Professor Beef
I'm gonna start calling him B.O. Dallas. I think he could be the next C.M. Punk.
I'm gonna start calling him B.O. Dallas. I think he could be the next C.M. Punk.
Net_Wrecker you should probably be here more often, these people need some guidance!
I think all of the troll posters should adopt Bo Dallas avatars.Guys stop posting Bo's mug it's making the page unreadable!
I approve of this plan. Just make a point of not watching WWE programming while you do it.This ship has become too big to guide. The inmates run the asylum. I think I'll just sit back and watch you all consume yourselves.
Difference is Punk always had mic skills.
What does B.O. Dallas have?
Difference is Punk always had mic skills.
What does B.O. Dallas have?
This ship has become too big to guide. The inmates run the asylum. I think I'll just sit back and watch you all consume yourselves.
The Look.
The Face
I hope posts a countdown on Cena's Superstar page counting down the # of days until he beats CM Punk's record championship reign.Can you come back for Cena winning the title at Mania your meltdown after the rumble was great. You should be immune by now but the Cena factor gets everyone
PRETEND ANSWER: Zack Ryder is an ungrateful whiner.Give him a mask or something. I don't think I can handle that face on TV every week.
Also why is Bo Dallas getting his chance when Zack Ryder is way more over?
Give him a mask or something. I don't think I can handle that face on TV every week.
Also why is Bo Dallas getting his chance when Zack Ryder is way more over?
I do like Punk, I just don't think he's one of the greatest ever, like some here seem to think. Plus, I think his "killing kayfabe" promos to be overrated and cheap.Neither is Punk and you don't like him!
I still say Big E should be revealed as Kane's son.But Big E is amazing.
I may steal your Kane gimmick for Big E.
I do like Punk, I just don't think he's one of the greatest ever, like some here seem to think. Plus, I think his "killing kayfabe" promos to be overrated and cheap.
Can you come back for Cena winning the title at Mania your meltdown after the rumble was great. You should be immune by now but the Cena factor gets everyone
The promo he gave the night Rock came back.Name one promo where he "killed kayfabe" and explain why
The promo he gave the night Rock came back.
I don't really care enough to explain why, honestly.
The promo he gave the night Rock came back.
I don't really care enough to explain why, honestly.
That's fine.Uh... okay? Really not seeing it at all
That and the Clay thing. Talking about how Clay doesn't really like dancing around with people. It struck me as being very similar to Cena killing ADR's gimmick, but whatever.Didn't he mention something about Bryan becoming a joke character to stay popular? That's the only thing that comes to mind in regards to breaking kayfabe. In general I think Punk does a great job sounding like he's shooting while talking about things established on TV. Even his famous promo did that; pretty much everything he said, people would understand without being smarks.
So dirtsheets are saying Rock wont be at RAW next week. lol
So dirtsheets are saying Rock wont be at RAW next week. lol
I'm sure he'll be there via Satellite.So dirtsheets are saying Rock wont be at RAW next week. lol
So dirtsheets are saying Rock wont be at RAW next week. lol
I'm sure he'll be there via Satellite.
He'll cut a promo or two running down The Shield and CM Punk ... call them a snack food-slur... get a cheap pop by singing a song about Atlanta... you know, the usual.
If it's in the script, lol.I hope he tears into him next week.
If it's in the script, lol.
Didn't he mention something about Bryan becoming a joke character to stay popular? That's the only thing that comes to mind in regards to breaking kayfabe. In general I think Punk does a great job sounding like he's shooting while talking about things established on TV. Even his famous promo did that; pretty much everything he said, people would understand without being smarks.
That and the Clay thing. Talking about how Clay doesn't really like dancing around with people. It struck me as being very similar to Cena killing ADR's gimmick, but whatever.
Nobody thinks Punk shoots in his promos.
Eat pizzas all day, say you can't gain any muscle mass.That guy has like ZERO definition in his upper body. He must be on the CM Punk diet.
Matt Schaub is a liability. Houston's ownership needs to realize this. He's a game manager... nothing more.At least when NetWrecker is tired of the product he leaves. I dont know why he is back. I guess he likes to see a train wreck.
To me its just a show. Yes I critique, there is stuff I dislike, but dont get pissed off. I save that for football.
Stupid Texans.
Eat pizzas all day, say you can't gain any muscle mass.
How the fuck you don't get a new tag for that!!So you think Triple H vs Brock Lesnar will be on Main Event, then?
Joking aside, I'm thinking Sweet Ass Stephanie steps in and goes over Triple H's authority and calls upon The Dead Man to make Brock suffer as he's made her husband and now her father suffer. I'd also like to see Sugar Shane take an F5 to make it mega personal, but he's a serious business man now, probably doesn't want to be involved with WWE ever again.
Side Note:I would let Michael Hayes ravage my anus every day for a month and call me Bo Dallas to spend 24 hours with Stephanie McMahon and having sexual intercourse with her for 23 of them. The other hour would be used to eat to keep my energy high.
Yeah, I honesty don't care that much anymore. I reached a point not that long ago when I realized that this a kid's show (and always primarily has been), and I'm taking every little aspect of it too seriously. The wrestlers and writers don't care that much about this, so why should I? If you don't like it, don't watch it, and for the most part now, I don't.At least when NetWrecker is tired of the product he leaves. I dont know why he is back. I guess he likes to see a train wreck.
To me its just a show. Yes I critique, there is stuff I dislike, but dont get pissed off. I save that for football.
Stupid Texans.
hey Dave, long time fan.
what was the reaction backstage to Cena giving way the Punk-Rock rematch?
also, any major news regarding a mistery superstar hypothetically returning at an unspecific day during an unannounced event?
You may be right, but I honestly think you're over thinking this. Jericho and a bunch of others have said that all aspects of the show are preapproved by Vince, and he comes up with this shit 5 minutes before the show. None of these characters are that deep. 90% of them are just rehashes, anyway, lol.Context is very important, so is listening.
For the entire minute beforehand he was talking about popularity being the most important thing in how a wrestler is treated as well as the opportunities they are given. If he buys into this worldview then he can apply it when looking at other people and trying to divine their motivations.
Saying "Brodus Clay doesn't like dancing with people" isn't character killing, it's character defining. It defines Punk as his character feels the system is broken and that anyone who appears to be benefiting from it are just using it - just like he was. It further defines Brodus as it gives him the freedom to say "Punk doesn't speak for me" making both him look good and Punk like a condescending fucking asshole, which is exactly what they did.
If I could compare it to anything it's a serious take on the Chris Jericho "conspiracy victim" character. He's being defeated by his own foolish arrogance but rather than admitting to any weakness his character is blaming perceived faults in the system.
Punk's promos aren't good because they're perceived to be inside baseball, it's because he applies nuance and motivation to his words.
"yo homey lets shake our booties"
This show for me is stress relief. I watch itYeah, I honesty don't care that much anymore. I reached a point not that long ago when I realized that this a kid's show (and always primarily has been), and I'm taking every little aspect of it too seriously. The wrestlers and writers don't care that much about this, so why should I? If you don't like it, don't watch it, and for the most part now, I don't.
There's important stuff to worry about now in my life.
indie punk:Bro do you even lift?
Check the newsletter.
SoulPlaya gets it people. Don't look for deeper meaning in anything until Crazy Old Man Vince goes away.You may be right, but I honestly think you're over thinking this. Jericho and a bunch of others have said that all aspects of the show are preapproved by Vince, and he comes up with this shit 5 minutes before the show. None of these characters are that deep. 90% of them are just rehashes, anyway, lol.
You may be right, but I honestly think you're over thinking this. Jericho and a bunch of others have said that all aspects of the show are preapproved by Vince, and he comes up with this shit 5 minutes before the show. None of these characters are that deep. 90% of them are just rehashes, anyway, lol.
Yea Punk was hinting at that in his promo last night. Rock was really snearing
When has it ever been reported that Punk has torn up scripts? LOL! I don't believe that at all. I don't even understand how he could be given a script. Shit is being made up as they go along for the most part, with maybe just a very general guideline (for instance, Rock/Cena at WM).It's been reported a lot that Punk has tore up scripts he's handed and just came up with his own stuff. I don't think anybody here believes Punk is shooting in every promo, but I don't believe much of what he says is scripted word for word either. He knows why he's going out there and what he has to achieve, but he has a lot more control of what he's doing than guys lower down the pole. Ryback clearly has every line written for him and uses half his brain trying to remember them.
LOL!!!!He was legit shook.