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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


So not worth it
It's either that, ending the title, moving the title to Raw permanently or just something really silly, like stripping the title from Del Rio because he "cheated" to win.


Read the recap of Raw.

So, what are the odds of us getting a Cena vs. The Rock vs. CM Punk match at Wrestlemania? The Cena promo seems to hint at it. I would genuinely welcome it. Neither of CM Punk or Cenas styles really mesh well with The Rock. They can't pull a great match out of him. You'd need a high intensity brawler in a no disqualification setting for that. A triple threat between these three could be great though. If it's Cena vs. The Rock, you know Cena is winning since he lost last year. If it's a triple threat, then you could have either of the three win, even though the most likely candidate is Cena. It's just that there is an air of unpredictability. I genuinely hope this is the direction they go in. I will tune into Wrestlemania if this happens.

No way I'm watching just Rock vs. Cena. Don't want to see Cena win that bout.

I'm disappointed The Rock will not be involved in the Elimination Chamber. Or, could the match be changed into an Elimination Chamber?

Lesnar attacking Vince seems like an obvious set up for Triple H. That will suck. I wish Vince cuts a promo and decides to bring back Undertaker. It would make sense. Undertaker is basically the backbone of the WWE. The superstar no one messes with. He defeated Triple H two years straight and has history with Lesnar. It would make sense that Vince calls on Undertaker to take on this challenge before the Elimination Chamber, and Undertaker responds on the Raw after EC stating he doesn't really care. That is until Lesnar beats the daylights out of him the same night. Rivalry is on straight away.

The Rock vs. Cena vs. CM Punk
Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker

That is a great double main event.



So not worth it
Might I say how awesome it is that Punk keeps referring to Vince as "promoter" instead of "chairman".

What a rebel.




Freight Train is like a classic luchador that never takes off the mask. He'll be the same way he is now, even after death.

KidBehindACamera is one of those fake YouTube people that has a script written for him to act out in videos.

Well he sure does have a lot of Wrestling merchandise.
Team Heels vs Team Babyfaces War Games 2000: Russo's Revenge sounds like one hell of a match swerve.

Bo Dallas future..wooo.
I'm going to PM the moderation team about your offensive avatar, it's absolutely not safe for work!

Yeah...that punishment really went well last time, how did it end for HHH again?
A desperate milking attempt for a standing ovation, it didn't work so Trips is gonna try again with the WM crowd.


Yeah, this is the obvious card. I hope we're wrong, though.

Still wondering what else..

we have ryback, jericho, orton, sheamus, kane, daniel bryan, rey? sin cara? miz?
barret, big show, casero, the shield, ziggler.

I think they might throw in some sort of multi-tag match to fit all of them
outside of world title and ic/us title.


I'm just going to say again that I enjoyed Raw last night. I thought it was a nice surprise after such a letdown the night before. Every match was great except for Cena/Cody... even though Cody had a great heel line "This is a waste of Cody Rhodes!".

I know they're going to put Ziggler and Jericho together in a feud. I'm fine with that but I was hoping that Ziggler was going to come out and cash in for the belt when Del Rio was passed out from the KO punch. He probably would've had to cut ADR off of the ropes because that'd probably be considered rope break and illegal.

Still wondering what else..

we have ryback, jericho, orton, sheamus, kane, daniel bryan
barret, big show, casero, the shield, ziggler.

I think they might throw in some sort of multi-tag match to fit all of them
outside of world title and ic/us title.

Daniel Bryan and Kane will be a singles match probably. Same with Jericho and Ziggler. They should create a triple threat or fatal four way match with Orton, Sheamus, Barrett, and Ryback for the #1 contender WHC. IDK. I mean, I don't know what they're going to do with The Shield. They really need to be in a match.


I'm just going to say again that I enjoyed Raw last night. I thought it was a nice surprise after such a letdown the night before. Every match was great except for Cena/Cody... even though Cody had a great heel line "This is a waste of Cody Rhodes!".

I know they're going to put Ziggler and Jericho together in a feud. I'm fine with that but I was hoping that Ziggler was going to come out and cash in for the belt when Del Rio was passed out from the KO punch. He probably would've had to cut ADR off of the ropes because that'd probably be considered rope break and illegal.

Daniel Bryan and Kane will be a singles match probably. Same with Jericho and Ziggler. They should create a triple threat or fatal four way match with Orton, Sheamus, Barrett, and Ryback for the #1 contender WHC. IDK. I mean, I don't know what they're going to do with The Shield. They really need to be in a match.

Yeah I agree D.Bry vs Kane is probably a given. Zigg vs Jericho maybe, but that match needs more build as of now.(duh)

I think tag match might be team Funkasaurses vs. Rhoad Scholars who will probbaly be champs by then.

Shield? No idea. They have attacked a ton of dudes so i don't know. I think if Punk fights Undertaker they will be involved in that. The stakes keep getting higher for the Dead man, so I think that might happen.


The Heyman stable with Brock/Punk/Shield intrigues me, but its only a matter of time before the Supers of the WWE take them out.
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