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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF In Pictures for tonight, it was an amazing show...














Speaking about RR '98; the match is no DQ so why the hell don't you just bring a weapon or your stable of heels or what have you?
That's what Yokozuna and Master Fuji did in their Casket Match vs. The Undetaker back in the 1994 Royal Rumble.


Oh, meant the actual Rumble match.

Nelo Ice

Well randomly tuning into Raw has worked haven't watched in months but remembered Rock was back and wow this Punk promo is fire.
Been watching some AJPW from 1974 and came across a super fun 2/3 falls tag match between Jumbo & Takachio vs Pat O'Connor & Ken Mantell. The crowd are as dead as can be, except when Pat makes them laugh, but it's a great match nonetheless and has helped me to appreciate that Pat O'Connor was the fucking MAN;



So rock does the same shit people clown cena for. Damn is this shit whack
Is there anything Cena's done in promo work that's been at the very least mildly entertaining in the past several years? Dude has been a drab almost ten years since turning face.

One thing the Rock did was not overexpose himself for a decade and ruin what character he had.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Is there anything Cena's done in promo work that's been at the very least mildly entertaining in the past several years? Dude has been a drab almost ten years since turning face.

One thing the Rock did was not overexpose himself for a decade and ruin what character he had.

The constant lame insults, power of the fans shit is exactly the type of whack shit cena gets blasted for. If it wasn't for punk this whole promo would have fallen flat on its face
The constant lame insults, power of the fans shit is exactly the type of whack shit cena gets blasted for. If it wasn't for punk this whole promo would have fallen flat on its face

Punk goes out and calls the fans puppets, Rock sure proved him

Oh I know, that one was just particularly mind boggling. Like he was trying to make a thought but then his brain broke or something.
THE EFF? People were criticizing The Rock as well? Even with Punk out there to provide a balance to his shtick? Both of em did great tonight, some of you are crazy.

This thread gonna mess around and turn me back to the old me.
People don't realize it was all set up as a balancing act. I'm sure punk was free styling his promo but when the rock came out that shit was thoroughly planned down to every camera shot. It was good. They were playing off of each other. Giving each other ammo.

Punk goes out and calls the fans puppets, Rock sure proved him.
See. It worked well.


The constant lame insults, power of the fans shit is exactly the type of whack shit cena gets blasted for. If it wasn't for punk this whole promo would have fallen flat on its face
He's got good comedy, none of Cena's comedy gets laughs because they're flatout awful. But Rock's pushed with this generic face routine; look how neutered WWE made Jericho in 2008 following his heel turn on HBK. While still good (it's Jericho), he was taken away the "truth telling" role that spoke facts on the faces and went in the total coward mode. The same company who last year kept Rock's lines at minimum (and were best in the "live via satellites" segments) because they were trying to keep Cena's level at par.

And personally I didn't care at all for the whole segment. Did nothing for me. Punk especially needs to stop with the tough guy routine. Stop talking like you're the size of Brock Lesnar.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I continue watching RR '98 and Savio Vega does bring his entire stable into the match with him.

So I complained why more RR matches didn't do either weapons or stables and that one does both!

About half of this roster won't be with the company in a year or two.

This is one of the last PPV's in the WWF mid 90's slump/the precursor of the Attitude era. I didn't start watching Wrestling full time again until the RAW right after Wrestlemania of this year.


1994 still had a good roster put together. It was not until many guys left or got taken out of programming in '95 was when a lot of non-sense began seeping through. Mid '96 with pushing Austin more, Mankind being involved, Vader still there, it allowed for a fun, competitive main event scene.
Been watching some AJPW from 1974 and came across a super fun 2/3 falls tag match between Jumbo & Takachio vs Pat O'Connor & Ken Mantell. The crowd are as dead as can be, except when Pat makes them laugh, but it's a great match nonetheless and has helped me to appreciate that Pat O'Connor was the fucking MAN;


O'Connor Roll 4 life.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The Rock's fake push is hilarious in retrospect. He's getting no pops or heat at all out there and won't really until the end of this year.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
People don't realize it was all set up as a balancing act. I'm sure punk was free styling his promo but when the rock came out that shit was thoroughly planned down to every camera shot. It was good. They were playing off of each other. Giving each other ammo.

See. It worked well.

Let's not pretend the rock hasn't been this weak on the mic since his "return" this wasn't some new thing for the night, he's been floundering like this for a while.


I'm guess I'm the only one who didn't like Punk's promo. Maybe it's because I just watched "Best in the World" last night and got to re-watch the original pipebomb promo, but it just felt like Punk was being petty with his shoot. He came off as a killjoy for the most part, especially being mad at the fans for enjoying the WWE product and cheering. Him intentionally getting fans to react then complaining about it rubbed me the wrong way and made him come off as a real jerk as a person, not just his character. That was probably his intent being the heel, so good job I guess.


Couple of Raw thoughts:

I feel like Kane really should have started growing a beard months ago. There should have been an angle with Daniel giving him beard growing tips.

I lol'd at Miz saying Cesaro was a rookie with no experience when announcers talk about how much world wide experience Claudio has every match he has. Can't wait for gifs of Miz getting his head uppercut (uppercutted?) off.

Did Orton mean he was going to kill Heath, or that Heath would be playing the blues after he lost? Angel harp or harmonica harp?

Cena/Ziggler for sure should have ended after the FU to superkick. One clean loss to Ziggler would completely cement him and not hurt Cena in the slightest. How many matches have they had since November? It feels like once a week for 2 months with Ziggler only winning the ladder match with interference. The match itself was good, but the booking with AJ and Zeke interfering twice to no avail just for Cena to pop up and hit the FU was stupid. That just made the whole group look weak. They could have had the same finish without having Zeke come back down.

Ryback's purple gear is stupid. Also, I think fans are chanting "Goldman", not "Goldberg", just get to get under Punk's skin. I'm surprised King and Cole have tried to pretend that was the case yet.


So not worth it
I understand how they needed to give Cena a win. No, let me rephrase that, I understand why they THOUGHT they needed to give Cena a win. After all, for weeks now people have been saying how much Cena has been losing, so in their mind they need to build Cena back up.

Naturally the only way to do that is to have the guy that needs that one final push lose after Cena takes 2 of his finishers, Big E's finisher and AJ's slap. Because naturally what we really need to see is how John Cena overcomes the odds.

Next week, they'll drop an actual live nuclear bomb on the ring and then zoom in on Cena's still smoldering body as he overcomes the initial blast, radiation and subsequently months of nuclear winter.

That said, it was a good promo and a good match. I for one love the team of AJ/Ziggler and Big E, as soon as this Cena feud is over they can really build a great team out of it. Lets hope Kaitlyn wins the title soon as I'd love to see AJ and Ziggler as co-champs coming out of WrestleMania. Hell, give Big E the IC Title and have an old-fashioned all-champion stable, that would be fun.

Rest of Raw was pretty good as well, the 3MB squashes were fun and I loved Kofi getting utterly squashed by Show, that's the worth of your IC Title right there people, also Wade Barrett is a weakling for not hitting his finishing move on Kofi in the first title match and take that belt in 3 seconds. Seriously though, that was a great move to establish Show's dominance.

The TLC match was entertaining as all hell, Ryback is doing a great job in these matches. Say what you will, but at the PPV against the Shield and here again he's shown he can perform in these matches, he deserves as much credit for that match as Punk did. Can't wait for the next Shield vs. Ryback clash at the Rumble.

Punk's promo was amazing, he took his pipebomb promo and turned it around into villain territory, not that big of a stretch since it was a heel promo to begin with, but it was a great way to push the crowds/viewers buttons to realise that Punk is not the good guy anti-hero we all got behind at MitB 2011, he's been trying hard to get a good amount of heat, but everytime he comes out the crowd still pops, that will never change, but at least it will help gather the people around Rock.

Rock's promo was equally great, Rock has never been a good reasoner, he's a catchphrase machine and that's where his power lies. Don't have him try to outreason someone like Punk, he'll never be able to, not even in his prime. The Rock engages crowds to chant stuff, that's his spiel and I believe he did a great job at it last night. He pushed the right buttons, hit the right marks and entertained the crowd. Rock delivered imo, as did Punk.

I believe this feud is going to continue until WM, probably with Cena inserted. That's how it should be at least.
Just finished watching the last half of Raw, really Wrasslegaf? some of you are acting like you guys have no idea what face Rock does and then being surprised when he pulls out his various jokes in the face of a grouchy opponent? considering the state of most faces in WWE and the content of Punk's promos for like the last 6 months i'd say the final segment was pretty good all around.
Now I don't think i'll have to defend Punk's role, he rolled out the old pipebomb and disgruntled cards, Rock on the other hand is The Rock, he came out and did what Rock as a face does best, I honestly don't know what some of you were expecting with him.

This time Rock at least has a genuine foe and not smirking Cena, allowing him greater opportunity to weave from fan pleasing jokes to serious business, dare I say no one does this as well as The Rock, maybe i'm just a marky ass Rock mark but give him the microphone and he has me pretty much enraptured from start to finish, Kung pow bitch and cookie puss be damned, I wish others on the roster could be on his level. Point is it's not what i'd call a bad promo by any shot, were you all expecting Hollywood Rock to burst out mid promo and start telling the fans to kiss his ass? Rock playing to the fans is what makes him the perfect foil to Punk's current fan bashing persona.

THE EFF? People were criticizing The Rock as well? Even with Punk out there to provide a balance to his shtick? Both of em did great tonight, some of you are crazy.

This thread gonna mess around and turn me back to the old me.
Rock got rocked man, I can't take that guy serious anymore, he was legit shook!


Ryback/Punk was great, as was the Punk/Rock promo. Punk absolutely brought it, and I thought Rock was mostly good, but in the past his insults seemed more natural and flowed better, now they just seem so forced.


Why is Punk still trending?

edit: nvm must be outdated

last night was amazing. Made the painful 3 hour wait worth it.
Ryback/Punk was great, as was the Punk/Rock promo. Punk absolutely brought it, and I thought Rock was mostly good, but in the past his insults seemed more natural and flowed better, now they just seem so forced.
I think they want him to get his opponent an endorsement per feud. Cena's got the Fruity Pebbles thing going now thanks to Rock and before you know it Punk will be selling Cookiepuss.
Ziggler looked so good last night. I'm just as mad at the finish as I was at the Brock Extreme rules end. If they don't want him to break through some make that match.


So not worth it
remember wrestling crowds on the late '90s?

those days are never coming back... :(

We now have Antonio Cesaro, all he needs is a catchphrase and a winning streak and we're set for another golden age of wrestling. Maybe a 4 minute entrance as well if all else fails.
We now have Antonio Cesaro, all he needs is a catchphrase and a winning streak and we're set for another golden age of wrestling. Maybe a 4 minute entrance as well if all else fails.

they need to pick up the angle of him burning the US title and unveiling the European title.

his gimmick is evil, strong foreigner, might as well go all the way.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Woke up. Went to work. Still high on GWF storylines. Somebody gonna get they wig split...

And you should be happy, B-Arthur. Soulplaya betrayed Laserfrog and cheered for you!
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