Dave Meltzer
We will probably find out some ELimination Chamber details tonight because there are only three Raws until then.
Can't wait for the rage when Rock wins Punk Rock II at the EC.
We will probably find out some ELimination Chamber details tonight because there are only three Raws until then.
Breaking News: Brock Lesnar Signs New 2-Year Deal
Better than having his final match at WM as usual.
Punk, Lesnar and Heyman alliance is possible now.
Oh fuck
I totally forgot that when cena wins the crowd is going to boo him out of the fucking building
Wow, did everyone here know that Jake the Snake was raising money for surgery?
I had no idea.
Wow, did everyone here know that Jake the Snake was raising money for surgery?
I had no idea.
If you drew Kane, you won an Undertaker S.T.O.M.P 3 action figure. But if Taker should appear in the Rumble, the person who drew him steals the prize.
Oh fuck
I totally forgot that when cena wins the crowd is going to boo him out of the fucking building
As long as Rock FEELS like the winner going out (and cena looks like a fuck) I'm good
Excitement rising
I like how the commercial for the Royal Rumble pretty much summed up the entire match. A sports bar from an alternate universe where everyone says that their favorite wrestler is going to win it, only for the camera to pan to Cena wearing his casual attire, with a sly smile and a nod as if saying "These silly people."
Here's his post-match interview.
Yeah, someone posted it in here. I think he met his goal already which is great.
WWE continues to sign guys who show up for 3 shows a year.
Vince knows how to make money.
Oh fuck
I totally forgot that when cena wins the crowd is going to boo him out of the fucking building
As long as Rock FEELS like the winner going out (and cena looks like a fuck) I'm good
Excitement rising
Also another great report... Its seems that Chris Jericho is coming back full time again:
He cut a promo on wwe.com with Dolph and told him that he was reinstated
Chris Jericho Signs Short Term Deal With WWE
There's a decent chance the NYC crowd just shits on the whole match in general.
Too bad I quit.
Chris Jericho Signs Short Term Deal With WWE
I think I'm going to start scaling back my tv wrasslin viewing early. I'm no longer going to watch Raw live, and if there is something I want to see, I'll catch it on youtube or Hulu. I'm also taking a break from TNA.
Hard to say. The NYC loved Rock when he teamed with Cena at Survivor Series. Remember when they chanted, "Don't tag Cena! Don't tag Cena!" lol
not even this gets me excited, don't even care which jobber he'll put over this time.
There's a decent chance the NYC crowd just shits on the whole match in general.
Hard to say. The NYC loved Rock when he teamed with Cena at Survivor Series. Remember when they chanted, "Don't tag Cena! Don't tag Cena!" lol
In all seriousness, I think there was a botch in that spot. It seemed like they were supposed to do something else, but Bryan just slipped off. Who knows, though?Kane's such a dick, why wouldn't he let Bryan back in? Soul I hope you learned something about this supposed "good guy"
whats this I keep hearing about quitting? Remember wresslegaf. no matter how great the set-back, no matter how severe the failure, you never give up. You never give up. You pick yourself up, brush yourself off, you push forward, you adapt, you overcome.
Leslie Neilsen to cash in Money in the Bank contract! I know this as I talked to him last night after the Royal Rumble, he's still looking for The Undertaker, but said he had time to uncover the Dave Meltzer Mystery. I had to explain that it wasn't the name of a pretentious band, but we'll soon uncover the truth.
It really doesn't. It's just an ad with a current established product. Do you also think Rock will not make anymore t-shirts because this ad features a Just Bring It shirt?
I don't think they'd push the belt just to replace it tonight. And if they don't do it tonight it'll never happen.
This was the best thing last night.
This was the best thing last night.
This was the best thing last night.
This was the best thing last night.
Did anyone else think he was going to push himself off the announce table and roll to the ring?
Why? Or do I need to paypal you some money so you'll PM the rest?
If I'm honest, I thought he was just going to start spinning around with arms held out and land back in the ring.
In not convinced that was the original spot. I think he could tell the table wasn't strong enough for a jump, makes sense with it breaking on Rock and Punk.
In not convinced that was the original spot. I think he could tell the table wasn't strong enough for a jump, makes sense with it breaking on Rock and Punk.
...like a helicopter?
so who won the Rumble yesterday?? anybody remember who came in 27th?? (that was my number)
I think it was Jinder.