i missed this last night, this si why Punk is the best

Holy fuck I drank a lot last night.
I was surprised he won with that move instead of Rock Bottom. It's cool when he uses it on MIZ though. Miz should lose with an atomic drop.
it's more like taker pinning someone after the last ride. It's really not that bad to be pinned by "the most electrifying move in sports entertainment," guys.It's like the Undertaker pinning someone after walking the top rope.
Why you hating?
Miz has more Wrestlemania main events than Punk.
. crazy what hapened in the past year
cody's reaction is the best
this will make ppl happy
The difference is Rock is a part-timer, Punk does this full time. Rock being on some talk shows will bring some casuals in to check out a few eps, hell maybe even order WM, and then they'll all be gone once the title is dropped to Cena. And then WWE's right back in the same rut it's been in for the past, what, 8-10 years?
Just doesn't make sense. Everyone's so focused on the past and wrestlers of yesterday and no one seems to have an eye for the future. It's why we keep getting matches like Bork/Cena, Bork/HHH, Rock/Cena, Taker/HHH - none of this helps the future of the WWE. When these guys are gone wtf do you do then?
Anyone who commits such crimes as Miz doesn't deserve to be liked.
Why you hating?
Miz has more Wrestlemania main events than Punk.
it's more like taker pinning someone after the last ride.
Miz also had a better title reign than Punk too.
I wonder if Rock/Cwna 2 will have a stipulation. They just don't work very well together. It's no Undertaker vs HBK. (duh)
If I had to guess... there's a good chance they make it a triple threat and throw Punk in there.
Who will fight Cena at EC?
Did your handicap make it better?
Is Rock going to EC?
Some recent All Japan goodness;
Seiya Sanada (c) vs Tomoaki Honma - GAORA TV Title Match - (AJPW 01/03/13)
Junior*Stars (Koji Kanemoto & Minoru Tanaka) (c) vs Team 246 (Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo) - All Asia Tag Team Title Match - (AJPW 01/03/13)
Shuji Kondo (c) vs Hiroshi Yamato (c) - AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title & GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title Match - (AJPW 01/02/13)
Get Wild (Takao Omori & Manabu Soya) (c) vs Stack of Arms (Masakatsu Funaki & Masayuki Kono) - AJPW World Tag Team Title Match - (AJPW 01/02/13)
All worth a watch, especially the tag title matches. Lot of great stuff going on in AJPW at the moment.
Who will fight Cena at EC?
Here's an example of the mainstream attention Dwayne will be getting...The Rock will be on various talk shows, belt in tow, laying some verbal smacketh down, in coming days and weeks.
Punk earned much "cooler" attention, but The Rock is going to get much more mainstream attention than anyone else in the company could dream of getting.
...and it's all to level up Cena some more
Is Rock going to EC? Might actually work out for him. Less work.
But wouldn't Punk get a rematch? Who would be in the EC match and for what?
Yeah. They showed a promo for it before the Rumble.
Punk, Ryback, Rock, Cena, Show, and Sheamus. :/
Eh, I still think that's a good cast. I wouldn't mind if Jericho and Ziggler were in there.
Holy fuck I drank a lot last night.
What bullshit? Answer the question.
Listening to an interview from last year around late January, Punk still insists that coming back early did not hurt his stance from that promo/match. Dude, it killed it. "Well, people tend to forget we had a PPV to deliver". Then the Triple H business. It was a total mess. That's when his hype in the media died off.It's really fucking amazing to me (ok no it's not, it's Vince) how bad they botched Summer of Punk II. For god's sake, Punk was getting insane mainstream buzz, he was on Bill Simmons' BS Report, he was Jimmy Kimmel, he was on the front page of fucking! Just incredible how badly it was botched.
When are we ever going to see something like that again? Hm?
What will be in the other EC match?
Sheamus/Orton/Casero/Del Rio/Show?
I really forget if the champs have to defend their title in it, or get their own separate match.
But then what happens to the RR winner, and what did you get for winning EC if not a title shot?
Brand split is dead, there is no second match this year if I understand correctly.
And yeah the champs defend in it. Fucking stupid.
Most people assume the current champ is going to retain, but it's also there as a stopgap if they NEED to put the title on someone else for Mania.
So no EC match for WHC title shot?
Oh wait, I see what you mean. There still could be, good point. I was thinking brand differences, not title differences.
All of you Jericho marks will apologize to me in 3-4 months.
Dunno if they're doing 2, though. I doubt it since the brand split is dead.
Remember that year Drew McIntyre was in the EC? Yep.
Thanks for collecting these, I don't see nearly enough AJPW. Excited to see Kondo/Yamato.
2011 was such a bad year.
If they have two, I want to see something like:
WHC: Barrett, Cesaro, Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, and Sheamus
WWE: Punk, Rock, Cena, Ziggler, Jericho, and Ryback
Tag Match: Team Rhodes Scholars vs Team Hell No (or PTP)
Singles: If PTP are involved in tag match, then Kane vs Bryan
Divas match.
I don't know... just something I'd watch right now.
Who gets Cena's WrestleMania WWE title shot if he wins the title in that match?2011 was such a bad year.
If they have two, I want to see something like:
WHC: Barrett, Cesaro, Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, and Sheamus
WWE: Punk, Rock, Cena, Ziggler, Jericho, and Ryback