We deal in weeks here. Not weekends.
Cesaro Each Way!!!
Do these betting sites have an actual list? What I mean is, are these spoilers? Which is OK, some big surprises...
It's not an actual list, Evan Bourne is still at home with his broken foot, he'll never be in there, whoever is betting on that is an idiot.
AJ being in the Rumble would be fun and make some sense as they like to have a woman in there every now and then. Have her skip around, jump on Kane and eliminate him with Ziggler or something... I would enjoy that greatly
Cesaro Each Way!!!
Where on earth did they pick some of those names from?
Helping to prep Dwayne for matches certainly did wonders for this guy...
Cesaro Each Way!!!
Funny, I don't believe Cena or Ryback is winning but I don't see any other name there that could...
I could see them giving Orton the nod even though it'd be god awful. Then end up with Orton vsfor the WHC as has been rumored for a few weeks.Sheamus
Gonna make so much bank when Val Venis wins the Royal Rumble!
If the rumors are true and they aren't willing to push him due to wellness violations, why would they give him a Rumble win? That's practically a two month iron clad with the promise of some followup spotlight.
If they're just going to live in fear of Orton having a third strike, what's the point of keeping him around? I'm not an Orton fan, but I can admit that he's still a draw. No point in letting him wallow around with no direction.
Is he a draw or is he just over?
If they're just going to live in fear of Orton having a third strike, what's the point of keeping him around? I'm not an Orton fan, but I can admit that he's still a draw. No point in letting him wallow around with no direction.
Is he a draw or is he just over?
He can QUICKLY be a draw if WWE books him right. I wouldn't be surprised if it went:
"Hey Randy, we're testing you right now. You pass, show us you're interested in being in THIS BUSINESS for the long term, and we'll put you in a heel program against face ADR and have you go over on the rumble"
Of course this is fantasy booking, but a great heel (which Orton has proved he's capable of being) can really elevate the face - which ADR needs as he starts to cement his face persona.
I would bet on Brock, seems like pretty good odds for a plausible scenario.
We need Heel Orton and we need him in a great feud. He's got the talent... But these random matches aren't helping us at all. He's a top tier guy not doing squat.
Agree with this. Should have said "can still be a draw." He's definitely over, moreso as a heel, but not so bad as a face either. It's weird because he literally hasn't really had a program/feud in months so he's been lost in the shuffle. But I like Sunflower's idea, I'd rather them do a heel Orton vs face ADR rather than heel Orton vs face Sheamus.
Heel Orton vs Face Sheamus wouldn't be very interesting at all to me, plus I feel like we've seen it even though we haven't. I'm having some serious Sheamus fatigue, heh
To me the Rumble hinges on where the feud is going to be - if Rock takes Punk's title and the focus will be on the WWE Championship, then the Rumble winner will be someone with a stake in that.
If Punk doesn't drop the title, the Rumble winner could very well be someone lower-tier...and the more I think about it the more options there are, so forget it, heh.
I'm banking on John Cena winning.
I'D STAKE MY LIFE ON IT (death via Professor Beef)
How about an avatar bet?
And your choice? Dane Amborse?
If we both lose our bets we both lose our avs.
Probably because Face Sheamus doesn't exist, except in Vince (and his twin mouthpieces') minds. I think Heel Orton versus Tweener Sheamus would be some fun--watching two asshole brawlers trying to one up each other in smug pranks/vendettas that eventually turns into blood filled hatred-fueled beatdowns is compelling TV so long as one of them is sort of likeable. Make Sheamus the more noble of the two ("Aye loike fightin'" in a good natured bar brawler kind of way where everyone who's manly enough shakes afterward and gets drunk recounting the stories of bar brawls long past, versus Orton's "You stepped on my foot? *RKO a grandmother onto concrete* Hah.") and you've got it. Yeah, I know that's what they are now, but it isn't really. Both of their characterizations suck due to booking and framing by commentary.
Just keep the mic out of Sheamus' hands so he doesn't come off like a racist imbecile, keep King and Cole from praising him as the Second Coming and the feud can be a draw. For smarks I mean--marks are drawn to whatever King and Cole tell them to be drawn to it seems like.
No my choice is Ryback. If we both loose tho, nothing happens. If you win, I have to refer to Ambrose and Amblows and use a Batista avatar until after Wrestlemania. If I win, you wear an Ambrose Avatar
Ryback against Cena. Alright. I'm in! *shakes hand*
This rumble should be used to build up a new big star
This rumble should be used to build up a new big star, like what they wanted to do with ADR in 2011 before screwing it up.
Sheamus and Orton can fight each other without the need of a title in a straight up grudge match, keep the WHC on ADR and have someone like Barrett (Bias alert!) or Ziggler win the rumble.
In the case of Ziggles already being MitB Ziggler and not needing the rumble for a title match consider that he could lose his title match at WM in a close fought battle and then cowardly cash in during the post match celebration, it would be top heel stuff.
Or you know Cena can win.
You mean like Cena?
True that Ziggler doesn't quite need one, honestly I was just choosing someone who people here think is primed for the big time.I don't think Ziggles needs a Rumble win. I'd be fine with him having a great showing, which I think he's primed to do with him being (most likely) the first guy in. I think he'll be in the final four.
If they're going to take the title off Punk, I wouldn't mind if Punk ended up entering in the #25-30 range and ended up winning. That way you'd have the EC match with Rock (if you wanted to "save" him from injury just have him be the last guy to enter), Cena, Punk, Bryan (?), Kane (?), Ziggler (?) and then Punk/Rock at WM. I realize it's a pipe dream, and Punk definitely doesn't need a Rumble win to elevate him or anything, but you could have it add to his "BITW" shtick and I'd love to see them stretch Punk/Rock out all the way to WM.
no need for punk to win rumble if rock takes his title. he gets a rematch clause, or maybe punk can exploit cena's 45 rematch clauses and get a few too.I don't think Ziggles needs a Rumble win. I'd be fine with him having a great showing, which I think he's primed to do with him being (most likely) the first guy in. I think he'll be in the final four.
If they're going to take the title off Punk, I wouldn't mind if Punk ended up entering in the #25-30 range and ended up winning. That way you'd have the EC match with Rock (if you wanted to "save" him from injury just have him be the last guy to enter), Cena, Punk, Bryan (?), Kane (?), Ziggler (?) and then Punk/Rock at WM. I realize it's a pipe dream, and Punk definitely doesn't need a Rumble win to elevate him or anything, but you could have it add to his "BITW" shtick and I'd love to see them stretch Punk/Rock out all the way to WM.
Ziggler needs to win 4 Rumbles in a row to recover from the momentum crushing Cena feud.
no need for punk to win rumble if rock takes his title. he gets a rematch clause, or maybe punk can exploit cena's 45 rematch clauses and get a few too.
I've broken my silence here just to let you know
Cena isn't winning the Rumble
Ziggler is...sorta. It's 2 plans:
#1. Ziggs wins the Rumble ala HBK. Ziggs /Del Rio for the WHC at Mania using the Royal Rumble shot. Ziggs loses, attacks Del Rio with the case after the match then cashes in and wins.
plan 2 is Ziggs to cash in on the WHC match winner as soon as the match is over cementing his Stealing The Show gimmick. He already stole the girlfriend.