Prove him wrong. Marks.The young bucks are the best tag team in the universe
Prove him wrong. Marks.The young bucks are the best tag team in the universe
YOU SEE THIS?!?!Does anyone still have that WrassleGAF version of the 1992 Rumble introductions?
Where's my Kofi vs AJ main event SmackDown feud?!
The Young Bucks have put over a decade of work into the tag team division around the world. If you don't at least somewhat respect them now, then I don't know when anyone could come around on them.
I'm all over that TLF Vern Gag-nee accent now, DM.
I think this episode had the best dusty moments. Well then again I haven't done all of the starcadesI'm all over that TLF Vern Gag-nee accent now, DM.
Al Snow said:Nothing is a shoot. Everything is a work, OK? And that's the truth. It's a work. You don't put anything on TV [that's not]. In Tough Enough 4, part of SmackDown, against my advice, because hey what do I know? They wanted to do that shoot thing where Kurt shoot wrestled all the Tough Enough contestants and then Daniel Puder hooked him and had him in a bad way. You never put shoot stuff on TV! You never do that!
DM and RBH alert!!!!!!!!!
"Big Damo" is barely even a name. You might as well call him "Large Steve"
I'm half way thru Omega and Okada
So many little things NJPW does that WWE doesn't do anymore.
People being outside of the ring
The danger of a barricade instead of a padded wall
The ref telling guys they need to work
People ringside
Women screaming bloody murder when the Baby face gets hurt.
Photographers and other people ringside really add to the feel.
I really think I'm going to watch a lot more NJPW this year. It's a nice change to watch wrestling and not be inundated with a McMahon ego jerk fest or a constant reminder that it's 3rd rate in production or managment.(TNA/ROH)
I'm half way thru Omega and Okada
So many little things NJPW does that WWE doesn't do anymore.
People being outside of the ring
The danger of a barricade instead of a padded wall
The ref telling guys they need to work
People ringside
Women screaming bloody murder when the Baby face gets hurt.
Photographers and other people ringside really add to the feel.
I really think I'm going to watch a lot more NJPW this year. It's a nice change to watch wrestling and not be inundated with a McMahon ego jerk fest or a constant reminder that it's 3rd rate in production or managment.(TNA/ROH)
The perfect opportunity.I'll probably resub to the network when I'm bedridden on Tuesday after my wisdom teeth are removed
I will take painkillers and watch Steiners matches.
....ok the first bit confuses me, because we've seen non-contracted guys all over the goddamn place on Smackdown and NXT
Ibushi was going to sign then flaked out but if Trips still has a boner for him they could make a Mania thing happen
I don't think this is a good thing at all.I'm half way thru Omega and Okada
So many little things NJPW does that WWE doesn't do anymore.
The danger of a barricade instead of a padded wall
Before ico pro
I'm half way thru Omega and Okada
So many little things NJPW does that WWE doesn't do anymore.
People being outside of the ring
The danger of a barricade instead of a padded wall
The ref telling guys they need to work
People ringside
Women screaming bloody murder when the Baby face gets hurt.
Photographers and other people ringside really add to the feel.
I really think I'm going to watch a lot more NJPW this year. It's a nice change to watch wrestling and not be inundated with a McMahon ego jerk fest or a constant reminder that it's 3rd rate in production or managment.(TNA/ROH)
We see non-contracted guys as nameless jobbers. Not advertised and heavily promoted. Unless you count Ellsworth I guess, but there was never really a danger of him going and being a star elsewhere.
They take their time and matches still features the pauses in action that we see in matches here.It just comes down to everything feels natural and right. It doesn't feel fake, overproduced and full of Marketing Lingo.
You could say NJPW has that old school WCW/NWA feel for main event matches.
Crap, I need to listen to this episode. And watch that movie. >_>The Wrestler episode is a classic. I can't believe I never saw it. It's like a "What if WrassleGAF wrote a wrestling movie?"
He should be the fucking head booker.
Scott Hall is such a great storyteller. He really needs a Network show.
The story Bobby Heenan tells on his book about starting a brawl because some people walked in on heels and faces hanging out is amazing.
Kayfabe was the best
I'm half way thru Omega and Okada
So many little things NJPW does that WWE doesn't do anymore.
People being outside of the ring
The danger of a barricade instead of a padded wall
The ref telling guys they need to work
People ringside
Women screaming bloody murder when the Baby face gets hurt.
Photographers and other people ringside really add to the feel.
I really think I'm going to watch a lot more NJPW this year. It's a nice change to watch wrestling and not be inundated with a McMahon ego jerk fest or a constant reminder that it's 3rd rate in production or managment.(TNA/ROH)
DM and RBH alert!!!!!!!!!
Mein gott that California prison thread in the OT is a minefield
Lol at WWE ending Mania with a "great" match do to wk 11. It going to end with the big dog or the man you can't see.
Sometimes I think if you reversed the new development name and old indie name (like if indie guy Seth Rollins became FCW's Tyler Black), you'd hear the exact same complaints.
Either Cornette or Heyman, I think Cornette, has a story about Bossman where he smashes his finger on the door of a taxi cab. Played it cool tough guy the entire trip then when the driver drives off just starts wailing and swearing up a storm
'Just smashed my finger on an @Ubercar vehicle. Wow nice regulations guys! :'( #NoPainNoGain #LegitHurtSmarks '
Threw on the first episode for a sec. First match ended with a vertical suplex. Beautiful.Prime Time Wrestling is probably the most entertaining/classy show the WWE has ever put out
Yup. Chamber of Horrors was ahead of it's time.Man this match is special
The pace and the selling in the match is perfect.