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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Okay, how about Cena already beat Brock with two moves, what's left to prove?

He bloodied Cena (twice!), FLEW THROUGH THE SKY, snapped his arm, and made piss run down his leg and still lost.

We should all just pretend it's the day after WrestleMania 28 again.


What a great promo. Too bad it was all thrown in the trash. Even with Cena winning, all he had to do was stay down and sell the beating but nope, Cena had to jump up and give some bizarre speech that ruined the entire thing. So mad.

I hope Lesnar comes back to a good feud with someone that can carry their weight and sell him as a monster. He should also have his woodman beard. He looked like Viking God.


All the places you could go with Lesnar, in that year back, we got Cena and HHH, the only guys who could not be more overpushed/protected.

I know some folks have tired of Undertaker, but Taker/Lesnar is still a top match I'd love, simply because of their history and that Lesnar would believably take Taker to limit and seem like a guy who could end the Streak. I might be biased in that Lesnar and Undertaker are two of my all time favourites.

However, that's still two old guys and the world's most overpushed children's balloon. Put Lesnar vs a younger guy who needs the real elevation already. Imagine Lesnar vs Sheamus (absolutely crushing brawl), or Lesnar vs Bryan (the real ultimate underdog match), etc.
Can't decide if Junior Gaffer Dave Meltzer is the real Dave Meltzer or not. I think not as he defended Royal Rumble a lot last night, but then... why would anyone use his face?!


I haven't been keeping up with dirt-sheets but were Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, MVP, and John Morrison all actually believed to be returning? What's the basis for these stories and is it possible we'll see these guys in the next couple of months? I'd like to see Morrison return especially, he was something of a lesser favorite of mine.
I haven't been keeping up with dirt-sheets but were Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, MVP, and John Morrison all actually believed to be returning? What's the basis for these stories and is it possible we'll see these guys in the next couple of months? I'd like to see Morrison return especially, he was something of a lesser favorite of mine.
We've been swerved.
Like I'd buy and read that parcel of shite.
This might actually work. If I was the real Dave Meltzer I would go ballistic at this response. Good thinking.
It's really good, why the hate.

Scatter approach/guess work and loud cheers when something pays off. People pay money for this. Any of us could have started a stupid blog back in the 90s with the exact same approach. There's even website/blogs like this now, and they're equally as crap. People take it as gospel and, sadly, take great pride in pushing that crap on the rest of us (when we don't really care or want to know).
Yawn, I'd be pretty disappointed with the Rumble results if I hadn't guessed them completely before hand.

Only one I didn't get was D-Bry and Kane retaining. :\ I almost want them to lose so Daniel Bryan can go on to do something more interesting.

Wish CM Punk had just been stripped of the title, then he could claim to have 'never lost it' and can beat Bruno's record in however many years lol.

Such a waste of Punk's title reign, someone could have used it a lot more than Dwayne.

But nar that young up-and-comer Rock had to get his tough guy overcoming the odds victory.... with an elbow drop. I'm honestly surprised Cena didn't come out and point at the sign with him then start jerking off.


Went to sleep with the bad taste in my mouth.... woke up with it still there. What a shitty ending to the rumble and punk/rock match.

I can't believe my excitement levels went from extreme to nothing after Ziggler was eliminated. He's lucky he gets paid because I'd be pissed to get trashed in every match that cena is in.


Rock beating Punk is fine. Certainly not anywhere near anything related to being buried. No one losing to Rock is getting buried. And he controlled a good portion of the match, took a Rock Bottom through a table (kind of), and a Rock Bottom on the floor, plus he People's Elbow, which pinned pretty much every top guy in the Attitude Era. There really isn't anyone on the roster that has been built up enough to take the title from Punk besides Cena, and I'd much rather see it go Punk to Rock to Cena than Punk to Cena.

Cena winning the Rumble is awful, though. Twice in a life time has zero interest to me. I'd definitely argue that Cena is worse than Hogan ever was, but mostly because he wrestles and is on TV every week whereas Hulk wrestled on TV maybe once every 3 months during his peak in the WWF. Cena's been on every Raw for 7 years except for brief stretches when he was hurt. He's brutally over exposed. Cena/Rock II could easily have happened with someone else getting the rub of winning the Rumble. Cena didn't HAVE to win it to get a title shot or anything. He could have A. Asked for a shot at Rock, which Rock and/or Vince/Vickie would grant. or B. Win at Elimination Chamber. Another year of Cena domination is about the least interesting thing I can imagine. If last year, a year in which he lost I think 4 matches (Rock, Tensai (lol), Punk at NOC, and Ziggler at TLC), only one of them clean was the worst year of his life, I can't imagine how the year of Cena is going to go.

The most annoying thing about Cena to me is how he acts so shocked when he wins. He wins EVERY MATCH. Why is he still so shocked when he wins? "omg guys, can you believe I just overcame the odds? I can't! omg!" doesn't make any sense when overcoming the odds is the entire basis of the character and he does it constantly, no matter what the odds.


Hmm, seems most of the results were fairly predictable from what most thought. Not that I didn't want Cena to win the Rumble, I just honestly did not see them pushing anybody else to the forefront quick like they did with Sheamus. Ziggler has his MitB still, so I kind of expected him, if not Cena (I would envision them having Ziggler lose his title match, but cashing in after; silly but it would work). But Barrett has been floating with Kofi as of recent, so I didn't expect him. Not Cesaro just yet. Wish Bryan would be doing more, but he's still in the tag mix. Uh, Sheamus, Orton, and Miz, didn't think so. So this was the reasonable expectation to come with heading in. Not surprised...

I suppose now I just hope they allow Ziggs to cash in relatively soon (either now until WM or shortly after), and make his run a good one. If not, I don't think I'll pay much attention to the shows, even if what I do now is just run through them in Youtube the day after. The rest is just fluff.


I think we all knew Punk was going to drop to Rock either at RR or EC ...

I can see a three way at Wrestlemania. Rock loses to Cena after Punk knocks him out with a GTS only to have Cena throw him over the top rope and steal a pin ...


So seen as Cenas knees are nearly done and Rock will be done after WM, how is the idea of pushing guys to help rebuild your company a foreign idea to Vince....



WCW Monday Nitro 8/28/2000

This show starts out with a promo package about the NWO 2000. Kind of weird, but I guess since Steiner, Jarrett, and Nash are united again it makes sense.

A limo arrives with Nash, Jarrett, Steiner, and Vince Russo. This makes NO FUCKING SENSE. This entire group were all feuding with each other over the past 5 months. Nash and Steiner were feuding as of 3 weeks ago.

Dark Carnival vs 3 Count



3 Count do a dive sequence. Shane totally over shoots the fat clown and crashes in the aisle. Muta makes a bunch of noises with VAMPIRROOOOAHH at the end. Only WCW would bring in Muta and have him on commentary. Does Muta speak English? Dark Carnival win with a top rope leg drop from the skinny one. Tank comes to the ring and beats up 3 Count. 3 Count and the Dark Carnival team up on Tank. Muta is making motor boating sounds. Demon comes out for the save, but he's been out manned. Muta gets in the ring and mists Demon, but for some reason it cut to a fan. The lights go out. IT IS STING!

TO THE BACK. The NWO 3000 and the NTB head to the ring.

New Blood 2.0 are out. The NBT stand at ringside to stand guard I suppose. The band is back together! Jeff challenges Awesome to a bunkhouse brawl. Steiner says he can shave his ass and walk backwards and look better than Goldberg's girlfriend. Nash said he should have named himself the Puppet Master instead of Big Sexy. Every few months he sucks the people in so they'll buy his merch, and since it is all sold out, the fans get the real Nash. What if he gets new merchandise? Nash is the next champion. Russo says Nash isn't going to become the champion at Fall Brawl...he's going to become the champion tonight! Kevin Nash vs Booker for the title tonight! Jeff Jarrett will be the special ref! And Steiner will be the guest enforcer! Booker "The Rock" T comes out. Cat comes out dressed like Lonestar Dustin Rhodes and says he's gonna Dolomite Russo's ass.


Cat will team up with Booker tonight in a match. Russo kicks Cat in the balls. The Filthy Animals run out to brawl with the NBT. They get rolled in one at a time to eat finishers from the real stars. On the NitroVision, we see Goldberg digging a grave. IT'S BURYING TIME!

. Cat is placed in an ambulance for his dick. Russo tells the new NWO 3000 XD to what his back. They all leave him for stupid reasons. Russo's phone rings. It's Goldberg. We can hear his voice even after Vince threw the phone away. This is going to be just like that shitty episode of Thunder where Nash chased Russo around the entire show.

Tygress vs Paisley vs Major Gunns.

Tygress wins right away with a roll up. She was even announced as the winner. Everyone botched this. The ref, both women, Penzer, and the announcers. Lol. Paisley walks out on Tygress. The ref restarted the match, but then it was just over. What is going on? What a botch. I want to send so much stuff to Maffew for a giant WCWmania.


TO THE BACK. Rey sets up the NBT and allows for them to be pepper sprayed by the Animals. Russo has no one watching him his office now. A pick up truck literally over filled with guitars arrived for Jeff Jarrett. That's so stupid and amazing.


Paula interviews Mike Awesome in a sweet powder blue leisure suit. Sweet disco easy listening 70s music plays during this. They dropped the Fat Chick thing for a few weeks just to do this to him?


Kronik vs the Harris Brothers House of Pain Match

Not to be confused with the Hall of Pain. I wish Mark Henry could retroactively crush all of these men. One of the bald dudes get thrown through the side of the cage. It broke at the bottom and they start brawling on the floor. One of them attacks a fan for real I think. You never know with WCW, but it didn't really look like your typical obvious plant spot. This cage match where the rules are you have to hand cuff your opponents to the cage walls is a no contest when all four men brawl outside of the cage. And was about 3 minutes. Where do you go in a feud when the first match is a cage match?

Lance Storm vs Sgt AWOL Table Prisoner of War match

The winner gets to take a member from the other team. Team Canada only has two members, so it doesn't seem like a fair deal. Lance wins in about a minute by knocking Wall off the apron through a table. He takes Gunns and bolts.

TO THE BACK. Paula is with Sting. Muta has challenged Sting to a match. YES. Sting vs Muta! Booker is getting ready for his match.

Rick Steiner vs Mike Awesome Bunkhouse Brawl

Hmm. I thought Awesome was going to be in a Bunkhouse Brawl with Jarrett. Maybe that was for the PPV. WCW was so weird with gimmick matches. Whenever they'd have a gimmick match booked, they'd run that same style of match at least once, but usually multiple times before the PPV. In some case, like Scott Steiner (Asylum match) and Mike Awesome (ambulance match), they'd have guys compete EXCLUSIVELY in that gimmick match for a month leading up to the actual one you're supposed to want to see. By the time of a PPV, you've seen whatever gimmick match they're trying to sell possibly 3 times or more. It seems so counter productive and backwards. You're also pretty likely to get at least one or two singles matches between two guys who are supposed to wrestle at the PPV. And a lot of times in gimmick matches while the PPV match is a normal one. They had two pole matches in a row before Judy Bagwell on a pole, Awesome had 3 ambulances matches and stretcher match against DDP before he was to fight DDP in an ambulance match, Kidman and Shane wrestled two weeks in a row before their PPV match one of which was a pole match, DDP and Jeff had a cage match before their triple cage match, Dragons and 3 Count had a ladder match on Nitro 2 weeks before their PPV ladder match...and on and on. Rick won after Jeff got involved.

Booker T vs Kevin Nash WCW Championship

Scott Steiner is the outside enforcer, Jeff Jarrett is the referee, and Russo is out for color. This will be known as the New York Screw Job. Jeff is being a fair ref because he's mad that he isn't the one getting the title shot. Straight up Western LARIATOOOOO from Nash sends Booker into the Rikishi bump. Nash could have won, but Jeff was sending Steiner to the back. Jarrett pushed Russo out on the floor. "What is this horn yacker trying to prove? You're a damn horn yacker, Jeff Jarrett!" Why is this match the hour one main event? This is supposed to headline a PPV in a few weeks, but can't even main event the TV show? Why is this match even happening at all if you want people to buy it in a few weeks? Russo is losing his shit at Jeff. Ax kick! Missile drop kick! Book End! Russo slips Jeff the guitar and he waffles Booker. During this, the producer could be heard doing mic checks. Russo tries to remove parts of the guitar, which makes no sense since Jeff is the ref. We all got SWERVED. For no reason at all. This was literally a SWERVE for the sake of a SWERVE. They could have just screwed Booker out of the title without pretending they couldn't get along or follow the plan. Jackknife and Nash is your new champion!


The celebration continues. Booker is leaving. Hugh tries to convince him to stay. As he walks out, Goldberg walks in. Goldberg convinces him to stay.

Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson are somewhere out in the crowd cutting a promo. He challenges Kidman to a Pittsburgh Plunge Scaffold Match at Fall Brawl. THAT'S A FACT is said at least 2000 times. Crowbar attacks Shane, but something caught his attention, which allowed Shane to throw him off the balcony. GOOD GOD HE'S DEAD! THAT KILLED HIM.


Shane gets in the ring and calls anyone out. This brings out Goldberg! Spear! Somehow Goldberg busted his eyebrow open. It immediately started squirting blood. Maybe he hit Shane's belt? Jackhammer!

TO THE BACK. Nash takes a shower. The pixelization doesn't cover the obvious gray boxers Nash was wearing. Booker attacks him with the title belt while in the shower. Russo is freaking out. Steiner leaves him on his own again.


Jeff Jarrett vs Big Vito

Meh. Jarrett wins his second clean match in 6 months.

TO THE BACK. Jeff goes back to his pick up truck of guitars. Mike Awesome was hiding underneath them. Lol. What? Awesome slams Jeff into the guitars.


The Natural Born Thrillers are out for a promo. FUCK MIKE SANDERS. Jesus. What an annoying douche bag. Sanders challenges the Filthy Animals to a 5 on 5 elimination tag.

Filthy Animals vs NBT 5 on 5 elimination tag

Konnan is wrestling despite still recovering from tricep surgery. Meat is on commentary. Rey is wearing an orange prison jump suit. Reno, who Sanders claimed was 6 feet tall, is slightly taller than Juvi. Last Dance to Jindrak! Chuck counters the bronco buster with a belly to belly. How stupid, 8 of the guys were counted out at the same time. How can you count out guys who aren't even legal men? This leaves Tygress and Mike Sanders. Tygress beats his ass until he wins with the 3.0.

TO THE BACK. Goldberg may have killed Scott Steiner in his locker room. Russo begs Vito for help with Goldberg. Vito gives him the kiss of death, which Russo no sells. Would you no sell a dude randomly grabbing you and kissing you on the lips? For any reason, male or female. Some guy just grabs your face and kisses you, you're probably going to have some kind of reaction, be it positive or negative. Russo just kept going like nothing happened. And as an Italian New Yorker, shouldn't he have recognized the kiss of death and probably just left instead of try to get Vito to beat up Goldberg?


Vince and Vito come to the ring. Russo calls Goldberg out. Goldberg BARKS at Russo. Lol. He can't touch Russo or he'll be fired. But Vito can touch him. Vito attacks Russo! SWERVE! Vince probably shouldn't have been a dick to Vito last week. Goldberg tells Vito to take out the garbage and throws him keys.

The Great Muta vs Sting

YES! I hope this is more than 2 minutes long. They brawl on the ramp to start the match. The rest of the Dark Carnival were on top of the Nitro Vision. A bunch of steam shoots up from the ramp and Vampiro jumps off with a kendo stick. They all climb to the top of the NitroVision where ICP cut through the screen and pull Sting through it. Then they all beat him up in silhouette. This didn't even make it to the ring.


TO THE DESERT. Goldberg brings Russo to the grave. Bret Hart is also out there and wants to get in on the fun. Bret just happened to be in the desert where Goldberg dug a hole? Lol. Bret SWERVES Goldberg and hits him with a shovel.



all that he wants is another baby
After sleeping on it, I'm thinking it has to be a triple threat main event, as Punk is still positioned as a factor in the title mix (ie: never lost it, Vince screwed him, etc). Also, it bookends with Raw 1000 nicely.

Regardless, Punk did a great job selling the championship as important again, which is a big reason everyone is freaking out over him dropping the strap. Not to mention the guy probably has a year or two left in the tank before retirement or a long break, which would set up an Austin/Punk feud to cap off a solid run without needing a belt on the line.

Nothing is fucked here, dude. If anything, I'm compelled to see where they take Rock's title run with Punk's beef and the Kane/Bryan feud (which will be awesome wrestling and hilarious moments (good times, great memories)).

Biggest dumb thing to come out of the Rumble was Bo Dallas. No heat, nothing special, just a long haired, cave-chested face archetype. Bring me Bray Wyatt's stable or Hero/Ohno and then we got a stew going. Dallas is just wimpy broth.


"How can you watch this shit?" were the words of my brother, who hasn't watched much WWE since last Wrestlemania. I imagine many lapsed fans who tuned in tonight won't be sticking around for much longer with Cena winning and the way Punk came off after his match.

I personally don't have much of an issue with Rock winning, but Punk came out looking weak as piss. It just didn't feel like the right way to end a 434 day streak. The match itself was pretty good, though the crowd was dead.

Cena winning is just... stupid. I was hoping Ryback won after all my favourites were gone, because that at least makes some sense. They've built him up as a giant and would've locked his main event status with this Rumble win, like Sheamus last year, but nope. More Cena. Yay.

As a side note, the crowd went nuts during Orton's small burst during the Rumble, even though he's been almost irrelevant for over a year. The WWE really need to get him involved in a good storyline again with emerging talent, since he still has the potential to come across as a pretty big deal while putting others over along the way.


Orton vs Claudio at WM!

I'd want Claudio to win, but I'd mark for Randy countering Swiss Death into an RKO on the way down.

Also, this was the most dominant Punk has looked in a match since his heel turn. He stood toe to toe with The Rock and pretty handily dominated him for most of the match. In no way did he come off looking weak, like piss, or buried.

evil ways

After sleeping on it, I'm thinking it has to be a triple threat main event, as Punk is still positioned as a factor in the title mix (ie: never lost it, Vince screwed him, etc). Also, it bookends with Raw 1000 nicely.

Regardless, Punk did a great job selling the championship as important again, which is a big reason everyone is freaking out over him dropping the strap. Not to mention the guy probably has a year or two left in the tank before retirement or a long break, which would set up an Austin/Punk feud to cap off a solid run without needing a belt on the line.

Austin vs Punk won't happen. Punk's momentum is dead, he's no longer the top guy and it won't be a WM main event. Austin specifically said, if the money was right, if Punk positioned himself as the top guy, and if it was the main event, he wouldn't have a problem doing the match. All that went poof last night.

The perfect timing was this year with Punk having his title reign, heel run and calling out Austin during promos.


So not worth it
Also, this was the most dominant Punk has looked in a match since his heel turn. He stood toe to toe with The Rock and pretty handily dominated him for most of the match. In no way did he come off looking weak, like piss, or buried.

So much this, the guy beat everyone and after one year and two months it took a legend to take him down. That's amazing.

And people are complaining about the people's elbow? Come on, it's a finisher and he took two, seems perfectly fine to get pinned for three after taking two finishers. Remember he was supposed to take a Rock Bottom on the Announce Table as well, but the table failed.


Rock's match wasn't that bad considering he doesn't do this anymore. Don't even have a problem with him winning.

It would just be nice if he faced you know, someone else at Wreslemania.
Anyone really. Just anyone.

edit: Triple Threat would be good, especially with Rock's conditioning not where it used to be.


Also, this was the most dominant Punk has looked in a match since his heel turn. He stood toe to toe with The Rock and pretty handily dominated him for most of the match. In no way did he come off looking weak, like piss, or buried.

I didn't really like the fact that Heyman had to interfere on multiple occasions, Shield had to interrupt the match in that manner and Rocky somehow miraculously recovered after a solid beatdown from Punk to win with an elbow. I know it was Punk wanting to win at all costs, but it certainly came across as weak from my perspective.

Punk has actually been built up well this past month. I reckon he was more credible as a heel champ than he's been since he won the belt, but tonight did not reflect that build up. Those few weeks they built him up to be a badass heel character, but tonight was anything but that.

He should've won the Rumble match. Would've set up a very interesting paradigm with that similar to "He Who Shall Not Be Named" changed how winning the Rumble actually works. Could've been interesting to watch. And I just don't see him winning EC in a couple of weeks. We'll probably get a new World Champ but Rock/Cena 2 is happening no matter how much nobody really wants it to.


Listening to a review of the event, they were mentioning how the commentators were not giving much thought about Bo Dallas being in the Rumble for as long as he was (didn't give a time), and they brought up him eliminating Barrett.

Why is commentating so bad? Makes you weep for guys like Monsoon and JR giving these facts throughout the match.


Austin vs Punk won't happen. Punk's momentum is dead, he's no longer the top guy and it won't be a WM main event. Austin specifically said, if the money was right, if Punk positioned himself as the top guy, and if it was the main event, he wouldn't have a problem doing the match. All that went poof last night.

The perfect timing was this year with Punk having his title reign, heel run and calling out Austin during promos.

Well it's not like Punk has any control on being the top guy.
The issue with Punk being booked weak wasn't an issue with last nights match specifically but one with the last 4-5 months where he's been unable to beat anybody at PPV without interference. Thematically it makes sense that Punk would loose his title once somebody countered outsiders defending the belt on his behalf, plus faces getting in 20% of the offence of the heel only to overcome the odds and come back is hardly anything new.

It would have been nice of them to legitimise his long title reign with one clean win over the biggest face imaginable, overcoming odds that Cena couldn't only to drop the title at EC. But that would be thinking of the long term which Vince really doesn't like doing.


The only dude I'd really consider to have been buried lately is Ziggler, and only in his matches with Cena where he hits all of his finishers and has interference from Big E. and AJ, only for Cena to shrug it all off, pop up and hit an FU, and walk off completely fine. THAT is something that makes a guy look bad. Especially when it happens over and over.

Before that, Ryder was made to look like a completely impotent and incompetent loser during the Kane/Cena feud. That was a full on burial. Sure he was on TV and in a major angle, but he was only in it to look like a punk who didn't do anything when his best bro stole his woman, and then got crushed by Kane. Then he spent months shit talking Eve whenever he made it to TV.

No one else has been buried. Actual burials rarely happen since they usually involve guys who are about to leave or get fired and since there isn't competition around anymore, there is no reason to try to ruin their value on the way out (which I always felt was super petty and quite shitty to try to ruin someone's value and way they earn their living just because they are going to wrestle somewhere else).
He should've won the Rumble match. Would've set up a very interesting paradigm with that similar to "He Who Shall Not Be Named" changed how winning the Rumble actually works. Could've been interesting to watch. And I just don't see him winning EC in a couple of weeks. We'll probably get a new World Champ but Rock/Cena 2 is happening no matter how much nobody really wants it to.

He doesn't warrant being aywhere near the main event yet. He's still absolutely awful on the mic and needs to fix his hair.


No worries Stone cold will be back to job to Cena.
Cena can then truly cement his legacy. Well, after he end Undertaker's winning streak.

Hey has Cena ever been IC or World Heavy Weight champion? Probably needs to hustle on that too.


You didn't see some of the top heels of this past decade, Triple H, Edge, and JBL win without some type of stipulation/interference, much less clean. Why is this something new all of a sudden for certain people? Having Punk go over Ryback clean, like suggested, basically makes Ryback look like a stooge and why do that for a guy they're pushing? It would stall immediately.

Note, I don't like Ryback or care about his push, and he's terrible.

McNei1y, I do agree they need to unify the belts. The current main event scene is really awful.


The issue with Punk being booked weak wasn't an issue with last nights match specifically but one with the last 4-5 months where he's been unable to beat anybody at PPV without interference. Thematically it makes sense that Punk would loose his title once somebody countered outsiders defending the belt on his behalf, plus faces getting in 20% of the offence of the heel only to overcome the odds and come back is hardly anything new.

It would have been nice of them to legitimise his long title reign with one clean win over the biggest face imaginable, overcoming odds that Cena couldn't only to drop the title at EC. But that would be thinking of the long term which Vince really doesn't like doing.

I don't "mind" the countless interferences and such because it is a heel tactic... but that'll only matter if we find out the Shield and Maddox were working for Punk. My biggest problem it all was that Cena had countless rematches and never lost cleanly. He also didn't have to compete in any #1 contender matches. Ryback got the same treatment but that was understandable since his first match against Punk was interrupted so it makes sense for him to get a second shot. But Cena getting unlimited amounts, even after an injury to his leg, is crap and completely ruins any legitimacy Punk had. I mean what about guys like Sheamus, ADR, Ziggler, Bryan, etc... why are they restricted to the WHC?


I didn't really like the fact that Heyman had to interfere on multiple occasions,

Really, Heyman's two cheap shot clubbings to the back was too much for you? He just took a few cheap shots. It wasn't like he was beating on Rock with a chair or putting Punk's foot on the ropes during a pin. It was just a few cheap shots from a portly manager.

Listening to a review of the event, they were mentioning how the commentators were not giving much thought about Bo Dallas being in the Rumble for as long as he was (didn't give a time), and they brought up him eliminating Barrett.

Why is commentating so bad? Makes you weep for guys like Monsoon and JR giving these facts throughout the match.

That's not right at all. They mentioned a number of times how impressive it was that he was still in the Rumble and made it something like 20 minutes. And they talked about how big of a deal it was for him to eliminate Wade.


I don't "mind" the countless interferences and such because it is a heel tactic... but that'll only matter if we find out the Shield and Maddox were working for Punk. My biggest problem it all was that Cena had countless rematches and never lost cleanly. He also didn't have to compete in any #1 contender matches. Ryback got the same treatment but that was understandable since his first match against Punk was interrupted so it makes sense for him to get a second shot. But Cena getting unlimited amounts, even after an injury to his leg, is crap and completely ruins any legitimacy Punk had. I mean what about guys like Sheamus, ADR, Ziggler, Bryan, etc... why are they restricted to the WHC?

I would like to think that most people just hate Cena in general and that otherwise heel tactics would be ok. But even back then the IWC liked HHH more than face Rock and Stone Cold. It's true. I think overall they just hate super faces (always have), which is what Sheamus was becoming. They much more prefer technical wrestlers who are underdogs like Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, and Noob saibot. Etc.

But really, Cena's reign as a super face has almost no limits.


So not worth it
Ziggler might not have won, but the guy went from #1 to last four. I think he got a great rub last night. I would have loved to see him win, but he was the star of the Rumble Match along with Jericho so that's good enough for me.

Would be great to have a Jericho vs. Ziggler feud now.


Ziggler might not have won, but the guy went from #1 to last four. I think he got a great rub last night. I would have loved to see him win, but he was the star of the Rumble Match along with Jericho so that's good enough for me.

Would be great to have a Jericho vs. Ziggler feud now.

Only a fool would think Ziggler would win. My hope was for him to be #1 and last till the end and that's what he did.

Ziggs is more charismatic than Billy Gun, but that's just my opinion.


Ziggler might not have won, but the guy went from #1 to last four. I think he got a great rub last night. I would have loved to see him win, but he was the star of the Rumble Match along with Jericho so that's good enough for me.

Would be great to have a Jericho vs. Ziggler feud now.

While you have a good point that he lasted so long... I hated that the final four was him, Ryback, Cena, and Sheamus. It would've been cool to see Orton or Cesaro or Jericho remain with Cena and Ryback or something.

I thought: "Wow the three guys you have left are the three guys you've been shoving down our throats." I really wanted Ryback of the three to win because that would be somewhat new and exciting.
You didn't see some of the top heels of this past decade, Triple H, Edge, and JBL win without some type of stipulation/interference, much less clean. Why is this something new all of a sudden for certain people? Having Punk go over Ryback clean, like suggested, basically makes Ryback look like a stooge and why do that for a guy they're pushing? It would stall immediately.

I fail to see how I said this was anything new or that Punk should have gone over Ryback clean. My point was Punk looked no weaker last night than he has throughout the heel duration of his run. It was a post solely in response to people saying Punk looked weak last night.
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