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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


So I know this is wishful thinking, but how awesome could it be if Punk retains at the Rumble...Cleanly and slowly begins the trashing of the Attitude Era Superstars and how overrated they truly are leading the Undertaker to come back and try to end Punks reign at Mania where Punk ends the streak and solidifies himself as "Best in the World" only to continue the bashing while taking out guys from back then as a way to keep him out of weekly same old same old main events. Guys like Billy Gunn could be thrown in his way leading to being screwed out of the title say around Survivor Series from the biggest Attitude Era star SCSA having Austin then show up only to screw Punk leading to an epic buildup similar to the Rock/Austin WM17 Hype package with a back and forth match at Mania?

I know it's super wishful thinking but if they go the way of the RR winner facing the Smackdown champion at Mania. Ziggler or Cesaro going against Del Rio as one of the feature matches could be super entertaining. Rock could get eliminated from the EC from Cena in nefarious ways leading to Rock and Cena 2 at Mania with revenge on the Rocks mind, but with the SWERVE Cena finally uses EC and his turn on the Rock lead to his own Heel turn. Or even see him take the L at Mania again only to come out the Raw after and insult the crowd and disappear for a few months while they build up Super Face Ryberg only to have Cena return later in the year during the superpush of Ryback and insert himself as a major heel costing him the title.

Would this be watchable programming?

first half isn't entirely impossible thought unlikely

second half has no chance of happening. There's a better chance at world peace than Cena turning heel. everyone in the arena can take a piss on him and Raw will close with him just smirking to the camera

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Am I allowed to shill something. I'm going to shill something because I have a treat for you lot. My friends over at the Dr. Keith Presents radio show for F4WOnline have released the 2012 ProWres Paradise Annual, a 174 page pdf that looks back on the last 12 months of WWE, the US indies and Japan. It includes interviews with guys like Player Uno and Alex Shelley as well as analysis, articles, roundtable discussions and some fun little games. Best of all, it's free!

I got to participate in the Japan roundtable and also write some of the profiles in the DDT section. Hope you all enjoy the hard work all of us put in.

Edit: If this is against GAF rules I'll get rid of it.

Looks really cool, I will be reading this at lunch along with the writeup earlier of Anarchy's show.
Am I allowed to shill something. I'm going to shill something because I have a treat for you lot. My friends over at free!



I got to participate in the Japan roundtable and also write some of the profiles in the DDT section. Hope you all enjoy the hard work all of us put in.

Edit: If this is against GAF rules I'll get rid of it.

Looks awesome will give a read later
I have a legit question, why is Shield given the ok to legit hurt Rock? I noticed they work awfully stiff when they attack opponents. Not cool man.


Its not just him man Ive seen them be stiff with everyone they attack. Ryback included.

Also to give Rock internal bleeding is not cool man. Not 6 days away from the RR.

I'm sure his internals are doing just fine.

They don't seem particularly stiff to me, there's never been any word of anyone being hurt or bruised by them. Rollins/Ambrose are safe workers, they know how to look vicious without actually injuring anyone. Ambrose in particular is good at attacking "wildly" so it looks nasty but disguises the fact that he's not hitting them hard.



The question is, did someone write the promo (if so they should be fired) or did Cena go out there and improvise (if so people really need to write his promos for him)

That seemed like all Cena. It's his kind of "down with the kids" pop culture nonsense. At a guess, I'd say Vince or whoever told him to go out and fill time until the overrun, then to say he'll win the Rumble and they'd start sending out guys for the brawl. And so, that's what Cena came up with to fill the time.

Because he was clearly just wasting air time, there was no purpose or point to what he was saying and his eventual message of "I intend to win the match I am in" doesn't take ten minutes to say.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Am I allowed to shill something. I'm going to shill something because I have a treat for you lot. My friends over at the Dr. Keith Presents radio show for F4WOnline have released the 2012 ProWres Paradise Annual, a 174 page pdf that looks back on the last 12 months of WWE, the US indies and Japan. It includes interviews with guys like Player Uno and Alex Shelley as well as analysis, articles, roundtable discussions and some fun little games. Best of all, it's free!



I got to participate in the Japan roundtable and also write some of the profiles in the DDT section. Hope you all enjoy the hard work all of us put in.

Edit: If this is against GAF rules I'll get rid of it.

After paging through about 20 pages, I decided to use my work's printer to make it out into a magazine for me to read on the shitter. This is great.
Am I allowed to shill something. I'm going to shill something because I have a treat for you lot. My friends over at the Dr. Keith Presents radio show for F4WOnline have released the 2012 ProWres Paradise Annual, a 174 page pdf that looks back on the last 12 months of WWE, the US indies and Japan. It includes interviews with guys like Player Uno and Alex Shelley as well as analysis, articles, roundtable discussions and some fun little games. Best of all, it's free!



I got to participate in the Japan roundtable and also write some of the profiles in the DDT section. Hope you all enjoy the hard work all of us put in.

Edit: If this is against GAF rules I'll get rid of it.

How did I miss this.




doh, I'm sorry.. I mean...

It's time to play the game...
Time to play the game! Ha ha

It's all about the game and how you play it.
All about control and if you can take it.
All about your debt and if you can pay it.
It's all about pain and who's gonna make it.
Am I allowed to shill something. I'm going to shill something because I have a treat for you lot. My friends over at the Dr. Keith Presents radio show for F4WOnline have released the 2012 ProWres Paradise Annual, a 174 page pdf that looks back on the last 12 months of WWE, the US indies and Japan. It includes interviews with guys like Player Uno and Alex Shelley as well as analysis, articles, roundtable discussions and some fun little games. Best of all, it's free!



I got to participate in the Japan roundtable and also write some of the profiles in the DDT section. Hope you all enjoy the hard work all of us put in.

Awesome man, I remember reading one of the previous year's issues and it was great stuff - gonna print this out to read on the bog, lol.

You must be kidding, lol.

Come on now, Nakamura's in a league of his own.




Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So are we all abandoning ship here>?

Nah this is general wrasslin, Royal Ramble OT is for the PPV and discussion around that. So it'll probably be slower in here but this is still our home base.


I think the Rock beating Punk for the title devalues the whole WWE locker room. Punk is champ for over 400 days and some movie star decides to make a return and in his first match in a year, he does what no one else in the locker room could do and beats Punk for the title. I would have Cena cost the Rock the match and say he respects the title too much to have a part time guy hold the title. Then Rock vs. Cena II can still take place and actually have some real heat behind it besides lame exchanges of jokes. Punk can defend against the Undertaker in a steak vs. streak match (Undertaker's WM undefeated steak vs. Punk's days as champion streak).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't mind him wrestling. He's a great wrestler. It's just that I find that "boss" pic lame. That's all.

I think you might be taking it a little personal considering...
he wears red and black better than you know who


I think the Rock beating Punk for the title devalues the whole WWE locker room. Punk is champ for over 400 days and some movie star decides to make a return and in his first match in a year, he does what no one else in the locker room could do and beats Punk for the title. I would have Cena cost the Rock the match and say he respects the title too much to have a part time guy hold the title. Then Rock vs. Cena II can still take place and actually have some real heat behind it besides lame exchanges of jokes. Punk can defend against the Undertaker in a steak vs. streak match (Undertaker's WM undefeated steak vs. Punk's days as champion streak).

There's really no difference between The Rock beating Punk for the title than Undertaker beating Punk for the title since Undertaker hasn't wrestled a match in as long as The Rock right now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Let's be honest about Nakamura - fucker is ugly. He can't help it. He's an ugly dude.

But his PRESENCE, the way he moves, the way he talks, the way he acts...proof positive you don't have to be good looking to be absolutely incredible.

I'm sure Soul knows where I'm coming from. When Kane was unmasked many people were shocked how ugly he was. Poor feller.


The idea that you have a reign this big, and don't intend to have a young guy end it to give them a huge starting point as a main event guy is baffling to me. Even Ryback would be preferable to "well, how can we get the title back to Cena while giving him the biggest win possible?", that's at least a new star that would benefit from it.


Let's be honest about Nakamura - fucker is ugly. He can't help it. He's an ugly dude.

But his PRESENCE, the way he moves, the way he talks, the way he acts...proof positive you don't have to be good looking to be absolutely incredible.

I'm sure Soul knows where I'm coming from. When Kane was unmasked many people were shocked how ugly he was. Poor feller.

Dusty Rhodes was proof of that back in the 80s.


The idea that you have a reign this big, and don't intend to have a young guy end it to give them a huge starting point as a main event guy is baffling to me. Even Ryback would be preferable to "well, how can we get the title back to Cena while giving him the biggest win possible?", that's at least a new star that would benefit from it.

The WWE revolves around Cena up until he retires. Just have to accept that fact.
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