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It's Owenesday, mother fuckers!
I'm reposting this.
Yup, I remember this match very very well and I love it to death. Thanks for reminding me of what greatness is.
It's Owenesday, mother fuckers!
I'm reposting this.
You are a bad person.I hope Big E challenges him for the briefcase and takes it off him.
Well I'd like to see Orton do something. And by that I mean become a heel and be awesome again. I liked his Royal Rumble appearance as well as his match with Cesaro the other night.
Kofi Kingston would bodyslam Punk to oblivion.
Hows everybody doing? I'm eating a banana.
I'd rather have Punk's stomach than Kofi's pecs. Those things are Bo Dallas level terrible.
Punk has shitty genetics. He has to work out like a fucking monster to have any definition and it obviously doesn't matter much since he was the champ for 14 months with out abs.
D-Bryne clearly intentionally bulked up, so of course he's going to look bigger than the dude who hates to lift weights. On top of that, Punk is tall and lanky and Daniel is a short stocky dude who is going to look bulkier regardless.
There's no way he's actually even six feet tall.
You're such a tall-ist. Take your backward ways back to the soviets.
Compared to Dragon, he's got a tall, lanky body. I love your avatar right now, Sun. It reminds me so much of Godzilla.
My billed height is 8'4"
Oh you're not in America, so therefore your height is measured in "meters" and weight in "rocks"
I'm 3 meters tall and weigh about 20 scoops of gravel. Is that how you people do it?
It's true though. The only person I've seen live that's probably their billed height is Jack Swagger, who is absolutely enormous.
Rey is billed at 5'6" for some reason, I don't know why - I'd want to play up his size. That man is no taller than 5'3" legit and likely smaller.
Yes! Godzilla fans unite, and that's basically why I cropped it as I did. Batista at Sea. Leviathan Unleashed.
No, feet and inches for height here and miles per hour, but that's not for height that's for how fast cars what are on the road go.
He even kind has the face of the really beat up Showa era Godzilla suit.
Bros, I'm feeling manly as fuck right now. I fixed the broken console in my car by using power tools and wrenches, I lubed up all the squeaking doors and cabinets in the house that needed it, I think I might have fixed my storm door that slams itself shut on your and tries to break your ankles like a cuntttttt, and I've done 200 of my 350 kettlebell swings for the day. It's 8 AM.
I need a job![]()
Punk looks fine. Stop being mean to Punk.
Punk looks fine compared to the rest of the mid-card.
America has the worst measuring systems ever.
Liquid is supposed to be measured in Liters,
Weight in kilos,
Height and distance in meters.
And for the love of all that is holy, temperature is measured in Celcius. You see, it's 0 degrees when water freezes and 100 degrees when water cooks, it's so logical everyone uses it!
There's a pretty big contingent of Americans that have been pushing for Kelvin. You're going to see Kelvin happening here way before you see Celsius.
It's true though. The only person I've seen live that's probably their billed height is Jack Swagger, who is absolutely enormous.
Rey is billed at 5'6" for some reason, I don't know why - I'd want to play up his size. That man is no taller than 5'3" legit and likely smaller.
Yes! Godzilla fans unite, and that's basically why I cropped it as I did. Batista at Sea. Leviathan Unleashed.
How do people hate Dany?
It's a step up, I'll give you that![]()
Albert is usually billed at 6'6 or 6'7, and I believe it, dude is massive. And the Great Khali of course.
How much weight are you using for kettle bells? Im currently going with 35lbs for single arm swings and 70 lbs for double. Damn it kicks my ass. Also have you tried battle ropes? It get winded after a minute of doing those things but the burn feels great.
Lol. The guy is playing a character. At least look the part. I know muscles are not everything. I used to work out constantly and had pretty good muscle definition and I probbaly couldn't kick anyone's ass. But I wasn't on TV.
What about CM Punk's character requires him to be ripped?
I'm doing 25lb right now, but I have another 25lb and a 35lb. I saw a 10,000 swing challenge and wanted to do it. I'm going to start off with just one 25 for a week or two and test out trying 100/200 with the 35 or doubles. I don't know, though. Just the one 25lb 200 times a day is killing my thighs and hips more than anything. I was doing double snatches for a while. Made me feel like a bad ass. But for now I'm just doing 25lb swings with a goal of 200-300 a day for a month.
There was a period over the summer where I was doing at least 100 snatches a day with each arm. My shoulders got swoll as FUCK in a hurry. I had to stop when I had the worst blisters ever on one hand. Not your normal Mean Mark Callouses, but blisters that took up pretty much my entire palm. The huge, super bubble kind. But like 4 of them. My right hand was completely useless for anything for about a month. It was awful.
I do a lot of standing on one leg while holding two bells, for balance and whatnot. I also from time to time do about 15-20 minute miles on a treadmill doing various types of carries with the 25s together and the 35 alone. That shit destroys me.
Watching old Botchamania's is awesome.
Remember this gem? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ-lk_tHqlk#t=5m04s
I don't watch wrestling for the bodies.
I do!
Aesthetically speaking I enjoy looking at both. But as an ass man, no.AJ's stomach > Trish's ass
I don't watch wrestling for the bodies.
Right. I watch it for the characters really. Doesn't mean I have to give tubby a free pass.
You gave him a free pass into your avatar...
Lol. At least Trips looked awesome at one point in his career and was a heel people took seriously.
Is sandow /sheamus the new Kofi/ziggler