So I know this is wishful thinking, but how awesome could it be if Punk retains at the Rumble...Cleanly and slowly begins the trashing of the Attitude Era Superstars and how overrated they truly are leading the Undertaker to come back and try to end Punks reign at Mania where Punk ends the streak and solidifies himself as "Best in the World" only to continue the bashing while taking out guys from back then as a way to keep him out of weekly same old same old main events. Guys like Billy Gunn could be thrown in his way leading to being screwed out of the title say around Survivor Series from the biggest Attitude Era star SCSA having Austin then show up only to screw Punk leading to an epic buildup similar to the Rock/Austin WM17 Hype package with a back and forth match at Mania?
I know it's super wishful thinking but if they go the way of the RR winner facing the Smackdown champion at Mania. Ziggler or Cesaro going against Del Rio as one of the feature matches could be super entertaining. Rock could get eliminated from the EC from Cena in nefarious ways leading to Rock and Cena 2 at Mania with revenge on the Rocks mind, but with the SWERVE Cena finally uses EC and his turn on the Rock lead to his own Heel turn. Or even see him take the L at Mania again only to come out the Raw after and insult the crowd and disappear for a few months while they build up Super Face Ryberg only to have Cena return later in the year during the superpush of Ryback and insert himself as a major heel costing him the title.
Would this be watchable programming?
first half isn't entirely impossible thought unlikely
second half has no chance of happening. There's a better chance at world peace than Cena turning heel. everyone in the arena can take a piss on him and Raw will close with him just smirking to the camera