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January Wrasslin' |OT| Big Month John


I can't tell if Seth at the moment is just phoning it in for his matches or if he's just not the same in the ring after his injury because his ring work as been lackluster since his return.

Real talk, is there an actual incentive to put on anything better than mediocre matches?
He was the Next Big Thing in the early 2000s indies, especially in ROH. Got a very short run in game show era NXT.

But he is a gigantic asshole, known for viciously shooting on guys for very little reason, massive egomaniac, overly stiff, got fired from NJPW for doing a Hitman themed entrance when explicitly not to do so. Works sporadically now, is probably blacklisted from most major promotions.

Didnt know he got fired for the Hitman entrance. It looked kinda cool but the dude always went into business for himself.

Great talent. A shame he never learned to shut up
I wish every promotion would input what I would like to call The Hitman Rule
Cosplay as some dumb shit w/o their permission & you're fired


Remember when low ki got fired because he work a match as agent 47


he looked pretty boss doing it though


I can't tell if Seth at the moment is just phoning it in for his matches or if he's just not the same in the ring after his injury because his ring work as been lackluster since his return.

He's also had zero direction since his return. He got put in a feud with Triple H they could do nothing with till Mania season.
It's been a while since I re-watched RAW from the beginning. Got through a few episodes last night. Stunned at how little I remember the timeline. Sean Mooney was on RAW. The RED ROOSTER WAS ON RAW!!!!

I had these separated as such different time periods I thought they were long gone. Of course when I watched a Fake Diesel and Razor clip recently I could not believe Monsoon was on commentary... I remember that time he 'threw' Heenan out of the building but him on commentary at that point surprised me.


Didn't he also hate on Chris Hero for using a double stomp too? Real shame about Low Ki's fuckery, dude's tremendously talented.
The business is chock full of great workers these days. He's not a big loss. Wrestling overall is likely better for the fact other talent in the most popular feds don't have to deal with him anymore.


Didn't he also hate on Chris Hero for using a double stomp too? Real shame about Low Ki's fuckery, dude's tremendously talented.

It all started in 2003.

Low Ki had problems with being booked to lose, he was a genuine Indy draw but it went to his head. In 2004 he forced the Briscoes out of ROH for year after shooting on Mark Briscoe during a match fircing then to leave ROH for a prolonged period too.

Low Ki refused to do the job to anyone. Low Ki was put in a program with Lethal and Lethal got nothing out of it as Ki gave him nothing but a beating, which wasn't what Gabe wanted.

While Austin Aries was world champ Low Ki was put in a big match yet refused to lose so ROH changed the match stipulations (non sanctioned) so Low Ki could win the match yet not the belt.


Fake Diesel/Fake Razor is still one of the most shockingly stupid things Vince McMahon has ever done. Both because of how mean spirited it was plus Vince legitimately thought fans would buy it because he thought they actually cared about Vince's characters and not the wrestlers themselves.
Fake Diesel/Fake Razor is still one of the most shockingly stupid things Vince McMahon has ever done. Both because of how mean spirited it was plus Vince legitimately thought fans would buy it because he thought they actually cared about Vince's characters and not the wrestlers themselves.
I watched the 97 rumble a while ago and I was legit shook Fake Diesel made it to the final three.
Fake Diesel/Fake Razor is still one of the most shockingly stupid things Vince McMahon has ever done. Both because of how mean spirited it was plus Vince legitimately thought fans would buy it because he thought they actually cared about Vince's characters and not the wrestlers themselves.

It was a surreal moment in wwf's history, yeah. i wonder what Vince Sr. would have thought of that move.
It's been a while since I re-watched RAW from the beginning. Got through a few episodes last night. Stunned at how little I remember the timeline. Sean Mooney was on RAW. The RED ROOSTER WAS ON RAW!!!!

I had these separated as such different time periods I thought they were long gone. Of course when I watched a Fake Diesel and Razor clip recently I could not believe Monsoon was on commentary... I remember that time he 'threw' Heenan out of the building but him on commentary at that point surprised me.
Reading this confused me, I was like, "Wtf I didn't see Terry last night!"
The business is chock full of great workers these days. He's not a big loss. Wrestling overall is likely better for the fact other talent in the most popular feds don't have to deal with him anymore.
You're right. I dunno, part of me believes if he wasn't so bigheaded, he'd be doing fine in the WWE. The same could be said for a lot of people but still.

It all started in 2003.

Low Ki had problems with being booked to lose, he was a genuine Indy draw but it went to his head. In 2004 he was forced out of ROH for year after shooting on Mark Briscoe during a match that even resulted in the Briscoes leaving ROH for a prolonged period too.

Low Ki refused to do the job to anyone. Low Ki was put in a program with Lethal and Lethal got nothing out of it as Ki gave him nothing but a beating, which wasn't what Gabe wanted.

While Austin Aries was world champ Low Ki refused to lose so ROH changed the match stipulations (non sanctioned) so Low Ki could win the match yet not the belt.
Fucking wow...


Low Ki's match against KENTA at ROH's Final Battle 2005 needs to be seen. Two very stubborn wrestlers beating the shit out of each other, no one seemingly got hurt but neither held back to deliver an incredible match.

It's was for NOAH's GHC Jr Heavy belt yet Ki had no problem losing there.


I'm kinda surprised Low Ki lasted as long as he did in WWE to be honest.

Low Ki's match against KENTA at ROH's Final Battle 2005 needs to be seen. Two very stubborn wrestlers beating the shit out of each other, no one seemingly got hurt but neither held back to deliver an incredible match.

It's was for NOAH's GHC Jr Heavy belt yet Ki had no problem losing there.

They probably gave him a lot for it though. If you remember, the NOAH / ROH relationship was super important to ROH during that time and produced some of their biggest shows.


Low Ki's match against KENTA at ROH's Final Battle 2005 needs to be seen. Two very stubborn wrestlers beating the shit out of each other, no one seemingly got hurt but neither held back to deliver an incredible match.

It's was for NOAH's GHC Jr Heavy belt yet Ki had no problem losing there.
KENTA being capable of kicking his head in during a shoot fight probably factored into that.


I'll never forget Low Ki legit knocking out that dude in Evolve.


I'm about 50/50 on this one

Ki is retarded for continuing on but he also made certain to protect the guy as best he could, and that was probably the plan for the match anyways was a quick one for him

Wait, he continued the match after legit KOing someone? WTF?

I watched the 97 rumble a while ago and I was legit shook Fake Diesel made it to the final three.

Holy shit, Jacobs went from being Fake Diesel to Kane in under a year?

I've come to think that Glenn Jacobs was desperate as fuck to break into WWF around that time when you think about the absolute shit gimmicks he was stuck with. You have to be desperate if you're willing to play someone else's character or are willing to basically be the wrestling equivalent of an Undertaker pallet swap. Not to mention take on a gimmick like Isaac Yankem which was pretty much a Jerry Lawler henchman.

It was a surreal moment in wwf's history, yeah. i wonder what Vince Sr. would have thought of that move.

I think Vince Sr wouldn't approve of a lot of the shit that his son did.


He literally failed the first part of wrestling by treating as a shoot.

"Would have been one of the greats" is a big fucking stretch.

Until Samoa Joe came along and made a huge name for himself, Low Ki was considered the best Indy guy out there.

Samoa Joe has had a great career, as has AJ Styles and Bryan Danielson but the forth pillar that was Low Ki just couldn't keep himself in check to ever get his moment. Low Ki burnt far too many bridges.
Holy shit, Jacobs went from being Fake Diesel to Kane in under a year?

I've come to think that Glenn Jacobs was desperate as fuck to break into WWF around that time when you think about the absolute shit gimmicks he was stuck with. You have to be desperate if you're willing to play someone else's character or are willing to basically be the wrestling equivalent of an Undertaker pallet swap. Not to mention take on a gimmick like Isaac Yankem which was pretty much a Jerry Lawler henchman.
Yup. The rumble was his last appearance as Fake Diesel which is weird given he lasted so far in the match. A few months later they started the Kane teasing with the Undertaker and Bearer angle leading to his (awesome and perhaps GOAT) debut come October.

To be fair, the character of Kane would be hard for anyone to pass on given that it automatically placed Jacobs into a storyline with a connection to one of the WWF's biggest stars. And original Kane to me was fucking awesome and hadn't become the early 2000 pisstake WWE made of him.


Yup. The rumble was his last appearance as Fake Diesel which is weird given he lasted so far in the match. A few months later they started the Kane teasing with the Undertaker and Bearer angle leading to his (awesome and perhaps GOAT) debut come October.

To be fair, the character of Kane would be hard for anyone to pass on given that it automatically placed Jacobs into a storyline with a connection to one of the WWF's biggest stars.

I have to give Kane and Taker credit. They both took gimmicks that realistically should have had a shelf life of a year or two and turned them into full careers. They're also probably the only two purely Vince McMahon created characters that have worked.


Until Samoa Joe came along and made a huge name for himself, Low Ki was considered the best Indy guy out there.

Samoa Joe has had a great career, as has AJ Styles and Bryan Danielson but the forth pillar that was Low Ki just couldn't keep himself in check to ever get his moment. Low Ki burnt far too many bridges.
Every facet in life is full of "what-ifs" like this.

If it passes you by because you are a gigantic fucking prick...
I have to give Kane and Taker credit. They both took gimmicks that realistically should have had a shelf life of a year or two and turned them into full careers. They're also probably the only two purely Vince McMahon created characters that have worked.
I heard that if the Kane gimmick didn't work, Glenn was gone basically. Luckily it worked out and here we are. It wasn't his fault that he was given trash after trash lol.
I have to give Kane and Taker credit. They both took gimmicks that realistically should have had a shelf life of a year or two and turned them into full careers. They're also probably the only two purely Vince McMahon created characters that have worked.
Yeah, Undertaker managing to take a gimmick that screams 'dead within a year with the person playing it being lucky if they get repackaged and not fired' and turning it into one of the most iconic wrestling characters of all time is always something to be impressed.

Plus as shit as Kane gets I'll always have a soft spot for pretty much all versions of him as well as Jacobs since the guy doesn't seem to care about being jobbed out whenever the WWE decide to do it since the guy seems happy to try and give people whatever rub a clean Kane win will give them.
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