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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

I was going to watch Zero Dark Thirty and Argo but I already knew the ending so why bother.

Really if Punk is that good he will figure out a way to build it. The build and the actual match can be good. Why not even give it a chance? Who knows, maybe they will fail, but I'm not assuming it will suck JUST cause Taker will win.
Argo is damn good that's why.


Really, who cared about Goldberg at that point. People already thought he sucked back in '99.

Go back and listen to the pops the man got.

Regardless of what YOU may think about him, the guy was a big deal.
People LOVE dominating powerhouse babyfaces

They could have adone a lot more than what they did with him.


We are talking about WWE.

And as for WCW, he was damaged by the Russo bullshit. The failed heel turn.
They did everything they could to damage his character.

I know that I remember him getting pops because the WWE was in the shitcan back then, but maybe I'm wrong. You're right, probably.


Probably not.

He's having a ton of fun with the character. He's on TV multiple times a week, making some serious money, and not doing a ton of damage to his body.

How is any of that a bad thing?

Wrasslin' is serious business, bro. If you're not stone-faced while beating Cena clean for both major titles simultaneously, you're a joke.
Remember that guy The Rock? Dude had a ton of potential until they put him in a comedy tag team with Mankind. Shit killed his career dead.

He's telling you what you think is a horrible, weird insane joke. Cena keeps just talkin' weird shit.

But it's the TRUTH.

Cena is The Comedian from Watchmen? Makes sense.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He insulted all the people he pointed out and then he smiled and said he was going to win. What a dumb address. Stop it wwe. pls stahp!

This is just like VTM: Bloodlines.

He's telling you what you think is a horrible, weird insane joke. Cena keeps just talkin' weird shit.

But it's the TRUTH.


I gave up before Cena's promo. What did he say?

He came out. Talked to the camera man again. Ran down. Grabbed a mic and did his usual selling of the ppv. He then talked about Sundays. He pointed out three audience members and talked about their sundays. One was like an 11 year old. He talked to him about Black Ops II and tried to relate with the Universe. He said his gamertag is Skidmarks187 or something. He then pointed to some blonde girl in the front row and said that her Sundays consist of waking up after a wild night... then she uploads pictures to facebook but only the ones she looks good in and then he said some other random stuff to her. He then pointed to some random guy and pretty much made him look like a creep. He said he wakes up at 2pm in the afternoon with bodily fluids all around him... and his night consisted of blow up dolls but only one could be found the next morning. After that, he started talking a bit... Let's Go Cena/ Cena Sucks chants started. Then he was like "I'M GONNA WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!!"

That's when Sheamus came out, followed by PTP, followed by Orton, followed by Miz, followed by Cesaro, followed by Team Hell No, followed by 3MB (all claiming they were going to win) and then the rest of the locker room came out to brawl Nitro style before it faded to black.


He came out. Talked to the camera man again. Ran down. Grabbed a mic and did his usual selling of the ppv. He then talked about Sundays. He pointed out three audience members and talked about their sundays. One was like an 11 year old. He talked to him about Black Ops II and tried to relate with the Universe. He said his gamertag is Skidmarks187 or something. He then pointed to some blonde girl in the front row and said that her Sundays consist of waking up after a wild night... then she uploads pictures to facebook but only the ones she looks good in and then he said some other random stuff to her. He then pointed to some random guy and pretty much made him look like a creep. He said he wakes up at 2pm in the afternoon with bodily fluids all around him... and his night consisted of blow up dolls but only one could be found the next morning. After that, he started talking a bit... Let's Go Cena/ Cena Sucks chants started. Then he was like "I'M GONNA WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!!"

That's when Sheamus came out, followed by PTP, followed by Orton, followed by Miz, followed by Cesaro, followed by Team Hell No, followed by 3MB (all claiming they were going to win) and then the rest of the locker room came out to brawl Nitro style before it faded to black.

That was pretty kind of you to explain all that.


Junior Member
Go back and listen to the pops the man got.

Regardless of what YOU may think about him, the guy was a big deal.
People LOVE dominating powerhouse babyfaces

They could have adone a lot more than what they did with him.

By that messure we could add Scott Steiner.

The pop that Steiner got in Survivor Series when he came back was ridiculous. But then they censored his mic and made him HHH bitch.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
By that messure we could add Scott Steiner.

The pop that Steiner got in EC when he came back was ridiculous. But then they censored his mic and made him HHH bitch.

To be fair, they kinda had to do that. Fuckin Steiner :D


so when ziggler wins the rumble

he'll go to mania to win the wwe title

then cash in his briefcase and win the world title

unifying them



formerly cjelly
He came out. Talked to the camera man again. Ran down. Grabbed a mic and did his usual selling of the ppv. He then talked about Sundays. He pointed out three audience members and talked about their sundays. One was like an 11 year old. He talked to him about Black Ops II and tried to relate with the Universe. He said his gamertag is Skidmarks187 or something. He then pointed to some blonde girl in the front row and said that her Sundays consist of waking up after a wild night... then she uploads pictures to facebook but only the ones she looks good in and then he said some other random stuff to her. He then pointed to some random guy and pretty much made him look like a creep. He said he wakes up at 2pm in the afternoon with bodily fluids all around him... and his night consisted of blow up dolls but only one could be found the next morning. After that, he started talking a bit... Let's Go Cena/ Cena Sucks chants started. Then he was like "I'M GONNA WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!!"

That's when Sheamus came out, followed by PTP, followed by Orton, followed by Miz, followed by Cesaro, followed by Team Hell No, followed by 3MB (all claiming they were going to win) and then the rest of the locker room came out to brawl Nitro style before it faded to black.
The weird part was the woman he picked look like she was there with her kids?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Eating doritos, watching Columbo. Wonder if he'll solve this one?

Columbo vs Kojak in a detective-off - who wins, Laser, in these 2 scenarios?

COLUMBO commits the crime, Kojak is investigating it - can Theo Kojak capitalize on the mistakes Columbo would make?

KOJAK commits the crime, Columbo is investigating it - can Theo Kojak manage to pull the wool over Columbo's one eye?

If this happens I will probably shit my pants.
Unless it's Kane/Taker (and then only for the novelty of seeing them retire together), I don't care. Taker is inconsequential, and the fact that he returns every year just to squash a top star really needs to stop. He's not even a big draw anymore for the event.

What in the world? lol

Taker didn't go part time till after WM26. So unless you're a HHH mark i don't get the hate.


So I know this is wishful thinking, but how awesome could it be if Punk retains at the Rumble...Cleanly and slowly begins the trashing of the Attitude Era Superstars and how overrated they truly are leading the Undertaker to come back and try to end Punks reign at Mania where Punk ends the streak and solidifies himself as "Best in the World" only to continue the bashing while taking out guys from back then as a way to keep him out of weekly same old same old main events. Guys like Billy Gunn could be thrown in his way leading to being screwed out of the title say around Survivor Series from the biggest Attitude Era star SCSA having Austin then show up only to screw Punk leading to an epic buildup similar to the Rock/Austin WM17 Hype package with a back and forth match at Mania?

I know it's super wishful thinking but if they go the way of the RR winner facing the Smackdown champion at Mania. Ziggler or Cesaro going against Del Rio as one of the feature matches could be super entertaining. Rock could get eliminated from the EC from Cena in nefarious ways leading to Rock and Cena 2 at Mania with revenge on the Rocks mind, but with the SWERVE Cena finally uses EC and his turn on the Rock lead to his own Heel turn. Or even see him take the L at Mania again only to come out the Raw after and insult the crowd and disappear for a few months while they build up Super Face Ryberg only to have Cena return later in the year during the superpush of Ryback and insert himself as a major heel costing him the title.

Would this be watchable programming?


more money than God
What in the world? lol

Taker didn't go part time till after WM26. So unless you're a HHH mark i don't get the hate.
The hate comes from having so much time dedicated to angle that means nothing. Once again, I wouldn't mind it if Taker was still going, but using up all that time that could be spent on something better is what irks me.

I love Taker. He's what got me into wrestling, and his output from 96-99 is the best anyone has ever done, but at this point, he's not contributing much.


By that messure we could add Scott Steiner.

The pop that Steiner got in Survivor Series when he came back was ridiculous. But then they censored his mic and made him HHH bitch.

I'm noticing a pattern here... top WCW names being brought over just to be HHH's bitch.



The hate comes from having so much time dedicated to angle that means nothing. Once again, I wouldn't mind it if Taker was still going, but using up all that time that could be spent on something better is what irks me.

I love Taker. He's what got me into wrestling, and his output from 96-99 is the best anyone has ever done, but at this point, he's not contributing much.

Like what?

Funkasauraus vs Khali?


If this happens I will probably shit my pants.

I still want the Olympic music (the OG one, not the repeat crap). That would be excellent.

That would be giving dolph a push can't have that.

HE would most likely unify the title at lose them to cena next night on raw.

It would be great if Ziggler won both belts and unified them. The opportunity is there but knowing WWE, they'll do something unoriginal with Cena and Rocky.


Columbo vs Kojak in a detective-off - who wins, Laser, in these 2 scenarios?

COLUMBO commits the crime, Kojak is investigating it - can Theo Kojak capitalize on the mistakes Columbo would make?

KOJAK commits the crime, Columbo is investigating it - can Theo Kojak manage to pull the wool over Columbo's one eye?
What if they both did murders and had to investigate each others murder? I don't know if an audience could handle that. Kojak would probably dazzle everyone in court with some amazing suit so he'd never get convicted, whereas Columbo would wear an ill fitting suit.

Jamie OD

Am I allowed to shill something. I'm going to shill something because I have a treat for you lot. My friends over at the Dr. Keith Presents radio show for F4WOnline have released the 2012 ProWres Paradise Annual, a 174 page pdf that looks back on the last 12 months of WWE, the US indies and Japan. It includes interviews with guys like Player Uno and Alex Shelley as well as analysis, articles, roundtable discussions and some fun little games. Best of all, it's free!



I got to participate in the Japan roundtable and also write some of the profiles in the DDT section. Hope you all enjoy the hard work all of us put in.

Edit: If this is against GAF rules I'll get rid of it.
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