Whatever you say Hunner
No, Sandow/Sheamus work well together
But the match is on every single week. Hell it is on smack down this week. And probably rawnext week
Whatever you say Hunner
No, Sandow/Sheamus work well together
I really wish they'd do something with Sandow. I think he could easily be an upper singles guy. He's having solid matches all the time.
Cesaro and Sandow should be a tag team over Sandow and Rhodes
I really wish they'd do something with Sandow. I think he could easily be an upper singles guy. He's having solid matches all the time.
Cesaro and Sandow should be a tag team over Sandow and Rhodes
I thought you said that tag teams are a waste of time Dave?
They are, but if you're gonna have one they seem like they'd fit even better. And their gimmicks would combine well.
They are, but if you're gonna have one they seem like they'd fit even better. And their gimmicks would combine well.
I worry about Sandow cos there's no one for him to feud with. WWE has numerous great mid card heels but not so much faces, and I don't think he can ever be a face.
Punk is in the same shape as the WWE legends.
Yeah, prior to the 60s / 70s you didn't really see the muscular physiques in wrestling. Bruno Sammartino basically started that.
You don't need to be muscular to be a pro wrestler. Cardio is by far the most important part, because you'll be bouncing around, accelerating, stopping, hopping, jumping constantly, going to the ground and getting back to your feet from a horizontal position over and over again.
that's why wrestling works the way it does. Because a suplex isn't about one guy throwing hte other over his shoulder by the neck, but by one guy jumping foward, rotating, and letting his partner guide him to his backside. It's a tandem act that involves guiding your opponent's momentum (of course, this goes for the grappling/bumping aspect, not the promos or strikes)
Guys like Bob Backlund and Punk have amazing cardio, and that's more important.
Two big men who pair up - 3 Min Warning was probably one of the last two who did so but Jamal/Umaga was a great athlete for his size and wow'd the audience. Outside the dancing I can't see them doing much here. I miss Albert's moves back in his first run, though."I'm supposed to be a monster!" So was Brodus. I don't know, I think they could get decently over, be funny, and still seem formidable. Team HELL NO is on the way out.
Lol. At least Trips looked awesome at one point in his career and was a heel people took seriously.
Damien Sandow should be a face. He could use his brilliant intellect to overcome the odds and then use his new found respect to do things like read Dostoyevsky to the audience and explain complex theoretical physics as everyone cheers.
He was also a big part of why I quit watching WWE in 2002. Go Trips! Never should have come back.
Rhodes fits with Sandow way better than what Cesaro would be. Sandow will end up being a Swagger/Kofi/Rhodes soon if they keep having him look like a goof week after week.
Bob Backlund looked pretty damn buff to me. He was using pure strength to slam those dudes in the HOF video.
I'm sure he could have legitimately killed you.
why is this past tense, plebeian?
Santino is in better shape than Punk, think about it.Yeah, prior to the 60s / 70s you didn't really see the muscular physiques in wrestling. Bruno Sammartino basically started that.
You don't need to be muscular to be a pro wrestler. Cardio is by far the most important part, because you'll be bouncing around, accelerating, stopping, hopping, jumping constantly, going to the ground and getting back to your feet from a horizontal position over and over again.
that's why wrestling works the way it does. Because a suplex isn't about one guy throwing hte other over his shoulder by the neck, but by one guy jumping foward, rotating, and letting his partner guide him to his backside. It's a tandem act that involves guiding your opponent's momentum (of course, this goes for the grappling/bumping aspect, not the promos or strikes)
Guys like Bob Backlund and Punk have amazing cardio, and that's more important.
Santino is in better shape than Punk, think about it.
Santino is in better shape than Punk, think about it.
There were options.
I guess the correct word is threatening. True, you don't need a body like Dolph Ziggler to look like a threat. And sure, those old dudes had huge beer guts but they also looked like fuking giant bears. They would fucking beat your ass for real. You think some fan would wack Brock Lesnar in the back of the head? Fuuuuck no. It just be nice if the champ looked a little more impossing than one of Ryback's jobbers.
Exactly, he doesn't even retain his arm muscles.I guess the correct word is threatening. True, you don't need a body like Dolph Ziggler to look like a threat. And sure, those old dudes had huge beer guts but they also looked like fuking giant bears. They would fucking beat your ass for real. You think some fan would wack Brock Lesnar in the back of the head? Fuuuuck no. It just be nice if the champ looked a little more impossing than one of Ryback's jobbers.
Was speaking purely about appearance.Doubt it. Punk is deceptively strong for his build and has amazing cardio. That said Santino is in much better shape than he ever needs to be given how little they let him actually do.
Good news, El Generico has passed his medical exams and work papers, etc, so he's officailly been signed to a contract for WWE. He should be on NXT within a few months.
I guess the correct word is threatening. True, you don't need a body like Dolph Ziggler to look like a threat. And sure, those old dudes had huge beer guts but they also looked like fuking giant bears. They would fucking beat your ass for real. You think some fan would wack Brock Lesnar in the back of the head? Fuuuuck no. It just be nice if the champ looked a little more impossing than one of Ryback's jobbers.
Exactly, he doesn't even retain his arm muscles.
Was speaking purely about appearance.
All I've heard in regards to Punk and his fitness amounts to excuses. Oh he doesn't like cardio, oh he's tried staying in shape but he says his genes are average, but there he is eating pizza. Next someone will say he doesn't have time, yet he clearly doesn't get much sleep. Why not exercise during those sleepless hours?
Shawn Michaels was beaten up badly in a bar
Hulk Hogan has been attacked by fans multiple times, most notably at Bash at the Beach 97
Outside of the US, Canada, and Japan, wrestlers get attacked by fans all the fucking time
Even Big Show was once shoved by a fan at a hotel bar (Big Show then shattered the dude's jaw)
You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Shawn Michaels was beaten up badly in a bar
Hulk Hogan has been attacked by fans multiple times, most notably at Bash at the Beach 97
Outside of the US, Canada, and Japan, wrestlers get attacked by fans all the fucking time
Even Big Show was once shoved by a fan at a hotel bar (Big Show then shattered the dude's jaw)
Right. I watch it for the characters really. Doesn't mean I have to give tubby a free pass.
...that's not fair.
Who is the Biollante to Batista's Godzilla? His greatest opponent?
Good news, El Generico has passed his medical exams and work papers, etc, so he's officailly been signed to a contract for WWE. He should be on NXT within a few months.
Good for Generico. Soon he can aspire to becoming the next Bo Dallas.
Good news, El Generico has passed his medical exams and work papers, etc, so he's officailly been signed to a contract for WWE. He should be on NXT within a few months.
But he has to work for at least a year in NXT in order to get that chance.
Just like Chris Hero.
He has to earn his spot.
You know who will have a lengthy career and makes almost any wrestler look amazingly awesome? Heath Slater.Even if WWE do their worst, I'm confident Generico can have a lengthy career there simply due to how good he makes almost any wrestler look.
Gotta learn dat 'WWE Style'.
And decrease the size of his war crate. Dragonrana? Through-the-ropes Tornado DDT? Top rope BRAINBUSTAAAAAAHHH!!!? That shit won't fly on TV.
Even if WWE do their worst, I'm confident Generico can have a lengthy career there simply due to how good he makes almost any wrestler look.
Bubububu he's not super ripped! He'll never succeed!
I mean Shawn Michaels, Punk and a bunch of other small guys never made it all that far... right?!?
I don't really think it's fair to make judgements on what he does with his spare time, given none of us follow him around 24/7. He doesn't sit up all night eating pizzas, there's a picture of him making a pizza. It's not really the same thing and similar to the fans who make these reaching judgements about Cena, or someone's personal character based on some random dirtsheet article or something, just seems immature.
Grouping Punk and Michaels together, given the context of the discussion about physiques and appearance, is totally wrong.