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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

No problem. Kendrick had posted some thing about asking him for free candy. As we were leaving I saw him and asked him about it. He acted like he just killed a puppy and apologized. After finding out we are going to the Sunday show he promised to bring us candy.
He texted himself a reminder then asked me and my buddies what we wanted. After that he hung around and bs'd about ten minutes. It was pretty cool.
No problem. Kendrick had posted some thing about asking him for free candy. As we were leaving I saw him and asked him about it. He acted like he just killed a puppy and apologized. After finding out we are going to the Sunday show he promised to bring us candy.
He texted himself a reminder then asked me and my buddies what we wanted. After that he hung around and bs'd about ten minutes. It was pretty cool.

I love Brian Kendrick. He is such a nice guy. I talked to him for half an hour about the multiverse and conspiracy theories at an AIW show.



WCW Monday Nitro 8/21/2000

TO THE BACK. Russo is on the phone with Scott Steiner. Jeff Jarrett comes in and wants a match with Goldberg TONIGHT! What a dumbfuck.

Elix Skipper vs Lt. Loco WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Elix is straight up aping Jerry Maguire lines. Lonce is on color. I lol that the only Canadians he can bring up are Bret and himself because all of the other famous Canadian wrestlers are in the WWF. Lance hits Chavo with the flag, which sends Hugh chasing after him. A chair misdirection spot leads to Elix hitting Chavo with brass knuckles for the win.

TO THE BACK. Goldberg arrives and checks if Steiner is there. Russo asks Steiner on the phone if he's ready. CUT TO: Steiner in a tacky hotel room saying he owes Russo one.

Vince Russo heads to the ring with security. He's wearing a t-shirt with sleeves, so this probably won't be too shooty tonight. Russo made a promise to not be on television the first time he came into WCW. So he did the Powers That Be nonsense where only his voice could be heard. That somehow didn't count. He comes back to WCW and is the number one heel and all over every show. He leaves again for 2 months outside of SHOOTING on Hogan and one interview, only to come back again on screen as the big bad. Dude is terrible at promises. Goldberg shows up immediately and gets rid of security. Russo offers his face to Goldberg, but Bill would breach his contract if Whisker Biscuit did anything. Russo offers his official release and basically tells him to take it and show up on Raw next week.


He'd even be paid in full. Goldberg tears the contract up. I wish Goldberg would have shown up on Raw in the summer of 2000. That would have been awesome. Russo keeps egging him on until he mentions Bill's girlfriend, Beth.

TO THE HOTEL. Scott Steiner is apparently about to rape Beth. Goldberg ran off.

With Russo still in the ring, Booker T comes out. Kevin Nash is now Russo's boy. What? Russo doesn't like how Booker is talking to him. Russo MADE Booker T, you see. Book does the weakest ax kick you'll ever see. He was for sure dressed like a really tan Rock tonight.

Goldberg hops on his bike and heads off to the hotel. It took him 7 or 8 minutes to get to the parking lot? The Natural Born Thrillers help Russo in the back. Chuck will get a title shot if Kevin Nash is late.

Kwee Wee/Paisley vs Corporal Cajun


Paisley for sure has dat ass and dem hips. Fuck. I guess Kwee Wee dumped his wife for the jungle love. I can relate. Oh the perils of being into black girls as a short Jew in Central Indiana. Gunns wins with a body slam. After the match, Kwee Wee and Paisley attack.

TO THE BACK. Russo was on the phone with Scott. Their plan is coming together.

Tank and 3 Count are out to debut their new song. Tank is the only one singing. He's got a sweet shirt. Ain't nothing but a Tank thang. Tank stops the song because 3 Count aren't doing it right. As he leaves, the ICP, Vampiro, and Muta arrive. JCP invasion!!! Ya'll can't handle the domination of the Juggalo nation. Tank gets in the ring and challenges Vampiro to a JCW Championship match later tonight.


TO THE BACK. Chuck Palumbo is getting pumped up.

The Natural Born Thrillers come to the ring. God, Mike Sanders reminds me so much of Mr. Anderson. It is not a good comparison. Reno is claimed to be 6 feet tall. Lol. Introduction promo for everyone. Finally that ends and the Animals come out so Konnan can SHOOT on them.


Filthy Animals vs NBT 6 man tag

The Animals are faces now. Konnan and Stasiak are on color. Somehow this is a title match. Disco does what is known as the "Gorilla walk". Stasiak has a gorilla he drinks beer with on the beach, you know. Tony is informed it is not a title match. Konnan doesn't book the matches. Fuck Konnan. And fuck Kidman. He's not out here, but fuck him. Konnan is FULL of not just gay jokes, but full on homophobic jokes. That's all he talks about, even though he regularly tells dudes to toss his salad. Maybe Konnan and Jeff Jarrett were a closeted couple? This is actually pretty good. Whole bunch of bronco busters, including one from Tygress. Mike Sanders pins Disco with the 3.0. After the match, Tygress takes a Seanton Bomb. The Nexus win!

TO THE HOTEL. Goldberg arrives on his bike and runs in the building.

Paula talks to Chucky P. He's going to be the new champ.

Booker T vs Chuck Palumbo WCW Championship

Russo guaranteed a win for Chuck. Vince Russo is the ref. Russo won't make a pin for Booker. Chuck hits the Jungle kick, but Booker gets out of the fast count. Has Mark Madden had a heart attack and died yet? The rest of the Thrillers hit the ring. Reno rolls the dice! Vito comes out to make a save and takes out the entire group by himself. Kevin Nash hits the ring with a chair and waffles Booker. Chuck would have the match one, but Russo was arguing with Vito. Chuck Palumbo is your new WCW Champion!


Cat and Ms. Jones come out. Ms. Jones does it for me. Cat says he's the commissioner, Russo is just the writer, and they can't over rule each other. Cat then immediately over rules Russo and says that was not the finish to the match. I think he meant to say the commissioner can over rule the writer, but he didn't say that at all. Lol, he calls Reno Eeyore. Cat returns the title to Booker, who won't accept it until he beats Chuck. Cat restarts the match with himself as the ref.

Booker T vs Chuck Palumbo WCW Championship Part 2

A Book End after about a minute. Booker retains/regains.

TO THE HOTEL. Goldberg runs up to the room only to find that Steiner left a message on the mirror and took her back to the arena.

Vampiro vs Tank Abbott JCW Championship

ICP take over for commentary. Pink Rabbit. Lol. I like that the JCW Championship is just the WWF Winged Eagle belt with a red strap. Pink Sandwedge. Ham Sandwich. Harry Crablegs. Tank has a plastic leg, which is actual high fructose molecular compound with some fiber and bolts. Tank accidentally KOs the ref and then KOs Vamp. ICP jump in. Fuck I hope one of them get punched in the face. The fat one did, but it looked weak. Muta comes out and mists tank. 3 Count come out before anything else can happen to Tank, but he shoves them away and walks off on his own.


TO THE BACK. Scott Steiner drags Beth in the building. Vito confronts Russo. I'm pretty sure he told Vince to fuck off. Russo wants to know what the hell Vito was thinking. The WWF didn't want him and he only got his job because of Russo. He books him in a match against Nash tonight.

Kronik vs Norman Smiley WCW Hardcore Championshp

Norman asked for this match to make sure there was no way he could retain the title. Brian Adams is at commentary and not in wrestling gear. Wrath wears a kendo stick out on Norman. Norman gets knocked to the floor and slaps Crush. Norman is suicidal for reals. Crush looks under the ring for a table and a bunch of smoke comes out of one side for some reason. That was weird. The Harris Boys come out and H-Bomb Wrath through the table before throwing Norman on top of him. Norman regretfully retains and is PISSED.


Cat talks to Lance. Pierre has had his work visa revoked. Lance/mystery partner vs Mike Awesome/Hugh Morris for the title. Whoever pins Lance wins the title. Steiner yells at Beth and calls her a pawn. Paula is with Vito. "I got two words for you: Da Staten Island Express is going to run over you, PUNK!" Significantly more than two words.

Kevin Nash vs Big Vito

I'm pretty sure this happened on a 1993 episode of Raw or Superstars. Vertical suplex from Vito! Macho Elbow. The closest of 2 counts. Diving headbutt. Another close 2 count. Doesn't matter. Nash hits his 5 moves of doom, but doesn't pin after the jackknife. He goes for another one when Booker attacked. Harlem side kick takes Nash down and he bails.

Vito won't let the trainer look at him.

Lance Storm/Jeff Jarrett vs Mike Awesome/General Rection Canadian Heavyweight Championship


Poor Jeff. Demoted to the US Championship division. And poor Lance. His own partner can pin him and take the title. Jeff breaks up the first pin Lance makes, but doesn't break up Hugh's pin attempt even though he was still in the ring. Hugh misses the top rope elbow. Maple Leaf! But Hugh made the tag before it was locked in. The pop up powerbomb never stops being awesome. Jeff and Awesome brawl on the floor. No Laughing Matter! The ref was too busy yelling at the guys on the floor and misses both the pin and Elix coming in and breaking it up. Jeff tried to hit Lance with the guitar, but accidentally hit Awesome. Lance retains!

TO THE BACK. Steiner is dragging Beth to the ring.

There are few things that make Steiner happy and those are his freaks. He calls Beth an ugly bitch. She's not ugly by any stretch, but she isn't as attractive of a lady as I figured Goldberg would have been spearing. I figured like model hot or something. Goldberg comes out and was attacked from behind by Jeff Jarrett. They both lay the boots into Goldberg. Booker comes out to even up the odds. Nash soon follows. Goldberg gets up and tries to fuck everyone up. Rick Steiner comes out with a rubber led pipe and lays out Bill and Booker. Goldberg and Booker are handcuffed to the ropes on opposite sides of the ring. Beth is put in the Recliner while Goldberg forgets he was handcuffed and tried to spear Scott. It didn't work.


A lot of weird turns lately. Goldberg turned face for breaking script and refusing to do what was booking for him, which is one of the weirdest reasons I've seen for a face turn. But since he's feuding with Russo, he's an automatic face. The Filthy Animals turned face for no reason I can see. They ran out to save Kidman (turning on him was what turned HIM face from a NBT beatdown and that was enough. But they only made the save because they had prior issues with Jindrak and O'Haire before THEY turn heel to form the NBT.

But Nash, Nash is really the one that makes no sense at all. He sucker punches Booker and lays him to end Nitro. Okay, not a big deal, Nash getting an advantage over the champ isn't really a heel turn kind of move for him. He still could easily be a face after that. But now he's a full blown heel and a part of Russo's schemes. Nash had been MC's ultimate weapon. Russo did everything he could to make things terrible for Nash for months. He was responsible for Scott Hall not being allowed on the shows and was the one to get him fired from WCW. The show ended with Nash, Jarrett, and the Steiners as a unit beating up Booker and Goldberg. Nash had just spent the past 4 months or so feuding with Jeff and/or Scott. I think it was two weeks ago when Nash and Steiner had a straight jacket match because they were trying to kill each other. Now they're back on the same side issuing beat downs with Jarret (who feuded with both guys at the same time just a few weeks ago) as part of Russo's plan. This turn makes zero, absolutely zero sense.

A list of everyone I can remember that have switched alignments in the past 8 months:

Goldberg (face to heel to face)
Kevin Nash (heel to face to heel)
Scott Hall (heel to face)
Vampiro (heel to face to heel)
Scott Steiner (heel to face to heel)
Rick Steiner (heel to face to heel to face to heel)
Kidman (face to heel to face)
Filthy Animals (heels to faces to heels)
Jindrak and O'Haire (faces to heels)
Dustin Rhodes (face to heel)
Booker (face to heel to face)
The Demon (face to heel to face)
Lance Storm (face to heel)
Stevie Ray (heel to face)
Horace (heel to face to heel to face)
DDP (heel to face)
Kimberly (face to heel)
Lex Luger (heel to face)
Sid (face to heel to face to heel)
The Wall (heel to face)
Crowbar (heel to face)
David Flair (heel to face to heel)
Kronik (heels to faces)
Mike Awesome (heel to face)
Kanyon (heel to face to heel)
Bam Bam Big Yellow (heel to face to heel)
Buff Bagwell (face to heel to face)
Hugh Morris (heel to face)
The Cat (heel to face)
Ric Flair (heel to face)
David Arquette (face to heel)
Randy Savage (heel to face)
Big Vito (heel to face)
Johnny The Bull (heel to face)
Torrie (face to heel)
Muta (face to heel)
Madusa (heel to face to heel)

So, pretty much everyone on the main roster. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.


The NWO had charisma, though.

True and they had political clout and Eric's ear, which would later be a huge part why WCW ended up the way it did. However early on this was a good thing, as nWo came across as very strong and very intimidating. The nWo in its original form would likely end up being relegated and losing to the top baby face in WWF (Bret, HBK or Austin) in like 3 months and it would have never worked as well.

The Shield has already sort of lost its mystique, they are just "guys" now, nothing special about them.


True and they had political clout and Eric's ear, which would later be a huge part why WCW ended up the way it did. However early on this was a good thing, as nWo came across as very strong and very intimidating. The nWo in its original form would likely end up being relegated and losing to the top baby face in WWF (Bret, HBK or Austin) in like 3 months and it would have never worked as well.

The Shield has already sort of lost its mystique, they are just "guys" now, nothing special about them.

The problem is that none of them have really been built into anything yet. They just come in and beat on people, then leave. They come across as hired thugs to be honest.
At what point do the fans turn on Gargano after overcoming the odds in every feud and match he gets?

For me, that point was about 6 months ago when he beat Tozawa. The final straw was the 4-way match a few months later - he took a ton of punishment from Davis all over that weekend, took a hell of a beating from Davis directly before his match and then still managed to outlast all 3 opponents in an elimination match, despite Gabe hyping up on commentary how those 3 were Johnny's toughest opponents to date. I just don't buy it. I don't buy that Johnny's THAT good. I don't buy that Davis is this monster heel, and why should I? Gargano beat Davis clean a bunch of times before he even turned heel, and he's beat him a bunch of times since. Davis' heel push is entirely ruined, and Johnny's the superman champ I despise. He's a great wrestler, has a good personality, shows a lot of charisma, but I just don't want to see him in this role for this long. End it already, imo. Anyone, please, end it already.

*edit, looking forward to tonight's show - LET'S GO KENDRICK!!! Also, really looking forward to Del Sol vs Ryo Saito. Haven't seen Del Sol against many bulkier opponents like Saito, so it should hopefully be a great match-up.


What was his name?

PG audience. Kids and women. They all love to cheer for Superheroes overcoming the odds against evil.
He was Kaval.

Second part, that was the Austin-McMahon/Corporation feud. It is more evident nowadays (WWE) with each cookie cutter face having nearly the same angle in finishes. Also makes sense as to why most heels are pretty poor in being able to look good in feuds.


According to Meltzer on Observer Radio today
Bo Dallas will be starting on the main roster full time tonight at the Rumble. :(
I hope he
forms a tag team with one of The Miz, Evan Bourne, Alex Riley or Kofi Kingston
and feuds with Rhodes Scholars for the tag belts.
After which, I hope to see
his big brother Bray Wyatt join the main roster and destroy him



30-man Royal Rumble match


CM Punk vs. The Rock for the WWE Championship


Alberto Del Rio vs. The Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Last Man Standing Match


Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes for the WWE Tag-Team Championships


Pre-Show: Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz for the United States Championship

(The Pre-Show will stream live on WWE.com, Facebook.com and YouTube.com at 7:30 ET/4:30 PT)


No One Remembers

Royal Rumble:
Want to win: Antonio Cesaro
Will win: John Cena

Rock vs. CM Punk: The Rock

Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show: Del Rio, but I think tonight might be the night Ziggler cashes in finally.

Rhodes Scholars vs. Team Hell No: Rhodes Scholars, I think that this will ignite a feud between Kane and Bryan that'll culminate at Wrestlemania.

Antonio Cesario vs. The Miz: The Miz, sadly. :(


Why is Cesaro/Miz a pre-show match? More time for boring backstage segments or for Cole promoting the WWE app to the WWE universe so they can use it on WWE.com™?


I agree. The PPV card itself seems incredibly light.

Have they announced if the Rumble or the Rock vs Punk match is last?

For the time it seems like they are giving the rumble an hour and the Punk vs Rock match is going to be over 30 minutes. So they have about an hour for the other two matches. If the Punk vs Rock match is last then it goes like this:

8-9: Tag match and Del Rio match
9-10: Rumble
10-10:45: Punk vs Rock
Have they announced if the Rumble or the Rock vs Punk match is last?

For the time it seems like they are giving the rumble an hour and the Punk vs Rock match is going to be over 30 minutes. So they have about an hour for the other two matches. If the Punk vs Rock match is last then it goes like this:

8-9: Tag match and Del Rio match
9-10: Rumble
10-10:45: Punk vs Rock

According to my PPV channel the Rumble starts at 7:30, so that's even more time to fill.

Don't forget about a shitty divas match, probably some kind of 3MB match, and maybe a Wade Barrett IC title match.


According to my PPV channel the Rumble starts at 7:30, so that's even more time to fill.

Don't forget about a shitty divas match, probably some kind of 3MB match, and maybe a Wade Barrett IC title match.

Well that's for the Cesaro vs. Miz match on the pre-show.

But I wouldn't be surprised at all to see 1 or 2 unannounced matches on the card, such as a Divas match or an IC title match.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
the 7:30 ppv time is for the 30 minute recap/hype show that happens before every ppv. It's not the same stuff shown on youtube


All of them are ending, WWE apparently had a one year contract for them all with Youtube, which has ended. I assume they're going to start some new shows, or try something or other new (like putting up weekly full length matches).


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Are You Serious, Z True Long Island Story... Is Ziggler's WWE Download show safe?

WWE signed a 1 year deal with Youtube to produce these shows. They couldn't come to terms to continue so the year is up tomorrow.

edit beaten like Santino
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