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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now



The belt is on the bottom. Someone photoshopped it on him. It looked great.

Still not as good as the World Heavyweight Championship title, but better than the spinner.

That's not Punk's design. He talked about the new design and said he didn't like it much better, mainly because it was even heavier.

I think HHH has talked about some kind of deal with Mattel about the spinner belt, and that's the reason why it's still here. When that runs out, I guess, it's in the trash.
That's not Punk's design. He talked about the new design and said he didn't like it much better, mainly because it was even heavier.

I think HHH has talked about some kind of deal with Mattel about the spinner belt, and that's the reason why it's still here. When that runs out, I guess, it's in the trash.
I heard that Punk had input on the new belts design?


I think what a lot of people are missing is the fact that the belt is a marketing tool. When Rock goes on talk shows advertising GI Joe, he is going to bring that belt with him. When he's on the red carpet debuting a new film, he's bringing that belt. This is good publicity for the WWE and is a smart marketing idea to boost interest and get the company back in the public eye.
I mention that, and it's a good thing. Lots of publicity.

Where that fails, is that the whole title reign (which you ended Punk's historic reign for) is for nothing, because it all exists to put over Cena. You're gonna have all eyes on Rock and the belt, carrying on talk shows and movie premiers, all with the stupid idea of him losing it to Cena at WM, to further elevate him above everyone else.


I heard that Punk had input on the new belts design?

He mentioned only that he wanted to be the one to debut it, but it seems like the spinner belt is in for contractual reasons. I mean, who even likes it? How many wrestlers, including Punk disparage how terrible it looks or bemoan how heavy and unwieldy it is? How often do Q&A's have "when is that stupid belt being changed?" as a question? I've even seen a little kid ask if the belt is being changed soon at one of those.

Sure it's a top seller to kids, but any replacement would sell just as much.


Yeah, but Brock won't be hurt by the loss. He's seen on the same level as the likes of Cena, The Rock, Triple H and The Undertaker.

Okay, how about Cena already beat Brock with two moves, what's left to prove?

He bloodied Cena (twice!), FLEW THROUGH THE SKY, snapped his arm, and made piss run down his leg and still lost.

We should all just pretend it's the day after WrestleMania 28 again.

You're joking right? As if Rock is going to go to four PPVS in a row. He's losing that belt at Mania. Either that, or he beats Cena (redundant match if that's the case, then what's the point?) and the next night on Raw he retires and says that he's giving up the belt. The WWE has a competition between all the main eventers to see who wins the belt.

Those are the only legitimate options.

I've been watching WWE.

All I know is that people were absolutely convinced that Cena was winning last year, and then Rock won. They're obviously not shy about having Cena lose at WM, so why are people so convinced he's going to win this year? Just because he won the Rumble? I mean really, who gives a shit if he wins the title? Just don't watch, it's that simple. And if he loses, then hooray I guess!

I swear, sometimes the IWC acts like they've just lost their life savings anytime a big PPV ends without the results they desire.


I think what a lot of people are missing is the fact that the belt is a marketing tool. When Rock goes on talk shows advertising GI Joe, he is going to bring that belt with him. When he's on the red carpet debuting a new film, he's bringing that belt. This is good publicity for the WWE and is a smart marketing idea to boost interest and get the company back in the public eye.

i'm pretty sure wrestling is losing more and more fans as time goes on and even if it's not, the people that are going to be watching these talk shows are most likely adults and have set opinions on wrestling.

1. it's fake so whats the point
2. its still entertaining

Does anyone really believe that Rock being the champion is somehow going to change anything? it won't have an impact on sales because who gives a shit. Rock fans are fans because of his wrestling days unless you're talking about kids who became fans off the Tooth Fairy or Journey 2, and in that case their parents are in category number 1 and won't let their kids watch it anyway.


All I know is that people were absolutely convinced that Cena was winning last year, and then Rock won. They're obviously not shy about having Cena lose at WM, so why are people so convinced he's going to win this year? Just because he won the Rumble? I mean really, who gives a shit if he wins the title? Just don't watch, it's that simple. And if he loses, then hooray I guess!

I swear, sometimes the IWC acts like they've just lost their life savings anytime a big PPV ends without the results they desire.
yeah keep supporting it

maybe vince sees this and will be nice enough to give us Cena Overcoming The Odds! until the year 2030.
The Meltzer guy was saying pretty much what I was saying. I don't expect stuff from wrestling that I shouldn't. Unlike these clowns.

Oh jeez, so you DON'T expect good programming? Oh man, you should've said so earlier, I woulda stopped arguing.

Everything makes sense now thx


Paul revealed as leader of The Shield. Book it.

Yea, and knowing WWE, they'll play that out like the AJ/Cena/Vickie love angle with a bunch of ridiculously stupid candid camera shots of Paul meeting with The Shield. I can see it already.

Is it really that hard to come up with decently entertaining programming for the WWE? Nearly ten years ago, we had a man, who perfected his role, crash a goddamn zamboni into the ring, jump off the top of it into the ring, and beat the shit out of another guy. That's just as PG rated as Rock beating up Punk (or vice versa) in the middle of the ring. The difference?

Fucking creativity. Of which the WWE writing staff clearly has been lacking.


From all accounts, Creative has come up with somewhat decent ideas. From those same accounts, it's always Vince who shuts them down and adds his own spin on things.

If this is the case than he needs to pack his shit up and retire. Have Shane take over. It's inevitable, however it's better to have it happen sooner rather than later.
If you wanna take up the mantle you ask me first. Don't just start being logical all willy nilly. You were a Ryback fan like 4 minutes ago. That's narc behavior, Beef. PICK A SIDE, MAN, DON'T BE ACTIN LIKE NO JIVE TURKEY, SUCKA.
BUT I NEVER LEFT. Even when things were looking grim, I stayed with GAF! You, however, went and said "I'M DONE, I'M FUCKING DONE."

If this is the case than he needs to pack his shit up and retire. Have Shane take over. It's inevitable, however it's better to have it happen sooner rather than later.
Shane left when he realized that HHH was taking over and is making bank in Asia doing non-WWE stuff.


If Cena doesn't win at Mania, the means the Royal Rumble winner will only have won the title at WrestleMania 50% of the time. They gotta keep that percentage above 50% for people to still want to invest in the Rumble. Not that WWE has the foresight to even consider that. Cena's winning anyways though.
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