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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

I enjoyed the Raw TLC match itself but the end is just us going round in circles.

The Shield are awesome and everything but they just cause the same result again in a different way and Punk wins and.... thats it?

I thought the whole point of that match was because Ryback 'never got a fair shot' or whatever the f**k Vince was on about (despite them all being no DQ matches anyway apparently cowardly Punk is the dishonest weasel) so he sets up this match and now.... the exact thing just happens again and, uhh?

Hearing Cole or whoever saying "OMG THIS IS SO UNFAIR SOMEONE UP THE INVESTIGATION SO WE CAN GET ANSWERS!!" is just as stupid, maybe Master Detective Kaitlyn can help them find out what the connections are by hacking Ambrose's iPad.



WCW Thunder 6/21/2000

I hope for the sake of us all that Russo and Bischoff aren't on Thunder, either. Nitro was dramatically better without them on the show. Thunder was better the night that Shane Douglas was in control, too.

Recap of Tank taking off into the crowd. It looks like what set him off was a fan holding a 3 Count sucks sign.

Rick Steiner vs Tank Abbott

MEGA POWERS EXPLODE!!!!! Tank quickly does a double leg take down and locks in a heel hold. Rope break. This leads to Steiner doing a take down, Tank pulling guard, and going for an arm bar. Breaks down to a slug fest before Tank slaps on a guillotine. Steiner easily gets out of guard. Headlock takeover. Tank hits a left handed punch while Rick was on his knees and then hit the KO shot once he stood up. But Steiner got up! Tank comes back in to finish it and Rick hits a SHOOT t-bone and Steinerline. Steiner Bulldog gets Rick the win. This was an interesting shootish-style match. Short, but interesting.

Show rundown. The same fan who had the 3 Count SUX sign is also behind the announcers with a 3 Count SUX shirt. We'll get a new single from them tonight! An update on Lance Storm, Vamp/Asya/Dale Torborg. Tank jumps over the table to attack the 3 Count hater.

TO THE BACK. A white limo has arrived! BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?!?!?! It's Jeff Jarrett, The Cat, and Mike Awesome! The limo driver whispers an idea for Cat tonight.

TO THE PRODUCTION TRUCK. Chuck and Stasiak are playing around in the truck. Shawn wonders what a button does and hits it. It was Kane's pyro in the ring, which knocked David Penzer down out of fright. THAT'S GOTTA BE KANE!!

Jeff Jarrett, Mike Awesome, and The Cat come to the ring. Pro wrestlers and their terrible jeans, I swear. The Cat looks like a baby bottle, Jeff is wearing a sleeveless purple button down (which is soaked in water) with tight black tapered jeans that lead into brown boots. Mike Awesome is wearing a super tight black shirt, a gold chain, sun glasses, tight jeans that are tucked into high ankled boots.


Anyway, Jeff is going to end Hogan for good, Awesome is going to rebreak Scott's back, and Cat is going to own Hall's contract. Cat tells a fat woman in the front row to sit down and gets nailed with a drink for it. Jarrett/Awesome vs Nash/Steiner tonight!

TO THE BACK. MIA meeting. Lt. Loco/Major Gunns vs Prince/Paisley vs Rey/Tygress tonight! Funk is training JTB to be tough by hitting him in the head with a trash can.

Lt. Loco/Major Gunns vs Tygress/Rey vs The Artist/Paisley

I'm sure this will be great. I don't know why WCW insists on showing replays and highlights of previous shows like they are in a dream sequence. So weird. Tygress is clearly the hottest woman out here tonight. Not that Paisley and Gunns aren't hot, but I'm not that into the bleached blond fake tits look and Sharmell never did it for me. She was no Kristal Marshall, that's for sure. As a short Jew in an area that is 95% white and redneck, I have suffered from the Jungle Fever my whole life. I need pro wrestling to have more hot black women to fill the void my living conditions present me. That's why Brodus Clay is my favorite wrestler. I don't know who won this. I don't care. I miss Kristal. Lance Storm again attacks, has a mini match with Prince, did a dive that took out all of MIA, and left through the crowd.


TO THE BACK. DALE finds Vampiro's hearse. He opens it looking for Asya, but only finds her ear ring. OH NOES!

Vampiro comes to the ring. What happened to Emperor Palpatine? Are they just going to drop that? DALE attacks Vampiro from behind on the ramp. He stops when Vamp pulls out the other ear ring. I don't know, I think Dale Torborg vs Vampiro is infinitely worse than The Demon vs Vampiro. If anything happens to Vampiro, no one will know where Asya is. DALE looks like a giant Tyler Black. I also like that Demon was conceived for the reunion of KISS, but the shirt he usually wears has Bruce Kulick's name bigger than anyone elses. Vamp can't take his make up off and hide the pain or some emo shit. DALE can get his girl back, but only if he follows Vampiro's orders. This shit is terrible.


TO THE BACK. Cat is watching the show when Shane Douglas asks for a favor. He asks for Bam Bam Big Yellow/Skip vs Buff. Cat has a great idea and books Bam Bam Big Yellow/Skip vs Buff. Vampiro makes DALE drive the hearse. No seat belts. Fucking assholes. There are new rules for hardcore matches. They must start in the back and end in the ring. Also, Cat sent a memo that asked why Tony and Tenay can't be more like Bobby Heenan.

Big Vito vs The Wall WCW Hardcore Championship

Starts IN THE BACK. I actually think this idea makes a lot of sense. The matches going to the back and most of it happening on the screen kills the crowd. So you start it in the back and have it come out front keeps the live crowd more involved. Sounds like a stupid rule, but it actually isn't. JTB and Funk were watching this. To make up for this, there are now extra weapons placed around ringside. It's like an Extreme Rules match! A trash can, crutch, chair, Singapore cane, and table. Maybe they could get a mop and a ladder. Ball bat to the DICK with a trash can lid on top of that wall of Wall dick. A table is set up by Vito, but Wall hits an old school Boss Man Slam. He gets another table and sets it up on the floor. Wall taunts on the second rope for some reason, which leads to him taking a running powerbomb through a table.

TO THE BACK. Goldberg scares the shit out of a cop. Oh man. That dude's life flashed before him when Goldberg grabbed him by the throat. I wish that could be captured in gif form, but it can't.

Goldberg comes to the ring with a microphone. He cuts a promo on how he has always hated Nash. But the only person he hates more is Scott Hall. Bill says that he was killing people with kindness since day one in WCW, but now he just wants to kill people.


TO THE BACK. Shane talks with Skip and Bammer. He makes fun of The Cat for thinking he's in charge of stuff. Goldberg has left the arena. Why do famous dudes need limos? What's wrong with a tinted sedan or something? A limo seems so wasteful. Nash and Steiner pull in as Goldberg's limo is pulling out. It backs up and Goldberg creeps on them.

Buff Bagwell vs Bam Bam Big Yellow and Chris Candido

Buff's pyro goes off on a delay, which makes him really angry. It was the tag champs still fucking around in the production truck. Skip is in a cast, but not the sling tonight. Bam Bam tries to do Buff's dance, but gets tripped and almost pinned. There was a double diving head butt spot where Skip was at least 3 feet from being 3 feet from being close to Buff. Since he couldn't use his arm to brace himself or anything, he just kind of stepped off the ropes onto his knees now where near Buff. But they both miss and Buff takes it to both guys. Bam Bam ducked the Blockbuster, but it hit Skip! Double Arm DDT to Bam Bam. A jumping tornado DDT to Bam Bam. Buff went up for the blockbuster again, but Shane hit him in the back with the pipe. Something happened to cut to an extended fan shot. Greetings from Asbury Park for the win. Was that move supposed to be a piledriver type move or a gutbuster type move?

TO THE BACK. David is waiting at the doors when Daffney comes in. He gives her a hug, but she slaps him and says she saw what happened on Nitro. David claims it was Jeff Jarrett. Why can David talk like a normal guy all of the sudden?

Positively Kanyon is out for a promo. SWERVE has been said by Tony at least 4 times tonight. He's going to read an entire chapter of his book tonight! "Bro bro..bro bro bro, he said". lol. He goes on for a while about the passage of DDP talking shit about Booker T. This brings out Booker T. Back with the T and Harlem Heat music. How did he get the rights back? They brawl until Kanyon hits Book with the book! Kanyon reveals a brick in the book.


TO THE BACK. David and Daffney are leaving. David says he forgot something and heads back inside. David breaks into the production truck where he shaves the head of the production guy Woody for playing the clip of he and Ms. Hancock. Shane heads into Cat's office to thank him. Shane interfered in the match. Cat is forced to fire Shane for it. He can keep his job if he gets ratings in his match against Kronik. The tag champs are laughing at Woody, who decides to leave and locks them in the production truck.


3 Count are in the ring. They're about to debut their new single! This song is much better, but they are terrible dancers. The roster was watching this and all sides agreed it was awful. Except for Tank, who was dancing by himself. Kronik walk out to end this shit. This makes Tank very angry.


Shane Douglas vs Kronik

Shane is fired if he doesn't do this match. He decides he doesn't want to have this match, but Buff throws him in the ring. Apparently this is a three way dance, not a handicap match. Kronik have some miscommunication, but SWERVE Shane and patch things up immediately. High Times for the win. Kronik's music cuts out to play Booker's Leave it to Beaver music. Chuck and Shawn are having fun in the production truck. They try to leave, but the door is locked!

TO THE BACK. Woody unlocks the door so Kronik can beat up the champs. We've caught up with Vampiro and DALE. Vamp says Asya is right over there. DALE jumps into an open grave and opens the casket only to find it stuffed with pillows. Vamp then hits him in the head with a shovel. "I can't believe you fell for that." Me either. Fucking idiot. This went back to the announcers and back to the grave yard. He leads Asya to the grave, tells her to tell DALE that he'll be waiting for him, and takes off in the hearse. Awesome and Jarrett head to the ring. Nash has to stop Steiner from fucking to go to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett/Mike Awesome vs Kevin Nash/Scott Steiner

Cat comes out to dance and get on color. Nash had a pretty good chokeslam. Which reminds me. What happened to Sid? He came back for that SWERVE to DDP and then vanished again without being mentioned. Tony takes issue with Mike Awesome being called the career killer since he got that name for Kanyon, but that was all a ruse, and Booker was only injured for a few weeks. Scott Steiner pins Jeff with a tiger driver! Steiner Recliner brings Cat into the ring. Nash barrels over him. Awesome knocks Nash down, then hits Steiner with a belt. A release German onto the belt as well. Show ends with Nash and Steiner standing tall. Goldberg's music hits! OH SHIT! He comes out with what we assume is Scott Hall's contract and says it will be on his time. So, why did he eat the contract on Monday? Is this a new one, or did he tape that one back together?


Not bad. Shows are so much better without Russo and Bischoff.
Catching up on some episodes of NXT, and it's making me even more upset how they've neutered Big E's character on the main shows. He's really enjoyable on NXT with the 5 count gimmick. :(

Meh its ok gets annoying really fast. They can't even do it anymore though since Cena no sold it and got up at 1. I would like to see him and great khali get more mic time though their funny to listen to


Finished watching the independent WCCW documentary, thought it was real good. I've not seen the WWE made documentary though is that any good?

Jamie OD

3 Count are in the ring. They're about to debut their new single! This song is much better, but they are terrible dancers. The roster was watching this and all sides agreed it was awful. Except for Tank, who was dancing by himself. Kronik walk out to end this shit. This makes Tank very angry.


There was something kind of sweet about Tank being a 3 Count fan and just wanting to dance to their songs.


Yeah, I don't hate it. I mean, Tank was a terrible wrestler. They got everything they could out of him from that standpoint. So why not do something fun and silly with him? They already had the Tank vs Steiner and Tank vs Goldberg matchs. There wasn't much more to get out of him in the ring. He certainly wasn't going to improve any.

It's dumb. I won't argue that. But it is fun dumb.


In ring, his prime was definitely pre-Crow Sting. As a character, sure, but 1991ish-1993 he was one of the best dudes in the world.

I may have found what was slowing the computer down so much...having the media share option between my Xbox and PC. It was eating up almost 100% of my memory. Shutting it off immediately boosted my computer. There may be hope for WCW yet!

So forgive the Georgia families jockeying for butt space on the WCW Saturday Night bleachers if they failed to realize that they were watching the man who would be The King of Kings matching wits with a bona fide mat master.

That seemed needlessly insulting to me. Maybe I'm just reading into it? I get "fat hillbillies didn't know good wrestling when they saw it" out of that.
That seemed needlessly insulting to me. Maybe I'm just reading into it? I get "fat hillbillies didn't know good wrestling when they saw it" out of that.
No no, you got it right. Vince always made fun of the people down south for Dubya C Dubya.
Well it would be better than El Generico - people won't care about him as he sounds generic. My guess he'll play Sin Cara while he recovers then back in NxT.
I wonder how they're going to pull that off. A canadian dressed as Sin Cara. They may have to dim the lights a bit more to make him look mexican.


Was reading through this thread's reactions of the Punk/Rock promo. More enjoyable than the first 2 hours of RAW. Thank you GAF.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Finished watching the independent WCCW documentary, thought it was real good. I've not seen the WWE made documentary though is that any good?

I liked it, but it suffers from a bit of WWE Filter via Michael Hayes - but luckily, Hayes was a big part of what they focus on, so hearing what he has to say about it was really good. I recommend watching it.


So not worth it
Random person on YouTube Comments, who knows?

If so, this probably proves they didn't break up in a huge fight, but they've never outwardly commented on them dating, so I doubt their break-up would be common knowledge on YouTube heh.



WCW Monday Nitro 6/26/2000

TO THE BACK. The white limo is here. The limo driver gives Cat another idea for a main event. I don't know why Cat was in the front of the limo with the driver, but whatever.

Cat has Kane pyro. Weird. Nash vs Awesome, Big Papa Dump vs Shane Douglas. The winner of those matches will go onto a main event 4 way for the title against Jarrett. Goldberg got a bye, so he'll be in the main event as well. Jim Duggan comes out. USA!!! TOUGH GUY!


Hacksaw is sick of this shit and he's not going to take it anymore. The chips are down for the heroes, but Jim Duggan is still standing. USA! Cat books Jim Duggan vs Goldberg. Jim mentions his health issues and says Cat will have a lot to explain when Jim Duggan is WCW Champion.

Show run down. But wait...

TO THE BACK. Vampiro is somewhere telling the camera to embrace the demon inside.


DALE and Asya were watching this. God. There probably aren't two less charismatic or interesting people on screen at the same time than those two. Wait, was that message from Vamp directly to DALE? How did he know Dale was going to see it right then? Was he talking to the production truck guys? Slick shows Shane Douglas the booking card for the night. "WHAT THE FU...."

TO THE BOOK SIGNING. No one has shown up to Positively Kanyon's book signing. Security don't even want free ones.

Mark Jindrak/Sean O'Haire vs The Filthy Animals

Interesting. Tony says they've only been training for 6 months. Let's see if we can tell. They're up against Rey and Juvi, which are pretty good dudes to make them look good. Jindrak missed a lion sault. That's a big dude to be doing a move like that. I miss Jindrak's evil basketball player gimmick from Saturday Night. The Animals do the wasssup spot, but with a leg drop. Mark ducked a double drop kick, which sent Rey and Juvi into each other dicks first. The Animals try to play chicken to get the height advantage, but it didn't work. Mark just grabbed Rey off Juvi's shoulders and they did a double suplex spot. Seanton Bomb on Juvi gets the win! The rookies win in their Nitro debut! Post match, the Animals try a beat down, but Lance Storm makes the save.


TO THE BACK. Goldberg has arrived. The Animals are throwing a fit in The Cat's office. They are ordered to find Lance Storm and bring him back to the office. Jim Duggan and his wife talk about the match. Mrs. Duggan pleads for Jim not to take this match. They have the same hair cut, but this was actually sweet as they seemed like they actually have a loving relationship with each other.

Vito comes out. He's been hearing people talking that he's the best hardcore champion of all time. The Pavarotti of shots to the body. He offers an open challenge. Jamie-San answered the challenge. I think this should start in the back, right? Yang comes out and gets knocked out of the park. Now Kaz is out. This is just a brawl. It isn't a sanctioned hardcore match up. But the Dragons do a triple top rope move. Yang counts the fall, but no title change since this was just a brawl.

TO THE BACK. Funk has made a weird Real Doll for JTB to practice on, but Terry attacks Johnny from behind. There are no DQs and you have to watch your back.

TO THE PRODUCTION TRUCK. The Perfect Event are back in the production truck. Woody leaves immediately.

TO THE BACK. Shane Douglas wants to leave and ask the limo driver for help. SMOOVE gives him some advice. The Filthy Animals are coming up with a game plan to find Lance Storm. Shane Douglas is in the trainer's office trying to get out of the match. Shane suggests to put Buff up against Steiner. Shane gives Smoove a pay off. Tank grabs a seat in the back so he can watch 3 Count. Tank dances along in the back. The champ were playing around with 3 Count's music. Woody takes Tank to the production truck, where he grabs the champs and takes them away.


Tank brings the tag champs to the ring. 3 Cout gets a title shot because Tank said so.

3 Count vs The Perfect Event WCW Tag Team Championships

Stereo swantons to the floor.


They somehow hit the X-Plex on Chuck. I'm amazed that Shannon got him up in the Samoan drop. Stasiak had impressive hops. Shannon does the Sabu style springboard frankensteiner and Shane hits the frog splash, but it is broken up with a Lex Flexxxer shot. The champs hit the double flap jack for the win. Kronik come out. They lay the champs out. 3 Count cut Kronik's music off so they can sing. Tank Abbott saves 3 Count from another beating.

. Juvi Juice is looking for Lance, but gets hit in the dome with a pipe. Hacksaw tells his wife he can beat Goldberg while she cries. Goldberg heads to the ring.

TO THE BOOK SIGNING. Some people are actually there now. Because they were offering free drinks.


Video package of Hacksaw's health issues over the prior 2 years.

Jim Duggan vs Goldberg

Cat comes out and bans the 2x4 from the ring. Duggan brings the fight for a few seconds. Goldberg with a kidney shot. What a dick. Goldberg should have been a Terminator Spear and Jackhammer for the win. After the match, Goldberg hits repeated kidney shots. What a shit head. Duggan is left bleeding from the mouth and is stretchered out. His wife comes to the ring.


. Nash comes to the ring area. The locker room, heels and faces alike, are disgusted as Duggan is loaded in an ambulance. Nash says this shit has to stop, man.

Mike Awesome vs Kevin Nash.

Nash is pissed, but he kind of looks totally shitfaced and trying to look sober.


It really was pretty crazy how quickly and easily Awesome moved around. I'm sure that frog splash didn't do his knees any favors. An attempted Awesomebomb was reversed. I think it is really weird how they talk about Nash being this guy fighting for tradition, respect, and honor. I guess the past 4 years of WCW didn't happen. Nash wins with a big boot to a chair.

TO THE BACK. Tygress finds Rey, who had also been attacked. Buff and Steiner get ready for their match. Konnan is looking in catering for Lance. He gets hit with a pipe. BUT WHO IS PIPE?!?!

Buff Bagwell vs Scott Steiner

They have a pose off. Buff's strut vs Steiner flipping the bird. I think Steiner won. Buff gets his nipple chopped off. Fuck. Can you imagine how heavy his hands must be when he chops you? Stupid Buff and his stupid bouncy Vader Bomb. This is surprisingly fast paced. Tree of Joey Lawrence.


Buff hits the Blockbuster, kind of. Looked like Buff took a way harder bump on it. Scott kicked up and pinned Buff with the spinning belly to belly. Pretty decent. Hand shake after the match. Shane attacks Buff from behind, but bails when Steiner comes back to the ring.

Paula Poundstone asks Jeff about his title match tonight. Now there is a conspiracy to get the belt off of him. But he's also the Chosen One at the same time. What? Stacy comes out of David's dressing room. Daffney was hiding in wait.

Stacy comes out, says some suggestive things and starts to dance. Daffney comes out and CAT FIGHT! Over David Flair? Stacy wins the fight. Daffney says she's going to ruin Stacy's life. Daffney challenges Stacy to a match at the Bash at the Beach.


TO THE BACK. The Filthy Animals regroup. Disco will fix everything.

TO THE BOOK SIGNING. Booker T attacked Kanyon.

TO THE BACK. Paula Poundstone talks to Stacy. Stacy suggests a wedding gown match.


Disco comes to the ring and calls Lance Storm out for a match.

Disco Inferno vs Lance Storm

Man, Lance was really fucking smooth in the ring. I'm kind of amazed that Vince never brought in Disco just to bury him as much as possible. I feel like that's something he'd have really enjoyed. I swear there was a teaser article in a WWE magazine sometime 02-03 that hinted that Disco might be coming in. Lance wins with the rolling crab. The Animals hit the ring and attack. Kidman comes to the ring with the pipe to make the save.

TO THE BACK. DALE heads to a boiler room, I think. Vampiro attacks from on top of something. Tony says this is like a scene from Die Hard. Um. I don't remember a scene like this in Die Hard. Any of them. There happens to be a coffin that DALE gets kicked into. But then someone in a hood and a Sting mask lays out Vamp from behind and lays the mask on Vamp's face. Was it Sting? Was it Vince Russo? Was it Super J? Was it RVD? Was it Ric Flair? Was it Lex Luger? Was it Palpatine?

Paula Poundstone talks to the Filthy Animals about failing to find Lance tonight. Konnan challenges Kidman and Lance to a match on Thunder. Well, I'm sure he won't actually be wrestling because he injured himself being a manager. Also, he sucks.

Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Steiner vs Kevin Nash vs Goldberg WCW Championship

Nash didn't make it out due to Goldberg was beating the fuck out of him. Goldberg isn't out, either, so this starts out as a singles match. Here he comes. Yes. The press slam to power slam. My favorite move to use in WCW/NWO Revenge. Goldberg missed a spear in the corner and almost got pinned by the belly to belly, but Jeff broke it up. Then Scott almost won with a tiger bomb on Jeff. Goldberg has a terrible cross arm breaker on for a good 3 minutes. Mike Awesome comes out and takes the US Championship from the YAK. He clotheslines Goldberg out of the ring and hits a running powerslam on Jeff, but the pin is broken up by Awesome. Awesome and Steiner brawl, Nash runs out, and Goldberg just watches on the outside. Awesome gets in the ring and eats a powerbomb. Goldberg kicks Nash's head off, Bret style, which allows Jeff to retain his title. Goldberg then pulls out a chewed up, wrinkled, sweaty contract from his tights and holds it in Nash's face.


This was a very enjoyable show. It actually feels like they're picking up some steam and turning things around a bit. And it is 100% from not having Russo or Bischoff on the shows. They were absolutely killing the shows. And now that they've been gone for two weeks, everything has been much more enjoyable. This is how the New Blood angle should have started: The young guys competing against each other to see who was best, not awful feuds with the old guys that ended up doing much more harm than good for all involved. Hogan is out hurt, Flair is retired, DDP quit, Lex vanished, Sid is nowhere to be found and now the shows are full of young(er) talent (mostly) trying to prove their worth the fans and each other instead of to the old guys. You still have some older and more established guys around like Nash, but I think Steiner and Jarrett were still really considered New Blood since they hadn't been at the top of the cards even if they both had been around longer than someone like Nash. The booking to get there was backwards, but it feels like WCW is finally getting to what they were aiming for with the New Blood stuff.



So not worth it
Guys. Help.

I think Ryback is growing on me.

someone help me WAKE UP

You are behind man.

Things we are loving right now:
-Punk and Heyman
-The Shield
-Antonio Cesaro
-Big Show
-The Ryback
-AJ & Ziggler
-Kaitlyn and Eve
-Executive H
-Kaz and Daniels
-Austin Aries
-The Dazzler

Things we've started disliking:
-Team Hell No! (The tag-team, not the wrestlers. Shelby might change this)
-The Rock's jokes
-All of TNA except mentioned above
-Jeff Hardy (gets his own bullet point, because of inner monologues)
-Also, Jerry F'n Lawler


PWInsider have updated the El Generico story, and say that he has not actually signed yet, but has been offered a deal. He now has to undergo their medical and physical tests, and once those pass, he will be able to sign immediately and report to developmental.

They say a WWE contract is very much Generico's goal, and has been for some time now (hence why he never signed new contracts with ROH or others).


You are behind man.

Things we are loving right now:
-Punk and Heyman
-The Shield
-Antonio Cesaro
-Big Show
-The Ryback
-AJ & Ziggler
-Kaitlyn and Eve
-Executive H
-Kaz and Daniels
-Austin Aries
-The Dazzler

Things we've started disliking:
-Team Hell No! (The tag-team, not the wrestlers. Shelby might change this)
-The Rock's jokes
-All of TNA except mentioned above
-Jeff Hardy (gets his own bullet point, because of inner monologues)
-Also, Jerry F'n Lawler

My bad. I don't lurk in here as much as I used to.

I really dislike Team Hell No. Bryan is being wasted there. Not even Shelby can change that.

And yeah, Rock's jokes are terrible. Was he always this bad? I mean, he makes me laugh but that's because he's naturally charismatic on the mic no matter what he spews.


I liked it, but it suffers from a bit of WWE Filter via Michael Hayes - but luckily, Hayes was a big part of what they focus on, so hearing what he has to say about it was really good. I recommend watching it.

Gonna give it a watch, didn't know Kerry Von Erich wrestled with a prosthetic foot after his motorbike accident till I watched the doc. Must be tough wrestling with a fake foot I imagine.


Junior Member
Strobogo, her name is Pamela Paulshock according to a quick Google search, the name you put Paula Poundstone; she is a comedian. Apparently Pamela married Roger Lodge .

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Gonna give it a watch, didn't know Kerry Von Erich wrestled with a prosthetic foot after his motorbike accident till I watched the doc. Must be tough wrestling with a fake foot I imagine.

Yeah, crazy isn't it? It's a shame what happened...altogether. It's nuts because unless you're looking for it, you couldn't tell he was wrestling with a prosthetic.

Ridiculously gifted family. What did you think of Gary Hart? Amazing isnt he?


Yeah, crazy isn't it? It's a shame what happened...altogether. It's nuts because unless you're looking for it, you couldn't tell he was wrestling with a prosthetic.

Ridiculously gifted family. What did you think of Gary Hart? Amazing isnt he?

Gary Hart was amazing, there needs to be more managers, there needs to be more Gary Harts. I like in the documentary when he describes the von erics as having gigantic balls.

Watching the WWE doc Triple H just showed up!

Also it's bugged me for a while now, Michael Hayes' beard looks like its slipping down his face.


My bad. I don't lurk in here as much as I used to.

I really dislike Team Hell No. Bryan is being wasted there. Not even Shelby can change that.

And yeah, Rock's jokes are terrible. Was he always this bad? I mean, he makes me laugh but that's because he's naturally charismatic on the mic no matter what he spews.

To comment on your earlier post, The Ryback is becoming a thing! It's pretty cool.

Team Hell No has been a great run and I expect it to break soon. I have a feeling the return of Shelby will be the beginning of their downfall somehow. Bryan needs to be back in singles, just like Punk said.


Junior Member
Gary Hart was amazing, there needs to be more managers, there needs to be more Gary Harts. I like in the documentary when he describes the von erics as having gigantic balls.

Watching the WWE doc Triple H just showed up!

Also it's bugged me for a while now, Michael Hayes' beard looks like its slipping down his face.

which documentary is this?
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