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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

Man God

Non-Canon Member
man Thunder was always such trash that I can't even remember when exactly it went to Wednesday nights.

It was always a d tier show compared to Nitro even at the height of WCW's power; it got downright unwatchable when it moved to Wednesday. I'd rather watch Saturday Night most of the time for a hopeful Shark Boy appearance.
Inspired by strobogo's great WCW 2000 reviews, below is a recap of WWF Judgment Day 2000.

NOTE: As suggested by Aiii, I "quoted" the pics to cut down on scrolling. Click the images to make them larger.

Click here for the WWF WrestleMania 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Backlash 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF King Of The Ring 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Fully Loaded 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF SummerSlam 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Survivor Series 2000 recap. Click here for the WWF Armageddon 2000 recap.

WWF Judgment Day 2000 - May 21, 2000 - Louisville, Kentucky - 16,827 in attendance

BACKSTAGE: Mr. McMahon, DX, Shane, and a young, hot Stephanie McMahon tell Brisco what kind of coffee he should get them all.

BACKSTAGE: The Headbangers assault Brisco, the Hardcore Champion, in the hallway.

BACKSTAGE: HBK walks through the arena wearing his referee attire.

Match 1: Kurt Angle, Edge, and Christian vs. Rikishi and Too Cool
- Pre-match, Kurt Angle cuts a promo saying teenage girls consider him to be "all that". The goofball used air quotes. Angle introduced Edge and Christian, who cut their own promo. The three struck a 3-second pose - "The Jug Band" - making fun of the Louisville crowd.
- Comedy spot about 5 minutes in when Grandmaster danced so much, his pants came down, revealing tight, white underpants.
- Rikishi gave a stinkface to Angle. Scotty gave The Worn to Edge. Damn, The Worm was so over.
- FINISH: Christian nailed Rikishi with the ring bell, but a second later, Grandmaster connected with a leg drop on Christian from the top rope for the win.
- Post-match, Rikishi and Too Cool danced.

BACKSTAGE: Skinny, hair-dyed Michael Cole interviews HBK, who says he'll call the match down the middle.

VT: Earlier today, Chyna and Eddie arrive at the arena. Malenko tells Chyna to stay out of the match tonight. Malenko is a terrible actor.

Match 2: WWF European Championship: Triple Threat Match: Eddie Guerrero w/Chyna vs. Dean Malenko vs. Perry Saturn
- Crowd wasn't into this match at all, and I don't really blame them.
- FINISH: Chyna nailed Saturn with some "flowers" she was carrying. Eventually, Malenko's head connected with the "flowers" as well, leading to Eddie going over.
- Post-match, Eddie reveals there was a steel pipe hidden inside Chyna's flowers.

VT: 3 days ago on SmackDown, Brisco became the Hardcore Champion after pinning Crash, who was taking a nap.

BACKSTAGE: Brisco is in the men's room, sneaking around. He's on edge because of the 24/7 Hardcore Championship rules.

Match 3: No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match: Shane McMahon vs. The Big Show
- Shane, wearing his "Which Way Did He Go" t-shirt, begins the match with a dive over the top rope. Really impressive. However, Big Show catches him and slams him into the ring post.
- Big Bossman interferes, but Big Show beats him up and powerbombs him.
- Test and Albert interfere carrying steel chairs, but Show punches the chairs into their respective faces.
- Trish interferes, but Big Show grabs her and throws her over the top rope onto Test and Albert. How dare you, Big Show.
- Big Show catches up to Shane near the staging area. Show tosses Shane with ease into the structure supporting the tron.
- Test and Albert catch up to Show and beat him down. Show fights them off again, but then Bull Buchanan runs out and attacks Show.
- FINISH: Shane pushed over a speaker box on Show's leg, pinning him down. Then he broke a cinderblock over Show's head for the win.

BACKSTAGE: Big Show gets helped into an ambulance.

BACKSTAGE: Brisco walks into the referee dressing room. He asks if he can relax in there. The two refs agree, then when Brisco closes his eyes, the refs move in like they're going to attack. Brisco opens his eyes and runs off.

BACKSTAGE: HBK talks with Triple H about his new baby as well as his tiny referee shorts.

Match 4: WWF Intercontinental Championship: Submission Match: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
- Match is very technical and pretty boring, as all Chris Benoit matches were.
- BACKSTAGE, Hardcore Holly watches the match on a TV screen.
- FINISH: Jericho gets choked out as a result of the Cross Face. He didn't submit, but they awarded Benoit the match.

BACKSTAGE: Skinny, hair-dyed Michael Cole interviews Hardcore Champion Gerald Brisco. During the interview, some concession stand guys appear behind Brisco. He gets paranoid that they're going to attack him for his Title, so he attacks them instead.

BACKSTAGE: The Rock tells HBK he better call the match down the middle.

Match 5: Tag Team Table Match: X-Pac & Road Dogg w/Tori vs. The Dudley Boyz
- After about 5 minutes of regular wrestling, The Dudleyz GET THE TABLES.
- Road Dogg manages to pump handle slam D-Von through a table while standing on the steel steps. Now they just need to throw Bubba through to win.
- In the ring, Bubba powerbombs X-Pac through a table.
- A few seconds later, Bubba and Road Dogg get fed up with the ref and, together, they throw him through a table in the corner of the ring.
- This proves to be a mistake when The Dudleyz 3D Road Dogg through a table, but don't win because the ref is still knocked out.
- A second later, Gerald Brisco runs out and pulls Road Dogg away from the table - "destroying the evidence" for when the ref comes to.
- Tori enters the ring, and The Dudleyz set up to put her through a table. Brisco makes the save.
- FINISH: The ref comes to and sees X-Pac give Bubba an X-Factor through the table.
- Post-match, Brisco gets 3D'd through a table. Damn, he's pretty much the star of this PPV.

VT: A vignette airs featuring 3 creepy, young girls saying that judgment is coming.

Match 6: WWF Championship: 1 Hour Iron Man Match: The Rock vs. Triple H featuring HBK as Special Guest Referee
- Pre-match, Triple H tells Vince, Shane, and a young, hot Stephanie that he wants to fight this match by himself.
- Fall 1: 10:42: 0-1: The Rock: Pinfall: The Rock won the point using a Rock Bottom.
- Fall 2: 25:28: 1-1: Triple H: Pinfall: Triple H won the point using a Pedigree.
- Fall 3: 26:27: 2-1: Triple H: Pinfall: Triple H won the point using an inside cradle.
- Fall 4: 32:23: 3-1: Triple H: Pinfall: Triple H won the point using a Piledriver. Granted, this move was dangerous, but it's a shame they banned it cause it looks so cool.
- Fall 5: 40:35: 3-2: The Rock: Pinfall: The Rock won the point using a DDT.
- Fall 6: 43:43: 3-3: The Rock: DQ: Triple H was disqualified for hitting The Rock with a chair.
- Fall 7: 44:08: 4-3: Triple H: Pinfall: Triple H pinned The Rock immediately after being disqualified.
- Fall 8: 47:28: 5-3: Triple H: Submission: The Rock was unable to continue whilst being in a sleeper hold.
- Fall 9: 56:09: 5-4: The Rock: Count out: Triple H was counted out following a Pedigree from The Rock on the announcer's table.
- Triple H blades and stars bleeding like crazy.
- The McMahons walk back out.
- Fall 10: 58:03: 5-5: The Rock: Pinfall: The Rock won the point using The People's Elbow.
- Shane pulls HBK out of the ring. HBK punches him out. Then HBK punches Vince out.
- Road Dogg and X-Pac enter the ring and start beating up The Rock.
- HBK inadvertently gets knocked back to the outside.
- All of a sudden, the vignette with the 3 creepy, young girls starts playing on the tron.
- The Undertaker, for the first time with his BIKER gimmick, returns to the WWF and rides to the ring on his motorcycle. The crowd goes crazy.
- Taker cleans house in the ring - beating up the McMahons and DX. Chokeslams all around. Taker grabs Stephanie by the throat, so Triple H attacks Taker.
- Taker chokeslams Triple H, and HBK sees this.
- FINISH: Fall 11: 59:56: 6-5: Triple H: DQ: The Rock was disqualified due to outside interference by The Undertaker.
- Ya know, when I watched this live at the time, I thought the ending was botched. After all, Taker didn't tombstone Triple H and the bell didn't ring until AFTER time ran out. But looking at it closely now, we can clearly see HBK seeing Taker chokeslam Triple H with 4 seconds left (see bottom of pic for HBK's head and pointing hand). And that's what caused the DQ decision. Pretty great timing actually.

Thanks for reading!


more money than God
Did you know that when Taker hit HHH with the Tombstone during his return at JD 2000, he actually botched it, and almost paralyzed HHH? HHH couldn't move for minutes, and that's why piledrivers were subsequently banned.
I want to start watching NXT, but I don't know where to start. Can I just jump in with the most recent episode?

This week's is fine to start with, last week's was a "Best of" the New 52 version of NXT.

If you are talking about all of the NXT then yeah watch Redemption because it's cray


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I'm not watching SD.
I didn't go and watched some movies instead.

It's a force of habit. When I miss a WWE show I take the week off.


drawer by drawer
This week's is fine to start with, last week's was a "Best of" the New 52 version of NXT.

If you are talking about all of the NXT then yeah watch Redemption because it's cray

Nah I meant the NXT/FCW hybrid. I watched enough of Redemption to know it was a silly place. I'll watch last weeks "Best Of" episode and just go from there.
Did anyone see that bumper hyping Game Informer saying WWE '13 was one of the best games last year with "Ownage!" written at the top? XD



WCW Great American Bash 6/11/2000


Show starts with a recap of the past 2 weeks of Goldberg's return, defeat of Tank Abbott, threat of suspension, and arrest. Will Goldberg show up tonight?

We are live with police officers hanging out looking for Goldberg while production assistants run on screen and directors are telling them to look certain directions. Not a good sign for things to come.

Lt. Loco vs Disco Inferno WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The MIA have a pre match meeting. Chavo pulls out a grenade and threatens to kill Disco. But it was just a toy, don't worry, guys. Disco is wearing a Kobe jersey and yellow shorts. Why would you put Disco in this match when you have two top cruisers in Rey and Juvi in the group? This is kind of a defacto lumberjack match. I think Tony messed up the ranks for all members of the MIA during this match. Paton comes back out. He's hitting on Tygress. He's Giant Dong's grandfather. Oh. He may have had a heart attack as Konnan yelled at him. While this is going on, Juvi comes in the ring to do the Juicy Elbow, but Chavo sat up a full 3 seconds before Juvi even tried to do the elbow. He did it anyway and missed. Disco hit the Last Dance (NOT the Chart Buster, marks). Lash came in and hit his weird leg sweep thing. Then came back in the ring to throw Chavo on Disco for the win. Chavo retains. Big brawl breaks out post match. Pops is still dead on the floor. Major Gunns revives him with CPR. He died again when he saw Gunns on top of him, so she tries it again and he tries to sexually assault her before being pulled off.


TO THE BACK. Bischoff and The Cat are in a room with a lot of cops. Mean Gene is with The Mamalukes. They'll be facing Kronik in a number one contenders match for the tag titles. Gene tries to stir up shit between them over the hardcore title and does a bad offensive Italian accent.

The Mamalukes vs Kronik.

Vito is going to wrestle the whole match with the Hardcore Championship on I guess. Mark says the Mamalukes are one of the only teams to match size and power with Kronik. Except that whole thing where both members of Kronik are 4-5 inches taller than both Mamalukes. This is boring. Crush has a lot of cool moves, but does them all terribly. His F5 sucks, he does a press slam into a gut buster that sucks, his tiltawhirl backbreaker loses all momentum when he stops right before the back breaker to adjust, his pile driver is awful. Well, this F5 was pretty gnarly. It basically turned into a high angle DDT.


JTB tries to jump to the talk and slips off. So he tries it again and jumps even when Wrath is no where near him. Vito was polishing the Hardcore belt, which left JTB to get chokeslammed. Kronik wins and are number one contenders.

TO THE BACK. Paula Poundstone interviews DDP. She's so terrible. DDP cuts a really corny promo about Mike Awesome. The ambulance is being backed in to the arena. I always enjoy when wrestling companies will use the same guys as extras over and over in different spots like we won't notice. Like this dude in the ambulance who has been in Security every week for a month. Now he's an EMT.

DDP vs Mike Awesome Ambulance match.

DDP brings out Kanyon. What the fuck. That seems like a pretty terrible idea. I mean, the dude is in a halo and wheelchair and DDP brings him out for a match with the guy who did that to him?


Both guys deck the ref pretty much right the way and brawl all around. They do the Awesome/Tanaka chair duel ending with DDP elbowing the chair in Awesome's face. They show a shot of the stretcher, but no ambulance. But this is an ambulance match. Where is it? A guy was just driving into the arena seconds before the match. There is a loud crash somewhere in the arena that the crowd reacts to. DDP gets powerbombed through a table on the floor. The worst EMTs ever pick him up in such a dangerous way that they'd be sued for sure. But DDP rolled off. Awesome Splash. Another one. DDP moves on the 3rd one. Kim comes down with a pipe and hits DDP. Stacy runs down and drags her to the back. Awesome attempted a super Awesomebomb, but was countered and turned into an avalanche style ACE CRUSSSHHAAA. Awesome is wheeled out. Bischoff comes out and was going to hit Kanyon with a chair, but DDP attacked Eric. Then Kanyon stood up and hit a Kanyon Cutter off the stage on DDP! IT WAS A SWERVE! IT IS ALSO A MIRACLE! A MIRACLE SWERVE! Mike Awesome wins! They're not even going to show a replay of that? Weird.


GI Bro vs PerfectShawn


GI Bro makes the HBK WM12 entrance. Stasiak is also wearing camo. Some asshole has a whistle or something and won't stop blowing it. This is another PPV where the tag champions are in singles matches. I think this match is just an excuse for Madden to throw out Stripes references. Booker hits such a shitty chair shot that the crowd went silent and then mildly booed. It was a diva level chair shot. It's just a normal Nitro matches, but with a lot more 10 counts. Suplex on the grating of the ramp. This isn't bad, but it isn't particularly engaging, either. They don't really have a reason to have this kind of match. This is a black guy and a white guy in camo in a boot camp match in Baltimore. Maybe Russo was trying to make a political statement? Chuck Palumbo came out before Stasiak could lose, but Book hit the axe kick. They double teamed Book. Why aren't the MIA out to save him? Book finally ends this match with a Lex Flexxxer shot. Fuck. This felt like an iron man match.

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene confronts Kanyon. WHY!? No one came to visit him more than Eric Bischoff in the hospital. MOMENTS AGO DDP burst out of the ambulance and walked around outside where GOLDBERG'S TRUCK was driving around.

Shane Douglas vs The Wall Best of 5 tables match.

Baltimore pieces of shit better sit down and shut up. We're getting a history lesson. Because he was a teacher, after all. He didn't really give a history less at all. He just said he was going to beat the Wall. This is actually best of 9, since the winner has to put his opponent through 5 tables. Shane does a Jeff Hardy style baseball slide, which is odd to me. Chokeslam through a table. Wall is up 1-0. Back suplex through a table. 2-0. We're getting word that this is best of five, as in first man to put his opponent through 3 tables will win. Which isn't what Shane said, but whatever. "We call that no selling a low blow." Shane lures the big guy to a giant ladder and a number of stacked tables. Why would that just be sitting out? They fight for what seems like 10 minutes on top of the ladder before Wall finally falls and takes a bump through 3 tables. Well, two tables and the platform they were stacked on. That counts for WCW, so Shane Douglas wins. Wall sits up and chokeslams Slick through a table.


TO THE BACK. Cops back up so Hulk Hogan can arrive in his Dodge Charger. He can't even be on time for a god damn PPV where he is booked in a retirement match?

Scott Steiner vs Tank Abbott Asylum match

Rick Steiner has been added to the match to "level the playing field" since it is Scott's signature match. The Asylum is slightly more room than the Lion's Den, I guess. Not as cool, though. Tank has a chain. This is too much for Rick. So Tank puts the chain away, only to try to hit Scott with it again, but Rick took the shot to save his brother. Scott makes Tank give up to the recliner. HOLLAR!


TO THE BACK. A limo has arrived. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?! It's Ric and the whole Flair family. WHY DOES HE KEEP BRING HIS FAMILY TO SHOWS? Fucking idiot. Goldberg's truck was watching. Mean Gene is with Hollywood. Blood is thicker than New Blood, dude.

Kidman vs Hollywood Hogan Special referee: WHOREASS

Hulk is dominating. They're on the floor where Hulk throws Kidman around at the rails and high fives two kids in the front row. Horace is calling it right down the middle. He's like Fonzy. The weight belt is off. "Hulk Hogan wouldn't use the closed fist. Hollywood would." Was there every a time when Hogan DIDN'T use the closed fist? There literally is nothing different about Hollywood and Hulk in the ring, especially with Hollywood as a face. Bad looking DDT on a chair from Kidman gets boos. Hogan took the fall for the bump a second after Kidman did the move. And then Hulk stopped himself from hitting the chair. Hogan has zero fire for this. This is supposed to be this bitterly personal match (that would be Hulk's last if he loses), yet Hogan could not give less of a shit. This feud hit the boiling point weeks before this. Maybe even up to a month ago. Then it turned into Horace vs Kidman and Horace vs Hulk, then Horace/Kidman vs Hulk, then back to Kidman vs Hulk with Horace in the middle not really being on either side. Kidman got hip tossed on the Japanese announce table. Torrie comes out. She gives Hulk brass knuckles.


Kidman ran into Hogan, who then bumped Torrie off the apron. Kidman hit Hulk with the knucks. NOT LIKE THIS! NOT LIKE THIS! Hulk kicked out. Kidman hits Horace a few moments later. Torrie low blows Kidman, Hulk uses the brass knucks. Horace miraculously recovers to count the fall. What a great feud for Kidman. Hulk and Horace reunite. Hulk will now get a title shot at the Bash at the Beach.


TO THE BACK. Eric is on the phone with someone when an officer asks if everything is okay. Tony says that this was a grand SWERVE by the Hogan family. Paula Poundstone tells David he'll need luck to beat his dad, WHOOO! Well, that's unprofessional of her. Mean Gene was with Ric. The entire Flair family is walked out to front row seats. I wonder if Reid scored his heroin here?

Ric Flair vs David Flair.

David is wearing different clothes than what he was wearing just a few seconds ago. I think Russo was wearing different jeans, too. I don't know, this is kind of uncomfortable. This isn't like Vince vs Shane. Ric is being extra hard on his chops and looks like he's really pissed at David while doing it. And David is his normal hapless self. It's just awkward. Russo hits Flair with a bat and handcuffs him. David has the figure four locked on. David won't stop beating on Ric in the ropes, so Charles Robinson throws him off. Then Russo chokes Ric with the bat, until Reid jumps the rail only to get shoved down. He gets back up and low blows Vince. He got in the ring with the handcuff keys, but David got him out. However, Robinson had uncuffed Ric. And on the floor, Ashley Flair hand cuffs Russo. David taps out to the figure four. Russo is in the ring, has his shirt ripped and is chopped.


The whole Flair family (minus David, of course) leave triumphant. Hopefully this feud is over. "Hold it right there you piece a SHIT!" Oh, I guess it isn't. Oh gross, Flair has his whole family do the suck it sign to Russo. How awkward and weird is that? Russo will retire Ric himself on Nitro.


Sting vs Vampiro Human Torch Match.

No longer an inferno match. The fire department is on stand by. Sting starts the match on top of the TurnerTron.


"You can tell that's not Hogan's torch, guys, he never would have passed it." I lold. Sting insists the match start up on the tron. But then he repels down anyway. But the torch is on top of the tron. The fuck, Madden is now name dropping Hunter S. Thompson. Sting is doused in gasoline. Scott uses the word "penultimate" incorrectly. That's okay, I did for a long time, too. They start to climb up the tron. Sting is knocked off about half way up. He just kind of stuck in the padding. Anyway, they both make it to the top. Of course the lights go out in to Sting's thunder and lightning as soon as they got up there. This is stupid. It's two dudes on top of the screen in strobe lights. The lights go out for real once Vamp picks up the torch. "Sting" is set on fire and falls off the top of the screen through the stage. Very obvious stunt double switch, but it was a crazy fall anyway. Sting flails around while being tended to. Would have been way more awesome if they looked for him and he wasn't there.


TO THE BACK. Paula Poundstone asks Eric for the big surprise. Eric says NO big surprise. That's the surprise now. Wut.

Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett WCW World Championship

I think this is the first time all year that the champ entered last. The Cat comes out before the match begins. He's making Konnan the special guest "bail" ringer, Rey Jr. the special guest time keeper, Disco the special guest belt keeper, and Juvi Juice as the special guest ring announcer. But Buffer already did the announcing. Cat is now the special guest enforcer! Jeff is wearing a huge elbow pad. Kind of like the one Austin wore in 1998 when he had a staph infection. There is a sound that stops the match dead. Fans are standing and chanting Goldberg. Then it all stops and the match continues like normal. They brawl into the crowd behind the announce table. When they get back, the Animals ambush Nash. Jeff has a half crab in and then locks on the figure four. Konnan hits Nash with the bell, which ends up being the transition to get Nash back in control. It also has him JUMPING up and RUNNING after a good 7 minutes of leg submissions. Disco takes the ref out, so now The Cat can get in the ring. Nash fights off all the Animals, but Jeff hits the stroke. Luckily he waited for 20 seconds to make the pin. Chokeslam from Nash! The Cat's eye acted up before the 3 count. Powerbomb to the Cat. ANIMAL ABUSE! Jackknife to Jarrett. A new ref ties to make the pin, but Rick Steiner stops it. What? Didn't he kind of turn face earlier in the show? This makes Tank come running out. Scott Steiner cut him off. They brawled to the back while the Animals and Rick beat up Nash. The monster truck comes into the arena. Goldberg is here! He sets Jeff up for a spear and...WHAT??? GOLDBERG JUST SPEARED KEVIN NASH!! HOLY JESUS!! WHAT A FUCKING SWERVE! Russo and Bischoff come out with very serious faces. Goldberg sucks chants start up. Goldberg hugs them. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


Show ends with trash filling the ring. I can tell you, this was not a good show. At all. Just a bunch of stupid bullshit overbooked stuff for pretty much every match, Hogan making Kidman look like shit, a stupid Kanyon heel turn, and the biggest thing to EVER happen in pro wrestling being Bill Goldberg turning heel. After 6 months of being out of action, the biggest and most popular star WCW has finally returns. So naturally, turning him heel is the logical move. The fuck. As far as overbooked Jeff Jarrett matches go, this one has 9 guys involved in the finish. 10 if you count the extra ref.

Tony again summed up my thoughts on the show:


Man God

Non-Canon Member
This is the huge problem with this era of WCW. Every match on Ntro and Thunder were already ridiculous stipulation matches that usually ended with multiple run ins, at least one Swerve, and a title Change every other week. People were also taking crazy bumps in dangerous spots for basically no reason. It was like ECW only high budget and not entertaining.

They basically had nothing left for the PPV. The stakes were so low. Get fired? Show up anyways. Lose the belt? Get a title shot next week. Going to lose a match? Send fifteen buddies down to the ring to give a beat down.

It also still baffles me how JJ got his push then and why oh why would you make Goldberg a heel when he finally came back?
This is the huge problem with this era of WCW. Every match on Ntro and Thunder were already ridiculous stipulation matches that usually ended with multiple run ins, at least one Swerve, and a title Change every other week. People were also taking crazy bumps in dangerous spots for basically no reason. It was like ECW only high budget and not entertaining.

They basically had nothing left for the PPV. The stakes were so low. Get fired? Show up anyways. Lose the belt? Get a title shot next week. Going to lose a match? Send fifteen buddies down to the ring to give a beat down.

It also still baffles me how JJ got his push then and why oh why would you make Goldberg a heel when he finally came back?



Yeah, it really didn't make much sense. And by it, I mean everything. The PPVs were basically just 3 hour Nitros with more angles taking place in the ring instead of in the back and longer matches. But they did the same type of matches and bump on Nitro that they'd want you to pay for on a PPV, so it all seemed pointless. They were trying to be a hybrid of WWF and ECW, but it didn't work. WCW audiences weren't the same as WWF and ECW audiences. They never were. Vince Russo clearly didn't get that. I'm not sure Eric Bischoff did, either. GAB2000 was probably the worst show I've seen besides Spring Stampede, but SS was one of the worst shows I've ever seen that wasn't a local indy show. This show sucked, but is was much better than SS.

Also, I am drunk.
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