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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

THE EFF? People were criticizing The Rock as well? Even with Punk out there to provide a balance to his shtick? Both of em did great tonight, some of you are crazy.

This thread gonna mess around and turn me back to the old me.


That's such a cheap tactic.

He felt it was right nonetheless, he was praising Kidd all the way back when he was doing commentary for NXT and the Bryan being funny thing has grown old ages ago.

THE EFF? People were criticizing The Rock as well? Even with Punk out there to provide a balance to his shtick? Both of em did great tonight, some of you are crazy.

This thread gonna mess around and turn me back to the old me.

Punk destroyed Rock, Rock did the usual namecalling.




He felt it was right nonetheless, he was praising Kidd all the way back when he was doing commentary for NXT and the Bryan being funny thing has grown old ages ago.

Punk destroyed Rock, Rock did the usual namecalling.

The whole Bryan mention was that he got over and is making alot of money by putting the smile on his face and doing the Yes chant and not by his wrestling skill.


more money than God
The gif was enough.

And SoulPlaya, you lose WrassleGAF points for criticizing Punk's promo. S'wrong witchu? Guize always trying to out-hipster each other in here.




IN 2013
That's right, 2013.

I know it hurts.



Kane was cool til he took his mask off.

where's the Kofi gif? Saw someone mention it but I don't know how far back it is. There's probably 30 pages of the last 20 minutes of Raw
I feel like Kofi's career ends like that every couple of months. He'll be tag/IC/US champ again in no time, I'm sure. Dude wins more mid card titles than anyone.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Brock Lesnar returning to F5 The Rock at Royal Rumble to aid Punk in winning seems like a healthy way to allow Rock to lose and build up a match between the two at Wrestlemania. I don't want to see Cena in a title match at Wrestlemania, so I'll go ahead and assume Ryback or The Undertaker will get the nod instead to face Punk then and have either or take the victory.
The showcase by Cena at the start of Raw was disgusting. He took everything and still walked away smiling. I think Cena is more powerful than ever or Ziggler is still a super jobber.
Brock Lesnar returning to F5 The Rock at Royal Rumble to aid Punk in winning seems like a healthy way to allow Rock to lose and build up a match between the two at Wrestlemania. I don't want to see Cena in a title match at Wrestlemania, so I'll go ahead and assume Ryback or The Undertaker will get the nod instead to face Punk then and have either or take the victory.

Cena vs Undertaker; CENAWINSLOL


anyone have youtube link of the last 5-10 minutes? my dvr cut off when the rock was talking about ice cream trucks going into punk's ass.
Punk needs to start being an angry prick in more than just his promos. His wrestling style is too clean for this character and feud. He should kindly offer Brad Maddox a match next week as a test to see if he can hang, but just destroy him for no reason at all. New offensive style, brutal chair beatdown, security rushes the ring, etc. etc. I'm sure Dwayne would pee in his jammies after that.

We need a loose canon character. Why won't anyone pick up the '96 Austin gimmick and run with it?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
That appears to be a live test video feed sent to all the televisions in the arena to make sure everything is working.


The whole Bryan mention was that he got over and is making alot of money by putting the smile on his face and doing the Yes chant and not by his wrestling skill.

Which is probably why the show is called World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT. Dont worry, Punk forgot about that as well.

Cant help be reminded of the (in)famous call Ted Turner made to Vince McMahon.


Junior Member
Just got home.. Over all a decent not epic show.. However once TLC hit it turned to awesome. The spot that Punk got killed looked awesome live.

Now on to the Main event..
Punk actually got a chair when they went to commercial break and sat there waiting playing to the crowd which was awesome.
Marked my pants out when the Rocks music hit. The roof flew off the TBT Forum.

After Raw went off the air, punk came back down with a Mic saying he still had much more to say, went into the ring and bam Rock Bottom.......
Minute later he starts crawling back saying "I think we got off on the wrong foot, Lets talk a bit" with which the rock played along for a little bit. Quiet funny actually, then bam Rock bottom to a peoples elbow.. Punk rolls out and gets helped out by heyyman.
Rock gets on the mic and says he wanted to make his return at TB since that's were he started his training etc..
Thanked the crowd, and did the "If you smell"

Can't wait for more Rock Punk.. IT WAS PURE AWESOME

small edit. He actually did the gts taunt right before dropping the peoples elbow. Have it on video


The worst part of the Cena-Rock thing last year was WWE limiting Rock's talk so they can try to have Cena get more cheers and opportunities to look better.
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