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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

i missed this last night, this si why Punk is the best



. crazy what hapened in the past year

It's a great cast of champions for sure... but lets focus on what really lets us down:

Fast forward to April.

WWE Champion - John Cena
World Heavyweight - Dolph Ziggler (no problem here... unless they have Ziggler lose the cash in)
Intercontinental Champion - This can go either way. It won't be Sheamus/Orton/etc because the belt is "beneath" them
US Champion - I wouldn't be surprised if Miz eventually won this from Cesaro.
Tag Team Champions - Rhodes Scholars (no problem here)
Divas - Who cares... Probably Kaitlyn still.

I'd prefer it if the belts were unified. I'd also prefer it if we had feuds that were personal AND #1 contender matches. Stop giving people title shot after title shot... I'm looking at you Cena and Sheamus.


cody's reaction is the best

this will make ppl happy


Damn, I marked out when Goldust came in. That was such an awesome entrant. Cody's reaction is perfect. Like I said, you know it was about to hit the fan when he came out.

If they're going to give Barrett a feud with Bo Dallas... What does this mean for Orton, Sheamus, and Big Show? I feel like Barrett should be fighting Orton or Sheamus... but if he's going to be fighting some NXT guy, then what will the other three do?


The difference is Rock is a part-timer, Punk does this full time. Rock being on some talk shows will bring some casuals in to check out a few eps, hell maybe even order WM, and then they'll all be gone once the title is dropped to Cena. And then WWE's right back in the same rut it's been in for the past, what, 8-10 years?

Just doesn't make sense. Everyone's so focused on the past and wrestlers of yesterday and no one seems to have an eye for the future. It's why we keep getting matches like Bork/Cena, Bork/HHH, Rock/Cena, Taker/HHH - none of this helps the future of the WWE. When these guys are gone wtf do you do then?


I don't mind old wrestler's coming back. I like Rock, Jericho, Trips still in action. But I agree. They need programs with new up and coming wrestlers.

Cena is anything bt and up and coming wrestler. I mean you already had the match (cena/rock) but I guess the deal involved Hustle getting his due too. At least Punk got some exposure with Rock, but looks like it won't continue for mania.


it's more like taker pinning someone after the last ride.

It's like you people forgot Taker had two gimmicks. The Undertaker pinned Triple H at WMania after a last ride powerbomb and the Undisputed Champion Hulk Hogan with a lame chokeslam while he was the american badass.


Much rather see Jericho/Ryback than Jericho/Ziggler simply because the rumored card so far is all rematches and it would nice to have at least one fresh feud for WM.
Did your handicap make it better?

Yeah. Rumble is fun, endings are stupid.

Our drinking game rules were:
Numbers divided evenly and drawn at random, 6 entrants per the five of us.
If you are eliminated you take a shot.
If your entrant is a surprise return (Jericho and Goldust etc., but not active roster like Santino etc.) you take a shot.
If you self-eliminate or get eliminated by outside interference you take an extra shot
If you get eliminated by your tag partner then you take an extra shot.
If you are eliminated before the next entrant arrives you take an extra shot
If you get an entire stable (three or more people) then you take an extra two shots (one of us actually got all of 3MB, but he also got Cena so it evened out)
If Kane eliminates more than five or if Ryback broke Kane's record then everyone takes a shot
Everyone takes a shot if "Cena wins lol"

I think there are more rules I've forgotten.


Who will fight Cena at EC?

We'll find out tonight... seriously.. no one cares about the Chamber much anymore. The PPV should be cancelled, it negates a lot of the impact and importance of the Rumble.

"Oh... you didn't win the Rumble? So lets put you with five other guys who didn't win for a title shot"


The Rock will be on various talk shows, belt in tow, laying some verbal smacketh down, in coming days and weeks.

Punk earned much "cooler" attention, but The Rock is going to get much more mainstream attention than anyone else in the company could dream of getting.

...and it's all to level up Cena some more
Here's an example of the mainstream attention Dwayne will be getting...

- "It's Dwayne Johnson, everybody."
- Dwayne mugs for the audience, sets the belt down.
- Small-talk with the host.
- Talk about Snitch. Show clips.
- Talk about GI Joe Retaliation. Show clips.
- Talk about Pain & Gain. Show clips.
- "Oh btw, we hear you brought back The Rock and are back wrestling again!"
- "Yeah, I'm doing that too. Got to keep 'The People' entertained."
- Show clip of Dwayne beating CM Punk with the People's Elbow.
- "Wonderful."
- More small-talk with host and audience.
- Perhaps he does the people's elbow on someone like Fallon to earn a cheap pop.
- "Watch WrestleMania everyone."
- Casual audience looks to see how much it costs and finds it's $65. They say, "Hell no".
- Dwayne mugs again and leaves.
- Only hardcore fans bother paying for Mania, tune in to see Dwayne get pinned by Cena, rage, decide to never watch WWE again.
- Casuals don't turn up at all. If they did, they paid last year and got what they wanted.
- Jimmies still watch and buy Cena's new merch as he proceeds to remain champ for LONGER than Punk's latest reign while burying the likes of Ziggles, Ryback, Cesaro, Jericho again, Orton again, etc.


Is Rock going to EC? Might actually work out for him. Less work.


But wouldn't Punk get a rematch? Who would be in the EC match and for what?

If Punk isn't given a rematch, that will add to my frustrations.

Yeah. They showed a promo for it before the Rumble.

Punk, Ryback, Rock, Cena, Show, and Sheamus. :/

Eh, I still think that's a good cast. I wouldn't mind if Jericho and Ziggler were in there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Eh, I still think that's a good cast. I wouldn't mind if Jericho and Ziggler were in there.

Dunno if they're doing 2, though. I doubt it since the brand split is dead.

Remember that year Drew McIntyre was in the EC? Yep.


drawer by drawer
Holy fuck I drank a lot last night.

Yeah, same here.

What bullshit? Answer the question.

Survivor Series 2011 vs. ADR. Complete with Howard Finkel ring announcing.

Next day on RAW vs. Ziggler. Amazing match.

His matches with Jericho at Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules.

His matches with Daniel Bryan, especially the one at Over The Limit. Their match at MITB was good too despite all the AJ bullshit.

His attack on Rock at RAW 1000 was a pretty big moment.

His segments with Heyman. His segments with Mick Foley.

So yeah...stuff.


It's really fucking amazing to me (ok no it's not, it's Vince) how bad they botched Summer of Punk II. For god's sake, Punk was getting insane mainstream buzz, he was on Bill Simmons' BS Report, he was Jimmy Kimmel, he was on the front page of fucking ESPN.com! Just incredible how badly it was botched.

When are we ever going to see something like that again? Hm?
Listening to an interview from last year around late January, Punk still insists that coming back early did not hurt his stance from that promo/match. Dude, it killed it. "Well, people tend to forget we had a PPV to deliver". Then the Triple H business. It was a total mess. That's when his hype in the media died off.


What will be in the other EC match?

Sheamus/Orton/Casero/Del Rio/Show?

I really forget if the champs have to defend their title in it, or get their own separate match.

But then what happens to the RR winner, and what did you get for winning EC if not a title shot?

edit: looking at history it's a mix of winning the title and title shot.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What will be in the other EC match?

Sheamus/Orton/Casero/Del Rio/Show?

I really forget if the champs have to defend their title in it, or get their own separate match.

But then what happens to the RR winner, and what did you get for winning EC if not a title shot?

Brand split is dead, there is no second match this year if I understand correctly.

And yeah the champs defend in it. Fucking stupid.

Most people assume the current champ is going to retain, but it's also there as a stopgap if they NEED to put the title on someone else for Mania.


Brand split is dead, there is no second match this year if I understand correctly.

And yeah the champs defend in it. Fucking stupid.

Most people assume the current champ is going to retain, but it's also there as a stopgap if they NEED to put the title on someone else for Mania.

So no EC match for WHC title shot?


All of you Jericho marks will apologize to me in 3-4 months.

lol, no.

No one is going to retroactively say his Rumble performance sucked.

From here on out is all up in the air. I doubt we will have HBK/JERICHO quality feud, but I hope we at least get something decent.


Personally, I think they need to do away with EC all together. No PPV's after RR, until WM. It gives ample time to build up feuds, and you don't have the usual PPV blow off matches that you normally have.


Dunno if they're doing 2, though. I doubt it since the brand split is dead.

Remember that year Drew McIntyre was in the EC? Yep.

2011 was such a bad year.

If they have two, I want to see something like:

WHC: Barrett, Cesaro, Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, and Sheamus
WWE: Punk, Rock, Cena, Ziggler, Jericho, and Ryback

Tag Match: Team Rhodes Scholars vs Team Hell No (or PTP)
Singles: If PTP are involved in tag match, then Kane vs Bryan
Divas match.

I don't know... just something I'd watch right now.


Those look like some solid EC matches. Probably no surprises in the one involving the ROCK, but could still have some awesome spots.

Hey remember that one time Cena lost? It took a combined four super moves but them boys did it.
Thanks for collecting these, I don't see nearly enough AJPW. Excited to see Kondo/Yamato.

It was a fun match, maybe went a bit too overboard with the near-falls towards the end, but the finish was good. I find New Japan has the right idea with it's Jr. Heavyweight matches as they're usually more compact, in the 12 minutes or so range.


2011 was such a bad year.

If they have two, I want to see something like:

WHC: Barrett, Cesaro, Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, and Sheamus
WWE: Punk, Rock, Cena, Ziggler, Jericho, and Ryback

Tag Match: Team Rhodes Scholars vs Team Hell No (or PTP)
Singles: If PTP are involved in tag match, then Kane vs Bryan
Divas match.

I don't know... just something I'd watch right now.

In regards to the WHC, here's how I see it playing out:

If for the title: Del Rio/Show/Ziggler/Jericho/Orton/Sheamus
If for WM shot at title: Ziggler/Jericho/Orton/Sheamus/Cesaro/Barrett or Miz with Del Rio/Show WHC title blow off match. Ziggs wins, Ziggs vs Del Rio at WM with Ziggs having his MitB as a plan B


2011 was such a bad year.

If they have two, I want to see something like:

WHC: Barrett, Cesaro, Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, and Sheamus
WWE: Punk, Rock, Cena, Ziggler, Jericho, and Ryback
Who gets Cena's WrestleMania WWE title shot if he wins the title in that match?
Automatically becomes Dwayne's exercised rematch?
Sure, that makes sense.
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