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How does WrassleGAF feel about WWE Main Event on Wednesdays?


Above is a good write up on why its a better show than most realise. Makes me wish AusGAF got NXT :(

People always said similar things about Superstars too, although Main Event seems to bhave better talent than Superstars did. I like Main Event, but there is so much Goddamn WWE programming every week it is hard to keep up. I really wish Raw was 2 hours still.
Don't unmask her until the wedding. It'll make for a huge swerve.


Do we know if the Kane and Daniel Bryan program is over

I'm kinda sick of it

About time Bryan gets another singles push

I'd rather they keep on with the tag stuff. If they spin Bryan out into singles again, he's just gonna get fed to Cena, so what's the point.

This way he gets as much TV time as anybody else in the company, a decent spot on PPVs, he's popular with the crowds... I don't get the desire to make him break away from the most successful thing he's ever done in WWE.


Can't watch NXT on Hulu plus?
one shouldn't have to get hulu to watch nxt

I'd rather they keep on with the tag stuff. If they spin Bryan out into singles again, he's just gonna get fed to Cena.

better than the same old segments they've been doing the whole time. it's old already.

if they're going to keep them together at least give them new material.

either way it's pretty much over. Kane doesn't do tag teams for long and it seems like they're going to give Sandow/pornstache the titles so it'll help the tag division.


Regal is really putting over PAC on NXT as a big talent with training all over the world. He even mentioned that he was huge in Japan for years....and he was just comparing him to Dynamite Kid.

That corkscrew shooting star press this week is a thing of beauty.

Connor O'brien is carrying on the Ascension gimmick by himself and it's kind of awesome.


Can't watch NXT on Hulu plus?

No Hulu here bro...

Makes me wish AusGAF got NXT :(

People always said similar things about Superstars too, although Main Event seems to bhave better talent than Superstars did. I like Main Event, but there is so much Goddamn WWE programming every week it is hard to keep up. I really wish Raw was 2 hours still.

This is true. It's hard when WWE is bombarding the shit out of us from all angles. And yes, RAW needs to go back to 2 hours. Probably won't happen with the brand split being over.

https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/294682868725202944 said:
One of my favorite ring training partners: @WWE 3rd generation beast Joe Hennig. #TalentedToughAndHumble

Time for a GenesisOfMcGillicutty push
then squash by Ryback


So not worth it
Was gonna donate, unfortunatly there's on payment option other than credit card. Shame.

I'll have to wire some money to my prepaid creditcard later.


So not worth it
It's her face, she had work done I believe.

She definitely looks less attractive since her return to me, so something happened.


So Velvet Sky had a better outfit this week....


But I said damn.....



it's funny how divas in the WWE make you want to throw your TV out the window, but knockouts in TNA are literally the only reason worth watching that show aside from maybe Christopher Daniels and Austin Aries.


So not worth it
Jim Johnston's favorite wrestling themes:


Honerable Mentions:
“S.O.S.” (Kofi Kingston)
“Here Comes The Money” (Shane McMahon)
“Girls In Cars” (Strike Force)
Gangrel/The Brood Theme
Dude Love Theme

The list:
10. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
9. Randy Orton
8. The Prime Time Players
7. D-Generation X
6. Hakushi
5. Ultimate Warrior
4. Maria
3. Val Venis
2. Triple H
1. The Undertaker

Personally, I still think Christian takes the cake, but that's just personal music preference.


WCW Monday Nitro 8/14/2000

In case you didn't order NBR or the replay, here is a run down of what happened: Booker retained and the Canadian crowd threw trash in the ring (do they not like the blacks in Vancouver?), Lance Storm lost clean 3 times to Mike Awesome but was bailed out over and over by The Mountie, Vampiro and Muta won the tag titles in an unscheduled match, and Goldberg refused to follow the script by bailing out of a jackknife and leaving the match. This left Nash and Steiner to "call it on the fly" and "improvise" since they were true professionals.


Vince Russo starts the show out in the ring with Tank Abbott. He's pissed at Goldberg and he's going to make an example out of him. He's going to fire Goldberg on live tv. But Brad Siegel wouldn't let him since the fans loved Goldberg. SCREW THE FANS AND SCREW BILL GOLDBERG. I wish Vince had thrown out some anti-semetic remarks. Vince calls the crowd assholes and asswipes. The seriousness of a worked shoot is related to how long Russo's sleeves are. The shorter they are, the more of a fuck head heel he's going to be. His SHOOT interviews involve sleeves or jackets. His worked shoots involve sleeveless shirts. He repeatedly calls Goldberg out for Tank. He then gives the go to commercial sign. After a break, Russo is SCREAMING on the head set to show the fight. Goldberg and Tank were fighting, but the production truck didn't want to show it I guess. Russo tries to hide behind the announcers, but they bail on him. FUCK YOU is heard many times. Russo makes them cut to commercial again.

Show run down. Russo forced Cat to rebook Nash vs Steiner for the number one contendership due to Goldberg walking out. More talk about not following the script and booking. Jeff Jarrett vs Booker WCW Championship. Jeff's last shot.

Shane Douglas/Reno vs Kidman/Vito


Torrie is looking hot as fuck tonight. I thought WCW was really going to run 3 rematches from the PPV the night before. But since this is a tag match, I guess it doesn't count. Kidman is again chasing Torrie around. Fucking creep. This run is really making me not want to watch Kidman at all. I was always a fan of his, but he's so unlikable. Vito pins Reno with a Superfly Splash. Shane attempts to handcuff Kidman to the ropes, but Vito makes a save and Shane ends up cuffed. Kid Krusher on Reno. The Perfect Event and Jindrak and O'Haire run in and beat Kidman and Vito. You know, just a bunch of young buff shirtless dudes in jeans, just hanging out, being bros.


The Animals are talking to Cat. The Animals gives him a personal assistant named Ms. Jones. David Flair is walking around in the back like a zombie still covered in mud. Major Gunns asks if Stacy is okay, but he keeps walking.


David is now rambling in the ring. He just wants to know if Stacy is okay. Gunns is watching and crying on the monitor, but the MIA aren't paying attention at all. Gunns comes out apologizes. David isn't sure what she did. Gunns has porn level acting skills, which makes sense since she does porn. Stacy comes to the ring to pull David off of Gunns. "David! I'M PREGNANT!" David WHOOOS and struts.

TO THE BACK. David and Stacy are still kissing and being all happy.

Lance Storm vs Mike Awesome Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Madden announces he'll have an announcement to make about Mean Gene in the second hour. Cat interrupts the anthem. TNT mutes asshole chants. Cat grants this rematch and names himself the special ref. So WCW IS doing 3 rematches the night after a PPV. At least. I wouldn't be surprised to have another one. Cat does ultra slow counts for Lance and fast counts for Awesome. This booking makes a lot more sense than the booking from the night before. Lance is the face in Canada. The face shouldn't have to use tons of outside interference and restarts to win. Running concussion bomb. Cat is making the count when The Mountie breaks it up. He's The Mountie! Awesome tries to powerbomb him, but it is broken up by Quebecer Pierre! Cannon Ball! Lance locks in the maple leaf, Cat gets back in the ring and takes out The Mountie and won't call for the bell. Elix Skipper arrives and lays Cat out. Lance Storm retains!


TO THE BACK. Paula talks with Team Canada. Lance gives Pierre the SHIT Championship and gives Elix the 100Kilos and Under Championship. Cat arrives with a bat and tells them they have to defend their titles tonight.

Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T WCW Championship

Jeff's last chance. I'm sure. This is the hour one main event. The WCW Championship. The number one contender match will be the main event. Wat. Jeff is a 4 time champion. He won his first title in April. It's August. He hasn't held the title for a month. Mark Madden is so awful. Most guys would say something like "these men have wrestled so many times they know counters to each other's counters". Madden says things like "hey, have you noticed that these guys have wrestled at lot and are pretty familiar with each other? Have you noticed that?" A guitar is in the ring. Booker grabs it and swings at Jeff. Jeff pulled the ref in the way. Charles Robinson literally just appears in the ring making a pin. Dude teleported. Why do refs never call for DQs when they come out to the ring after a ref bump? Booker apparently hurts his knee trying the Harlem Side kick. You know, the move he did 3 times last night with no problems after having his already injured knee smashed in a car door. Jeff hits the Stroke, but taunts a bit. He finally makes the pin only to have Goldberg pull him out and throw him into the crowd. Goldberg then tells Russo he's next.

TO THE BACK. Paula interviews Steiner. He stops her talking by putting his finger in her mouth. Steiner says his triceps allow him to punch Nash in the mouth, shove his fist down Nash's vocal cords, and up his ass. Hmm. Maybe he's got the order mixed up?

Carl Oulette vs Norman Smiley SHIT Championship


Outstanding JHV of Owner of a Lonely Heart for Carl. Norman has been saying he's done with hardcore wrestling. Remember how fucking MASSIVE Carl looked in TNA? He looks like he's about as big as Taz in a WCW ring. He's shorter than Lance. There are weapons in this even though the SHIT Championship outlaws weapons. Big tope from Carl. Norman is on a table, Carl goes for a solo cannon bomb, but Charles Robinson helps Norman off the table. What? Why? Pierre crashes through the table and Norman pins him. He tries to give the title back to Charles. Madden somehow gets a Traci Lords reference in.

TO THE BACK. The Cat and Ms. Jones think outside of the wardrobe room where Kwee Wee and Papaya look at the camera while his music plays. Paula talks to Nash. Nash can't understand why he has to have another match with Steiner for the number one contendership. Russo said Steiner deserved another chance. Nash said that until Scott Hall gets another chance, he's only going to wrestle Booker for the title.

The Filthy Animals vs Vamprio and The Great Muta WCW Tag Team Championships

Kronik come out for color and are attacked by the Harris Boys. Vince should have brought them in in 2001 and we could have had Kronik vs DOA vs Brothers of Destruction in Undertaker's fat and fuck WCW phase. Muta and Rey are in the ring with each other. Awesome. If it wasn't WCW in the year 2000. Huge tossing powerbomb to Rey. Muta and Vamp have some miscommunications. I hope Muta just says fuck it and mists everyone and leaves the continent. He does mist Juvi, at least. The lights go out. It's STING! He lays out the other painted dudes. Rey drapes an arm on Muta and we have new champions!


TO THE BACK. The Dark Carnival demand a four corner match. Muta tries to eat Cat's lamp. The Demon wasn't even at ringside during the match.


Elix Skipper vs Kwee Wee WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Why is the wardrobe guy getting a title shot? He's had one match. And he's the wardrobe guy. Not to be confused with the war crate guy. He almost does a standing BRAIIANNNNBUSTTTAHHHH. Looked like it hurt whatever it was. "Elix Skipper, what agility!" *Elix slips off the apron* Dragon suplex from Elix. FUCKING MARK MADDEN WILL NOT STOP SCREAMING. Jesus Christ. Elix puts brass knuckles on. Kwee Wee hits a pretty sweet Blue Thunder Driver. Elix finally uses the knux and retains.

TO THE BACK. Sting heads to the ring. Goldberg is also walking around.

Sting vs Great Muta vs Vampiro vs The Demon

There are 10 minutes left in the show for this match and Steiner vs Nash. And whatever Goldberg is going to do. Demon apparently blows his knee out seconds into the match. Sting puts Muta in the deathlock. Vamp grabs a kendo stick and is about to hit Sting when Demon asks to do it. He hits Vampiro! SWERVE! Muta taps out. Vamp and Muta attack after the match.

TO THE BACK. Muta and Vamp were trying to rape Sting in the trainer's room when Demon makes the save.

Nash comes out with a box. Nash eggs a "we want Hall" chant. In the box was a cardboard cut out of Hall. Nash conducts and interview with it.


He continues to talk about Nash. Then he calls Booker out. Booker comes out not in his wrestling gar. Steiner runs down and attacks with a pipe. Nash tried to help, but Steiner got him, too. Goldberg is on the NitroVision. He's about to jackhammer Midajah through a table in the back when the screen cuts out. Then we see Steiner go to the back where Midajah is crumpled on a broken table and popcorn.



Shirtless guy's reaction was too quick to gif, but it was hilarious when he realized the camera was actually on him. He looks like a Koopa Troopa who is being forced to be shirtless in public by his serial killer captor.
Jim Johnston's favorite wrestling themes:


Personally, I still think Christian takes the cake, but that's just personal music preference.

Cool article with some nice information, but what a swerve at the end, I see Taker expecting ministry theme, I get boring funeral dirge, come on Jim, half of that theme is like stolen from an actual funeral theme!
Plus for number 2 he seems to be giving My Time the edge over Trips other themes but we still get the Game, oh well.

I always preferred the original version of that Christian theme myself.


So not worth it
Who is Sheamus going to face at WM? Big Show? They would have to do something to spice that up.



So guys, what's up with TNA namedropping WWE so much lately, they've never shied away from it, but lately there isn't an impact where they don't mention previous WWE wrestlers' accomplishments or roles in WWE. I don't really get the reasoning.


So guys, what's up with TNA namedropping WWE so much lately, they've never shied away from it, but lately there isn't an impact where they don't mention previous WWE wrestlers' accomplishments or roles in WWE. I don't really get the reasoning.
I feel there's no reason to ignore it. I hate when they act like other things don't exist. It's the Internet age.
Just quoting for this page see if anyone knows a way?

WWE website doesn't allow UK to buy PPVs do they? (guessing due to Sky having the rights :mad:)

The only way is through Sky themselves - do you have Virgin TV or freesat? If so, you should be able to get the Sky Box Office channel and purchase the PPV. If not, there are a number of sites out there like Plus1HD that will be offering paid streams for the Rumble.


I feel there's no reason to ignore it. I hate when they act like other things don't exist. It's the Internet age.

Not ignoring it is one thing, but TNA has a weird inferiority complex built into the way they talk about WWE. They have a tone like they're talking down about the product and how shitty it is, yet at the same time make that what they aspire for and use wrestler's time there as a way to provide relevance. Its like they want to be the alternative, but at the same time want all the same fans. In the end it comes off feeling kind of childish and makes their product seem really sub-par.
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