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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


He's identical to me. It's just like when Rock had a fued with Billy Gunn in 1999. I don't buy him in the main event because he has a Midcarder look and gimmick.
In your ideal world, who's in the WWE's main event scene? If it's Cena, Punk, Orton, and Del Rio, you have to expand more than that. Ryback got a chance and he's 1. awful on the mic 2. has no gimmick except he beats up local jobbers and says Feed Me More and 3. has been damn close to injuring other wrestlers because of his carelessness. But he has that look, I guess.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, I had a good sleep too and everything it as it was last night.

I only have a few complaints about the show, small ones, and observations:

1. 3 faces at the end of the Rumble. Makes it weird.
2. Ryder's fucking face. Dear god. He's gotta be concussed.
3. Rock should have finished Punk with a Rock Bottom.

That's about it. Entertaining PPV, especially once you've grown to accept Cena Wins Lol. It doesn't sting as much. And really, we all saw it coming. Anyone thinking Punk would have retained is off their rocker. Vince is getting "PUBLICITY WOOD" every time Rock shows up on the red carpet with his belt.

Also that "Punk-designed" belt is fucking atrocious and horrible.

I feel embarrassed that I ever got back to watching the WWE after like a 5 month hiatus. I don't know why I came back. I knew this was going to happen but I decided to watch the PPV anyway. I guess I'm the sucker in the end.

Watch NJPW instead!


all that he wants is another baby
Austin vs Punk won't happen. Punk's momentum is dead, he's no longer the top guy and it won't be a WM main event. Austin specifically said, if the money was right, if Punk positioned himself as the top guy, and if it was the main event, he wouldn't have a problem doing the match. All that went poof last night.

The perfect timing was this year with Punk having his title reign, heel run and calling out Austin during promos.

One night doesn't kill momentum. He wasn't beat clean, he still has unanswered questions, and Punk/Austin is a huge draw no matter what.

WWE is leaving money on the table if they don't book the match sometime.

Plus, Cena/Rock needs to evolve from last years program and Punk will be the outlier to make it interesting. He may not be in the main event, but he'll at least be top tier until WM.
The worst part of the Rumble was that Ryback vs. Cena went on long enough that they were still going when I got back from the bathroom. Other than that, pretty good PPV.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The best bit of the rumble was when it ended and I went to bed.

Don't be so negative. I bet there's 5 things you enjoyed about the show. I'll start.

1. Bryan/Kane elimination was genuinely fun
2. Jericho appearance was a great surprise
3. Bo Dallas is going to be feuding with Barrett, not a bad choice. I want to see more Bo with the main roster to make sure if he's worth a shit or not.
4. Cesaro is still your rightful US Champion. What a guy.
5. Del Rio and Show put on a pretty entertaining match and remained a convincing face. Rodriguez carries that sentiment to the next level. Great stuff.

EDIT: oh my GOD I sound like Heavy.


Don't be so negative. I bet there's 5 things you enjoyed about the show. I'll start.

1. Bryan/Kane elimination was genuinely fun
2. Jericho appearance was a great surprise
3. Bo Dallas is going to be feuding with Barrett, not a bad choice. I want to see more Bo with the main roster to make sure if he's worth a shit or not.
4. Cesaro is still your rightful US Champion. What a guy.
5. Del Rio and Show put on a pretty entertaining match and remained a convincing face. Rodriguez carries that sentiment to the next level. Great stuff.

EDIT: oh my GOD I sound like Heavy.

I liked watching Cesaro wrestle, but that was on the pre-show so it doesn't count! I wasn't been too serious, I liked when Goldust came in the rumble.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I liked when Goldust came in the rumble.


Seriously though I never liked Goldust at all through allll the years. Enjoyed Dustin Rhodes in early WCW far more, but it was nice seeing him.
In your ideal world, who's in the WWE's main event scene? If it's Cena, Punk, Orton, and Del Rio, you have to expand more than that. Ryback got a chance and he's 1. awful on the mic 2. has no gimmick except he beats up local jobbers and says Feed Me More and 3. has been damn close to injuring other wrestlers because of his carelessness. But he has that look, I guess.

Dunno. I think Sheamus is fine as worker, his character is the problem. Bryan I buy as a main eventer before the babyface turn. Antonio Cesaro I fully expect to be World Heavyweight Champion by the end of the year. If Jericho is back he's obviously good enough. I like Rhodes, Sandow, I think Wade is good, I hope The Shield can move up the ladder, etc.

I believe in Big E too :) And Mad Ox.

Honestly, I think Ziggler as a worker is good enough. I just hate his character and look. I don't buy him as a main eventer as long as he looks and speaks like he does now. There's talent there, obviously.

Fix his hair? What, cut it off and have it brown again? Why?

It's just so jobbery. He needs a make over. He looks like a joke character.



Seriously though I never liked Goldust at all through allll the years. Enjoyed Dustin Rhodes in early WCW far more, but it was nice seeing him.

I thought Rhodes vs Rhodes in the rumbles was good to see. I did like the Kane D-Bry bit, Kofi could have just sat in the chair kicked off on the side of the table, the chair has wheels, it'll just get more and more convoluted each year with those kind of spots. They'll just happen to have those big stilts people use at fair grounds or the circus to look super tall and Kofi will use those. He'll use them to walk around the side of the ring and the crowd will be all crazy and Cole will say vintage Cofi and then a clown car will come out filled will loads of doink the clowns.



Seriously though I never liked Goldust at all through allll the years. Enjoyed Dustin Rhodes in early WCW far more, but it was nice seeing him.

In my WWE Universe Goldust is a monster heel who destroys the roster with his uppercut. By roster I mean Hunico and Camacho. Also about The Rock ending on The Peoples Elbow...

And if you think about it even more, the way he lost was poetic. Rock is "The People's Champion" , and Punk had seemingly turned against the people because he felt slighted by the fans. Rock finished him with The People's Elbow. (in kayfabe terms) Rock channels the power he gets from the people into that elbow (think of it as The Rock's Spirit Bomb) and Punk was finally defeated by the people he turned against.

Brought to us from Reddit by Lin Siniang.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't even know what a Spirit Bomb is, but it sounds like the weeniest shit in the universe. I'm too old for these childrens' cartoons. It's from a cartoon right?
The Goldust and Cody thing was prolly the best bit of the Rumble. My GF's number was #3 and Cody is one of her favs so she was happy (for a bit). :p


I don't even know what a Spirit Bomb is, but it sounds like the weeniest shit in the universe. I'm too old for these childrens' cartoons. It's from a cartoon right?

It's a move used by Goku in Dragonball Z. It involves all the people lending him their energy to give his attack more power or something like that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh so it is a cartoon. Fitting, since the WWE is booked like one.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
It also takes Goku like 1 entire episode just to prepare to use the Spirit Bomb where the enemy conveniently does nothing for whatever reason, similar to how it takes Rock a good 10 seconds to do an elbow drop where the opponent can't get up or roll over or do anything.

They're both bullshit!
Rocks wah wah story was lol, if Bo frickin Dallas can get employed just because he's someones son then I'm sure a 3rd generation Rock probably wouldn't have had to do much to get a job there.

Life's tough though right Dwayne?


It also takes Goku like 1 entire episode just to prepare to use the Spirit Bomb where the enemy conveniently does nothing for whatever reason, similar to how it takes Rock a good 10 seconds to do an elbow drop where the opponent can't get up or roll over or do anything.

They're both bullshit!

They want to see if they can take the hit and prove their strength. At least that's how it looks.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
It also takes Goku like 1 entire episode just to prepare to use the Spirit Bomb where the enemy conveniently does nothing for whatever reason, similar to how it takes Rock a good 10 seconds to do an elbow drop where the opponent can't get up or roll over or do anything.

They're both bullshit!

So Punk was the Shadow Dragon and Rock used his WWE Univers(al) Spirit Bomb? Would Goku job to Cena? Would a spirit bomb wipe the smirk off his face? Is Goku real?
So any predictions for RAW tonight? How will punk use his rematch clause? Will Shield start feuding with Hell No for the tag belts? What about Stupid Sexy Maddox?
This is when he had $7, same timeframe


Dem titties.

So any predictions for RAW tonight? How will punk use his rematch clause? Will Shield start feuding with Hell No for the tag belts? What about Stupid Sexy Maddox?

Punk's rematch will be that he gets a free spot in the Elimination Chamber LOLZ, enjoy. Heyman will get fired because walrus and Punk will get screwed because no reason. - Vince.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So any predictions for RAW tonight? How will punk use his rematch clause? Will Shield start feuding with Hell No for the tag belts? What about Stupid Sexy Maddox?

Punk doesn't even appear on the show
Hell No feuds with themselves
PTP get #1 contenders because they rule
Maddox is not seen
Heyman gets fired, becomes Higher Power
Jericho seduces AJ, fails
Khali leaves for India
"You can't wrestle" chants
Cena delivers a promo
Goldust is not seen again
Neither is Godfather
Remaining Divas are all fired or released


Here's my predictions:

-CM Punk gets little mic time. Comes out, complains, Vince comes out, fires Heyman for his "performance review", which makes no sense. CM Punk will enter the EC match, but it doesn't matter at this point. Punk won't be sniffing the WWE Title in a long time.
-Ziggler feuds with Jericho, who is only returning to elevate talent. Welcome to the world of Mick Foley Jericho!
-Cena will come out and cut a promo. I will not predict what he will be saying, as I will be flipping to something else during this time
-Daniel Bryan's beard will grow no less than 4" from last night to tonight
-The Miz will host the Rock on MizTV. Michael Cole and Lawler will hit play on their iPod with recordings of their canned laughter. Rock says he's hungry. Even hungrier now that he's champion. A champion of the people by the way. He ate some cookie puss, and is now in the mood for some fruity pebbles.


If you couldn't get enjoyment out of that ppv you might as well quit being a wrestling fan. Outcomes you don't like or not, it was fun as heck.

Gosh I hate smarks.

There have been smackdown episodes having wrestling matches with better pacing than the entirety of the Royal Rumble. The most chaotic match was Beeg vs ADR, that tells the entire story.
Here's my predictions:

-The Miz will host the Rock on MizTV. Michael Cole and Lawler will hit play on their iPod with recordings of their canned laughter. Rock says he's hungry. Even hungrier now that he's champion. A champion of the people by the way. He ate some cookie puss, and is now in the mood for some fruity pebbles.

Thats a bit too spot on for a prediction. Its really become that predictable huh. That said, its come out that Brock resigned so he may turn up tonight


I felt the Rumble was well paced with a good mix of serious feuding and trying to win with comedic jobber moments that helped the rest of the roster look strong. Kofi's chair thing and then getting eliminated just seconds later was so choice. Bryan and Kane's eliminations, everyone ganging up on Santino, Rhodes vs Rhodes...

It had a mix of good stories and built on and created potential feuds. Most of the roster looked strong in that Rumble. Easily a top Rumble match but of course wrestling smarks just can't handle it and have to bitch anyways.

The roster looked great until certain numbers hit. You knew some of the lesser talent was just biding time until a big gun would come in and eliminate 4 or 5. Sheamus comes in, clears out talent. Numbers slowly build again. Cena comes in, clears out talent, rinse and repeat until you have the final four of Sheamus/Ryback/Orton/Cena.


Unconfirmed Member
I felt the Rumble was well paced with a good mix of serious feuding and trying to win with comedic jobber moments that helped the rest of the roster look strong. Kofi's chair thing and then getting eliminated just seconds later was so choice. Bryan and Kane's eliminations, everyone ganging up on Santino, Rhodes vs Rhodes...

It had a mix of good stories and built on and created potential feuds. Most of the roster looked strong in that Rumble. Easily a top Rumble match but of course wrestling smarks just can't handle it and have to bitch anyways.

I really enjoyed the first, oh, 1:50 of the PPV last night. It's just the last hour that was the problem. The Rumble match was really great, one of the best in years, until the final 3 or so.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright so during the Rumble, what feuds kicked off?

Ziggler/Jericho again
Bo Dallas (who I will call "Ballas") and Wade Barruh
Kane/Bryan possibly

Anything else I missed?


So not worth it
Alright so during the Rumble, what feuds kicked off?

Ziggler/Jericho again
Bo Dallas (who I will call "Ballas") and Wade Barruh
Kane/Bryan possibly

Anything else I missed?

Orton/Sheamus had their little moment of squaring off in the Rumble, so I expect that to kick off on Raw as well. Also, Miz/Cesaro is continuing with the face attacking the heel at his Rumble entrance.


Alright so during the Rumble, what feuds kicked off?

Ziggler/Jericho again
Bo Dallas (who I will call "Ballas") and Wade Barruh
Kane/Bryan possibly

Anything else I missed?

You really think there's gonna be a Cody/Goldust fued? That'd be cool if so, I just thought it was a RR appearance
If you couldn't get enjoyment out of that ppv you might as well quit being a wrestling fan. Outcomes you don't like or not, it was fun as heck.

Gosh I hate smarks.

That really isn't a fair statement to say. Sometimes the outcome will shape whether or not a PPV or show is fun. Also, we all put different emphasis on what makes a PPV successful. Entertainment, in ring action, story line advancement/closure, etc. However, that doesn't mean that people don't go overboard in their reactions. For me, after Bryan lost the title in 18 seconds, WM was ruined until Taker/HHH. I thought Extreme Rules was good until Cena beat Lesnar and then it all turned to shit as that finish made no sense.

I thought RR was aight. Nothing great but nothing terrible either. Rock winning was upsetting as was Cena getting the victory. It wasn't surprising but I was still hoping for a different outcome.


Aside from the Jericho appearance, the Goldust/Cody thing was my favorite part of the show. I marked out when I saw "Shattered Dreams" come across the screen. And then that zoom in on Cody was fantastic. You know it was about to go down.


Junior Member
I really hope Heyman stays on TV. The guy is just freaking brilliant. He is the last of the great era of Managers.

We will probably have a Vince/Heyman/Punk show down with Brock coming in at some point tonight.

Biggest mark out moments last night for me were Jericho, and Golddust. Seeing them both back in the ring was AWESOME.

I don't think it can be stressed enough how tired people are of John Cena. Its nothing against him, but at how he is being booked. A better way to book it would have been for both Cena and Ryback eliminating each other at the end.. Thus drawing out the uncertainty as to who will go to WM till after EC.
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