensity and mean facials, (all things that are a lot harder for wrestlers to come by than a great physique). He's a Booker T guy out of H-town. Unfortunately, I didn't hear how Machiko, ACW's latest Joshi project, did here, but I didn't hear that she shit the bed either. Disappointed I didn't get to see Jason Silver too, because he rules.

Team "A Little Crazy" (JC Bravo and Stan Summers) v. Ricky Starks and Kyle Hawk: Heard it was fun. I believe it. "A little Crazy" is the two smallest guys on the ACW roster, tag-teaming, one a small lucha-type guy with a "reverse mohawk" and the other, billed as "Scot Summers' half brother," a drunken clown. Apparently they actually beat the hot team of Hawk and Starks with a sick synchronized reverse hurricanrana spot.

Lil' Tony v. Thomas Shire (w/Chris Trew): Thomas Shire (who is pretty awesome) of course is now a member of "The Business," manager Chris Trew's heel stable (along w/Tag-Team Champs Angel Blue and JoJo Bravo) and Lil' Tony is apparently continuing his rise as a fan favorite for no apparent reason, but he's handling it really well, so maybe there is a reason after all. Me and my buddy that I go to shows with usually sit in or near the very "pro-Tony" section of the crowd so we got a report. Apparently the spot of the match was little Tony dragging Shire out to the crowd and teaching his biggest fan (and Brandon Stroud's GF) how to do chops, which, according to the fan I heard about this from, Shire "sold like Kawada's kicks." So fun was had by all, and the Legend of Lil' Tony continues to grow. Unfortunately, Shire got the win.​

What I saw:

I finally arrived at the Mohawk and began furiously looking through the packed house to no avail for my seats, but I did mange to catch the last part of...

Carson (c) v Bolt Brady for the U-30 Title: The place was full of heat for this match, and just seeing the end suggests that it was really, really good. Carson (a member of "The Takeover" heel stable) is becoming one of my favorite heels in ACW, as his persona just kills me with terrific facial expressions and a pretty great gimmick. He was wearing flesh-colored shorts ala Billy Gunn which was ridiculous. Bolt Brady (arguably THE up-and-comer of the year in ACW) drilled him with a crazy Sunset Flip Bomb-to-Lungblower (!) to finally claim the U-30 Title he's been chasing, wrenching it from the grasp of Carson, who has held it most of the year.​

At this point, the road trip caught up to me, so I missed Jason Silver v. JT Lamotta as I had to wait in a crazy long line for the Men's room: Missing Jason Silver again :( just SUCKED. Lamotta won.

Back again, and finally finding our REAL seats, just in time for...

Barbi Hayden (c) v. "The Goddess" Athena v. "Five Star" Amanda Fox v. Jessica James in a "Double Jeopardy" Match for the American Joshi Championship: The "Double Jeopardy" match basically means that two matches are going on at once, in the same ring, and the winner of those two matches immediately square off for the title. The first-round opponents were Athena v. Jessica, and Barbi v. Amanda. Both Barbi and Jessica had swank new ring gear/looks, which was something we'd see from some of the other joshis (and men) on this show as well.

At the bell, both groups of combatants found corners to fight in and started taking it to each other. Barbi and Fox fighting furiously, while Jessica played cat-and-mouse with Athena, enraging her as she ducked in and out, using a stick-and-move approach against one of the hardest hitting women in the game. This, of course, would be a tactic familiar to the Jessica James character of old--kinda cartoonish, kinda running scared, kinda funny--but with flashes of Lady Poison also coming out from time-to-time too. The long backstory and development of this "hybrid Jessica" (or "complete Jessica" depending on your POV) character is really one of the most subtly interesting characters in indy wrestling right now IMO. Her diametrically opposed split personalities (the goofy, naive, puppydogish Jessica and the entirely cunning and snakelike Lady Poison) coming together at last, is a really cool story and I hope the rest of the crowd is understanding how awesome it is. Since we don't hear the commentary at the live shows, I really hope the PBP guys are putting it over.

At one point, the action between the two groups came together, and there were some pretty cool multi-woman spots, including Jessica doing an Orbiting Headscissors Rana/DDT combo thingie on two girls, Barbi catching Fox trying to reverse DDT Athena, and thus reverse DDTing them both (prompting a funny "FEED HER MORE!!!" chant from the crowd,) and Jessica hitting a gorgeous Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex with a bridge on Barbi, only to have Athena bust up her pinning attempt (which wouldn't have been legal anyway, IDT) via a brutal-looking Back-Handspring-into-Double Kneedrop right onto Jessica's bridging torso. (OUCH!)

From the back, Shawn Vexx, who's been creeping on Athena and trying to ruin her relationship with on-again-off-again boyfriend Davy Vega, comes to ringside to watch, distracting Athena, and Jessica uses that moment to get the 1-2-3, eliminating her. Jessica takes a few liberties to see about some attack opportunities, but later bails to let the other two combatants sort it out while she awaits the victor.

Barbi and Fox exchanged some really great offense, with Fox throwing all sorts of nasty knee strikes into the cornered champ, only to get powerbombed out of that corner by Barbi for her trouble. At some point, Jessica enters the ring and plants a kiss on Barbi. IDK if this was an actual Poison Kiss, or just a distraction, but it did a number on Barbi somehow. Fox eventually got the pin on Barbi, and the crowd knew then that a new American Joshi Champ would be crowned on this night at the Mohawk.

Jessica slides back in the ring to face off with Fox. She's intense as hell. No sign of the smiling Jess from "Bacon and Eggs" (Rachel and Jessica's Eggcellent Tag Team) anymore. All business. Jessica isn't fazed by Fox's Submission Squad friends at ringside, Evan Gelistico and Gary Jay, either. At one point she puts a pinfall attempt on Fox while intensely staring down Fox's allies, almost daring them to interfere.

Later in the match, Fox goes for a laced leg lock/heelhook thingie, and Jessica finally makes her way to the ropes for a break after much struggle. Jessica climbs the ropes to her feet, only to be created by the sight of Rachel Summerlyn, now donning a "Harley Quinn" style and makeup! Rachel stares at Jessica, in that hypnotic way familiar to fans of Lady Poison, and then plants a kiss on Jessica. Quickly thereafter, Jessica drops Fox to the mat, and secures a Texas Cloverleaf (shades of Summerlyn) for the submission. Jessica James is the new American Joshi Champion.

Of course this sets up even more intrigue for the continuing (and utterly AWESOME) saga of Rachel and Jessica that's been literally going on for years in ACW. These two women have one of the best continuing story lines in all of wrestling, IMO. I mean, this is like really good Chris Clairmont-level stuff here, and one of the things I like most about ACW.​
Davy Vega v. Shawn Vexx (c) for the ACW Televised (YouTube) Title: Last show, Athena declared that this bizarre "love triangle" between her and Vega and the creepy Vexx would end here, tonight. She would go with the winner. This pleased Vexx and confounded Vega. Last show, one of ACW's most vocal fans, and one of Vexx's worst critics, a funny black guy named Tommy, got in Vexx's face and displayed a sign that read "Vexx is a Bitch-Ass N*****," so tonight, as Vexx entered the ring, he did so with a sign of his own held high, which declared that Tommy was the same. This got quite the reaction from the crowd at the Mohawk in a pretty funny moment.

Vexx had another surprise--he enlisted Jeff Gant as his own personal referee, a guy that made Brad Maddox look fair, despite Gant's pre-bell insistence that he would call the match "right down the middle, daddy!"

The two men didn't wait to square off, and a vicious brawl ensued.

Gant's counts were ridiculously fast for Vexx's pinning attempts on Vega, and pretty much non-existant for Vega's attempts.

Eventually, Vega tired of Gant's shenanigans, and Gant was sent out to take a nap on the concrete floor of the Mohawk.

Athena, who had won her chance at a Televised Title shot, finally decided she'd had enough of passively standing by, and cashed in her title shot mid-match, making this a three-way-dance.

So now it's Davy Vega v. Shawn Vexx (c) v. Athena for the ACW Televised (YouTube) Title:

The guys, (especially Vega) kinda played around with Athena, overlooking her a bit to their own peril.

OK, so if you've ever seen an Athena match, you know...she's not afraid to knock someone's head right off. She'll give Low-Ki in his JAPW days a run for his money in terms of stiffness. At one point in this match she hit the damndest running lariat to send Vexx flipping over the top rope that I've ever seen live. Later, as the two men brawled outside, she hit them both with a Tope Suicida. Later, she'd hit some big running knees to Vexx in the corner before Vega pushed her to the outside, basically telling her he'd take care of Vexx, while Athena stewed over him overlooking her.

Vega started working over Vexx in the corner, and Athena slid in and started really putting it to Vega for making her mad. Vega and Vexx still did their best to ignore the female, and were soon squaring off again in the center of the ring.

This didn't last long though, as Athena flew in, catching Vexx in her patented O-Face finisher, following it up with taking Vega out as well. She threw herself over the two prone men, pinning them both for the 1-2-3, and captured the Television Title for herself!

After the match, Vega got on the stick and tried to explain himself, and his heart, to Athena. It was quite the promo. It worked too, because it ended in him and Athena having a big kiss in the middle of the ring. Vega may have lost the match, but he got the girl.​

Time for the next match...

Darrin Childs (w/Machiko) v. Rachel Summerlyn (c) for the ACW Heavyweight Title: So, this was one of the advertised main events. Childs comes out with Machiko, who was looking particularly fetching this evening. Unfortunately, Rachel didn't--out came Miss Maulie, "Cowboy" James Claxton, and Carson, three members of "The Takeover" heel stable. Maulie and Carson start laying the boots and fists into Childs right away, and Claxton gets on the mic.​

This is when the show almost went completely off-the-rails.

First, Machiko did NOTHING while Childs got beat up. This, despite them building up this whole story in past shows of Machiko getting rescued by Childs and finally Childs saying she had to start holding her own. I mean this side-story took up a significant amount of time in past shows, but here, it apparently meant nothing. This is highly uncharacteristic of ACW, where things happen, and there's continuity, and things have meaning. Machiko should have at least tried to do something and got laid out. Either that, or she should have done what my buddy and I hatched just in the seemingly endless time Claxton's rambling promo and the extended beatdown--she should have JOINED the takeover. At least that would have done something that made sense.

Second, it's one thing to have a swerve...but the Childs/Summerlyn Title Match was an advertised semi-Main Event of your supposed flagship show. They advertised something and didn't deliver. That is begging for your crowd to shit all over the show. And that's exactly what the crowd did, especially because...

Third, James Claxton is not a good heel promo. He had his work cut out for him for sure as the crowd was hating the whole idea of him being out there in the first place, but this was rambling and disjointed, uninteresting and unoriginal...and it went on, and on, and on. If he had the mic skill, he might have been able to turn it around. He might have been able to listen to the crowd and call an audible and work the promo differently, but clearly, he wasn't able to do that. Crowds at ACW don't really come in wanting to hate stuff. They want to like stuff. They want to appreciate dastardly heels doing dastardly things too. In the end, sadly, it wasn't good heat. It wasn't even "X-Pac" heat. It was a crowd genuinely unhappy with the poor quality of his act, as well as knowing that the booking was robbing them of a promised match.

I will complement Miss Maulie and Carson for their beatdown of Childs. Maulie especially looked mean as hell. But that was the ONLY thing even remotely decent about this segment.

Eventually, after way too long, the swerve concluded with Rachel Summerlyn somehow having to fight former champ Jaykus Pliskin for the title for no reason at all except apparently "...the Takeover, something something..." In a way, (on paper at least,) this makes sense booking-wise, because Rachel actually never beat Pliskin for the Title--she won it at the Lone Star Classic tourney without beating him. But this wasn't the time or place. The crowd wanted Childs v. Summerlyn--not this--and especially not after that shitty promo.

Rachel Summerlyn (c) v. Jaykus Pliskin for the ACW Heavyweight Championship: This match actually was pretty good, even if the crowd had been split between being killed dead-as-fuck and being in open rebellion. Summerlyn got out of the gate with a powerful German Suplex on Pliskin, establishing herself as being able to hang right in there with the powerful man. They did a good job too with the striking game, with Rachel throwing some big kicks at Pliskin both on the apron and in the center of the ring. Pliskin sold everything just right, and looked good too.

Pliskin tried to ground Rachel, and Rachel sold really well as well, bringing that drama that she does so well. Rachel took a lot of punishment from Pliskin before finally having enough, going into SCREAMING RAGE MODE, and getting the win.

So at least that takes care of the bullshit swervy WCW booking and everybody can go home happy...right? RIGHT?

The Submission Squad (Gary Jay and Evan Gelistico w/Amanda Fox) v. Barrett Brown and "A Mystery Partner": Can this show be saved? Oh yes. Barrett Brown, for those who don't recognize the name yet, is most likely to be the "arguably" guy most ACW fans talk about when they say stuff like I did before-- that "Bolt Brady is arguably the hottest new young talent in ACW." So the audience is already happy. He announces his "Mystery Partner" and the place goes unhinged. Hit the music. It's Matt Fitchett (w/Murphy, his inflatable leprechaun "brother!) For those that don't know, Fitchett is a HIGH FLYER~! who was injured badly last year, and this is his return to ACW. His inflatable brother Murphy was also decapitated, and it was feared he would never be in a wrestling ring again. SO, triumphant return to the Mohawk and all that.

This match was all kinds of awesome. Barrett Brown is incredible. Check. Evan Gelistico is such a cerebral villain it's ridiculous. Check. Fitchett looked like he never missed a day in the ring, and was flying all over the place. Check. Gay Jay? Best match I've ever seen him have, period. Check.

Seriously, Gary Jay kinda surprised me the most here. He just did tons--lots of really hurty-looking stuff too--both giving and receiving, and did it all well.

Brown and Fitchett could be a tag team tearing up the world if they wanted. They looked really good together. Brown brought the excitement, but knew that tonight was Fitchett's night, so he slid right into the "perfect partner" mode. He threw an especially nice tope to the outside which set up Fitchett's reverse-flip over the top rope. Fitchett also amazed with his Vertical Suplex-to-Lungblower, a running Shooting Star Press wher he kinda had to turn 90-degrees in the air to land perfect, and his Shooting Star Press off the top rope finisher.

By the end of this match, all was forgiven in ACW Land. And it would get BETTER...

ACH v. "The Centerfold" Matthew Palmer (c) for the ACW Hardcore Title: This is the long-awaited third match of the series. The previous two ended in no-contests because, quite frankly, every previous time they met, both men would kill each other dead and not be able to continue. Consider the last time they met, a few months ago--they constructed a really high scaffold made entirely out of steel chairs and threw themselves into it. Surprisingly, the thing hardly moved as they crashed into it, and ACH had to be carried out while Palmer seemingly slipped in and out of consciousness. Then and there, the challenge was made.

Early on in the show, Barry the Ring Announcer announced that both men had agreed to special stipulations for this, Palmer's one-year anniversary defense of the Hardcore title he won from Masada in a Scaffold Match that goes down as one of the most brutal I'd ever seen.

As Plamer settled into the corner after his signature high-enrgy entrance, I noticed him kinda coughing and looking a little sick. Thinking about the flu epidemic going around, I wondered to myself if he was going to be able to give us all the match we were waiting for. I should't have worried. Palmer is a warhorse.

So what were the special stipulations? Let's find out...

First though, mad props to ACW for the crazy-cool ceremony preceding this match. Ring Announcer Barry got behind the ref and wrapped his microphone-carrying arm around his waist, Michael Buffer in the UFC-style, so the ref could read the instructions as Palmer and ACH met in the center of the ring. As he began reading them it became obvious--ten counts on the outside, disqualifications for stuff--this "Hardcore Title Match" was going to be conducted according to rather strict BASIC PRO-WRESTLING RULES, with really only closed-fist punches being the only deviation from the classic rules! In the world of Anarchy, THIS is unusual! After all these wars, all this talk, both men just wanted to find out who the best really was--no gimmicks, no excuses...so here we go.

...but first, a song?

In another flourish of awesome production values, as the two combatants looked across from each other, right before the opening bell, the PA rang out with the opening from "Run This Town" by Jay-Z. (UFC fans will recognize this as Jose Aldo's entrance music.) When it got to the part where Rhianna sings "Who's Gonna Run This Town Tonight?" the whole crowd at the Mohawk sang along with that line...and then the music stopped, the bell rang, and the men came to blows in the center of the ring. Awesome.

And it was awesome. Both guys just had a great pro wrestling match. The story centering around ACH working Palmer's knee after finding an opening with a nasty Dragon Screw. Palmer being tough as nails.

Palmer eventually survived everything ACH could throw at the knee and more, and Palmer finally scored the pinfall after two applications of his finisher. Palmer retains the Hardcore Title.

Wrestling bliss. At the end, ACH was going to cut a promo putting Palmer over, but figured out halfway through that he really didn't need to, so the men embraced instead, and the fans cheered them all the way to the back.

"The Electric Company" (Ricky Romida and Jack Jameson) v. "The Business" ((c)- JoJo Bravo and Angel Blue w/Chris Trew and Thomas Shire) for the ACW Tag Team Championship: Romida is a thick, THICK hoss, with a head like a cinder block. Jameson has the power of a mighty beard. JoJo Bravo and Angel Blue have one of the funniest tag team gimmicks I've seen in a long time--JoJo is a short white guy (though he's got a really good build and is really athletic) who thinks he's an unstoppable, all-powerful monster heel/Japanese warrior, and Angel Blue is an incredible cowardly cheating heel. And it turns out, they are both really selfish, and don't really seem like each other at all. If it wasn't for Chris Trew putting them together, well, they wouldn't be together. The basic gist of this match was JoJo is awesome, but gets in over his head a lot because he thinks he's more powerful than he actually is, leading to the more powerful opposition taking advantage, while Angel Blue takes cowardly hit-and-run attacks all over the place, until they sort things out. In the case of this team, "sorting things out" means Angel and JoJo taking turns using each other as weapons against their opponents.

"The Business" retains the titles in a fun match.

Which leads us to our Main Event...

"Showtime" Scot Summers v. "The Godfather of Anarchy" Jerry Lynn: This was Jerry Lynn's farewell match in Texas and at ACW. He is beloved here by all the fans and all the talented folks at ACW. Tons of streamers for "The Godfather."

These guys tore it down. 4x8 board? Yep. Chairs? Yep. Ladder? Yep. Table on the concrete floor? Yep. "Showtime" Scot Summers bouncing his head off said concrete floor? Sure, why not?

Lynn got the victory, but raised Summers' hand in the end. Great stuff.

So now for the second swerve of the evening...

Gelistico, Jay and Fox come out and start beating down Lynn and Summers. They handcuff Lynn and Summers and continue beating on them. Eventually, Gelistico (who actually is good at cutting promos) tells Rachel Summerlyn to come down to ringside. He's bringing Anarchy back to Anarchy Championship Wrestling, and Summerlyn has to make a choice--She can put up her ACW Title in a match against him right now, or watch Jerry Lynn die tonight.

Crowd starts chanting "Bullshit!" but it's on...

Rachel Summerlyn v. Evan Gelistico for the ACW Heavyweight Title: Basically, this was exactly what it was--Rachel Summerlyn walking straight to her own execution, knowing that she was going be hurt and her title stolen, all because of her love for the hardcore legend. As soon as she agreed to the terms, with Lynn and Summers helplessly cuffed to the ring looking on, the Submission Squad jumped her. Gelistico hoisted Summerlyn up, and spiked her with his Jumping/Spinning Piledriver.

Evan Gelistico is the new ACW Heavyweight Champion.​

"Showtime" Scot Summers, still chained to the ring ropes, sat in the corner, blood gushing from his head, and literally wept. Real tears. Like HARD RAIN. Both the moment of Rachel's defeat, and the knowledge that that was Jerry Lynn's last match with him, too much for the tough SOB to bear.

After the match, the tears continued, as both men shared terrific remarks to close the show. Some fans were still calling bullshit on the booking, but Scot Summers nipped that in the bud, first with a threat of violence on a particular fan, then through his empasioned speech for his friend and mentor. Hell, it was so emotional that some drunk girl tried to get into the ring and had to be bounced out of the Mohawk by Killah Kash.

The show wasn't perfect, but boy was it impactful.

Feb. Show News: Colt Cabana returns to ACW...


So not worth it
So, assuming we're getting swerved and Cena does not win the Rumble, here's my top 5 picks for the win in this order:

1. Ziggler
2. Cesaro
3. Barett
4. Orton
5. Ryback
Wow, what a shitty Raw. So much stupid shit, can't even begin.

Not even remotely excited for the Royal Rumble, one of the few events I usually look forward too.


Miz. :lol you would think:

a) He should know how to do the move lol, people at my school were doing it for fun at lunch times and had it perfected.

b) They could at least teach him how to do the move if for some reason he doesn't. Or maybe they did and he's just that terrible, yes.

Stop forcing it, its not gonna happen, its all a terrible Miztake, CM Punk warned you that it was but you weren't listening.

I smell a shitty PPV result wise incoming. :(

Great picture.


Such a beautiful man, D-Bry is dazzling!
Excellent ACW review Pristine, sounds like another great show and, even if the crowd weren't too hot on it because of the previous swerve, I think that sounds like a good main event angle on paper. Definitely going to pick up the MP4 of this when SMV release it, as I'm really interested in seeing Summers vs Lynn. Also, I'm really warming to Davy Vega the more ACW & AIW shows I see.

On another note, just got PCSX2 up and running with Fire Pro Returns and the Puro Elitist 2012 save! I forgot how fun Fire Pro is, and how remarkably entertaining the matches can be - just wrestled Pat O'Connor as Zack Sabre Jr, and the story of the match was Pat trying to hit the O'Connor roll, to which Zack always had a counter. Zack tried using his speed and striking ability to put Pat away early, but O'Connor kept stunning him with a big belly to belly out of nowhere. Every time Pat went for a waist lock, Zack countered into a kimura and almost made O'Connor tap, but in the end he rolled through the kimura into a cradle pin, Zack kicked out at 2.9, O'Connor hit the ropes but held on, Zack missed a dropkick, ate a deadlift German suplex and finally got hit with the O'Connor roll for the 3-count. Man, I love this game.
Hogan is going to drop the leg on Scoffield if he doesn't stop interrupting.

Straight in there with the 'pre-determined' question. Get back in the Broom Closest, Scoffield.

This morning showing WWE photos.

Well that was a bit pointless.


So not worth it
So, guys, can I make a Royal Rumble thread in OT?

Cause then I will work on a pro opening post to hype it tonight. If anyone else has their hearts set on it I will streetfight you for it! IN JEANS!

Title suggestions anyone?


I'm glad I fell asleep early through last night's RAW. The matches and a segment here and there were decent, but other than that it was a pretty pathetic show considering it's the one directly advertising a PPV the WWE probably has high hopes for.

I was extremely hot for the Punk/Rock match 2 weeks ago when they verbally clashed in the ring, everything that came after that exchange just couldn't compare. They should have kept that segment for yesterday's show.

Ever since I got back into WWE a few years ago after a 10 year hiatus, I keep wondering how the company can be so bad at setting up and selling their PPVs. Times have changed from when there were only four big events during the year, but I still feel they could do a lot better.


Months ago, I wanted somebody like Zigger, Bryan, or Barrett to win the Rumble. They needed proper build up leading up to the show though, and I don't think any of those three really have done so. Ziggler is the most probable between those three, although I can see him cashing in at the Elimination Chamber PPV.

Big Show and Ryback are both on the EC poster so it seems they're heading in that direction. Still going all around the place with Orton and Sheamus, though I thought Orton was suppose to turn soon. Perhaps at the Rumble if they have the match with Shield vs. Ryback, Sheamus, and Orton, in which Orton turns then.

Really, Cena will probably win it and will end up a flop of an event.


So not worth it
Whatdya think guys for the Rumble OT?

Gonna add all the participants that are confirmed so far and perhaps list all the previous winners, and probably some stats from previous rumbles as well.

Rumored matches, as far as I know is only Cesaro vs. Miz at the moment, right?


You know, thanks for reminding me. I was just at the book store today, and I'm wondering, what happened to WWE books? They used to pump a bunch of those out, but I never see them anymore. There are plenty of guys, including Kane that I would love to see a book from.

Wrestlers still write books, but it seems they don't get published by WWE anymore... and lose some of that marketing muscle as a result.

http://amzn.com/1605424684 came out fall last year


I wish I had access to my phone during that segment. I just wanted to vent.

Remember when we would give Rock grief for the sharpshooter? Perfect execution compared to whatever the heck this was.

He actually had it, but he accidentally let go of the leg somehow, and his recovery was ASS.


No chance in hell Ziggler wins it all while holding a WHC briefcase. Also, isn't Ziggler and Cena having a match or am I mistaken?

My guess: it'll be either a surprise return to win it or Cena. I'd like to see Barrett, Bryan, or Cesaro win it, though.
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